Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
ton 13140ddf29 updated block header
1. Updated block header, proofs now contain more data
   Notice, that old proofs may become invalid in the future
2. Fixed message routing
3. Fixed block creator id in block header
4. Support for full proofs in tonlib
5. Support for partial state download
6. Some other bugfixes
2019-09-18 21:46:32 +04:00

271 lines
9.7 KiB

This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP
#include "tl_json_converter.h"
#include "td/tl/tl_simple.h"
#include "td/utils/buffer.h"
#include "td/utils/filesystem.h"
#include "td/utils/logging.h"
#include "td/utils/Slice.h"
#include "td/utils/StringBuilder.h"
#include <utility>
namespace td {
namespace {
std::string tl_name = "ton_api";
template <class T>
void gen_to_json_constructor(StringBuilder &sb, const T *constructor, bool is_header) {
sb << "void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, "
<< "const " << tl_name << "::" << tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(constructor->name) << " &object)";
if (is_header) {
sb << ";\n";
sb << " {\n";
sb << " auto jo = jv.enter_object();\n";
sb << " jo << ctie(\"@type\", \"" << constructor->name << "\");\n";
for (auto &arg : constructor->args) {
auto field = tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name);
// TODO: or as null
bool is_custom = arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Custom;
if (is_custom) {
sb << " if (object." << field << ") {\n ";
auto object = PSTRING() << "object." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name);
if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes || arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes) {
object = PSTRING() << "JsonBytes{" << object << "}";
} else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Int64) {
object = PSTRING() << "JsonInt64{" << object << "}";
} else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Vector &&
(arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes ||
arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes)) {
object = PSTRING() << "JsonVectorBytes(" << object << ")";
} else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Vector &&
arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::Int64) {
object = PSTRING() << "JsonVectorInt64{" << object << "}";
sb << " jo << ctie(\"" << arg.name << "\", ToJson(" << object << "));\n";
if (is_custom) {
sb << " }\n";
sb << "}\n";
void gen_to_json(StringBuilder &sb, const tl::simple::Schema &schema, bool is_header) {
for (auto *custom_type : schema.custom_types) {
if (custom_type->constructors.size() > 1) {
auto type_name = tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(custom_type->name);
sb << "void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const " << tl_name << "::" << type_name << " &object)";
if (is_header) {
sb << ";\n";
} else {
sb << " {\n"
<< " " << tl_name << "::downcast_call(const_cast<" << tl_name << "::" << type_name
<< " &>(object), [&jv](const auto &object) { "
"to_json(jv, object); });\n"
<< "}\n";
for (auto *constructor : custom_type->constructors) {
gen_to_json_constructor(sb, constructor, is_header);
for (auto *function : schema.functions) {
gen_to_json_constructor(sb, function, is_header);
if (is_header) {
sb << "inline void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const ton::" << tl_name
<< "::Object &object) {\n"
" ton::"
<< tl_name << "::downcast_call(const_cast<ton::" << tl_name
<< "::Object &>(object),[&jv](const auto &object) { "
"to_json(jv, object); });\n"
<< "}\n";
sb << "inline void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const ton::" << tl_name << "::Function &object) {\n"
<< " ton::" << tl_name << "::downcast_call(const_cast<ton::" << tl_name
<< "::Function &>(object), [&jv](const auto &object) { "
"to_json(jv, object); });\n"
<< "}\n";
template <class T>
void gen_from_json_constructor(StringBuilder &sb, const T *constructor, bool is_header) {
sb << "Status from_json(" << tl_name << "::" << tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(constructor->name)
<< " &to, JsonObject &from)";
if (is_header) {
sb << ";\n";
} else {
sb << " {\n";
for (auto &arg : constructor->args) {
sb << " {\n";
sb << " TRY_RESULT(value, get_json_object_field(from, \"" << tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(arg.name)
<< "\", JsonValue::Type::Null, true));\n";
sb << " if (value.type() != JsonValue::Type::Null) {\n";
if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes || arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes) {
sb << " TRY_STATUS(from_json_bytes(to." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name) << ", value));\n";
} else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Vector &&
(arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes ||
arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes)) {
sb << " TRY_STATUS(from_json_vector_bytes(to." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name)
<< ", value));\n";
} else {
sb << " TRY_STATUS(from_json(to." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name) << ", value));\n";
sb << " }\n";
sb << " }\n";
sb << " return Status::OK();\n";
sb << "}\n";
void gen_from_json(StringBuilder &sb, const tl::simple::Schema &schema, bool is_header) {
for (auto *custom_type : schema.custom_types) {
for (auto *constructor : custom_type->constructors) {
gen_from_json_constructor(sb, constructor, is_header);
for (auto *function : schema.functions) {
gen_from_json_constructor(sb, function, is_header);
using Vec = std::vector<std::pair<int32, std::string>>;
void gen_tl_constructor_from_string(StringBuilder &sb, Slice name, const Vec &vec, bool is_header) {
sb << "Result<int32> tl_constructor_from_string(" << tl_name << "::" << name << " *object, const std::string &str)";
if (is_header) {
sb << ";\n";
sb << " {\n";
sb << " static const std::unordered_map<Slice, int32, SliceHash> m = {\n";
bool is_first = true;
for (auto &p : vec) {
if (is_first) {
is_first = false;
} else {
sb << ",\n";
sb << " {\"" << p.second << "\", " << p.first << "}";
sb << "\n };\n";
sb << " auto it = m.find(str);\n";
sb << " if (it == m.end()) {\n"
<< " return Status::Error(str + \"Unknown class\");\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " return it->second;\n";
sb << "}\n";
void gen_tl_constructor_from_string(StringBuilder &sb, const tl::simple::Schema &schema, bool is_header) {
Vec vec_for_nullary;
for (auto *custom_type : schema.custom_types) {
Vec vec;
for (auto *constructor : custom_type->constructors) {
vec.push_back(std::make_pair(constructor->id, constructor->name));
if (vec.size() > 1) {
gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(custom_type->name), vec, is_header);
gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, "Object", vec_for_nullary, is_header);
Vec vec_for_function;
for (auto *function : schema.functions) {
vec_for_function.push_back(std::make_pair(function->id, function->name));
gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, "Function", vec_for_function, is_header);
void gen_json_converter_file(const tl::simple::Schema &schema, const std::string &file_name_base, bool is_header) {
auto file_name = is_header ? file_name_base + ".h" : file_name_base + ".cpp";
//file_name = "auto/" + file_name;
auto old_file_content = [&] {
auto r_content = read_file(file_name);
if (r_content.is_error()) {
return BufferSlice();
return r_content.move_as_ok();
std::string buf(2000000, ' ');
StringBuilder sb(MutableSlice{buf});
if (is_header) {
sb << "#pragma once\n\n";
sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".h\"\n\n";
sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".hpp\"\n\n";
sb << "#include \"td/utils/JsonBuilder.h\"\n";
sb << "#include \"td/utils/Status.h\"\n\n";
sb << "#include \"crypto/common/bitstring.h\"\n";
} else {
sb << "#include \"" << file_name_base << ".h\"\n\n";
sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".h\"\n";
sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".hpp\"\n\n";
sb << "#include \"tl/tl_json.h\"\n\n";
sb << "#include \"td/utils/base64.h\"\n";
sb << "#include \"td/utils/common.h\"\n";
sb << "#include \"td/utils/Slice.h\"\n\n";
sb << "#include <unordered_map>\n\n";
sb << "namespace ton {\n";
sb << "namespace " << tl_name << "{\n";
sb << " using namespace td;\n";
gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, schema, is_header);
gen_from_json(sb, schema, is_header);
gen_to_json(sb, schema, is_header);
sb << "} // namespace " << tl_name << "\n";
sb << "} // namespace ton\n";
auto new_file_content = std::move(buf);
if (new_file_content != old_file_content.as_slice()) {
write_file(file_name, new_file_content).ensure();
void gen_json_converter(const tl::tl_config &config, const std::string &file_name, const std::string &new_tl_name) {
tl_name = new_tl_name;
tl::simple::Schema schema(config);
gen_json_converter_file(schema, file_name, true);
gen_json_converter_file(schema, file_name, false);
} // namespace td