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mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
tolk-vm 799e2d1265
[Tolk] Rewrite the type system from Hindley-Milner to static typing
FunC's (and Tolk's before this PR) type system is based on Hindley-Milner.
This is a common approach for functional languages, where
types are inferred from usage through unification.
As a result, type declarations are not necessary:
() f(a,b) { return a+b; } // a and b now int, since `+` (int, int)

While this approach works for now, problems arise with the introduction
of new types like bool, where `!x` must handle both int and bool.
It will also become incompatible with int32 and other strict integers.
This will clash with structure methods, struggle with proper generics,
and become entirely impractical for union types.

This PR completely rewrites the type system targeting the future.
1) type of any expression is inferred and never changed
2) this is available because dependent expressions already inferred
3) forall completely removed, generic functions introduced
   (they work like template functions actually, instantiated while inferring)
4) instantiation `<...>` syntax, example: `t.tupleAt<int>(0)`
5) `as` keyword, for example `t.tupleAt(0) as int`
6) methods binding is done along with type inferring, not before
   ("before", as worked previously, was always a wrong approach)
2025-01-15 15:38:43 +03:00

241 lines
9 KiB

This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "src-file.h"
#include "fwd-declarations.h"
#include "constant-evaluator.h"
#include "crypto/common/refint.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace tolk {
struct Symbol {
std::string name;
SrcLocation loc;
Symbol(std::string name, SrcLocation loc)
: name(std::move(name))
, loc(loc) {
virtual ~Symbol() = default;
template<class T>
const T* as() const {
assert(dynamic_cast<const T*>(this) != nullptr);
return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
template<class T>
const T* try_as() const {
return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
struct LocalVarData final : Symbol {
enum {
flagMutateParameter = 1, // parameter was declared with `mutate` keyword
flagImmutable = 2, // variable was declared via `val` (not `var`)
TypePtr declared_type; // either at declaration `var x:int`, or if omitted, from assigned value `var x=2`
int flags;
int idx;
LocalVarData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, int flags, int idx)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, declared_type(declared_type)
, flags(flags)
, idx(idx) {
bool is_immutable() const { return flags & flagImmutable; }
bool is_mutate_parameter() const { return flags & flagMutateParameter; }
LocalVarData* mutate() const { return const_cast<LocalVarData*>(this); }
void assign_idx(int idx);
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_type);
struct FunctionBodyCode;
struct FunctionBodyAsm;
struct FunctionBodyBuiltin;
struct GenericsDeclaration;
struct GenericsInstantiation;
typedef std::variant<
> FunctionBody;
struct FunctionData final : Symbol {
static constexpr int EMPTY_METHOD_ID = -10;
enum {
flagInline = 1, // marked `@inline`
flagInlineRef = 2, // marked `@inline_ref`
flagTypeInferringDone = 4, // type inferring step of function's body (all AST nodes assigning v->inferred_type) is done
flagUsedAsNonCall = 8, // used not only as `f()`, but as a 1-st class function (assigned to var, pushed to tuple, etc.)
flagMarkedAsPure = 16, // declared as `pure`, can't call impure and access globals, unused invocations are optimized out
flagImplicitReturn = 32, // control flow reaches end of function, so it needs implicit return at the end
flagGetMethod = 64, // was declared via `get func(): T`, method_id is auto-assigned
flagIsEntrypoint = 128, // it's `main` / `onExternalMessage` / etc.
flagHasMutateParams = 256, // has parameters declared as `mutate`
flagAcceptsSelf = 512, // is a member function (has `self` first parameter)
flagReturnsSelf = 1024, // return type is `self` (returns the mutated 1st argument), calls can be chainable
flagReallyUsed = 2048, // calculated via dfs from used functions; declared but unused functions are not codegenerated
int method_id = EMPTY_METHOD_ID;
int flags;
std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters;
std::vector<int> arg_order, ret_order;
TypePtr declared_return_type; // may be nullptr, meaning "auto infer"
TypePtr inferred_return_type = nullptr; // assigned on type inferring
TypePtr inferred_full_type = nullptr; // assigned on type inferring, it's TypeDataFunCallable(params -> return)
const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs;
const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs;
FunctionBody body;
AnyV ast_root; // V<ast_function_declaration> for user-defined (not builtin)
FunctionData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_return_type, std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters, int initial_flags, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs, FunctionBody body, AnyV ast_root)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, flags(initial_flags)
, parameters(std::move(parameters))
, declared_return_type(declared_return_type)
, genericTs(genericTs)
, instantiationTs(instantiationTs)
, body(body)
, ast_root(ast_root) {
std::string as_human_readable() const;
const std::vector<int>* get_arg_order() const {
return arg_order.empty() ? nullptr : &arg_order;
const std::vector<int>* get_ret_order() const {
return ret_order.empty() ? nullptr : &ret_order;
int get_num_params() const { return static_cast<int>(parameters.size()); }
const LocalVarData& get_param(int idx) const { return parameters[idx]; }
bool is_code_function() const { return std::holds_alternative<FunctionBodyCode*>(body); }
bool is_asm_function() const { return std::holds_alternative<FunctionBodyAsm*>(body); }
bool is_builtin_function() const { return ast_root == nullptr; }
bool is_generic_function() const { return genericTs != nullptr; }
bool is_instantiation_of_generic_function() const { return instantiationTs != nullptr; }
bool is_inline() const { return flags & flagInline; }
bool is_inline_ref() const { return flags & flagInlineRef; }
bool is_type_inferring_done() const { return flags & flagTypeInferringDone; }
bool is_used_as_noncall() const { return flags & flagUsedAsNonCall; }
bool is_marked_as_pure() const { return flags & flagMarkedAsPure; }
bool is_implicit_return() const { return flags & flagImplicitReturn; }
bool is_get_method() const { return flags & flagGetMethod; }
bool is_method_id_not_empty() const { return method_id != EMPTY_METHOD_ID; }
bool is_entrypoint() const { return flags & flagIsEntrypoint; }
bool has_mutate_params() const { return flags & flagHasMutateParams; }
bool does_accept_self() const { return flags & flagAcceptsSelf; }
bool does_return_self() const { return flags & flagReturnsSelf; }
bool does_mutate_self() const { return (flags & flagAcceptsSelf) && parameters[0].is_mutate_parameter(); }
bool is_really_used() const { return flags & flagReallyUsed; }
bool does_need_codegen() const;
FunctionData* mutate() const { return const_cast<FunctionData*>(this); }
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_return_type);
void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_return_type, TypePtr inferred_full_type);
void assign_is_used_as_noncall();
void assign_is_implicit_return();
void assign_is_type_inferring_done();
void assign_is_really_used();
void assign_arg_order(std::vector<int>&& arg_order);
struct GlobalVarData final : Symbol {
enum {
flagReallyUsed = 1, // calculated via dfs from used functions; unused globals are not codegenerated
TypePtr declared_type; // always exists, declaring globals without type is prohibited
int flags = 0;
GlobalVarData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, declared_type(declared_type) {
bool is_really_used() const { return flags & flagReallyUsed; }
GlobalVarData* mutate() const { return const_cast<GlobalVarData*>(this); }
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
void assign_is_really_used();
struct GlobalConstData final : Symbol {
ConstantValue value;
TypePtr declared_type; // may be nullptr
GlobalConstData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, ConstantValue&& value)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, value(std::move(value))
, declared_type(declared_type) {
bool is_int_const() const { return value.is_int(); }
bool is_slice_const() const { return value.is_slice(); }
td::RefInt256 as_int_const() const { return value.as_int(); }
const std::string& as_slice_const() const { return value.as_slice(); }
GlobalConstData* mutate() const { return const_cast<GlobalConstData*>(this); }
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
class GlobalSymbolTable {
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, const Symbol*> entries;
static uint64_t key_hash(std::string_view name_key) {
return std::hash<std::string_view>{}(name_key);
void add_function(const FunctionData* f_sym);
void add_global_var(const GlobalVarData* g_sym);
void add_global_const(const GlobalConstData* c_sym);
const Symbol* lookup(std::string_view name) const {
const auto it = entries.find(key_hash(name));
return it == entries.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
const Symbol* lookup_global_symbol(std::string_view name);
} // namespace tolk