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mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
tolk-vm d9dba320cc
[Tolk] Get rid of ~tilda with mutate and self methods
This is a very big change.
If FunC has `.methods()` and `~methods()`, Tolk has only dot,
one and only way to call a `.method()`.
A method may mutate an object, or may not.
It's a behavioral and semantic difference from FunC.

- `cs.loadInt(32)` modifies a slice and returns an integer
- `b.storeInt(x, 32)` modifies a builder
- `b = b.storeInt()` also works, since it not only modifies, but returns
- chained methods also work, they return `self`
- everything works exactly as expected, similar to JS
- no runtime overhead, exactly same Fift instructions
- custom methods are created with ease
- tilda `~` does not exist in Tolk at all
2024-11-02 03:44:14 +04:00

337 lines
7.8 KiB

fun incrementInPlace(mutate self: int, byValue: int): void {
self = self + byValue;
fun incrementTwoInPlace(mutate self: int, mutate y: int, byValue: int): int {
y += byValue;
return self + y;
fun testIncrement1() {
var x = 50;
var y = 30;
incrementInPlace(mutate x, 10);
incrementInPlace(mutate x, 10);
incrementInPlace(mutate y, 10);
incrementInPlace(mutate y, 10);
return (x, y);
fun testIncrement2() {
var x = 50;
var y = 30;
val sum1 = incrementTwoInPlace(mutate x, mutate y, 10);
val sum2 = x.incrementTwoInPlace(mutate y, 10);
return (x, y, sum1, sum2);
fun load_next(mutate cs: slice): int {
return loadInt(mutate cs, 32);
fun myLoadInt(mutate self: slice, len: int): int
asm(-> 1 0) "LDIX";
fun myStoreInt(mutate self: builder, x: int, len: int): self
asm(x self len) "STIX";
fun unpack_utils_info(mutate utils_info_sl: slice): (int, int) {
return (
fun testSlices1() {
var b: builder = beginCell().storeInt(1, 32).myStoreInt(2, 32);
b.myStoreInt(3, 32);
var c: cell = b.myStoreInt(4, 32).storeInt(5, 32).endCell();
var cs = c.beginParse();
var first = cs.preloadInt(32);
unpack_utils_info(mutate cs);
return (first, cs.myLoadInt(32), cs.loadInt(32));
fun load_decimal_symbol(mutate self: slice): int {
// load decimal from bits using utf-8 table
var n: int = self.loadUint(8);
n = n - 48;
assert(n >= 0) throw 400;
assert(n <= 9) throw 400;
return n;
fun testSlices2() {
var cs = "123";
return (cs.load_decimal_symbol(), cs.load_decimal_symbol(), cs.load_decimal_symbol());
global v1: int;
global v2: int;
global v3: int;
fun testGlobals() {
v1 = 0;
v2 = 0;
v3 = 100;
v3 += incrementTwoInPlace(mutate v1, mutate v2, 5);
return (v1, v2, v3);
fun withNameShadowing(mutate x: int, pivot: int, extra: int) {
x += pivot;
if (pivot < 100) {
var x = 100 + extra;
if (pivot < 50) {
var x = 50 + extra;
return x + extra;
} else {
x += extra;
return x + extra;
} else {
x += extra;
return -100 + extra;
fun testNameShadowing() {
var x = 0;
var sum = 0;
sum += withNameShadowing(mutate x, 100, 10);
sum += withNameShadowing(mutate x, 50, 10);
sum += withNameShadowing(mutate x, 0, 10);
return (x, sum);
fun updateTwoItems(mutate self: (int, int), byValue: int) {
val (first, second) = self;
self = (first + byValue, second + byValue);
fun testMutableTensor() {
var t = (40, 50);
updateTwoItems(mutate t, 10);
return t;
fun myStoreUint(mutate self: builder, x: int, len: int): self
asm(x self len) "STIX";
fun myStoreU32(mutate self: builder, x: int): self {
return self.storeUint(x, 32);
fun getSumOfNumbersInCell(c: cell): int {
var sum = 0;
var s = c.beginParse();
var n_numbers = s.getRemainingBitsCount() / 32;
repeat (n_numbers) {
sum += s.loadUint(32);
return sum;
fun testStoreChaining() {
var b = beginCell().storeUint(1, 32).storeUint(2, 32).storeUint(3, 32);
b.storeUint(4, 32);
b.myStoreUint(5, 32).storeUint(6, 32);
storeUint(mutate b, 7, 32);
b = b.storeUint(8, 32);
b = b.storeUint(9, 32).storeUint(10, 32);
return getBuilderBitsCount(b);
fun testStoreChainingCustom() {
var b = beginCell().myStoreUint(1, 32).myStoreUint(2, 32).myStoreUint(3, 32);
b.myStoreUint(4, 32);
b.myStoreUint(5, 32).myStoreUint(6, 32);
myStoreUint(mutate b, 7, 32);
b = b.myStoreUint(8, 32);
b = b.myStoreUint(9, 32).myStoreUint(10, 32);
val sum1 = getSumOfNumbersInCell(b.endCell());
b = beginCell().myStoreU32(1).storeUint(2, 32).myStoreU32(3);
myStoreU32(mutate b, 7);
b = b.myStoreU32(8);
b = b.storeUint(9, 32).myStoreU32(10);
val sum2 = getSumOfNumbersInCell(b.endCell());
return (sum1, sum2);
fun myStoreU32_and_mutate_x(mutate self: builder, mutate x: int): void {
return myStoreUint(mutate self, x += 10, 32);
fun testStoreAndMutateBoth() {
var x = 3;
var b: builder = beginCell().myStoreUint(1, 32);
b.myStoreU32_and_mutate_x(mutate x);
b.myStoreU32(3).myStoreU32_and_mutate_x(mutate x);
b.myStoreU32_and_mutate_x(mutate x);
var cs: slice = b.endCell().beginParse();
var (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5) = (cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32));
assert(n5 == x) throw 100;
return [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5];
global ccc: builder;
fun testStoreChainingForGlobal() {
ccc = beginCell().storeUint(1, 32).myStoreUint(2, 32).myStoreU32(3);
ccc.storeUint(4, 32);
ccc.storeUint(5, 32).myStoreU32(6);
storeUint(mutate ccc, 7, 32);
ccc = ccc.myStoreU32(8);
ccc = ccc.storeUint(9, 32).myStoreUint(10, 32);
return getBuilderBitsCount(ccc);
fun alwaysThrows(): int { throw 123; return 123; }
fun loadIntFromCell(c: cell, len: int) { return c.beginParse().loadUint(len); }
fun testLoadIntForTemporaryObject() {
val c0 = beginCell().storeUint(0, 32).endCell();
val c4 = beginCell().storeUint(4, 32).endCell();
return (
beginCell().storeUint(1, 32).endCell().beginParse().loadUint(32),
beginCell().storeUint(2, 32).endCell().beginParse().loadUint(32),
c0.beginParse().loadUint(32) ? alwaysThrows() : loadIntFromCell(c4, 32)
fun myStoreUint_pure(mutate self: builder): void
asm "STIX";
fun myStoreUint_impure(mutate self: builder): void
asm "STIX";
fun testStoreUintPureUnusedResult() {
var b = beginCell();
var s = b.endCell().beginParse();
val ii = s.loadUint(32);
return 0;
fun testStoreUintImpureUnusedResult() {
var b = beginCell();
var s = b.endCell().beginParse();
val ii = s.loadUint(32);
return 0;
global counter: int;
fun writeNext2(mutate self: builder): self {
return self.storeUint(counter += 1, 32).storeUint(counter += 1, 32);
fun resetCounter(mutate self: builder): self {
counter = 0;
return self;
fun testExplicitReturn() {
counter = 0;
return (
fun main(){}
@testcase | 101 | | 70 60
@testcase | 102 | | 70 50 100 120
@testcase | 103 | | 1 3 4
@testcase | 104 | | 1 2 3
@testcase | 105 | | 5 5 110
@testcase | 106 | | 160 110
@testcase | 107 | | 60 70
@testcase | 110 | | 320
@testcase | 111 | | 55 55
@testcase | 112 | | [ 1 13 3 23 33 ]
@testcase | 113 | | 320
@testcase | 114 | | 1 2 4
@testcase | 115 | | 13 2
incrementInPlace PROC:<{
// self byValue
ADD // self
testIncrement2 PROC:<{
incrementTwoInPlace CALLDICT // x y sum1
10 PUSHINT // sum1 x y _9=10
incrementTwoInPlace CALLDICT // sum1 x y sum2
s1 s3 s0 XCHG3 // x y sum1 sum2
load_next PROC:<{
// cs
32 LDI // _1 cs
SWAP // cs _1
testStoreUintPureUnusedResult PROC:<{
0 PUSHINT // _12=0
testStoreUintImpureUnusedResult PROC:<{
NEWC // b
STIX // _2
0 PUSHINT // _12=0