Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
EmelyanenkoK 6b49d6a382
Add legacy_tester for existing funC contracts (#588)
* Add legacy_tester for existing funC contracts

* Add storage-contracts and pragma options
2023-01-12 12:33:15 +03:00

382 lines
11 KiB

;; Simple wallet smart contract
#include "stdlib.fc";
(int, int) get_bridge_config() impure inline_ref {
cell bridge_config = config_param(71);
if (bridge_config.cell_null?()) {
bridge_config = config_param(-71);
if (bridge_config.cell_null?()) {
return (0, 0);
slice ds = bridge_config.begin_parse();
if (ds.slice_bits() < 512) {
return (0, 0);
;; wc always equals to -1
int bridge_address = ds~load_uint(256);
int oracles_address = ds~load_uint(256);
return (bridge_address, oracles_address);
_ unpack_state() inline_ref {
var ds = begin_parse(get_data());
var res = (ds~load_uint(32), ds~load_uint(8), ds~load_uint(8), ds~load_uint(64), ds~load_dict(), ds~load_dict(), ds~load_uint(32));
return res;
_ pack_state(cell pending_queries, cell owner_infos, int last_cleaned, int k, int n, int wallet_id, int spend_delay) inline_ref {
return begin_cell()
.store_uint(wallet_id, 32)
.store_uint(n, 8)
.store_uint(k, 8)
.store_uint(last_cleaned, 64)
_ pack_owner_info(int public_key, int flood) inline_ref {
return begin_cell()
.store_uint(public_key, 256)
.store_uint(flood, 8);
_ unpack_owner_info(slice cs) inline_ref {
return (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(8));
(int, int) check_signatures(cell public_keys, cell signatures, int hash, int cnt_bits) inline_ref {
int cnt = 0;
do {
slice cs = signatures.begin_parse();
slice signature = cs~load_bits(512);
int i = cs~load_uint(8);
signatures = cs~load_dict();
(slice public_key, var found?) = public_keys.udict_get?(8, i);
throw_unless(37, found?);
throw_unless(38, check_signature(hash, signature, public_key.preload_uint(256)));
int mask = (1 << i);
int old_cnt_bits = cnt_bits;
cnt_bits |= mask;
int should_check = cnt_bits != old_cnt_bits;
cnt -= should_check;
} until (cell_null?(signatures));
return (cnt, cnt_bits);
() recv_internal(slice in_msg) impure {
;; do nothing for internal messages
(int, cell, int, int) parse_msg(slice in_msg) inline_ref {
int mode = in_msg~load_uint(8);
var msg = in_msg~load_ref();
var msg' = msg.begin_parse();
msg'~load_uint(4); ;; flags
msg'~load_msg_addr(); ;; src
(int wc, int addr) = parse_std_addr(msg'~load_msg_addr()); ;; dest
return (mode, msg, wc, addr);
() check_proposed_query(slice in_msg) impure inline {
throw_unless(43, (slice_refs(in_msg) == 1) & (slice_bits(in_msg) == 8));
(_, _, int wc, _) = parse_msg(in_msg);
(int, int, int, slice) unpack_query_data(slice in_msg, int n, slice query, var found?, int root_i) inline_ref {
if (found?) {
throw_unless(35, query~load_int(1));
(int creator_i, int cnt, int cnt_bits, slice msg) = (query~load_uint(8), query~load_uint(8), query~load_uint(n), query);
throw_unless(36, slice_hash(msg) == slice_hash(in_msg));
return (creator_i, cnt, cnt_bits, msg);
return (root_i, 0, 0, in_msg);
(cell, ()) dec_flood(cell owner_infos, int creator_i) {
(slice owner_info, var found?) = owner_infos.udict_get?(8, creator_i);
(int public_key, int flood) = unpack_owner_info(owner_info);
owner_infos~udict_set_builder(8, creator_i, pack_owner_info(public_key, flood - 1));
return (owner_infos, ());
() try_init() impure inline_ref {
;; first query without signatures is always accepted
(int wallet_id, int n, int k, int last_cleaned, cell owner_infos, cell pending_queries, int spend_delay) = unpack_state();
throw_if(37, last_cleaned);
set_data(pack_state(pending_queries, owner_infos, 1, k, n, wallet_id, spend_delay));
(cell, cell) update_pending_queries(cell pending_queries, cell owner_infos, slice msg, int query_id, int creator_i, int cnt, int cnt_bits, int n, int k) impure inline_ref {
if (cnt >= k) {
(int bridge_address, int oracles_address) = get_bridge_config();
(_, int my_addr) = parse_std_addr(my_address());
var (mode, msg', wc, addr) = parse_msg(msg);
if ( ((wc == -1) & (addr == bridge_address)) | (oracles_address != my_addr) ) {
send_raw_message(msg', mode);
pending_queries~udict_set_builder(64, query_id, begin_cell().store_int(0, 1));
} else {
pending_queries~udict_set_builder(64, query_id, begin_cell()
.store_uint(1, 1)
.store_uint(creator_i, 8)
.store_uint(cnt, 8)
.store_uint(cnt_bits, n)
return (pending_queries, owner_infos);
(int, int) calc_boc_size(int cells, int bits, slice root) {
cells += 1;
bits += root.slice_bits();
while (root.slice_refs()) {
(cells, bits) = calc_boc_size(cells, bits, root~load_ref().begin_parse());
return (cells, bits);
() recv_external(slice in_msg) impure {
;; empty message triggers init
if (slice_empty?(in_msg)) {
return try_init();
;; Check root signature
slice root_signature = in_msg~load_bits(512);
int root_hash = slice_hash(in_msg);
int root_i = in_msg~load_uint(8);
(int wallet_id, int n, int k, int last_cleaned, cell owner_infos, cell pending_queries, int spend_delay) = unpack_state();
throw_unless(38, now() > spend_delay);
last_cleaned -= last_cleaned == 0;
(slice owner_info, var found?) = owner_infos.udict_get?(8, root_i);
throw_unless(31, found?);
(int public_key, int flood) = unpack_owner_info(owner_info);
throw_unless(32, check_signature(root_hash, root_signature, public_key));
cell signatures = in_msg~load_dict();
var hash = slice_hash(in_msg);
int query_wallet_id = in_msg~load_uint(32);
throw_unless(42, query_wallet_id == wallet_id);
int query_id = in_msg~load_uint(64);
(int cnt, int bits) = calc_boc_size(0, 0, in_msg);
throw_if(40, (cnt > 8) | (bits > 2048));
(slice query, var found?) = pending_queries.udict_get?(64, query_id);
ifnot (found?) {
flood += 1;
throw_if(39, flood > 10);
var bound = (now() << 32);
throw_if(33, query_id < bound);
(int creator_i, int cnt, int cnt_bits, slice msg) = unpack_query_data(in_msg, n, query, found?, root_i);
int mask = 1 << root_i;
throw_if(34, cnt_bits & mask);
cnt_bits |= mask;
cnt += 1;
throw_if(41, ~ found? & (cnt < k) & (bound + ((60 * 60) << 32) > query_id));
ifnot (found?) {
owner_infos~udict_set_builder(8, root_i, pack_owner_info(public_key, flood));
(pending_queries, owner_infos) = update_pending_queries(pending_queries, owner_infos, msg, query_id, creator_i, cnt, cnt_bits, n, k);
set_data(pack_state(pending_queries, owner_infos, last_cleaned, k, n, wallet_id, spend_delay));
int need_save = 0;
ifnot (cell_null?(signatures) | (cnt >= k)) {
(int new_cnt, cnt_bits) = check_signatures(owner_infos, signatures, hash, cnt_bits);
cnt += new_cnt;
(pending_queries, owner_infos) = update_pending_queries(pending_queries, owner_infos, msg, query_id, creator_i, cnt, cnt_bits, n, k);
need_save = -1;
bound -= (64 << 32); ;; clean up records expired more than 64 seconds ago
int old_last_cleaned = last_cleaned;
do {
var (pending_queries', i, query, f) = pending_queries.udict_delete_get_min(64);
if (f) {
f = (i < bound);
if (f) {
if (query~load_int(1)) {
pending_queries = pending_queries';
last_cleaned = i;
need_save = -1;
} until (~ f);
if (need_save) {
set_data(pack_state(pending_queries, owner_infos, last_cleaned, k, n, wallet_id, spend_delay));
;; Get methods
;; returns -1 for processed queries, 0 for unprocessed, 1 for unknown (forgotten)
(int, int) get_query_state(int query_id) method_id {
(_, int n, _, int last_cleaned, _, cell pending_queries, _) = unpack_state();
(slice cs, var found) = pending_queries.udict_get?(64, query_id);
if (found) {
if (cs~load_int(1)) {
cs~load_uint(8 + 8);
return (0, cs~load_uint(n));
} else {
return (-1, 0);
} else {
return (-(query_id <= last_cleaned), 0);
int processed?(int query_id) method_id {
(int x, _) = get_query_state(query_id);
return x;
cell create_init_state(int wallet_id, int n, int k, cell owners_info, int spend_delay) method_id {
return pack_state(new_dict(), owners_info, 0, k, n, wallet_id, spend_delay);
cell merge_list(cell a, cell b) {
if (cell_null?(a)) {
return b;
if (cell_null?(b)) {
return a;
slice as = a.begin_parse();
if (as.slice_refs() != 0) {
cell tail = merge_list(as~load_ref(), b);
return begin_cell().store_slice(as).store_ref(tail).end_cell();
;; as~skip_bits(1);
return begin_cell().store_slice(as).store_dict(b).end_cell();
cell get_public_keys() method_id {
(_, _, _, _, cell public_keys, _, _) = unpack_state();
return public_keys;
(int, int) check_query_signatures(cell query) method_id {
slice cs = query.begin_parse();
slice root_signature = cs~load_bits(512);
int root_hash = slice_hash(cs);
int root_i = cs~load_uint(8);
cell public_keys = get_public_keys();
(slice public_key, var found?) = public_keys.udict_get?(8, root_i);
throw_unless(31, found?);
throw_unless(32, check_signature(root_hash, root_signature, public_key.preload_uint(256)));
int mask = 1 << root_i;
cell signatures = cs~load_dict();
if (cell_null?(signatures)) {
return (1, mask);
(int cnt, mask) = check_signatures(public_keys, signatures, slice_hash(cs), mask);
return (cnt + 1, mask);
int message_signed_by_id?(int id, int query_id) method_id {
(_, int n, _, _, _, cell pending_queries, _) = unpack_state();
(var cs, var f) = pending_queries.udict_get?(64, query_id);
if (f) {
if (cs~load_int(1)) {
int cnt_bits = cs.skip_bits(8 + 8).preload_uint(n);
if (cnt_bits & (1 << id)) {
return -1;
return 0;
return -1;
return 0;
cell messages_by_mask(int mask) method_id {
(_, int n, _, _, _, cell pending_queries, _) = unpack_state();
int i = -1;
cell a = new_dict();
do {
(i, var cs, var f) = pending_queries.udict_get_next?(64, i);
if (f) {
if (cs~load_int(1)) {
int cnt_bits = cs.skip_bits(8 + 8).preload_uint(n);
if (cnt_bits & mask) {
a~udict_set_builder(64, i, begin_cell().store_slice(cs));
} until (~ f);
return a;
cell get_messages_unsigned_by_id(int id) method_id {
return messages_by_mask(1 << id);
cell get_messages_unsigned() method_id {
return messages_by_mask(~ 0);
(int, int) get_n_k() method_id {
(_, int n, int k, _, _, _, _) = unpack_state();
return (n, k);
cell merge_inner_queries(cell a, cell b) method_id {
slice ca = a.begin_parse();
slice cb = b.begin_parse();
cell list_a = ca~load_dict();
cell list_b = cb~load_dict();
throw_unless(31, slice_hash(ca) == slice_hash(cb));
return begin_cell()
.store_dict(merge_list(list_a, list_b))
int get_lock_timeout() method_id {
(_, _, _, _, _, _, int spend_delay) = unpack_state();
return spend_delay;