--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- require "luci.util" require("luci.tools.webadmin") local dm = require "luci.model.diskman" -- Use (non-UCI) SimpleForm since we have no related config file m = SimpleForm("diskman", translate("DiskMan"), translate("Manage Disks over LuCI.")) m.template = "diskman/cbi/xsimpleform" m:append(Template("diskman/disk_info")) -- disable submit and reset button m.submit = false m.reset = false -- rescan disks rescan = m:section(SimpleSection) rescan_button = rescan:option(Button, "_rescan") rescan_button.inputtitle= translate("Rescan Disks") rescan_button.template = "diskman/cbi/inlinebutton" rescan_button.inputstyle = "add" rescan_button.forcewrite = true rescan_button.write = function(self, section, value) luci.util.exec("echo '- - -' | tee /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/scan > /dev/null") if dm.command.mdadm then luci.util.exec(dm.command.mdadm .. " --assemble --scan") end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman")) end -- disks local disks = dm.list_devices() d = m:section(Table, disks, translate("Disks")) d.config = "disk" -- option(type, id(key of table), text) d:option(DummyValue, "path", translate("Path")) d:option(DummyValue, "model", translate("Model")) d:option(DummyValue, "sn", translate("Serial Number")) d:option(DummyValue, "size_formated", translate("Size")) d:option(DummyValue, "temp", translate("Temp")) -- d:option(DummyValue, "sec_size", translate("Sector Size ")) d:option(DummyValue, "p_table", translate("Partition Table")) d:option(DummyValue, "sata_ver", translate("SATA Version")) -- d:option(DummyValue, "rota_rate", translate("Rotation Rate")) d:option(DummyValue, "health", translate("Health")) d:option(DummyValue, "status", translate("Status")) d.extedit = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman/partition/%s") -- raid devices if dm.command.mdadm then local raid_devices = dm.list_raid_devices() -- raid_devices = diskmanager.getRAIDdevices() if next(raid_devices) ~= nil then local r = m:section(Table, raid_devices, translate("RAID Devices")) r.config = "_raid" r:option(DummyValue, "path", translate("Path")) r:option(DummyValue, "level", translate("RAID mode")) r:option(DummyValue, "size_formated", translate("Size")) r:option(DummyValue, "p_table", translate("Partition Table")) r:option(DummyValue, "status", translate("Status")) r:option(DummyValue, "members_str", translate("Members")) r:option(DummyValue, "active", translate("Active")) r.extedit = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman/partition/%s") end end -- btrfs devices if dm.command.btrfs then btrfs_devices = dm.list_btrfs_devices() if next(btrfs_devices) ~= nil then local table_btrfs = m:section(Table, btrfs_devices, translate("Btrfs")) table_btrfs:option(DummyValue, "uuid", translate("UUID")) table_btrfs:option(DummyValue, "label", translate("Label")) table_btrfs:option(DummyValue, "members", translate("Members")) -- sieze is error, since there is RAID -- table_btrfs:option(DummyValue, "size_formated", translate("Size")) table_btrfs:option(DummyValue, "used_formated", translate("Usage")) table_btrfs.extedit = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman/btrfs/%s") end end -- mount point local mount_point = dm.get_mount_points() local _mount_point = {} table.insert( mount_point, { device = 0 } ) local table_mp = m:section(Table, mount_point, translate("Mount Point")) local v_device = table_mp:option(Value, "device", translate("Device")) v_device.render = function(self, section, scope) if mount_point[section].device == 0 then self.template = "cbi/value" self.forcewrite = true for dev, info in pairs(disks) do for i, v in ipairs(info.partitions) do self:value("/dev/".. v.name, "/dev/".. v.name .. " ".. v.size_formated) end end Value.render(self, section, scope) else self.template = "cbi/dvalue" DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end v_device.write = function(self, section, value) _mount_point.device = value and value:gsub("%s+", "") or "" end local v_fs = table_mp:option(Value, "fs", translate("File System")) v_fs.render = function(self, section, scope) if mount_point[section].device == 0 then self.template = "cbi/value" self:value("auto", "auto") self.default = "auto" self.forcewrite = true Value.render(self, section, scope) else self.template = "cbi/dvalue" DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end v_fs.write = function(self, section, value) _mount_point.fs = value and value:gsub("%s+", "") or "" end local v_mount_option = table_mp:option(Value, "mount_options", translate("Mount Options")) v_mount_option.render = function(self, section, scope) if mount_point[section].device == 0 then self.template = "cbi/value" self.placeholder = "rw,noauto" self.forcewrite = true Value.render(self, section, scope) else self.template = "cbi/dvalue" local mp = mount_point[section].mount_options mount_point[section].mount_options = nil local length = 0 for k in mp:gmatch("([^,]+)") do mount_point[section].mount_options = mount_point[section].mount_options and (mount_point[section].mount_options .. ",") or "" if length > 20 then mount_point[section].mount_options = mount_point[section].mount_options.. "
" length = 0 end mount_point[section].mount_options = mount_point[section].mount_options .. k length = length + #k end self.rawhtml = true -- mount_point[section].mount_options = #mount_point[section].mount_options > 50 and mount_point[section].mount_options:sub(1,50) .. "..." or mount_point[section].mount_options DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end v_mount_option.write = function(self, section, value) _mount_point.mount_options = value and value:gsub("%s+", "") or "" end local v_mount_point = table_mp:option(Value, "mount_point", translate("Mount Point")) v_mount_point.render = function(self, section, scope) if mount_point[section].device == 0 then self.template = "cbi/value" self.placeholder = "/media/diskX" self.forcewrite = true Value.render(self, section, scope) else self.template = "cbi/dvalue" local new_mp = "" local v_mp_d for v_mp_d in self["section"]["data"][section]["mount_point"]:gmatch('[^/]+') do if #v_mp_d > 12 then new_mp = new_mp .. "/" .. v_mp_d:sub(1,7) .. ".." .. v_mp_d:sub(-4) else new_mp = new_mp .."/".. v_mp_d end end self["section"]["data"][section]["mount_point"] = ''..new_mp..'' self.rawhtml = true DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end v_mount_point.write = function(self, section, value) _mount_point.mount_point = value end local btn_umount = table_mp:option(Button, "_mount", translate("Mount")) btn_umount.forcewrite = true btn_umount.render = function(self, section, scope) if mount_point[section].device == 0 then self.inputtitle = translate("Mount") btn_umount.inputstyle = "add" else self.inputtitle = translate("Umount") btn_umount.inputstyle = "remove" end Button.render(self, section, scope) end btn_umount.write = function(self, section, value) local res if value == translate("Mount") then if not _mount_point.mount_point or not _mount_point.device then return end luci.util.exec("mkdir -p ".. _mount_point.mount_point) res = luci.util.exec(dm.command.mount .. " ".. _mount_point.device .. (_mount_point.fs and (" -t ".. _mount_point.fs )or "") .. (_mount_point.mount_options and (" -o " .. _mount_point.mount_options.. " ") or " ").._mount_point.mount_point .. " 2>&1") elseif value == translate("Umount") then res = luci.util.exec(dm.command.umount .. " "..mount_point[section].mount_point .. " 2>&1") end if res:match("^mount:") or res:match("^umount:") then m.errmessage = luci.util.pcdata(res) else luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman")) end end if dm.command.mdadm or dm.command.btrfs then local creation_section = m:section(TypedSection, "_creation") creation_section.cfgsections=function() return {translate("Creation")} end creation_section:tab("raid", translate("RAID"), translate("RAID Creation")) creation_section:tab("btrfs", translate("Btrfs"), translate("Multiple Devices Btrfs Creation")) -- raid functions if dm.command.mdadm then local rname, rmembers, rlevel local r_name = creation_section:taboption("raid", Value, "_rname", translate("Raid Name")) r_name.placeholder = "/dev/md0" r_name.write = function(self, section, value) rname = value end local r_level = creation_section:taboption("raid", ListValue, "_rlevel", translate("Raid Level")) local valid_raid = luci.util.exec("lsmod | grep md_mod") if valid_raid:match("linear") then r_level:value("linear", "Linear") end if valid_raid:match("raid456") then r_level:value("5", "Raid 5") r_level:value("6", "Raid 6") end if valid_raid:match("raid1") then r_level:value("1", "Raid 1") end if valid_raid:match("raid0") then r_level:value("0", "Raid 0") end if valid_raid:match("raid10") then r_level:value("10", "Raid 10") end r_level.write = function(self, section, value) rlevel = value end local r_member = creation_section:taboption("raid", DynamicList, "_rmember", translate("Raid Member")) for dev, info in pairs(disks) do if not info.inuse and #info.partitions == 0 then r_member:value(info.path, info.path.. " ".. info.size_formated) end for i, v in ipairs(info.partitions) do if not v.inuse then r_member:value("/dev/".. v.name, "/dev/".. v.name .. " ".. v.size_formated) end end end r_member.write = function(self, section, value) rmembers = value end local r_create = creation_section:taboption("raid", Button, "_rcreate") r_create.render = function(self, section, scope) self.title = " " self.inputtitle = translate("Create Raid") self.inputstyle = "add" Button.render(self, section, scope) end r_create.write = function(self, section, value) -- mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=stripe --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb6 /dev/sdc5 local res = dm.create_raid(rname, rlevel, rmembers) if res and res:match("^ERR") then m.errmessage = luci.util.pcdata(res) return end dm.gen_mdadm_config() luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman")) end end -- btrfs if dm.command.btrfs then local blabel, bmembers, blevel local btrfs_label = creation_section:taboption("btrfs", Value, "_blabel", translate("Btrfs Label")) btrfs_label.write = function(self, section, value) blabel = value end local btrfs_level = creation_section:taboption("btrfs", ListValue, "_blevel", translate("Btrfs Raid Level")) btrfs_level:value("single", "Single") btrfs_level:value("raid0", "Raid 0") btrfs_level:value("raid1", "Raid 1") btrfs_level:value("raid10", "Raid 10") btrfs_level.write = function(self, section, value) blevel = value end local btrfs_member = creation_section:taboption("btrfs", DynamicList, "_bmember", translate("Btrfs Member")) for dev, info in pairs(disks) do if not info.inuse and #info.partitions == 0 then btrfs_member:value(info.path, info.path.. " ".. info.size_formated) end for i, v in ipairs(info.partitions) do if not v.inuse then btrfs_member:value("/dev/".. v.name, "/dev/".. v.name .. " ".. v.size_formated) end end end btrfs_member.write = function(self, section, value) bmembers = value end local btrfs_create = creation_section:taboption("btrfs", Button, "_bcreate") btrfs_create.render = function(self, section, scope) self.title = " " self.inputtitle = translate("Create Btrfs") self.inputstyle = "add" Button.render(self, section, scope) end btrfs_create.write = function(self, section, value) -- mkfs.btrfs -L label -d blevel /dev/sda /dev/sdb local res = dm.create_btrfs(blabel, blevel, bmembers) if res and res:match("^ERR") then m.errmessage = luci.util.pcdata(res) return end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/diskman")) end end end return m