mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 19:22:37 +00:00
* Fix tlbc crash * Burn specified fraction of fees * Add "blackhole" for burning TONs --------- Co-authored-by: SpyCheese <mikle98@yandex.ru>
582 lines
26 KiB
582 lines
26 KiB
This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP
#include "top-shard-descr.hpp"
#include "common/errorcode.h"
#include "shard.hpp"
#include "signature-set.hpp"
#include "validator-set.hpp"
#include "vm/cells.h"
#include "vm/cells/MerkleProof.h"
#include "vm/boc.h"
#include "block/block-parse.h"
#include "block/block-auto.h"
namespace ton {
namespace validator {
using td::Ref;
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
ShardTopBlockDescrQ* ShardTopBlockDescrQ::make_copy() const {
return new ShardTopBlockDescrQ{*this};
td::Status ShardTopBlockDescrQ::unpack_one_proof(BlockIdExt& cur_id, Ref<vm::Cell> proof_root, bool is_head) {
auto virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(proof_root, 1);
if (virt_root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "link for block "s + cur_id.to_str() + " inside ShardTopBlockDescr of " +
block_id_.to_str() +
" does not contain a valid Merkle proof for the block header");
RootHash virt_hash{virt_root->get_hash().bits()};
if (virt_hash != cur_id.root_hash) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "link for block "s + cur_id.to_str() + " inside ShardTopBlockDescr of " +
block_id_.to_str() +
" contains a Merkle proof with incorrect root hash: expected " +
cur_id.root_hash.to_hex() + ", found " + virt_hash.to_hex());
bool after_split;
BlockIdExt mc_blkid;
auto res = block::unpack_block_prev_blk_try(virt_root, cur_id, link_prev_, mc_blkid, after_split);
if (res.is_error()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "error in link for block "s + cur_id.to_str() + " inside ShardTopBlockDescr of " +
block_id_.to_str() + ": " + res.move_as_error().to_string());
block::gen::Block::Record blk;
block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info;
block::gen::BlockExtra::Record extra;
block::ValueFlow flow;
if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(virt_root, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info) && !info.version &&
/*&& tlb::unpack_cell(blk.extra, extra)*/) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack block header in link for block "s + cur_id.to_str());
// remove this "try ... catch ..." later and uncomment tlb::unpack_cell(blk.extra, extra) in the previous condition
try {
if (!tlb::unpack_cell(blk.extra, extra)) {
return td::Status::Error(-666,
"cannot unpack block extra header (BlockExtra) in link for block "s + cur_id.to_str());
} catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) {
// backward compatibility with older Proofs / ProofLinks
LOG(WARNING) << "virtualization error while parsing BlockExtra in proof link of " << cur_id.to_str()
<< ", setting creator_id to zero: " << err.get_msg();
CHECK(after_split == info.after_split);
if (info.gen_catchain_seqno != catchain_seqno_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, PSTRING() << "link for block " << cur_id.to_str()
<< " is invalid because block header has catchain_seqno = " << info.gen_catchain_seqno
<< " while ShardTopBlockDescr declares " << catchain_seqno_);
if (info.gen_validator_list_hash_short != validator_set_hash_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "link for block " << cur_id.to_str()
<< " is invalid because block header has validator_set_hash = "
<< info.gen_validator_list_hash_short
<< " while ShardTopBlockDescr declares " << validator_set_hash_);
if (chain_mc_blk_ids_.empty()) {
after_split_ = info.after_split;
after_merge_ = info.after_merge;
before_split_ = info.before_split;
gen_utime_ = first_gen_utime_ = info.gen_utime;
vert_seqno_ = info.vert_seq_no;
} else {
auto nx_mc_seqno = chain_mc_blk_ids_.back().id.seqno;
if (nx_mc_seqno < mc_blkid.id.seqno) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " refers to masterchain block " + mc_blkid.to_str() +
" while the next block refers to an older masterchain block " + chain_mc_blk_ids_.back().to_str());
} else if (nx_mc_seqno == mc_blkid.id.seqno && chain_mc_blk_ids_.back() != mc_blkid) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() +
" refers to masterchain block " + mc_blkid.to_str() +
" while the next block refers to a different same height masterchain block " +
if (info.before_split) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"intermediate link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " is declared to be before a split");
if (info.gen_utime > first_gen_utime_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "block creation unixtime goes back from " << info.gen_utime << " to "
<< first_gen_utime_ << " in intermediate link for blocks "
<< cur_id.to_str() << " and " << chain_blk_ids_.back().to_str());
first_gen_utime_ = info.gen_utime;
if (vert_seqno_ != BlockSeqno(info.vert_seq_no)) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "intermediate link for block " << cur_id.to_str()
<< " has vertical seqno " << info.vert_seq_no
<< " distinct from the final value in chain " << vert_seqno_);
chain_fees_.emplace_back(std::move(flow.fees_collected), std::move(flow.created));
if (!is_head) {
if (info.after_split || info.after_merge) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"intermediate link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " is after a split or a merge");
CHECK(link_prev_.size() == 1);
CHECK(link_prev_[0].id.shard == cur_id.id.shard);
if (link_prev_[0].id.seqno + 1 != cur_id.id.seqno) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"intermediate link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() +
" increases seqno by more than one from " + link_prev_[0].to_str());
cur_id = link_prev_[0];
} else {
hd_after_split_ = info.after_split;
hd_after_merge_ = info.after_merge;
CHECK(link_prev_.size() == 1U + info.after_merge);
BlockSeqno sq = link_prev_[0].id.seqno;
if (hd_after_merge_) {
sq = std::max(sq, link_prev_[1].id.seqno);
if (sq + 1 != cur_id.id.seqno) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"initial link for block "} + cur_id.to_str() + " increases seqno by more than one from " +
link_prev_[0].to_str() +
(hd_after_merge_ ? std::string{" + "} + link_prev_[1].to_str() : std::string{""}));
return td::Status::OK();
td::Status ShardTopBlockDescrQ::unpack() {
if (root_.is_null()) {
if (data_.empty()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "Shard top block description has no serialized data and no root cell");
auto res = vm::std_boc_deserialize(data_.clone());
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
root_ = res.move_as_ok();
block::gen::TopBlockDescr::Record rec;
if (!(block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.force_validate_ref(root_) && tlb::unpack_cell(root_, rec) &&
block::tlb::t_BlockIdExt.unpack(rec.proof_for.write(), block_id_))) {
std::cerr << "invalid ShardTopBlockDescr: ";
block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.print_ref(std::cerr, root_);
return td::Status::Error(-666, "Shard top block description is not a valid TopBlockDescr TL-B object");
LOG(DEBUG) << "unpacking a ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str() << " with " << rec.len << " links";
CHECK(rec.len > 0 && rec.len <= 8);
// unpack signatures
Ref<vm::Cell> sig_root = rec.signatures->prefetch_ref();
if (sig_root.not_null()) {
vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVmOrd(), sig_root};
bool have_sig;
if (!(cs.fetch_ulong(8) == 0x11 // block_signatures#11
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(32, validator_set_hash_) // validator_set_hash:uint32
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(32, catchain_seqno_) // catchain_seqno:uint32
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(32, sig_count_) // sig_count:uint32
&& cs.fetch_uint_to(64, sig_weight_) // sig_weight:uint64
&& cs.fetch_bool_to(have_sig) && have_sig == (sig_count_ > 0) &&
cs.size_ext() == ((unsigned)have_sig << 16))) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"cannot parse BlockSignatures in ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str());
sig_root_ = cs.prefetch_ref();
sig_set_ = BlockSignatureSetQ::fetch(sig_root_);
if (sig_set_.is_null() && sig_count_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"cannot deserialize signature list in ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str());
} else {
validator_set_hash_ = 0;
catchain_seqno_ = 0;
sig_count_ = 0;
sig_weight_ = 0;
if (!sig_count_ && !is_fake_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"invalid BlockSignatures in ShardTopBlockDescr for "} +
block_id_.to_str() + ": no signatures present, and fake mode is not enabled");
is_fake_ = !sig_count_;
// unpack proof link chain
auto chain = std::move(rec.chain);
BlockIdExt cur_id = block_id_;
for (int i = 0; i < rec.len; i++) {
CHECK(chain->size_ext() == (i == rec.len - 1 ? 0x10000u : 0x20000u));
auto proof = chain->prefetch_ref();
if (i < rec.len - 1) {
chain = vm::load_cell_slice_ref(chain->prefetch_ref(1));
try {
auto res = unpack_one_proof(cur_id, std::move(proof), i == rec.len - 1);
if (res.is_error()) {
return res;
} catch (vm::VmError& err) {
return td::Status::Error("error unpacking proof link for "s + cur_id.to_str() + " in ShardTopBlockDescr for " +
block_id_.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg());
} catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) {
return td::Status::Error("virtualization error unpacking proof link for "s + cur_id.to_str() +
" in ShardTopBlockDescr for " + block_id_.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg());
is_valid_ = true;
return td::Status::OK();
td::Result<Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ>> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::fetch(td::BufferSlice data, bool is_fake) {
Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ> ref{true, std::move(data), is_fake};
auto err = ref.unique_write().unpack();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
} else {
return std::move(ref);
td::Result<Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ>> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::fetch(Ref<vm::Cell> root, bool is_fake) {
Ref<ShardTopBlockDescrQ> ref{true, std::move(root), is_fake};
auto err = ref.unique_write().unpack();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
} else {
return std::move(ref);
bool ShardTopBlockDescrQ::may_be_valid(BlockHandle last_masterchain_block_handle,
Ref<MasterchainState> last_masterchain_block_state) const {
int res_flags = 0;
return prevalidate(last_masterchain_block_handle->id(), std::move(last_masterchain_block_state),
Mode::allow_next_vset, res_flags)
td::Result<int> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::validate_internal(BlockIdExt last_mc_block_id, Ref<MasterchainState> last_mc_state,
int& res_flags, int mode) const {
if (!is_valid()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "ShardTopBlockDescr is invalid or uninitialized");
CHECK(chain_blk_ids_.size() > 0 && chain_blk_ids_.size() <= 8);
CHECK(chain_mc_blk_ids_.size() == chain_blk_ids_.size());
Ref<MasterchainStateQ> state = Ref<MasterchainStateQ>(last_mc_state);
if (state.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot validate ShardTopBlockDescr: no masterchain state given");
if (last_mc_block_id.id.seqno < chain_mc_blk_ids_[0].id.seqno) {
BlockSeqno delta = chain_mc_blk_ids_[0].id.seqno - last_mc_block_id.id.seqno;
// too new
if ((mode & Mode::fail_new) || (delta > 8 && (mode & Mode::fail_too_new))) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "ShardTopBlockDescr for "s + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too new for us: it refers to masterchain block " +
chain_mc_blk_ids_[0].id.to_str() + " but we know only " +
return -1; // valid, but too new
auto config = state->get_config();
if (config->get_vert_seqno() != vert_seqno_) {
if (vert_seqno_ < config->get_vert_seqno()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str()
<< " is too old: it has vertical seqno " << vert_seqno_
<< " but we already know about " << config->get_vert_seqno());
if (mode & Mode::fail_new) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str()
<< " is too new for us: it has vertical seqno " << vert_seqno_
<< " but we know only about " << config->get_vert_seqno());
BlockSeqno next_mc_seqno = ~BlockSeqno(0);
for (const auto& mcid : chain_mc_blk_ids_) {
if (mcid.id.seqno > next_mc_seqno) {
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalid
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid because its chain refers to masterchain blocks with non-monotonic seqno");
next_mc_seqno = mcid.id.seqno;
auto valid =
(mcid.id.seqno == last_mc_block_id.id.seqno) ? (mcid == last_mc_block_id) : config->check_old_mc_block_id(mcid);
if (!valid) {
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalid
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid because it refers to masterchain block " + mcid.to_str() +
" which is not an ancestor of our block " + last_mc_block_id.to_str());
auto oldl = config->get_shard_hash(ShardIdFull{block_id_.id.workchain, block_id_.id.shard - 1}, false);
if (oldl.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid or too new because this workchain is absent from known masterchain configuration");
if (oldl->seqno() >= block_id_.id.seqno) {
// we know a shardchain block that it is at least as new as this one
if (!(mode & allow_old)) {
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalidate unless old ShardTopBlockDescr are allowed
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too old: we already know a newer shardchain block " + oldl->blk_.to_str());
if (oldl->seqno() < link_prev_[0].id.seqno) {
if (mode & Mode::fail_new) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too new for us: it starts from shardchain block " +
link_prev_[0].id.to_str() + " but we know only " + oldl->blk_.to_str());
return -1; // valid, but too new
auto oldr = oldl;
if (ton::shard_is_proper_ancestor(shard(), oldl->shard())) {
oldr = config->get_shard_hash(ShardIdFull{block_id_.id.workchain, block_id_.id.shard + 1}, false);
if (oldr.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid or too new because this workchain is absent from known masterchain configuration (?)");
if (oldr->seqno() >= block_id_.id.seqno) {
// we know a shardchain block that it is at least as new as this one
res_flags |= 1; // permanently invalidate unless old ShardTopBlockDescr are allowed
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid in a strange fashion: we already know a newer shardchain block " +
oldr->blk_.to_str() +
" but only in the right branch; corresponds to a shardchain fork?");
CHECK(ton::shard_is_proper_ancestor(shard(), oldr->shard()));
CHECK(oldl->shard() < oldr->shard());
} else {
CHECK(ton::shard_is_ancestor(oldl->shard(), shard()));
if (oldr->seqno() < link_prev_.back().id.seqno) {
if (mode & Mode::fail_new) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is too new for us: it starts from shardchain block " +
link_prev_.back().id.to_str() + " but we know only " + oldr->blk_.to_str());
return -1; // valid, but too new
unsigned clen = block_id_.id.seqno - std::max(oldl->seqno(), oldr->seqno());
CHECK(clen > 0 && clen <= 8);
CHECK(clen <= size());
if (clen < size()) {
if (chain_blk_ids_[clen] != oldl->blk_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid: it contains a reference to its ancestor " +
chain_blk_ids_[clen].to_str() +
" but the masterchain refers to another shardchain block " +
(oldl->seqno() < oldr->seqno() ? oldr->blk_.to_str() : oldl->blk_.to_str()) +
" of the same height");
CHECK(oldl->shard() == shard());
CHECK(oldl == oldr);
} else {
if (link_prev_[0] != oldl->blk_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid: it contains a reference to its ancestor " + link_prev_[0].to_str() +
" but the masterchain instead refers to another shardchain block " + oldl->blk_.to_str());
if (link_prev_.back() != oldr->blk_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" is invalid: it contains a reference to its ancestor " + link_prev_.back().to_str() +
" but the masterchain instead refers to another shardchain block " + oldr->blk_.to_str());
LOG(DEBUG) << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str() << " appears to have a valid chain of " << clen
<< " new links out of " << size();
// check validator_set_{ts,hash}
int vset_ok = 0;
auto vset = state->get_validator_set(shard());
if (vset->get_catchain_seqno() == catchain_seqno_ && vset->get_validator_set_hash() == validator_set_hash_) {
res_flags |= 4;
vset_ok = 1;
} else if (mode & allow_next_vset) {
auto nvset = state->get_next_validator_set(shard());
if (nvset->get_catchain_seqno() == catchain_seqno_ && nvset->get_validator_set_hash() == validator_set_hash_) {
vset = std::move(nvset);
res_flags |= 8;
vset_ok = 2;
if (!vset_ok) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING()
<< "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str()
<< " is invalid because it refers to shard validator set with hash "
<< validator_set_hash_ << " and catchain_seqno " << catchain_seqno_
<< " while the current masterchain configuration expects "
<< vset->get_validator_set_hash() << " and " << vset->get_catchain_seqno());
// check signatures
if ((mode & skip_check_sig) || is_fake_ || sig_ok_) {
return (int)clen;
if (sig_bad_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() + " does not have valid signatures");
auto sig_chk = vset->check_signatures(block_id_.root_hash, block_id_.file_hash, sig_set_);
if (sig_chk.is_error()) {
res_flags |= 0x21;
return td::Status::Error(-666, std::string{"ShardTopBlockDescr for "} + block_id_.to_str() +
" does not have valid signatures: " + sig_chk.move_as_error().to_string());
res_flags |= 0x10; // signatures checked ok
auto wt = sig_chk.move_as_ok();
if (wt != sig_weight_) {
res_flags |= 1;
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str()
<< " has incorrect signature weight " << sig_weight_
<< " (actual weight is " << wt << ")");
LOG(DEBUG) << "ShardTopBlockDescr for " << block_id_.to_str() << " has valid validator signatures of total weight "
<< sig_weight_ << " out of " << Ref<ValidatorSetQ>(vset)->get_total_weight();
return (int)clen;
td::Result<int> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::prevalidate(BlockIdExt last_mc_block_id, Ref<MasterchainState> last_mc_state,
int mode, int& res_flags) const {
res_flags = 0;
auto res = validate_internal(last_mc_block_id, last_mc_state, res_flags, mode);
return res;
td::Result<int> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::validate(BlockIdExt last_mc_block_id, Ref<MasterchainState> last_mc_state,
int mode, int& res_flags) {
res_flags = 0;
auto res = validate_internal(last_mc_block_id, last_mc_state, res_flags, mode);
if (res_flags & 1) {
// permanently invalid
is_valid_ = false;
if (res_flags & 0x10) {
sig_ok_ = true;
if (res_flags & 0x20) {
sig_bad_ = true;
if (res_flags & 4) {
vset_cur_ = true;
vset_next_ = false;
} else if (res_flags & 8) {
vset_cur_ = false;
vset_next_ = true;
return res;
std::vector<BlockIdExt> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::get_prev_at(int pos) const {
if (!is_valid() || pos < 0 || (unsigned)pos > size()) {
return {};
if ((unsigned)pos < size()) {
return {chain_blk_ids_.at(pos)};
} else {
return link_prev_;
Ref<block::McShardHash> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::get_prev_descr(int pos, int sum_cnt) const {
if (!is_valid() || pos < 0 || sum_cnt < 0 || (unsigned)pos >= size() || (unsigned)sum_cnt > size() ||
(unsigned)(pos + sum_cnt) > size()) {
return {};
auto virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(proof_roots_.at(pos), 1);
auto res = block::McShardHash::from_block(std::move(virt_root), chain_blk_ids_.at(pos).file_hash);
if (res.not_null()) {
auto& total_fees = res.write().fees_collected_;
auto& funds_created = res.write().funds_created_;
for (int i = 0; i < sum_cnt; i++) {
total_fees += chain_fees_.at(pos + i).first;
funds_created += chain_fees_[pos + i].second;
return res;
std::vector<td::Bits256> ShardTopBlockDescrQ::get_creator_list(int count) const {
if (!is_valid() || count < 0 || (unsigned)count > size()) {
return {};
std::vector<td::Bits256> res;
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return res;
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::finish_query() {
if (promise_) {
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::abort_query(td::Status reason) {
if (promise_) {
bool ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::fatal_error(td::Status error) {
return false;
bool ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::fatal_error(std::string err_msg, int err_code) {
return fatal_error(td::Status::Error(err_code, err_msg));
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::alarm() {
abort_query(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::timeout, "timeout in ValidateShardTopBlockDescr"));
void ValidateShardTopBlockDescr::start_up() {
auto res = ShardTopBlockDescrQ::fetch(std::move(data_), is_fake_);
if (res.is_error()) {
descr_ = res.move_as_ok();
int res_flags = 0;
auto val_res = descr_.write().validate(mc_blkid_, state_, ShardTopBlockDescrQ::Mode::allow_next_vset, res_flags);
if (val_res.is_error()) {
} // namespace validator
} // namespace ton