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synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
* @fif_codegen to match compiled.fif against an expected pattern * @fif_codegen_avoid to ensure compiled.fif doesn't contain a substring * both in Python and JS run_tests * consider tests/codegen_check_demo.fc for examples
390 lines
16 KiB
390 lines
16 KiB
# Usage: `run_tests.py tests_dir` OR `run_tests.py test_file.fc`
# from current dir, providing some env (see getenv() calls).
# Every .fc file should provide {- testcase description in a comment -}, consider tests/ folder.
# Tests for FunC can be
# * positive (compiled to .fif, run with fift, compared output with the one expected)
# * negative (compilation fails, and it's expected; patterns in stderr can be specified)
# Note, that there is also run_tests.js to test FunC compiled to WASM.
# Don't forget to keep it identical to Python version!
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
def getenv(name, default=None):
if name in os.environ:
return os.environ[name]
if default is None:
print("Environment variable", name, "is not set", file=sys.stderr)
return default
FIFT_LIBS_FOLDER = getenv("FIFTPATH") # this env is needed for fift to work properly
TMP_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
class CmdLineOptions:
def __init__(self, argv: list[str]):
if len(argv) != 2:
print("Usage: run_tests.py tests_dir OR run_tests.py test_file.fc", file=sys.stderr)
if not os.path.exists(argv[1]):
print("Input '%s' doesn't exist" % argv[1], file=sys.stderr)
if os.path.isdir(argv[1]):
self.tests_dir = argv[1]
self.test_file = None
self.tests_dir = os.path.dirname(argv[1])
self.test_file = argv[1]
def find_tests(self) -> list[str]:
if self.test_file is not None: # an option to run (debug) a single test
return [self.test_file]
tests = [f for f in os.listdir(self.tests_dir) if f.endswith(".fc") or f.endswith(".func")]
return [os.path.join(self.tests_dir, f) for f in tests]
class ParseInputError(Exception):
class FuncCompilationFailedError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str, stderr: str):
self.stderr = stderr
class FuncCompilationSucceededError(Exception):
class FiftExecutionFailedError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str, stderr: str):
self.stderr = stderr
class CompareOutputError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str, output: str):
self.output = output
class CompareFifCodegenError(Exception):
class FuncTestCaseInputOutput:
In positive tests, there are several testcases "input X should produce output Y".
They are written as a table:
TESTCASE | method_id | input (one or several) | output
reJustNumber = re.compile("[-+]?\d+")
reMathExpr = re.compile("[0x123456789()+\-*/<>]+")
def __init__(self, method_id_str: str, input_str: str, output_str: str):
processed_inputs = []
for in_arg in input_str.split(" "):
if len(in_arg) == 0:
elif in_arg.startswith("x{") or FuncTestCaseInputOutput.reJustNumber.fullmatch(in_arg):
elif FuncTestCaseInputOutput.reMathExpr.fullmatch(in_arg):
raise ParseInputError("'%s' can't be evaluated" % in_arg)
self.method_id = int(method_id_str)
self.input = " ".join(processed_inputs)
self.expected_output = output_str
def check(self, stdout_lines: list[str], line_idx: int):
if stdout_lines[line_idx] != self.expected_output:
raise CompareOutputError("error on case %d: expected '%s', found '%s'" % (line_idx + 1, self.expected_output, stdout_lines[line_idx]), "\n".join(stdout_lines))
class FuncTestCaseStderr:
@stderr checks, when compilation fails, that stderr (compilation error) is expected.
If it's multiline, all lines must be present in specified order.
def __init__(self, stderr_pattern: list[str], avoid: bool):
self.stderr_pattern = stderr_pattern
self.avoid = avoid
def check(self, stderr: str):
line_match = self.find_pattern_in_stderr(stderr.splitlines())
if line_match == -1 and not self.avoid:
raise CompareOutputError("pattern not found in stderr:\n%s" %
"\n".join(map(lambda x: " " + x, self.stderr_pattern)), stderr)
elif line_match != -1 and self.avoid:
raise CompareOutputError("pattern found (line %d), but not expected to be:\n%s" %
(line_match + 1, "\n".join(map(lambda x: " " + x, self.stderr_pattern))), stderr)
def find_pattern_in_stderr(self, stderr: list[str]) -> int:
for line_start in range(len(stderr)):
if self.try_match_pattern(0, stderr, line_start):
return line_start
return -1
def try_match_pattern(self, pattern_offset: int, stderr: list[str], offset: int) -> bool:
if pattern_offset >= len(self.stderr_pattern):
return True
if offset >= len(stderr):
return False
line_pattern = self.stderr_pattern[pattern_offset]
line_output = stderr[offset]
return line_output.find(line_pattern) != -1 and self.try_match_pattern(pattern_offset + 1, stderr, offset + 1)
class FuncTestCaseFifCodegen:
@fif_codegen checks that contents of compiled.fif matches the expected pattern.
@fif_codegen_avoid checks that is does not match the pattern.
The pattern is a multiline piece of fift code, optionally with "..." meaning "any lines here".
See tests/codegen_check_demo.fc of how it looks.
A notable thing about indentations (spaces at line starts):
Taking them into account will complicate the code without reasonable profit,
that's why we just trim every string.
And one more word about //comments. FunC inserts them into fift output.
If a line in the pattern contains a //comment, it's expected to be equal.
If a line does not, we just compare a command.
def __init__(self, fif_pattern: list[str], avoid: bool):
self.fif_pattern = [s.strip() for s in fif_pattern]
self.avoid = avoid
def check(self, fif_output: list[str]):
# in case there are no comments at all (-S not set, or from wasm), drop them from fif_pattern
has_comments = any("//" in line and "generated from" not in line for line in fif_output)
if not has_comments:
self.fif_pattern = [FuncTestCaseFifCodegen.split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(s)[0] for s in self.fif_pattern]
self.fif_pattern = [s for s in self.fif_pattern if s != ""]
line_match = self.find_pattern_in_fif_output(fif_output)
if line_match == -1 and not self.avoid:
raise CompareFifCodegenError("pattern not found:\n%s" %
"\n".join(map(lambda x: " " + x, self.fif_pattern)))
elif line_match != -1 and self.avoid:
raise CompareFifCodegenError("pattern found (line %d), but not expected to be:\n%s" %
(line_match + 1, "\n".join(map(lambda x: " " + x, self.fif_pattern))))
def find_pattern_in_fif_output(self, fif_output: list[str]) -> int:
for line_start in range(len(fif_output)):
if self.try_match_pattern(0, fif_output, line_start):
return line_start
return -1
def try_match_pattern(self, pattern_offset: int, fif_output: list[str], offset: int) -> bool:
if pattern_offset >= len(self.fif_pattern):
return True
if offset >= len(fif_output):
return False
line_pattern = self.fif_pattern[pattern_offset]
line_output = fif_output[offset]
if line_pattern != "...":
if not FuncTestCaseFifCodegen.does_line_match(line_pattern, line_output):
return False
return self.try_match_pattern(pattern_offset + 1, fif_output, offset + 1)
while offset < len(fif_output):
if self.try_match_pattern(pattern_offset + 1, fif_output, offset):
return True
offset = offset + 1
return False
def split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(trimmed_line: str) -> tuple[str, str | None]:
pos = trimmed_line.find("//")
if pos == -1:
return trimmed_line, None
return trimmed_line[:pos].rstrip(), trimmed_line[pos + 2:].lstrip()
def does_line_match(line_pattern: str, line_output: str) -> bool:
cmd_pattern, comment_pattern = FuncTestCaseFifCodegen.split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(line_pattern)
cmd_output, comment_output = FuncTestCaseFifCodegen.split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(line_output.strip())
return cmd_pattern == cmd_output and (comment_pattern is None or comment_pattern == comment_output)
class FuncTestFile:
def __init__(self, func_filename: str, artifacts_folder: str):
self.line_idx = 0
self.func_filename = func_filename
self.artifacts_folder = artifacts_folder
self.compilation_should_fail = False
self.stderr_includes: list[FuncTestCaseStderr] = []
self.input_output: list[FuncTestCaseInputOutput] = []
self.fif_codegen: list[FuncTestCaseFifCodegen] = []
def parse_input_from_func_file(self):
with open(self.func_filename, "r") as fd:
lines = fd.read().splitlines()
self.line_idx = 0
while self.line_idx < len(lines):
line = lines[self.line_idx]
if line.startswith("TESTCASE"):
s = [x.strip() for x in line.split("|")]
if len(s) != 4:
raise ParseInputError("incorrect format of TESTCASE: %s" % line)
self.input_output.append(FuncTestCaseInputOutput(s[1], s[2], s[3]))
elif line.startswith("@compilation_should_fail"):
self.compilation_should_fail = True
elif line.startswith("@stderr"):
self.stderr_includes.append(FuncTestCaseStderr(self.parse_string_value(lines), False))
elif line.startswith("@fif_codegen_avoid"):
self.fif_codegen.append(FuncTestCaseFifCodegen(self.parse_string_value(lines), True))
elif line.startswith("@fif_codegen"):
self.fif_codegen.append(FuncTestCaseFifCodegen(self.parse_string_value(lines), False))
self.line_idx = self.line_idx + 1
if len(self.input_output) == 0 and not self.compilation_should_fail:
raise ParseInputError("no TESTCASE present")
if len(self.input_output) != 0 and self.compilation_should_fail:
raise ParseInputError("TESTCASE present, but compilation_should_fail")
def parse_string_value(self, lines: list[str]) -> list[str]:
# a tag must be followed by a space (single-line), e.g. '@stderr some text'
# or be a multi-line value, surrounded by """
line = lines[self.line_idx]
pos_sp = line.find(' ')
is_multi_line = lines[self.line_idx + 1] == '"""'
is_single_line = pos_sp != -1
if not is_single_line and not is_multi_line:
raise ParseInputError('%s value is empty (not followed by a string or a multiline """)' % line)
if is_single_line and is_multi_line:
raise ParseInputError('%s value is both single-line and followed by """' % line[:pos_sp])
if is_single_line:
return [line[pos_sp + 1:].strip()]
self.line_idx += 2
s_multiline = []
while self.line_idx < len(lines) and lines[self.line_idx] != '"""':
self.line_idx = self.line_idx + 1
return s_multiline
def get_compiled_fif_filename(self):
return self.artifacts_folder + "/compiled.fif"
def get_runner_fif_filename(self):
return self.artifacts_folder + "/runner.fif"
def run_and_check(self):
res = subprocess.run([FUNC_EXECUTABLE, "-o", self.get_compiled_fif_filename(), "-SPA", self.func_filename], capture_output=True, timeout=10)
exit_code = res.returncode
stderr = str(res.stderr, "utf-8")
stdout = str(res.stdout, "utf-8")
if exit_code == 0 and self.compilation_should_fail:
raise FuncCompilationSucceededError("compilation succeeded, but it should have failed")
if exit_code != 0 and self.compilation_should_fail:
for should_include in self.stderr_includes:
if exit_code != 0 and not self.compilation_should_fail:
raise FuncCompilationFailedError("func exit_code = %d" % exit_code, stderr)
with open(self.get_runner_fif_filename(), "w") as f:
f.write("\"%s\" include <s constant code\n" % self.get_compiled_fif_filename())
for t in self.input_output:
f.write("%s %d code 1 runvmx abort\"exitcode is not 0\" .s cr { drop } depth 1- times\n" % (t.input, t.method_id))
res = subprocess.run([FIFT_EXECUTABLE, self.get_runner_fif_filename()], capture_output=True, timeout=10)
exit_code = res.returncode
stderr = str(res.stderr, "utf-8")
stdout = str(res.stdout, "utf-8")
stdout_lines = [x.strip() for x in stdout.split("\n")]
stdout_lines = [x for x in stdout_lines if x != ""]
if exit_code != 0:
raise FiftExecutionFailedError("fift exit_code = %d" % exit_code, stderr)
if len(stdout_lines) != len(self.input_output):
raise CompareOutputError("unexpected number of fift output: %d lines, but %d testcases" % (len(stdout_lines), len(self.input_output)), stdout)
for i in range(len(stdout_lines)):
self.input_output[i].check(stdout_lines, i)
if len(self.fif_codegen):
with(open(self.get_compiled_fif_filename()) as fd):
fif_output = fd.readlines()
for fif_codegen in self.fif_codegen:
def run_all_tests(tests: list[str]):
for ti in range(len(tests)):
func_filename = tests[ti]
print("Running test %d/%d: %s" % (ti + 1, len(tests), func_filename), file=sys.stderr)
artifacts_folder = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, func_filename)
testcase = FuncTestFile(func_filename, artifacts_folder)
if not os.path.exists(artifacts_folder):
if testcase.compilation_should_fail:
print(" OK, compilation failed as it should", file=sys.stderr)
print(" OK, %d cases" % len(testcase.input_output), file=sys.stderr)
except ParseInputError as e:
print(" Error parsing input (cur line #%d):" % (testcase.line_idx + 1), e, file=sys.stderr)
except FuncCompilationFailedError as e:
print(" Error compiling func:", e, file=sys.stderr)
print(" stderr:", file=sys.stderr)
print(e.stderr.rstrip(), file=sys.stderr)
except FuncCompilationSucceededError as e:
print(" Error:", e, file=sys.stderr)
except FiftExecutionFailedError as e:
print(" Error executing fift:", e, file=sys.stderr)
print(" stderr:", file=sys.stderr)
print(e.stderr.rstrip(), file=sys.stderr)
print(" compiled.fif at:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename(), file=sys.stderr)
except CompareOutputError as e:
print(" Mismatch in output:", e, file=sys.stderr)
print(" Full output:", file=sys.stderr)
print(e.output.rstrip(), file=sys.stderr)
print(" Was compiled to:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename(), file=sys.stderr)
except CompareFifCodegenError as e:
print(" Mismatch in fif codegen:", e, file=sys.stderr)
print(" Was compiled to:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename(), file=sys.stderr)
print(open(testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename()).read(), file=sys.stderr)
tests = CmdLineOptions(sys.argv).find_tests()
print("Found", len(tests), "tests", file=sys.stderr)
print("Done, %d tests" % len(tests), file=sys.stderr)