local net = require "luci.model.network".init() local sys = require "luci.sys" local ifaces = sys.net:devices() local m, s, o m = Map("omr-tracker", translate("OMR-Tracker")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowsocks", translate("ShadowSocks tracker Settings"), translate("Detect if ShadowSocks is down and stop traffic redirection over it.")) s.anonymous = true s.addremove = false local sdata = m:get('shadowsocks') if not sdata then m:set('shadowsocks', nil, 'shadowsocks') m:set('shadowsocks', 'enabled', "1") end o = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable"), translate("When tracker is disabled, connection failover is also disabled")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "timeout", translate("Timeout (s)")) o.placeholder = "1" o.default = "1" o.datatype = "range(1, 100)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "tries", translate("Tries")) o.placeholder = "4" o.default = "4" o.datatype = "range(1, 10)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "interval", translate("Retry interval (s)")) o.placeholder = "2" o.default = "2" o.datatype = "range(1, 100)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(DynamicList, "hosts", translate("Hosts"), translate("IPs or domains must be available over http")) o.placeholder = "bing.com" o.default = { "bing.com", "google.com" } o.rmempty = false s = m:section(TypedSection, "defaults", translate("Defaults Settings"), translate("OMR-Tracker detect when a connection is down and execute needed scripts")) s.anonymous = true o = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable"), translate("When tracker is disabled, connection failover is also disabled")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "timeout", translate("Timeout (s)")) o.placeholder = "1" o.default = "1" o.datatype = "range(1, 100)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "tries", translate("Tries")) o.placeholder = "4" o.default = "4" o.datatype = "range(1, 10)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "interval", translate("Retry interval (s)")) o.placeholder = "2" o.default = "2" o.datatype = "range(1, 100)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(ListValue, "type", translate("Type"), translate("Always ping gateway, then test connection by ping, httping or dns. None mode only ping gateway.")) o:value("ping","ping") o:value("httping","httping") o:value("dns","dns") o:value("none","none") o = s:option(Flag, "mail_alert", translate("Mail alert"), translate("Send a mail when connection state change")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o = s:option(DynamicList, "hosts", translate("Hosts")) o.placeholder = "" o.default = { "", "" } o.rmempty = false s = m:section(TypedSection, "interface", translate("Interfaces")) s.template_addremove = "omr-tracker/cbi-select-add" s.addremove = true s.add_select_options = { } s.add_select_options[''] = '' for _, iface in ipairs(ifaces) do if not (iface == "lo" or iface:match("^ifb.*")) then s.add_select_options[iface] = iface end end o = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "timeout", translate("Timeout (s)")) o.placeholder = "1" o.default = "1" o.datatype = "range(1, 100)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "tries", translate("Tries")) o.placeholder = "4" o.default = "4" o.datatype = "range(1, 10)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "interval", translate("Retry interval (s)")) o.placeholder = "2" o.default = "2" o.datatype = "range(1, 100)" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(ListValue, "type", translate("Type"), translate("Always ping gateway, then test connection by ping, httping or dns. None mode only ping gateway.")) o:value("ping","ping") o:value("httping","httping") o:value("dns","dns") o:value("none","none") o = s:option(Flag, "mail_alert", translate("Mail alert"), translate("Send a mail when connection status change. You need to configure e-mail settings here.")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o = s:option(DynamicList, "hosts", translate("Hosts")) o.placeholder = "" o.default = { "", "" } o.rmempty = false return m