mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
Comparison operators `== / >= /...` return `bool`. Logical operators `&& ||` return bool. Constants `true` and `false` have the `bool` type. Lots of stdlib functions return `bool`, not `int`. Operator `!x` supports both `int` and `bool`. Condition of `if` accepts both `int` and `bool`. Arithmetic operators are restricted to integers. Logical `&&` and `||` accept both `bool` and `int`. No arithmetic operations with bools allowed (only bitwise and logical).
1177 lines
41 KiB
1177 lines
41 KiB
This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "ast-from-tokens.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "type-system.h"
#include "platform-utils.h"
#include "tolk-version.h"
* Here we construct AST for a tolk file.
* While constructing, no global state is modified.
* Historically, in FunC, there was no AST: while lexing, symbols were registered, types were inferred, and so on.
* There was no way to perform any more or less semantic analysis.
* Implementing AST gives a giant advance for future modifications and stability.
namespace tolk {
// given a token, determine whether it's <, or >, or similar
static bool is_comparison_binary_op(TokenType tok) {
return tok == tok_lt || tok == tok_gt || tok == tok_leq || tok == tok_geq || tok == tok_eq || tok == tok_neq || tok == tok_spaceship;
// same as above, but to detect bitwise operators: & | ^
static bool is_bitwise_binary_op(TokenType tok) {
return tok == tok_bitwise_and || tok == tok_bitwise_or || tok == tok_bitwise_xor;
// same as above, but to detect logical operators: && ||
static bool is_logical_binary_op(TokenType tok) {
return tok == tok_logical_and || tok == tok_logical_or;
// same as above, but to detect addition/subtraction
static bool is_add_or_sub_binary_op(TokenType tok) {
return tok == tok_plus || tok == tok_minus;
// fire an error for a case "flags & 0xFF != 0" (equivalent to "flags & 1", probably unexpected)
// it would better be a warning, but we decided to make it a strict error
static void fire_error_lower_precedence(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view op_lower, std::string_view op_higher) {
std::string name_lower = static_cast<std::string>(op_lower);
std::string name_higher = static_cast<std::string>(op_higher);
throw ParseError(loc, name_lower + " has lower precedence than " + name_higher +
", probably this code won't work as you expected. "
"Use parenthesis: either (... " + name_lower + " ...) to evaluate it first, or (... " + name_higher + " ...) to suppress this error.");
// fire an error for a case "arg1 & arg2 | arg3"
static void fire_error_mix_and_or_no_parenthesis(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view op1, std::string_view op2) {
std::string name1 = static_cast<std::string>(op1);
std::string name2 = static_cast<std::string>(op2);
throw ParseError(loc, "mixing " + name1 + " with " + name2 + " without parenthesis may lead to accidental errors. "
"Use parenthesis to emphasize operator precedence.");
// diagnose when bitwise operators are used in a probably wrong way due to tricky precedence
// example: "flags & 0xFF != 0" is equivalent to "flags & 1", most likely it's unexpected
// the only way to suppress this error for the programmer is to use parenthesis
// (how do we detect presence of parenthesis? simple: (0!=1) is ast_parenthesized_expr{ast_binary_operator},
// that's why if rhs->type == ast_binary_operator, it's not surrounded by parenthesis)
static void diagnose_bitwise_precedence(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs) {
// handle "flags & 0xFF != 0" (rhs = "0xFF != 0")
if (rhs->type == ast_binary_operator && is_comparison_binary_op(rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->tok)) {
fire_error_lower_precedence(loc, operator_name, rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->operator_name);
// handle "0 != flags & 0xFF" (lhs = "0 != flags")
if (lhs->type == ast_binary_operator && is_comparison_binary_op(lhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->tok)) {
fire_error_lower_precedence(loc, operator_name, lhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->operator_name);
// similar to above, but detect potentially invalid usage of && and ||
// since anyway, using parenthesis when both && and || occur in the same expression,
// && and || have equal operator precedence in Tolk
static void diagnose_and_or_precedence(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV lhs, TokenType rhs_tok, std::string_view rhs_operator_name) {
if (auto lhs_op = lhs->try_as<ast_binary_operator>()) {
// handle "arg1 & arg2 | arg3" (lhs = "arg1 & arg2")
if (is_bitwise_binary_op(lhs_op->tok) && is_bitwise_binary_op(rhs_tok) && lhs_op->tok != rhs_tok) {
fire_error_mix_and_or_no_parenthesis(loc, lhs_op->operator_name, rhs_operator_name);
// handle "arg1 && arg2 || arg3" (lhs = "arg1 && arg2")
if (is_logical_binary_op(lhs_op->tok) && is_logical_binary_op(rhs_tok) && lhs_op->tok != rhs_tok) {
fire_error_mix_and_or_no_parenthesis(loc, lhs_op->operator_name, rhs_operator_name);
// diagnose "a << 8 + 1" (equivalent to "a << 9", probably unexpected)
static void diagnose_addition_in_bitshift(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view bitshift_operator_name, AnyExprV rhs) {
if (rhs->type == ast_binary_operator && is_add_or_sub_binary_op(rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->tok)) {
fire_error_lower_precedence(loc, bitshift_operator_name, rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->operator_name);
// fire an error for FunC-style variable declaration, like "int i"
static void fire_error_FunC_style_var_declaration(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string type_str = static_cast<std::string>(lex.cur_str()); // int / slice / etc.
std::string var_name = lex.tok() == tok_identifier ? static_cast<std::string>(lex.cur_str()) : "name";
throw ParseError(loc, "can't parse; probably, you use FunC-like declarations; valid syntax is `var " + var_name + ": " + type_str + " = ...`");
// replace (a == null) and similar to isNull(a) (call of a built-in function)
static AnyExprV maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
bool has_null = v->get_lhs()->type == ast_null_keyword || v->get_rhs()->type == ast_null_keyword;
bool replace = has_null && (v->tok == tok_eq || v->tok == tok_neq);
if (!replace) {
return v;
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(v->loc, "__isNull"); // built-in function
auto v_ref = createV<ast_reference>(v->loc, v_ident, nullptr);
AnyExprV v_null = v->get_lhs()->type == ast_null_keyword ? v->get_rhs() : v->get_lhs();
AnyExprV v_arg = createV<ast_argument>(v->loc, v_null, false);
AnyExprV v_isNull = createV<ast_function_call>(v->loc, v_ref, createV<ast_argument_list>(v->loc, {v_arg}));
if (v->tok == tok_neq) {
v_isNull = createV<ast_unary_operator>(v->loc, "!", tok_logical_not, v_isNull);
return v_isNull;
AnyExprV parse_expr(Lexer& lex);
static AnyV parse_parameter(Lexer& lex, bool is_first) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
// optional keyword `mutate` meaning that a function will mutate a passed argument (like passed by reference)
bool declared_as_mutate = false;
if (lex.tok() == tok_mutate) {
declared_as_mutate = true;
// parameter name (or underscore for an unnamed parameter)
std::string_view param_name;
if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
param_name = lex.cur_str();
} else if (lex.tok() == tok_self) {
if (!is_first) {
lex.error("`self` can only be the first parameter");
param_name = "self";
} else if (lex.tok() != tok_underscore) {
lex.unexpected("parameter name");
// parameter type after colon are mandatory
lex.expect(tok_colon, "`: <parameter_type>`");
TypePtr param_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
return createV<ast_parameter>(loc, param_name, param_type, declared_as_mutate);
static AnyV parse_global_var_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annotation>>& annotations) {
if (!annotations.empty()) {
lex.error("@annotations are not applicable to global var declaration");
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_global, "`global`");
lex.check(tok_identifier, "global variable name");
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_str());
lex.expect(tok_colon, "`:`");
TypePtr declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.error("multiple declarations are not allowed, split globals on separate lines");
if (lex.tok() == tok_assign) {
lex.error("assigning to a global is not allowed at declaration");
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_global_var_declaration>(loc, v_ident, declared_type);
static AnyV parse_constant_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annotation>>& annotations) {
if (!annotations.empty()) {
lex.error("@annotations are not applicable to global var declaration");
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_const, "`const`");
lex.check(tok_identifier, "constant name");
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_str());
TypePtr declared_type = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {
declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
lex.expect(tok_assign, "`=`");
AnyExprV init_value = parse_expr(lex);
if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.error("multiple declarations are not allowed, split constants on separate lines");
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_constant_declaration>(loc, v_ident, declared_type, init_value);
// "parameters" are at function declaration: `fun f(param1: int, mutate param2: slice)`
static V<ast_parameter_list> parse_parameter_list(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::vector<AnyV> params;
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "parameter list");
if (lex.tok() != tok_clpar) {
params.push_back(parse_parameter(lex, true));
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
params.push_back(parse_parameter(lex, false));
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
return createV<ast_parameter_list>(loc, std::move(params));
// "arguments" are at function call: `f(arg1, mutate arg2)`
static AnyExprV parse_argument(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
// keyword `mutate` is necessary when a parameter is declared `mutate` (to make mutation obvious for the reader)
bool passed_as_mutate = false;
if (lex.tok() == tok_mutate) {
passed_as_mutate = true;
AnyExprV expr = parse_expr(lex);
return createV<ast_argument>(loc, expr, passed_as_mutate);
static V<ast_argument_list> parse_argument_list(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
if (lex.tok() != tok_clpar) {
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
return createV<ast_argument_list>(loc, std::move(args));
static V<ast_instantiationT_list> parse_maybe_instantiationTs_after_identifier(Lexer& lex) {
lex.check(tok_lt, "`<`");
Lexer::SavedPositionForLookahead backup = lex.save_parsing_position();
try {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::vector<AnyV> instantiationTs;
instantiationTs.push_back(createV<ast_instantiationT_item>(lex.cur_location(), parse_type_from_tokens(lex)));
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
instantiationTs.push_back(createV<ast_instantiationT_item>(lex.cur_location(), parse_type_from_tokens(lex)));
lex.expect(tok_gt, "`>`");
return createV<ast_instantiationT_list>(loc, std::move(instantiationTs));
} catch (const ParseError&) {
return nullptr;
// parse (expr) / [expr] / identifier / number
static AnyExprV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
switch (lex.tok()) {
case tok_oppar: {
if (lex.tok() == tok_clpar) {
return createV<ast_tensor>(loc, {});
AnyExprV first = parse_expr(lex);
if (lex.tok() == tok_clpar) {
return createV<ast_parenthesized_expression>(loc, first);
std::vector<AnyExprV> items(1, first);
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
return createV<ast_tensor>(loc, std::move(items));
case tok_opbracket: {
if (lex.tok() == tok_clbracket) {
return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(loc, {});
std::vector<AnyExprV> items(1, parse_expr(lex));
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.expect(tok_clbracket, "`]`");
return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(loc, std::move(items));
case tok_int_const: {
std::string_view orig_str = lex.cur_str();
td::RefInt256 intval = td::string_to_int256(static_cast<std::string>(orig_str));
if (intval.is_null() || !intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
lex.error("invalid integer constant");
return createV<ast_int_const>(loc, std::move(intval), orig_str);
case tok_string_const: {
std::string_view str_val = lex.cur_str();
char modifier = 0;
if (lex.tok() == tok_string_modifier) {
modifier = lex.cur_str()[0];
return createV<ast_string_const>(loc, str_val, modifier);
case tok_underscore: {
return createV<ast_underscore>(loc);
case tok_true: {
return createV<ast_bool_const>(loc, true);
case tok_false: {
return createV<ast_bool_const>(loc, false);
case tok_null: {
return createV<ast_null_keyword>(loc);
case tok_self: {
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, "self");
return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, nullptr);
case tok_identifier: {
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, lex.cur_str());
V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_lt) {
v_instantiationTs = parse_maybe_instantiationTs_after_identifier(lex);
return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, v_instantiationTs);
default: {
// show a proper error for `int i` (FunC-style declarations)
TokenType t = lex.tok();
if (t == tok_int || t == tok_cell || t == tok_slice || t == tok_builder || t == tok_tuple) {
// parse E(...) (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr90(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV res = parse_expr100(lex);
while (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
res = createV<ast_function_call>(res->loc, res, parse_argument_list(lex));
return res;
// parse E.field and E.method(...) (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr80(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr90(lex);
while (lex.tok() == tok_dot) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
V<ast_identifier> v_ident = nullptr;
V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_str());
if (lex.tok() == tok_lt) {
v_instantiationTs = parse_maybe_instantiationTs_after_identifier(lex);
} else {
lex.unexpected("method name");
lhs = createV<ast_dot_access>(loc, lhs, v_ident, v_instantiationTs);
while (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
lhs = createV<ast_function_call>(lex.cur_location(), lhs, parse_argument_list(lex));
return lhs;
// parse ! ~ - + E (unary)
static AnyExprV parse_expr75(Lexer& lex) {
TokenType t = lex.tok();
if (t == tok_logical_not || t == tok_bitwise_not || t == tok_minus || t == tok_plus) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr75(lex);
return createV<ast_unary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, rhs);
return parse_expr80(lex);
// parse E as <type>
static AnyExprV parse_expr40(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr75(lex);
if (lex.tok() == tok_as) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
TypePtr cast_to_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
lhs = createV<ast_cast_as_operator>(loc, lhs, cast_to_type);
return lhs;
// parse E * / % ^/ ~/ E (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr30(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr40(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
while (t == tok_mul || t == tok_div || t == tok_mod || t == tok_divC || t == tok_divR) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr40(lex);
lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
t = lex.tok();
return lhs;
// parse E + - E (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr20(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr30(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
while (t == tok_minus || t == tok_plus) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr30(lex);
lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
t = lex.tok();
return lhs;
// parse E << >> ~>> ^>> E (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr17(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr20(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
while (t == tok_lshift || t == tok_rshift || t == tok_rshiftC || t == tok_rshiftR) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr20(lex);
diagnose_addition_in_bitshift(loc, operator_name, rhs);
lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
t = lex.tok();
return lhs;
// parse E == < > <= >= != <=> E (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr15(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr17(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
if (t == tok_eq || t == tok_lt || t == tok_gt || t == tok_leq || t == tok_geq || t == tok_neq || t == tok_spaceship) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr17(lex);
lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
if (t == tok_eq || t == tok_neq) {
lhs = maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(lhs->as<ast_binary_operator>());
return lhs;
// parse E & | ^ E (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr14(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr15(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
while (t == tok_bitwise_and || t == tok_bitwise_or || t == tok_bitwise_xor) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr15(lex);
diagnose_bitwise_precedence(loc, operator_name, lhs, rhs);
diagnose_and_or_precedence(loc, lhs, t, operator_name);
lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
t = lex.tok();
return lhs;
// parse E && || E (left-to-right)
static AnyExprV parse_expr13(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr14(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
while (t == tok_logical_and || t == tok_logical_or) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr14(lex);
diagnose_and_or_precedence(loc, lhs, t, operator_name);
lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
t = lex.tok();
return lhs;
// parse E = += -= E and E ? E : E (right-to-left)
static AnyExprV parse_expr10(Lexer& lex) {
AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr13(lex);
TokenType t = lex.tok();
if (t == tok_assign) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr10(lex);
return createV<ast_assign>(loc, lhs, rhs);
if (t == tok_set_plus || t == tok_set_minus || t == tok_set_mul || t == tok_set_div ||
t == tok_set_mod || t == tok_set_lshift || t == tok_set_rshift ||
t == tok_set_bitwise_and || t == tok_set_bitwise_or || t == tok_set_bitwise_xor) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str().substr(0, lex.cur_str().size() - 1); // "+" for +=
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr10(lex);
return createV<ast_set_assign>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
if (t == tok_question) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
AnyExprV when_true = parse_expr10(lex);
lex.expect(tok_colon, "`:`");
AnyExprV when_false = parse_expr10(lex);
return createV<ast_ternary_operator>(loc, lhs, when_true, when_false);
return lhs;
AnyExprV parse_expr(Lexer& lex) {
return parse_expr10(lex);
AnyV parse_statement(Lexer& lex);
static AnyExprV parse_var_declaration_lhs(Lexer& lex, bool is_immutable) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
AnyExprV first = parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable);
if (lex.tok() == tok_clpar) {
return first;
std::vector<AnyExprV> args(1, first);
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
args.push_back(parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
return createV<ast_tensor>(loc, std::move(args));
if (lex.tok() == tok_opbracket) {
std::vector<AnyExprV> args(1, parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
args.push_back(parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
lex.expect(tok_clbracket, "`]`");
return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(loc, std::move(args));
if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, lex.cur_str());
TypePtr declared_type = nullptr;
bool marked_as_redef = false;
if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {
declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
} else if (lex.tok() == tok_redef) {
marked_as_redef = true;
return createV<ast_local_var_lhs>(loc, v_ident, declared_type, is_immutable, marked_as_redef);
if (lex.tok() == tok_underscore) {
TypePtr declared_type = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {
declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
return createV<ast_local_var_lhs>(loc, createV<ast_identifier>(loc, ""), declared_type, true, false);
lex.unexpected("variable name");
static AnyV parse_local_vars_declaration_assignment(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
bool is_immutable = lex.tok() == tok_val;
AnyExprV lhs = createV<ast_local_vars_declaration>(loc, parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
if (lex.tok() != tok_assign) {
lex.error("variables declaration must be followed by assignment: `var xxx = ...`");
AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr(lex);
if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.error("multiple declarations are not allowed, split variables on separate lines");
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_assign>(loc, lhs, rhs);
static V<ast_sequence> parse_sequence(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_opbrace, "`{`");
std::vector<AnyV> items;
while (lex.tok() != tok_clbrace) {
SrcLocation loc_end = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_clbrace, "`}`");
return createV<ast_sequence>(loc, loc_end, items);
static AnyV parse_return_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_return, "`return`");
AnyExprV child = lex.tok() == tok_semicolon // `return;` actually means "nothing" (inferred as void)
? createV<ast_empty_expression>(lex.cur_location())
: parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_return_statement>(loc, child);
static AnyV parse_if_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_if, "`if`");
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
V<ast_sequence> if_body = parse_sequence(lex);
V<ast_sequence> else_body = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_else) { // else if(e) { } or else { }
if (lex.tok() == tok_if) {
AnyV v_inner_if = parse_if_statement(lex);
else_body = createV<ast_sequence>(v_inner_if->loc, lex.cur_location(), {v_inner_if});
} else {
else_body = parse_sequence(lex);
} else { // no 'else', create empty block
else_body = createV<ast_sequence>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_location(), {});
return createV<ast_if_statement>(loc, false, cond, if_body, else_body);
static AnyV parse_repeat_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_repeat, "`repeat`");
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
V<ast_sequence> body = parse_sequence(lex);
return createV<ast_repeat_statement>(loc, cond, body);
static AnyV parse_while_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_while, "`while`");
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
V<ast_sequence> body = parse_sequence(lex);
return createV<ast_while_statement>(loc, cond, body);
static AnyV parse_do_while_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_do, "`do`");
V<ast_sequence> body = parse_sequence(lex);
lex.expect(tok_while, "`while`");
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_do_while_statement>(loc, body, cond);
static AnyExprV parse_catch_variable(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
std::string_view var_name = lex.cur_str();
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, var_name);
return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, nullptr);
if (lex.tok() == tok_underscore) {
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, "");
return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, nullptr);
static AnyExprV create_catch_underscore_variable(const Lexer& lex) {
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), "");
return createV<ast_reference>(lex.cur_location(), v_ident, nullptr);
static AnyV parse_throw_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_throw, "`throw`");
AnyExprV thrown_code, thrown_arg;
if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) { // throw (code) or throw (code, arg)
thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
thrown_arg = parse_expr(lex);
} else {
thrown_arg = createV<ast_empty_expression>(loc);
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
} else { // throw code
thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
thrown_arg = createV<ast_empty_expression>(loc);
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_throw_statement>(loc, thrown_code, thrown_arg);
static AnyV parse_assert_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_assert, "`assert`");
lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
AnyExprV thrown_code;
if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) { // assert(cond, code)
thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
} else { // assert(cond) throw code
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
lex.expect(tok_throw, "`throw excNo` after assert");
thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_assert_statement>(loc, cond, thrown_code);
static AnyV parse_try_catch_statement(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_try, "`try`");
V<ast_sequence> try_body = parse_sequence(lex);
std::vector<AnyExprV> catch_args;
lex.expect(tok_catch, "`catch`");
SrcLocation catch_loc = lex.cur_location();
if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) { // catch (excNo, arg)
} else { // catch (excNo) -> catch (excNo, _)
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
} else { // catch -> catch (_, _)
V<ast_tensor> catch_expr = createV<ast_tensor>(catch_loc, std::move(catch_args));
V<ast_sequence> catch_body = parse_sequence(lex);
return createV<ast_try_catch_statement>(loc, try_body, catch_expr, catch_body);
AnyV parse_statement(Lexer& lex) {
switch (lex.tok()) {
case tok_var: // `var x = 0` is technically an expression, but can not appear in "any place",
case tok_val: // only as a separate declaration
return parse_local_vars_declaration_assignment(lex);
case tok_opbrace:
return parse_sequence(lex);
case tok_return:
return parse_return_statement(lex);
case tok_if:
return parse_if_statement(lex);
case tok_repeat:
return parse_repeat_statement(lex);
case tok_do:
return parse_do_while_statement(lex);
case tok_while:
return parse_while_statement(lex);
case tok_throw:
return parse_throw_statement(lex);
case tok_assert:
return parse_assert_statement(lex);
case tok_try:
return parse_try_catch_statement(lex);
case tok_semicolon: {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
return createV<ast_empty_statement>(loc);
case tok_break:
case tok_continue:
lex.error("break/continue from loops are not supported yet");
default: {
AnyExprV expr = parse_expr(lex);
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return expr;
static AnyV parse_func_body(Lexer& lex) {
return parse_sequence(lex);
static AnyV parse_asm_func_body(Lexer& lex, V<ast_parameter_list> param_list) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_asm, "`asm`");
size_t n_params = param_list->size();
if (n_params > 16) {
throw ParseError{loc, "assembler built-in function can have at most 16 arguments"};
std::vector<int> arg_order, ret_order;
if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
while (lex.tok() == tok_identifier || lex.tok() == tok_self) {
int arg_idx = param_list->lookup_idx(lex.cur_str());
if (arg_idx == -1) {
lex.unexpected("parameter name");
if (lex.tok() == tok_arrow) {
while (lex.tok() == tok_int_const) {
int ret_idx = std::atoi(static_cast<std::string>(lex.cur_str()).c_str());
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
std::vector<AnyV> asm_commands;
lex.check(tok_string_const, "\"ASM COMMAND\"");
while (lex.tok() == tok_string_const) {
std::string_view asm_command = lex.cur_str();
asm_commands.push_back(createV<ast_string_const>(lex.cur_location(), asm_command, 0));
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
return createV<ast_asm_body>(loc, std::move(arg_order), std::move(ret_order), std::move(asm_commands));
static AnyV parse_genericsT_list(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
std::vector<AnyV> genericsT_items;
lex.expect(tok_lt, "`<`");
while (true) {
lex.check(tok_identifier, "T");
std::string_view nameT = lex.cur_str();
genericsT_items.emplace_back(createV<ast_genericsT_item>(lex.cur_location(), nameT));
if (lex.tok() != tok_comma) {
lex.expect(tok_gt, "`>`");
return createV<ast_genericsT_list>{loc, std::move(genericsT_items)};
static V<ast_annotation> parse_annotation(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.check(tok_annotation_at, "`@`");
std::string_view name = lex.cur_str();
AnnotationKind kind = Vertex<ast_annotation>::parse_kind(name);
V<ast_tensor> v_arg = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
SrcLocation loc_args = lex.cur_location();
std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
v_arg = createV<ast_tensor>(loc_args, std::move(args));
switch (kind) {
case AnnotationKind::unknown:
throw ParseError(loc, "unknown annotation " + static_cast<std::string>(name));
case AnnotationKind::inline_simple:
case AnnotationKind::inline_ref:
case AnnotationKind::pure:
case AnnotationKind::deprecated:
if (v_arg) {
throw ParseError(v_arg->loc, "arguments aren't allowed for " + static_cast<std::string>(name));
v_arg = createV<ast_tensor>(loc, {});
case AnnotationKind::method_id:
if (!v_arg || v_arg->size() != 1 || v_arg->get_item(0)->type != ast_int_const) {
throw ParseError(loc, "expecting `(number)` after " + static_cast<std::string>(name));
return createV<ast_annotation>(loc, kind, v_arg);
static AnyV parse_function_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annotation>>& annotations) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
bool is_get_method = lex.tok() == tok_get;
if (is_get_method && lex.tok() == tok_fun) {
lex.next(); // 'get f()' and 'get fun f()' both correct
lex.check(tok_identifier, "function name identifier");
std::string_view f_name = lex.cur_str();
bool is_entrypoint =
f_name == "main" || f_name == "onInternalMessage" || f_name == "onExternalMessage" ||
f_name == "onRunTickTock" || f_name == "onSplitPrepare" || f_name == "onSplitInstall";
bool is_FunC_entrypoint =
f_name == "recv_internal" || f_name == "recv_external" ||
f_name == "run_ticktock" || f_name == "split_prepare" || f_name == "split_install";
if (is_FunC_entrypoint) {
lex.error("this is a reserved FunC/Fift identifier; you need `onInternalMessage`");
auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), f_name);
V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_lt) { // 'fun f<T1,T2>'
genericsT_list = parse_genericsT_list(lex)->as<ast_genericsT_list>();
V<ast_parameter_list> v_param_list = parse_parameter_list(lex)->as<ast_parameter_list>();
bool accepts_self = !v_param_list->empty() && v_param_list->get_param(0)->param_name == "self";
int n_mutate_params = v_param_list->get_mutate_params_count();
TypePtr ret_type = nullptr;
bool returns_self = false;
if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) { // : <ret_type> (if absent, it means "auto infer", not void)
if (lex.tok() == tok_self) {
if (!accepts_self) {
lex.error("only a member function can return `self` (which accepts `self` first parameter)");
returns_self = true;
ret_type = TypeDataVoid::create();
} else {
ret_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
if (is_entrypoint && (is_get_method || genericsT_list || n_mutate_params || accepts_self)) {
throw ParseError(loc, "invalid declaration of a reserved function");
if (is_get_method && (genericsT_list || n_mutate_params || accepts_self)) {
throw ParseError(loc, "get methods can't have `mutate` and `self` params");
AnyV v_body = nullptr;
if (lex.tok() == tok_builtin) {
v_body = createV<ast_empty_statement>(lex.cur_location());
lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
} else if (lex.tok() == tok_opbrace) {
v_body = parse_func_body(lex);
} else if (lex.tok() == tok_asm) {
if (!ret_type) {
lex.error("asm function must specify return type");
v_body = parse_asm_func_body(lex, v_param_list);
} else {
lex.unexpected("{ function body }");
int flags = 0;
if (is_entrypoint) {
flags |= FunctionData::flagIsEntrypoint;
if (is_get_method) {
flags |= FunctionData::flagGetMethod;
if (accepts_self) {
flags |= FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf;
if (returns_self) {
flags |= FunctionData::flagReturnsSelf;
td::RefInt256 method_id;
for (auto v_annotation : annotations) {
switch (v_annotation->kind) {
case AnnotationKind::inline_simple:
flags |= FunctionData::flagInline;
case AnnotationKind::inline_ref:
flags |= FunctionData::flagInlineRef;
case AnnotationKind::pure:
flags |= FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure;
case AnnotationKind::method_id: {
if (is_get_method || genericsT_list || is_entrypoint || n_mutate_params || accepts_self) {
v_annotation->error("@method_id can be specified only for regular functions");
auto v_int = v_annotation->get_arg()->get_item(0)->as<ast_int_const>();
if (v_int->intval.is_null() || !v_int->intval->signed_fits_bits(32)) {
v_int->error("invalid integer constant");
method_id = v_int->intval;
case AnnotationKind::deprecated:
// no special handling
v_annotation->error("this annotation is not applicable to functions");
return createV<ast_function_declaration>(loc, v_ident, v_param_list, v_body, ret_type, genericsT_list, std::move(method_id), flags);
static AnyV parse_tolk_required_version(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.next_special(tok_semver, "semver"); // syntax: "tolk 0.6"
std::string semver = static_cast<std::string>(lex.cur_str());
// for simplicity, there is no syntax ">= version" and so on, just strict compare
if (TOLK_VERSION != semver && TOLK_VERSION != semver + ".0") { // 0.6 = 0.6.0
loc.show_warning("the contract is written in Tolk v" + semver + ", but you use Tolk compiler v" + TOLK_VERSION + "; probably, it will lead to compilation errors or hash changes");
return createV<ast_tolk_required_version>(loc, semver); // semicolon is not necessary
static AnyV parse_import_directive(Lexer& lex) {
SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
lex.expect(tok_import, "`import`");
lex.check(tok_string_const, "source file name");
std::string_view rel_filename = lex.cur_str();
if (rel_filename.empty()) {
lex.error("imported file name is an empty string");
auto v_str = createV<ast_string_const>(lex.cur_location(), rel_filename, 0);
return createV<ast_import_directive>(loc, v_str); // semicolon is not necessary
// the main (exported) function
AnyV parse_src_file_to_ast(const SrcFile* file) {
std::vector<AnyV> toplevel_declarations;
std::vector<V<ast_annotation>> annotations;
Lexer lex(file);
while (!lex.is_eof()) {
switch (lex.tok()) {
case tok_tolk:
if (!annotations.empty()) {
lex.unexpected("declaration after @annotations");
case tok_import:
if (!annotations.empty()) {
lex.unexpected("declaration after @annotations");
case tok_semicolon:
if (!annotations.empty()) {
lex.unexpected("declaration after @annotations");
lex.next(); // don't add ast_empty, no need
case tok_annotation_at:
case tok_global:
toplevel_declarations.push_back(parse_global_var_declaration(lex, annotations));
case tok_const:
toplevel_declarations.push_back(parse_constant_declaration(lex, annotations));
case tok_fun:
case tok_get:
toplevel_declarations.push_back(parse_function_declaration(lex, annotations));
case tok_export:
case tok_struct:
case tok_enum:
case tok_operator:
case tok_infix:
lex.error("`" + static_cast<std::string>(lex.cur_str()) +"` is not supported yet");
lex.unexpected("fun or get");
return createV<ast_tolk_file>(file, std::move(toplevel_declarations));
} // namespace tolk