Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
ton c860ce3d1e updated smartcontracts
- updated smartcontracts
- updated fullnode database layout
- fixed memory leak in blockchain-explorer
- updated tonlib
2019-10-23 17:43:50 +04:00

680 lines
24 KiB

unit$_ = Unit;
true$_ = True;
// EMPTY False;
bool_false$0 = Bool;
bool_true$1 = Bool;
bool_false$0 = BoolFalse;
bool_true$1 = BoolTrue;
nothing$0 {X:Type} = Maybe X;
just$1 {X:Type} value:X = Maybe X;
left$0 {X:Type} {Y:Type} value:X = Either X Y;
right$1 {X:Type} {Y:Type} value:Y = Either X Y;
pair$_ {X:Type} {Y:Type} first:X second:Y = Both X Y;
bit$_ (## 1) = Bit;
* FROM hashmap.tlb
// ordinary Hashmap / HashmapE, with fixed length keys
hm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {l:#} {m:#} label:(HmLabel ~l n)
{n = (~m) + l} node:(HashmapNode m X) = Hashmap n X;
hmn_leaf#_ {X:Type} value:X = HashmapNode 0 X;
hmn_fork#_ {n:#} {X:Type} left:^(Hashmap n X)
right:^(Hashmap n X) = HashmapNode (n + 1) X;
hml_short$0 {m:#} {n:#} len:(Unary ~n) {n <= m} s:(n * Bit) = HmLabel ~n m;
hml_long$10 {m:#} n:(#<= m) s:(n * Bit) = HmLabel ~n m;
hml_same$11 {m:#} v:Bit n:(#<= m) = HmLabel ~n m;
unary_zero$0 = Unary ~0;
unary_succ$1 {n:#} x:(Unary ~n) = Unary ~(n + 1);
hme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} = HashmapE n X;
hme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} root:^(Hashmap n X) = HashmapE n X;
// true#_ = True;
_ {n:#} _:(Hashmap n True) = BitstringSet n;
// HashmapAug, hashmap with an extra value
// (augmentation) of type Y at every node
ahm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} {l:#} {m:#}
label:(HmLabel ~l n) {n = (~m) + l}
node:(HashmapAugNode m X Y) = HashmapAug n X Y;
ahmn_leaf#_ {X:Type} {Y:Type} extra:Y value:X = HashmapAugNode 0 X Y;
ahmn_fork#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} left:^(HashmapAug n X Y)
right:^(HashmapAug n X Y) extra:Y = HashmapAugNode (n + 1) X Y;
ahme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} extra:Y
= HashmapAugE n X Y;
ahme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} root:^(HashmapAug n X Y)
extra:Y = HashmapAugE n X Y;
// VarHashmap / VarHashmapE, with variable-length keys
vhm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {l:#} {m:#} label:(HmLabel ~l n)
{n = (~m) + l} node:(VarHashmapNode m X)
= VarHashmap n X;
vhmn_leaf$00 {n:#} {X:Type} value:X = VarHashmapNode n X;
vhmn_fork$01 {n:#} {X:Type} left:^(VarHashmap n X)
right:^(VarHashmap n X) value:(Maybe X)
= VarHashmapNode (n + 1) X;
vhmn_cont$1 {n:#} {X:Type} branch:Bit child:^(VarHashmap n X)
value:X = VarHashmapNode (n + 1) X;
// nothing$0 {X:Type} = Maybe X;
// just$1 {X:Type} value:X = Maybe X;
vhme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} = VarHashmapE n X;
vhme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} root:^(VarHashmap n X)
= VarHashmapE n X;
// PfxHashmap / PfxHashmapE, with variable-length keys
// constituting a prefix code
phm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {l:#} {m:#} label:(HmLabel ~l n)
{n = (~m) + l} node:(PfxHashmapNode m X)
= PfxHashmap n X;
phmn_leaf$0 {n:#} {X:Type} value:X = PfxHashmapNode n X;
phmn_fork$1 {n:#} {X:Type} left:^(PfxHashmap n X)
right:^(PfxHashmap n X) = PfxHashmapNode (n + 1) X;
phme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} = PfxHashmapE n X;
phme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} root:^(PfxHashmap n X)
= PfxHashmapE n X;
* END hashmap.tlb
addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt;
addr_extern$01 len:(## 9) external_address:(bits len)
= MsgAddressExt;
anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) { depth >= 1 }
rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast;
addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast)
workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9)
workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt;
_ _:MsgAddressInt = MsgAddress;
_ _:MsgAddressExt = MsgAddress;
var_uint$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(uint (len * 8))
= VarUInteger n;
var_int$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(int (len * 8))
= VarInteger n;
nanograms$_ amount:(VarUInteger 16) = Grams;
extra_currencies$_ dict:(HashmapE 32 (VarUInteger 32))
= ExtraCurrencyCollection;
currencies$_ grams:Grams other:ExtraCurrencyCollection
= CurrencyCollection;
int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
src:MsgAddressInt dest:MsgAddressInt
value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfo;
ext_in_msg_info$10 src:MsgAddressExt dest:MsgAddressInt
import_fee:Grams = CommonMsgInfo;
ext_out_msg_info$11 src:MsgAddressInt dest:MsgAddressExt
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfo;
int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressInt
value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed;
ext_out_msg_info$11 src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressExt
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed;
tick_tock$_ tick:Bool tock:Bool = TickTock;
_ split_depth:(Maybe (## 5)) special:(Maybe TickTock)
code:(Maybe ^Cell) data:(Maybe ^Cell)
library:(HashmapE 256 SimpleLib) = StateInit;
simple_lib$_ public:Bool root:^Cell = SimpleLib;
message$_ {X:Type} info:CommonMsgInfo
init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit))
body:(Either X ^X) = Message X;
message$_ {X:Type} info:CommonMsgInfoRelaxed
init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit))
body:(Either X ^X) = MessageRelaxed X;
interm_addr_regular$0 use_dest_bits:(#<= 96)
= IntermediateAddress;
interm_addr_simple$10 workchain_id:int8 addr_pfx:uint64
= IntermediateAddress;
interm_addr_ext$11 workchain_id:int32 addr_pfx:uint64
= IntermediateAddress;
msg_envelope#4 cur_addr:IntermediateAddress
next_addr:IntermediateAddress fwd_fee_remaining:Grams
msg:^(Message Any) = MsgEnvelope;
msg_import_ext$000 msg:^(Message Any) transaction:^Transaction
= InMsg;
msg_import_ihr$010 msg:^(Message Any) transaction:^Transaction
ihr_fee:Grams proof_created:^Cell = InMsg;
msg_import_imm$011 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction fwd_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_import_fin$100 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction fwd_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_import_tr$101 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transit_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_discard_fin$110 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope transaction_id:uint64
fwd_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_discard_tr$111 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope transaction_id:uint64
fwd_fee:Grams proof_delivered:^Cell = InMsg;
import_fees$_ fees_collected:Grams
value_imported:CurrencyCollection = ImportFees;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 InMsg ImportFees) = InMsgDescr;
msg_export_ext$000 msg:^(Message Any)
transaction:^Transaction = OutMsg;
msg_export_imm$010 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction reimport:^InMsg = OutMsg;
msg_export_new$001 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction = OutMsg;
msg_export_tr$011 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
imported:^InMsg = OutMsg;
msg_export_deq$110 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope // out_msg_hash:bits256 ?
import_block_lt:uint64 = OutMsg;
msg_export_tr_req$111 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
imported:^InMsg = OutMsg;
msg_export_deq_imm$100 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
reimport:^InMsg = OutMsg;
_ enqueued_lt:uint64 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope = EnqueuedMsg;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 OutMsg CurrencyCollection) = OutMsgDescr;
_ (HashmapAugE 352 EnqueuedMsg uint64) = OutMsgQueue;
processed_upto$_ last_msg_lt:uint64 last_msg_hash:bits256 = ProcessedUpto;
// key is [ shard:uint64 mc_seqno:uint32 ]
_ (HashmapE 96 ProcessedUpto) = ProcessedInfo;
ihr_pending$_ import_lt:uint64 = IhrPendingSince;
_ (HashmapE 320 IhrPendingSince) = IhrPendingInfo;
_ out_queue:OutMsgQueue proc_info:ProcessedInfo
ihr_pending:IhrPendingInfo = OutMsgQueueInfo;
storage_used$_ cells:(VarUInteger 7) bits:(VarUInteger 7)
public_cells:(VarUInteger 7) = StorageUsed;
storage_used_short$_ cells:(VarUInteger 7)
bits:(VarUInteger 7) = StorageUsedShort;
storage_info$_ used:StorageUsed last_paid:uint32
due_payment:(Maybe Grams) = StorageInfo;
account_none$0 = Account;
account$1 addr:MsgAddressInt storage_stat:StorageInfo
storage:AccountStorage = Account;
account_storage$_ last_trans_lt:uint64
balance:CurrencyCollection state:AccountState
= AccountStorage;
account_uninit$00 = AccountState;
account_active$1 _:StateInit = AccountState;
account_frozen$01 state_hash:bits256 = AccountState;
acc_state_uninit$00 = AccountStatus;
acc_state_frozen$01 = AccountStatus;
acc_state_active$10 = AccountStatus;
acc_state_nonexist$11 = AccountStatus;
/* duplicates
tick_tock$_ tick:Bool tock:Bool = TickTock;
_ split_depth:(Maybe (## 5)) special:(Maybe TickTock)
code:(Maybe ^Cell) data:(Maybe ^Cell)
library:(Maybe ^Cell) = StateInit;
account_descr$_ account:^Account last_trans_hash:bits256
last_trans_lt:uint64 = ShardAccount;
depth_balance$_ split_depth:(#<= 30) balance:CurrencyCollection = DepthBalanceInfo;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 ShardAccount DepthBalanceInfo) = ShardAccounts;
transaction$0111 account_addr:bits256 lt:uint64
prev_trans_hash:bits256 prev_trans_lt:uint64 now:uint32
orig_status:AccountStatus end_status:AccountStatus
^[ in_msg:(Maybe ^(Message Any)) out_msgs:(HashmapE 15 ^(Message Any)) ]
total_fees:CurrencyCollection state_update:^(HASH_UPDATE Account)
description:^TransactionDescr = Transaction;
!merkle_update#02 {X:Type} old_hash:bits256 new_hash:bits256
old:^X new:^X = MERKLE_UPDATE X;
update_hashes#72 {X:Type} old_hash:bits256 new_hash:bits256
acc_trans#5 account_addr:bits256
transactions:(HashmapAug 64 ^Transaction CurrencyCollection)
state_update:^(HASH_UPDATE Account)
= AccountBlock;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 AccountBlock CurrencyCollection) = ShardAccountBlocks;
tr_phase_storage$_ storage_fees_collected:Grams
storage_fees_due:(Maybe Grams)
= TrStoragePhase;
acst_unchanged$0 = AccStatusChange; // x -> x
acst_frozen$10 = AccStatusChange; // init -> frozen
acst_deleted$11 = AccStatusChange; // frozen -> deleted
tr_phase_credit$_ due_fees_collected:(Maybe Grams)
credit:CurrencyCollection = TrCreditPhase;
tr_phase_compute_skipped$0 reason:ComputeSkipReason
= TrComputePhase;
tr_phase_compute_vm$1 success:Bool msg_state_used:Bool
account_activated:Bool gas_fees:Grams
^[ gas_used:(VarUInteger 7)
gas_limit:(VarUInteger 7) gas_credit:(Maybe (VarUInteger 3))
mode:int8 exit_code:int32 exit_arg:(Maybe int32)
vm_init_state_hash:bits256 vm_final_state_hash:bits256 ]
= TrComputePhase;
cskip_no_state$00 = ComputeSkipReason;
cskip_bad_state$01 = ComputeSkipReason;
cskip_no_gas$10 = ComputeSkipReason;
tr_phase_action$_ success:Bool valid:Bool no_funds:Bool
total_fwd_fees:(Maybe Grams) total_action_fees:(Maybe Grams)
result_code:int32 result_arg:(Maybe int32) tot_actions:uint16
spec_actions:uint16 skipped_actions:uint16 msgs_created:uint16
action_list_hash:bits256 tot_msg_size:StorageUsedShort
= TrActionPhase;
tr_phase_bounce_negfunds$00 = TrBouncePhase;
tr_phase_bounce_nofunds$01 msg_size:StorageUsedShort
req_fwd_fees:Grams = TrBouncePhase;
tr_phase_bounce_ok$1 msg_size:StorageUsedShort
msg_fees:Grams fwd_fees:Grams = TrBouncePhase;
trans_ord$0000 credit_first:Bool
storage_ph:(Maybe TrStoragePhase)
credit_ph:(Maybe TrCreditPhase)
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool bounce:(Maybe TrBouncePhase)
= TransactionDescr;
trans_storage$0001 storage_ph:TrStoragePhase
= TransactionDescr;
trans_tick_tock$001 is_tock:Bool storage_ph:TrStoragePhase
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool destroyed:Bool = TransactionDescr;
split_merge_info$_ cur_shard_pfx_len:(## 6)
acc_split_depth:(## 6) this_addr:bits256 sibling_addr:bits256
= SplitMergeInfo;
trans_split_prepare$0100 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
storage_ph:(Maybe TrStoragePhase)
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool destroyed:Bool
= TransactionDescr;
trans_split_install$0101 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
installed:Bool = TransactionDescr;
trans_merge_prepare$0110 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
storage_ph:TrStoragePhase aborted:Bool
= TransactionDescr;
trans_merge_install$0111 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
storage_ph:(Maybe TrStoragePhase)
credit_ph:(Maybe TrCreditPhase)
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool destroyed:Bool
= TransactionDescr;
smc_info#076ef1ea actions:uint16 msgs_sent:uint16
unixtime:uint32 block_lt:uint64 trans_lt:uint64
rand_seed:bits256 balance_remaining:CurrencyCollection
myself:MsgAddressInt = SmartContractInfo;
out_list_empty$_ = OutList 0;
out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) action:OutAction
= OutList (n + 1);
action_send_msg#0ec3c86d mode:(## 8)
out_msg:^(MessageRelaxed Any) = OutAction;
action_set_code#ad4de08e new_code:^Cell = OutAction;
action_reserve_currency#36e6b809 mode:(## 8)
currency:CurrencyCollection = OutAction;
out_list_node$_ prev:^Cell action:OutAction = OutListNode;
shard_ident$00 shard_pfx_bits:(#<= 60)
workchain_id:int32 shard_prefix:uint64 = ShardIdent;
ext_blk_ref$_ end_lt:uint64
seq_no:uint32 root_hash:bits256 file_hash:bits256
= ExtBlkRef;
block_id_ext$_ shard_id:ShardIdent seq_no:uint32
root_hash:bits256 file_hash:bits256 = BlockIdExt;
master_info$_ master:ExtBlkRef = BlkMasterInfo;
shard_state#9023afe2 global_id:int32
seq_no:uint32 vert_seq_no:#
gen_utime:uint32 gen_lt:uint64
before_split:(## 1)
^[ overload_history:uint64 underload_history:uint64
libraries:(HashmapE 256 LibDescr)
master_ref:(Maybe BlkMasterInfo) ]
custom:(Maybe ^McStateExtra)
= ShardStateUnsplit;
_ ShardStateUnsplit = ShardState;
split_state#5f327da5 left:^ShardStateUnsplit right:^ShardStateUnsplit = ShardState;
shared_lib_descr$00 lib:^Cell publishers:(Hashmap 256 True)
= LibDescr;
block_info#9bc7a987 version:uint32
not_master:(## 1)
after_merge:(## 1) before_split:(## 1)
after_split:(## 1)
want_split:Bool want_merge:Bool
key_block:Bool vert_seqno_incr:(## 1)
flags:(## 8)
seq_no:# vert_seq_no:# { vert_seq_no >= vert_seqno_incr }
{ prev_seq_no:# } { ~prev_seq_no + 1 = seq_no }
shard:ShardIdent gen_utime:uint32
start_lt:uint64 end_lt:uint64
prev_ref:^(BlkPrevInfo after_merge)
prev_vert_ref:vert_seqno_incr?^(BlkPrevInfo 0)
= BlockInfo;
prev_blk_info$_ prev:ExtBlkRef = BlkPrevInfo 0;
prev_blks_info$_ prev1:^ExtBlkRef prev2:^ExtBlkRef = BlkPrevInfo 1;
block#11ef55aa global_id:int32
info:^BlockInfo value_flow:^ValueFlow
state_update:^(MERKLE_UPDATE ShardState)
extra:^BlockExtra = Block;
block_extra in_msg_descr:^InMsgDescr
custom:(Maybe ^McBlockExtra) = BlockExtra;
value_flow ^[ from_prev_blk:CurrencyCollection
exported:CurrencyCollection ]
] = ValueFlow;
bt_leaf$0 {X:Type} leaf:X = BinTree X;
bt_fork$1 {X:Type} left:^(BinTree X) right:^(BinTree X)
= BinTree X;
fsm_none$0 = FutureSplitMerge;
fsm_split$10 split_utime:uint32 interval:uint32 = FutureSplitMerge;
fsm_merge$11 merge_utime:uint32 interval:uint32 = FutureSplitMerge;
shard_descr#b seq_no:uint32 reg_mc_seqno:uint32
start_lt:uint64 end_lt:uint64
root_hash:bits256 file_hash:bits256
before_split:Bool before_merge:Bool
want_split:Bool want_merge:Bool
nx_cc_updated:Bool flags:(## 3) { flags = 0 }
next_catchain_seqno:uint32 next_validator_shard:uint64
min_ref_mc_seqno:uint32 gen_utime:uint32
funds_created:CurrencyCollection = ShardDescr;
_ (HashmapE 32 ^(BinTree ShardDescr)) = ShardHashes;
bta_leaf$0 {X:Type} {Y:Type} extra:Y leaf:X = BinTreeAug X Y;
bta_fork$1 {X:Type} {Y:Type} left:^(BinTreeAug X Y)
right:^(BinTreeAug X Y) extra:Y = BinTreeAug X Y;
_ fees:CurrencyCollection create:CurrencyCollection = ShardFeeCreated;
_ (HashmapAugE 96 ShardFeeCreated ShardFeeCreated) = ShardFees;
_ config_addr:bits256 config:^(Hashmap 32 ^Cell)
= ConfigParams;
= ValidatorInfo;
= ValidatorBaseInfo;
_ key:Bool max_end_lt:uint64 = KeyMaxLt;
_ key:Bool blk_ref:ExtBlkRef = KeyExtBlkRef;
_ (HashmapAugE 32 KeyExtBlkRef KeyMaxLt) = OldMcBlocksInfo;
counters#_ last_updated:uint32 total:uint64 cnt2048:uint64 cnt65536:uint64 = Counters;
creator_info#4 mc_blocks:Counters shard_blocks:Counters = CreatorStats;
block_create_stats#17 counters:(HashmapE 256 CreatorStats) = BlockCreateStats;
^[ flags:(## 16) { flags <= 1 }
last_key_block:(Maybe ExtBlkRef)
block_create_stats:(flags . 0)?BlockCreateStats ]
= McStateExtra;
ed25519_pubkey#8e81278a pubkey:bits256 = SigPubKey; // 288 bits
ed25519_signature#5 R:bits256 s:bits256 = CryptoSignatureSimple; // 516 bits
_ CryptoSignatureSimple = CryptoSignature;
sig_pair$_ node_id_short:bits256 sign:CryptoSignature = CryptoSignaturePair; // 256+x ~ 772 bits
certificate#4 temp_key:SigPubKey valid_since:uint32 valid_until:uint32 = Certificate; // 356 bits
certificate_env#a419b7d certificate:Certificate = CertificateEnv; // 384 bits
signed_certificate$_ certificate:Certificate certificate_signature:CryptoSignature
= SignedCertificate; // 356+516 = 872 bits
// certificate_signature is the signature of CertificateEnv (with embedded certificate) with persistent key
chained_signature#f signed_cert:^SignedCertificate temp_key_signature:CryptoSignatureSimple
= CryptoSignature; // 4+(356+516)+516 = 520 bits+ref (1392 bits total)
// temp_key_signature is the signature of whatever was originally intended to be signed with temp_key from certificate
key_block:(## 1)
^[ prev_blk_signatures:(HashmapE 16 CryptoSignaturePair)
recover_create_msg:(Maybe ^InMsg)
mint_msg:(Maybe ^InMsg) ]
= McBlockExtra;
validator#53 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 = ValidatorDescr;
validator_addr#73 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 adnl_addr:bits256 = ValidatorDescr;
validators#11 utime_since:uint32 utime_until:uint32
total:(## 16) main:(## 16) { main <= total } { main >= 1 }
list:(Hashmap 16 ValidatorDescr) = ValidatorSet;
validators_ext#12 utime_since:uint32 utime_until:uint32
total:(## 16) main:(## 16) { main <= total } { main >= 1 }
total_weight:uint64 list:(HashmapE 16 ValidatorDescr) = ValidatorSet;
_ config_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 0;
_ elector_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 1;
_ minter_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 2; // ConfigParam 0 is used if absent
_ fee_collector_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 3; // ConfigParam 1 is used if absent
_ dns_root_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 4; // root TON DNS resolver
_ mint_new_price:Grams mint_add_price:Grams = ConfigParam 6;
_ to_mint:ExtraCurrencyCollection = ConfigParam 7;
capabilities#c4 version:uint32 capabilities:uint64 = GlobalVersion;
_ GlobalVersion = ConfigParam 8; // all zero if absent
_ mandatory_params:(Hashmap 32 True) = ConfigParam 9;
wfmt_basic#1 vm_version:int32 vm_mode:uint64 = WorkchainFormat 1;
wfmt_ext#0 min_addr_len:(## 12) max_addr_len:(## 12) addr_len_step:(## 12)
{ min_addr_len >= 64 } { min_addr_len <= max_addr_len }
{ max_addr_len <= 1023 } { addr_len_step <= 1023 }
workchain_type_id:(## 32) { workchain_type_id >= 1 }
= WorkchainFormat 0;
workchain#a6 enabled_since:uint32 actual_min_split:(## 8)
min_split:(## 8) max_split:(## 8) { actual_min_split <= min_split }
//workchain#a5 enabled_since:uint32 min_split:(## 8) max_split:(## 8)
// { min_split <= max_split } { max_split <= 60 }
basic:(## 1) active:Bool accept_msgs:Bool flags:(## 13) { flags = 0 }
zerostate_root_hash:bits256 zerostate_file_hash:bits256
version:uint32 format:(WorkchainFormat basic)
= WorkchainDescr;
_ workchains:(HashmapE 32 WorkchainDescr) = ConfigParam 12;
block_grams_created#6b masterchain_block_fee:Grams basechain_block_fee:Grams
= BlockCreateFees;
_ BlockCreateFees = ConfigParam 14;
_ validators_elected_for:uint32 elections_start_before:uint32
elections_end_before:uint32 stake_held_for:uint32
= ConfigParam 15;
_ max_validators:(## 16) max_main_validators:(## 16) min_validators:(## 16)
{ max_validators >= max_main_validators }
{ max_main_validators >= min_validators }
{ min_validators >= 1 }
= ConfigParam 16;
_ min_stake:Grams max_stake:Grams min_total_stake:Grams max_stake_factor:uint32 = ConfigParam 17;
_#cc utime_since:uint32 bit_price_ps:uint64 cell_price_ps:uint64
mc_bit_price_ps:uint64 mc_cell_price_ps:uint64 = StoragePrices;
_ (Hashmap 32 StoragePrices) = ConfigParam 18;
gas_prices#dd gas_price:uint64 gas_limit:uint64 gas_credit:uint64
block_gas_limit:uint64 freeze_due_limit:uint64 delete_due_limit:uint64
= GasLimitsPrices;
gas_prices_ext#de gas_price:uint64 gas_limit:uint64 special_gas_limit:uint64 gas_credit:uint64
block_gas_limit:uint64 freeze_due_limit:uint64 delete_due_limit:uint64
= GasLimitsPrices;
gas_flat_pfx#d1 flat_gas_limit:uint64 flat_gas_price:uint64 other:GasLimitsPrices
= GasLimitsPrices;
config_mc_gas_prices#_ GasLimitsPrices = ConfigParam 20;
config_gas_prices#_ GasLimitsPrices = ConfigParam 21;
param_limits#c3 underload:# soft_limit:# { underload <= soft_limit }
hard_limit:# { soft_limit <= hard_limit } = ParamLimits;
block_limits#5d bytes:ParamLimits gas:ParamLimits lt_delta:ParamLimits
= BlockLimits;
config_mc_block_limits#_ BlockLimits = ConfigParam 22;
config_block_limits#_ BlockLimits = ConfigParam 23;
// msg_fwd_fees = (lump_price + ceil((bit_price * msg.bits + cell_price * msg.cells)/2^16)) nanograms
// ihr_fwd_fees = ceil((msg_fwd_fees * ihr_price_factor)/2^16) nanograms
// bits in the root cell of a message are not included in msg.bits (lump_price pays for them)
msg_forward_prices#ea lump_price:uint64 bit_price:uint64 cell_price:uint64
ihr_price_factor:uint32 first_frac:uint16 next_frac:uint16 = MsgForwardPrices;
// used for messages to/from masterchain
config_mc_fwd_prices#_ MsgForwardPrices = ConfigParam 24;
// used for all other messages
config_fwd_prices#_ MsgForwardPrices = ConfigParam 25;
catchain_config#c1 mc_catchain_lifetime:uint32 shard_catchain_lifetime:uint32
shard_validators_lifetime:uint32 shard_validators_num:uint32 = CatchainConfig;
consensus_config#d6 round_candidates:# { round_candidates >= 1 }
next_candidate_delay_ms:uint32 consensus_timeout_ms:uint32
fast_attempts:uint32 attempt_duration:uint32 catchain_max_deps:uint32
max_block_bytes:uint32 max_collated_bytes:uint32 = ConsensusConfig;
_ CatchainConfig = ConfigParam 28;
_ ConsensusConfig = ConfigParam 29;
_ fundamental_smc_addr:(HashmapE 256 True) = ConfigParam 31;
_ prev_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 32;
_ prev_temp_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 33;
_ cur_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 34;
_ cur_temp_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 35;
_ next_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 36;
_ next_temp_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 37;
validator_temp_key#3 adnl_addr:bits256 temp_public_key:SigPubKey seqno:# valid_until:uint32 = ValidatorTempKey;
signed_temp_key#4 key:^ValidatorTempKey signature:CryptoSignature = ValidatorSignedTempKey;
_ (HashmapE 256 ValidatorSignedTempKey) = ConfigParam 39;
block_signatures_pure#_ sig_count:uint32 sig_weight:uint64
signatures:(HashmapE 16 CryptoSignaturePair) = BlockSignaturesPure;
block_signatures#11 validator_info:ValidatorBaseInfo pure_signatures:BlockSignaturesPure = BlockSignatures;
block_proof#c3 proof_for:BlockIdExt root:^Cell signatures:(Maybe ^BlockSignatures) = BlockProof;
chain_empty$_ = ProofChain 0;
chain_link$_ {n:#} root:^Cell prev:n?^(ProofChain n) = ProofChain (n + 1);
top_block_descr#d5 proof_for:BlockIdExt signatures:(Maybe ^BlockSignatures)
len:(## 8) { len >= 1 } { len <= 8 } chain:(ProofChain len) = TopBlockDescr;
top_block_descr_set#4ac789f3 collection:(HashmapE 96 ^TopBlockDescr) = TopBlockDescrSet;