--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2021 Florian Eckert Copyright 2021 lisaac ]]-- local uci = (require "luci.model.uci").cursor() local m, s, o m = Map("dockerd", translate("Docker - Configuration"), translate("DockerMan is a simple docker manager client for LuCI")) if nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/dockerd") and not m.uci:get_bool("dockerd", "dockerman", "remote_endpoint") then s = m:section(NamedSection, "globals", "section", translate("Docker Daemon settings")) o = s:option(Flag, "auto_start", translate("Auto start")) o.rmempty = false o.write = function(self, section, value) if value == "1" then luci.util.exec("/etc/init.d/dockerd enable") else luci.util.exec("/etc/init.d/dockerd disable") end m.uci:set("dockerd", "globals", "auto_start", value) end o = s:option(Value, "data_root", translate("Docker Root Dir")) o.placeholder = "/opt/docker/" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(Value, "bip", translate("Default bridge"), translate("Configure the default bridge network")) o.placeholder = "" o.datatype = "ipaddr" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(DynamicList, "registry_mirrors", translate("Registry Mirrors"), translate("It replaces the daemon registry mirrors with a new set of registry mirrors")) o:value("https://hub-mirror.c.163.com", "https://hub-mirror.c.163.com") o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o.forcewrite = true o = s:option(ListValue, "log_level", translate("Log Level"), translate('Set the logging level')) o:value("debug", translate("Debug")) o:value("", translate("Info")) -- This is the default debug level from the deamon is optin is not set o:value("warn", translate("Warning")) o:value("error", translate("Error")) o:value("fatal", translate("Fatal")) o.rmempty = true o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(DynamicList, "hosts", translate("Client connection"), translate('Specifies where the Docker daemon will listen for client connections (default: unix:///var/run/docker.sock)')) o:value("unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock") o:value("tcp://", "tcp://") o.rmempty = true o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) end s = m:section(NamedSection, "dockerman", "section", translate("DockerMan settings")) s:tab("ac", translate("Access Control")) s:tab("dockerman", translate("DockerMan")) o = s:taboption("dockerman", Flag, "remote_endpoint", translate("Remote Endpoint"), translate("Connect to remote docker endpoint")) o.rmempty = false o.validate = function(self, value, sid) local res = luci.http.formvaluetable("cbid.dockerd") if res["dockerman.remote_endpoint"] == "1" then if res["dockerman.remote_port"] and res["dockerman.remote_port"] ~= "" and res["dockerman.remote_host"] and res["dockerman.remote_host"] ~= "" then return 1 else return nil, translate("Please input the PORT or HOST IP of remote docker instance!") end else if not res["dockerman.socket_path"] then return nil, translate("Please input the SOCKET PATH of docker daemon!") end end return 0 end o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "socket_path", translate("Docker Socket Path")) o.default = "/var/run/docker.sock" o.placeholder = "/var/run/docker.sock" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "remote_host", translate("Remote Host"), translate("Host or IP Address for the connection to a remote docker instance")) o.datatype = "host" o.placeholder = "" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1) o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "remote_port", translate("Remote Port")) o.placeholder = "2375" o.datatype = "port" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1) -- o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "status_path", translate("Action Status Tempfile Path"), translate("Where you want to save the docker status file")) -- o = s:taboption("dockerman", Flag, "debug", translate("Enable Debug"), translate("For debug, It shows all docker API actions of luci-app-dockerman in Debug Tempfile Path")) -- o.enabled="true" -- o.disabled="false" -- o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "debug_path", translate("Debug Tempfile Path"), translate("Where you want to save the debug tempfile")) if nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/dockerd") and not m.uci:get_bool("dockerd", "dockerman", "remote_endpoint") then o = s:taboption("ac", DynamicList, "ac_allowed_interface", translate("Allowed access interfaces"), translate("Which interface(s) can access containers under the bridge network, fill-in Interface Name")) local interfaces = luci.sys and luci.sys.net and luci.sys.net.devices() or {} for i, v in ipairs(interfaces) do o:value(v, v) end o = s:taboption("ac", DynamicList, "ac_allowed_ports", translate("Ports allowed to be accessed"), translate("Which Port(s) can be accessed, it's not restricted by the Allowed Access interfaces configuration. Use this configuration with caution!")) o.placeholder = "8080/tcp" local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local containers, res, lost_state local dk = docker.new() if dk:_ping().code ~= 200 then lost_state = true else lost_state = false res = dk.containers:list() if res and res.code and res.code < 300 then containers = res.body end end -- allowed_container.placeholder = "container name_or_id" if containers then for i, v in ipairs(containers) do if v.State == "running" and v.Ports then for _, port in ipairs(v.Ports) do if port.PublicPort and port.IP and not string.find(port.IP,":") then o:value(port.PublicPort.."/"..port.Type, v.Names[1]:sub(2) .. " | " .. port.PublicPort .. " | " .. port.Type) end end end end end end return m