Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
ton 13140ddf29 updated block header
1. Updated block header, proofs now contain more data
   Notice, that old proofs may become invalid in the future
2. Fixed message routing
3. Fixed block creator id in block header
4. Support for full proofs in tonlib
5. Support for partial state download
6. Some other bugfixes
2019-09-18 21:46:32 +04:00

566 lines
25 KiB

This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP
#include "top-shard-descr.hpp"
#include "common/errorcode.h"
#include "shard.hpp"
#include "signature-set.hpp"
#include "validator-set.hpp"
#include "vm/cells.h"
#include "vm/cells/MerkleProof.h"
#include "vm/boc.h"
#include "block/block-parse.h"
#include "block/block-auto.h"
namespace ton {
namespace validator {
using td::Ref;
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
ShardTopBlockDescrQ* ShardTopBlockDescrQ::make_copy() const {
return new ShardTopBlockDescrQ{*this};
td::Status ShardTopBlockDescrQ::unpack_one_proof(BlockIdExt& cur_id, Ref<vm::Cell> proof_root, bool is_head) {
auto virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(proof_root, 1);
if (virt_root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "link for block "s + cur_id.to_str() + " inside ShardTopBlockDescr of " +
block_id_.to_str() +
" does not contain a valid Merkle proof for the block header");
RootHash virt_hash{virt_root->get_hash().bits()};
if (virt_hash != cur_id.root_hash) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "link for block "s + cur_id.to_str() + " inside ShardTopBlockDescr of " +
block_id_.to_str() +
" contains a Merkle proof with incorrect root hash: expected " +
cur_id.root_hash.to_hex() + ", found " + virt_hash.to_hex());
bool after_split;
BlockIdExt mc_blkid;
auto res = block::unpack_block_prev_blk_try(virt_root, cur_id, link_prev_, mc_blkid, after_split);
if (res.is_error()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "error in link for block "s + cur_id.to_str() + " inside ShardTopBlockDescr of " +
block_id_.to_str() + ": " + res.move_as_error().to_string());
block::gen::Block::Record blk;
block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info;
block::gen::BlockExtra::Record extra;
block::gen::ValueFlow::Record flow;
block::CurrencyCollection fees_collected, funds_created;
if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(virt_root, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info) && !info.version &&
block::gen::t_ValueFlow.force_validate_ref(blk.value_flow) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.value_flow, flow) &&
/*tlb::unpack_cell(blk.extra, extra) &&*/ fees_collected.unpack(flow.fees_collected) &&
funds_created.unpack(flow.r2.created))) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack block header in link for block "s + cur_id.to_str());
// remove this "try ... catch ..." later and uncomment tlb::unpack_cell(blk.extra, extra) in the previous condition
try {
if (!tlb::unpack_cell(blk.extra, extra)) {
return td::Status::Error(-666,
"cannot unpack block extra header (BlockExtra) in link for block "s + cur_id.to_str());
} catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) {
// backward compatibility with older Proofs / ProofLinks
LOG(WARNING) << "virtualization error while parsing BlockExtra in proof link of " << cur_id.to_str()
<< ", setting creator_id to zero: " << err.get_msg();
CHECK(after_split == info.after_split);
if (info.gen_catchain_seqno != catchain_seqno_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, PSTRING() << "link for block " << cur_id.to_str()
<< " is invalid because block header has catchain_seqno = " << info.gen_catchain_seqno
<< " while ShardTopBlockDescr declares " << catchain_seqno_);
if (info.gen_validator_list_hash_short != validator_set_hash_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "link for block " << cur_id.to_str()
<< " is invalid because block header has validator_set_hash = "
<< info.gen_validator_list_hash_short
<< " while ShardTopBlockDescr declares " << validator_set_hash_);
if (chain_mc_blk_ids_.empty()) {
after_split_ = info.after_split;
after_merge_ = info.after_merge;
before_split_ = info.before_split;
gen_utime_ = first_gen_utime_ = info.gen_utime;
} else {
auto nx_mc_seqno = chain_mc_blk_ids_.back().id.seqno;
if (nx_mc_seqno < mc_blkid.id.seqno) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " refers to masterchain block " + mc_blkid.to_str() +
" while the next block refers to an older masterchain block " + chain_mc_blk_ids_.back().to_str());
} else if (nx_mc_seqno == mc_blkid.id.seqno && chain_mc_blk_ids_.back() != mc_blkid) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() +
" refers to masterchain block " + mc_blkid.to_str() +
" while the next block refers to a different same height masterchain block " +
if (info.before_split) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"intermediate link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " is declared to be before a split");
if (info.gen_utime > first_gen_utime_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "block creation unixtime goes back from " << info.gen_utime << " to "
<< first_gen_utime_ << " in intermediate link for blocks "
<< cur_id.to_str() << " and " << chain_blk_ids_.back().to_str());
first_gen_utime_ = info.gen_utime;
chain_fees_.emplace_back(std::move(fees_collected), std::move(funds_created));
if (!is_head) {
if (info.after_split || info.after_merge) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"intermediate link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " is after a split or a merge");
CHECK(link_prev_.size() == 1);
CHECK(link_prev_[0].id.shard == cur_id.id.shard);
if (link_prev_[0].id.seqno + 1 != cur_id.id.seqno) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"intermediate link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() +
" increases seqno by more than one from " + link_prev_[0].to_str());
cur_id = link_prev_[0];
} else {
hd_after_split_ = info.after_split;
hd_after_merge_ = info.after_merge;
CHECK(link_prev_.size() == 1U + info.after_merge);
BlockSeqno sq = link_prev_[0].id.seqno;
if (hd_after_merge_) {
sq = std::max(sq, link_prev_[1].id.seqno);
if (sq + 1 != cur_id.id.seqno) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"initial link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " increases seqno by more than one from " +
link_prev_[0].to_str() +
(hd_after_merge_ ? std::string{" + "} + link_prev_[1].to_str() : std::string{""}));
return td::Status::OK();
td::Status ShardTopBlockDescrQ::unpack() {
if (root_.is_null()) {
if (data_.empty()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "Shard top block description has no serialized data and no root cell");
auto res = vm::std_boc_deserialize(data_.clone());
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
root_ = res.move_as_ok();
block::gen::TopBlockDescr::Record rec;
if (!(block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.force_validate_ref(root_) && tlb::unpack_cell(root_, rec) &&
block::tlb::t_BlockIdExt.unpack(rec.proof_for.write(), block_id_))) {
std::cerr << "invalid ShardTopBlockDescr: ";
block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.print_ref(std::cerr, root_);
return td::Status::Error(-666, "Shard top block description is not a valid TopBlockDescr TL-B object");
LOG(DEBUG) << "unpacking a ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str() << " with " << rec.len << " links";
CHECK(rec.len > 0 && rec.len <= 8);
// unpack signatures
Ref<vm::Cell> sig_root = rec.signatures->prefetch_ref();
if (sig_root.not_null()) {
vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVmOrd(), sig_root};
bool have_sig;
if (!(cs.fetch_ulong(8) == 0x11 // block_signatures#11
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(32, validator_set_hash_) // validator_set_hash:uint32
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(32, catchain_seqno_) // catchain_seqno:uint32
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(32, sig_count_) // sig_count:uint32
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(64, sig_weight_) // sig_weight:uint64
&& cs.fetch_bool_to(have_sig) && have_sig == (sig_count_ > 0) &&
cs.size_ext() == ((unsigned)have_sig << 16))) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"cannot parse BlockSignatures in ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str());
sig_root_ = cs.prefetch_ref();
sig_set_ = BlockSignatureSetQ::fetch(sig_root_);
if (sig_set_.is_null() && sig_count_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"cannot deserialize signature list in ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str());
} else {
validator_set_hash_ = 0;
catchain_seqno_ = 0;
sig_count_ = 0;
sig_weight_ = 0;
if (!sig_count_ && !is_fake_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"invalid BlockSignatures in ShardTopBlockDescr for "} +
block_id_.to_str() + ": no signatures present, and fake mode is not enabled");
is_fake_ = !sig_count_;
// unpack proof link chain
auto chain = std::move(rec.chain);
BlockIdExt cur_id = block_id_;
for (int i = 0; i < rec.len; i++) {
CHECK(chain->size_ext() == (i == rec.len - 1 ? 0x10000u : 0x20000u));
auto proof = chain->prefetch_ref();
if (i < rec.len - 1) {
chain = vm::load_cell_slice_ref(chain->prefetch_ref(1));
try {
auto res = unpack_one_proof(cur_id, std::move(proof), i == rec.len - 1);
if (res.is_error()) {
return res;
} catch (vm::VmError& err) {
return td::Status::Error("error unpacking proof link for "s + cur_id.to_str() + " in ShardTopBlockDescr for " +
block_id_.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg());
} catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) {
return td::Status::Error("virtualization error unpacking proof link for "s + cur_id.to_str() +
" in ShardTopBlockDescr for " + block_id_.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg());
is_valid_ = true;
return td::Status::OK();
td::Result<Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ>> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::fetch(td::BufferSlice data, bool is_fake) {
Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ> ref{true, std::move(data), is_fake};
auto err = ref.unique_write().unpack();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
} else {
return std::move(ref);
td::Result<Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ>> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::fetch(Ref<vm::Cell> root, bool is_fake) {
Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ> ref{true, std::move(root), is_fake};
auto err = ref.unique_write().unpack();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
} else {
return std::move(ref);
bool ShardTopBlockDescrQ::may_be_valid(BlockHandle last_masterchain_block_handle,
Ref<MasterchainState> last_masterchain_block_state) const {
int res_flags = 0;
return prevalidate(last_masterchain_block_handle->id(), std::move(last_masterchain_block_state),
Mode::allow_next_vset, res_flags)
td::Result<int> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::validate_internal(BlockIdExt last_mc_block_id, Ref<MasterchainState> last_mc_state,
int& res_flags, int mode) const {
if (!is_valid()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "ShardTopBlockDescr is invalid or uninitialized");
CHECK(chain_blk_ids_.size() > 0 && chain_blk_ids_.size() <= 8);
CHECK(chain_mc_blk_ids_.size() == chain_blk_ids_.size());
Ref<MasterchainStateQ> state = Ref<MasterchainStateQ>(last_mc_state);
if (state.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot validate ShardTopBlockDescr: no masterchain state given");
if (last_mc_block_id.id.seqno < chain_mc_blk_ids_[0].id.seqno) {
BlockSeqno delta = chain_mc_blk_ids_[0].id.seqno - last_mc_block_id.id.seqno;
// too new
if ((mode & Mode::fail_new) || (delta > 8 && (mode & Mode::fail_too_new))) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too new for us: it refers to masterchain block " +
chain_mc_blk_ids_[0].id.to_str() + " but we know only " +
return -1; // valid, but too new
auto config = state->get_config();
BlockSeqno next_mc_seqno = ~BlockSeqno(0);
for (const auto& mcid : chain_mc_blk_ids_) {
if (mcid.id.seqno > next_mc_seqno) {
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalid
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid because its chain refers to masterchain blocks with non-monotonic seqno");
next_mc_seqno = mcid.id.seqno;
auto valid =
(mcid.id.seqno == last_mc_block_id.id.seqno) ? (mcid == last_mc_block_id) : config->check_old_mc_block_id(mcid);
if (!valid) {
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalid
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid because it refers to masterchain block " + mcid.to_str() +
" which is not an ancestor of our block " + last_mc_block_id.to_str());
auto oldl = config->get_shard_hash(ShardIdFull{block_id_.id.workchain, block_id_.id.shard - 1}, false);
if (oldl.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid or too new because this workchain is absent from known masterchain configuration");
if (oldl->seqno() >= block_id_.id.seqno) {
// we know a shardchain block that it is at least as new as this one
if (!(mode & allow_old)) {
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalidate unless old ShardTopBlockDescr are allowed
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too old: we already know a newer shardchain block " + oldl->blk_.to_str());
if (oldl->seqno() < link_prev_[0].id.seqno) {
if (mode & Mode::fail_new) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too new for us: it starts from shardchain block " +
link_prev_[0].id.to_str() + " but we know only " + oldl->blk_.to_str());
return -1; // valid, but too new
auto oldr = oldl;
if (ton::shard_is_proper_ancestor(shard(), oldl->shard())) {
oldr = config->get_shard_hash(ShardIdFull{block_id_.id.workchain, block_id_.id.shard + 1}, false);
if (oldr.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid or too new because this workchain is absent from known masterchain configuration (?)");
if (oldr->seqno() >= block_id_.id.seqno) {
// we know a shardchain block that it is at least as new as this one
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalidate unless old ShardTopBlockDescr are allowed
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid in a strange fashion: we already know a newer shardchain block " +
oldr->blk_.to_str() +
" but only in the right branch; corresponds to a shardchain fork?");
CHECK(ton::shard_is_proper_ancestor(shard(), oldr->shard()));
CHECK(oldl->shard() < oldr->shard());
} else {
CHECK(ton::shard_is_ancestor(oldl->shard(), shard()));
if (oldr->seqno() < link_prev_.back().id.seqno) {
if (mode & Mode::fail_new) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too new for us: it starts from shardchain block " +
link_prev_.back().id.to_str() + " but we know only " + oldr->blk_.to_str());
return -1; // valid, but too new
unsigned clen = block_id_.id.seqno - std::max(oldl->seqno(), oldr->seqno());
CHECK(clen > 0 && clen <= 8);
CHECK(clen <= size());
if (clen < size()) {
if (chain_blk_ids_[clen] != oldl->blk_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid: it contains a reference to its ancestor " +
chain_blk_ids_[clen].to_str() +
" but the masterchain refers to another shardchain block " +
(oldl->seqno() < oldr->seqno() ? oldr->blk_.to_str() : oldl->blk_.to_str()) +
" of the same height");
CHECK(oldl->shard() == shard());
CHECK(oldl == oldr);
} else {
if (link_prev_[0] != oldl->blk_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid: it contains a reference to its ancestor " + link_prev_[0].to_str() +
" but the masterchain instead refers to another shardchain block " + oldl->blk_.to_str());
if (link_prev_.back() != oldr->blk_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid: it contains a reference to its ancestor " + link_prev_.back().to_str() +
" but the masterchain instead refers to another shardchain block " + oldr->blk_.to_str());
LOG(DEBUG) << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str() << " appears to have a valid chain of " << clen
<< " new links out of " << size();
// check validator_set_{ts,hash}
int vset_ok = 0;
auto vset = state->get_validator_set(shard());
if (vset->get_catchain_seqno() == catchain_seqno_ && vset->get_validator_set_hash() == validator_set_hash_) {
res_flags |= 4;
vset_ok = 1;
} else if (mode & allow_next_vset) {
auto nvset = state->get_next_validator_set(shard());
if (nvset->get_catchain_seqno() == catchain_seqno_ && nvset->get_validator_set_hash() == validator_set_hash_) {
vset = std::move(nvset);
res_flags |= 8;
vset_ok = 2;
if (!vset_ok) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING()
<< "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str()
<< " is invalid because it refers to shard validator set with hash "
<< validator_set_hash_ << " and catchain_seqno " << catchain_seqno_
<< " while the current masterchain configuration expects "
<< vset->get_validator_set_hash() << " and " << vset->get_catchain_seqno());
// check signatures
if ((mode & skip_check_sig) || is_fake_ || sig_ok_) {
return (int)clen;
if (sig_bad_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() + " does not have valid signatures");
auto sig_chk = vset->check_signatures(block_id_.root_hash, block_id_.file_hash, sig_set_);
if (sig_chk.is_error()) {
res_flags |= 0x21;
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" does not have valid signatures: " + sig_chk.move_as_error().to_string());
res_flags |= 0x10; // signatures checked ok
auto wt = sig_chk.move_as_ok();
if (wt != sig_weight_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str()
<< " has incorrect signature weight " << sig_weight_
<< " (actual weight is " << wt << ")");
LOG(DEBUG) << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str() << " has valid validator signatures of total weight "
<< sig_weight_ << " out of " << Ref<ValidatorSetQ>(vset)->get_total_weight();
return (int)clen;
td::Result<int> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::prevalidate(BlockIdExt last_mc_block_id, Ref<MasterchainState> last_mc_state,
int mode, int& res_flags) const {
res_flags = 0;
auto res = validate_internal(last_mc_block_id, last_mc_state, res_flags, mode);
return res;
td::Result<int> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::validate(BlockIdExt last_mc_block_id, Ref<MasterchainState> last_mc_state,
int mode, int& res_flags) {
res_flags = 0;
auto res = validate_internal(last_mc_block_id, last_mc_state, res_flags, mode);
if (res_flags & 1) {
// permanently invalid
is_valid_ = false;
if (res_flags & 0x10) {
sig_ok_ = true;
if (res_flags & 0x20) {
sig_bad_ = true;
if (res_flags & 4) {
vset_cur_ = true;
vset_next_ = false;
} else if (res_flags & 8) {
vset_cur_ = false;
vset_next_ = true;
return res;
std::vector<BlockIdExt> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::get_prev_at(int pos) const {
if (!is_valid() || pos < 0 || (unsigned)pos > size()) {
return {};
if ((unsigned)pos < size()) {
return {chain_blk_ids_.at(pos)};
} else {
return link_prev_;
Ref<block::McShardHash> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::get_prev_descr(int pos, int sum_cnt) const {
if (!is_valid() || pos < 0 || sum_cnt < 0 || (unsigned)pos >= size() || (unsigned)sum_cnt > size() ||
(unsigned)(pos + sum_cnt) > size()) {
return {};
auto virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(proof_roots_.at(pos), 1);
auto res = block::McShardHash::from_block(std::move(virt_root), chain_blk_ids_.at(pos).file_hash);
if (res.not_null()) {
auto& total_fees = res.write().fees_collected_;
auto& funds_created = res.write().funds_created_;
for (int i = 0; i < sum_cnt; i++) {
total_fees += chain_fees_.at(pos + i).first;
funds_created += chain_fees_[pos + i].second;
return res;
std::vector<td::Bits256> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::get_creator_list(int count) const {
if (!is_valid() || count < 0 || (unsigned)count > size()) {
return {};
std::vector<td::Bits256> res;
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return res;
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::finish_query() {
if (promise_) {
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::abort_query(td::Status reason) {
if (promise_) {
bool ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::fatal_error(td::Status error) {
return false;
bool ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::fatal_error(std::string err_msg, int err_code) {
return fatal_error(td::Status::Error(err_code, err_msg));
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::alarm() {
abort_query(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::timeout, "timeout in ValidateShardTopBlockDescr"));
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::start_up() {
auto res = ShardTopBlockDescrQ::fetch(std::move(data_), is_fake_);
if (res.is_error()) {
descr_ = res.move_as_ok();
int res_flags = 0;
auto val_res = descr_.write().validate(mc_blkid_, state_, ShardTopBlockDescrQ::Mode::allow_next_vset, res_flags);
if (val_res.is_error()) {
} // namespace validator
} // namespace ton