--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local m, s, o local dk = docker.new() if dk:_ping().code ~= 200 then lost_state = true end m = SimpleForm("docker", translate("Docker - Network")) m.redirect = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "docker", "networks") if lost_state then m.submit=false m.reset=false end s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/apply_widget" s.err=docker:read_status() s.err=s.err and s.err:gsub("\n","
"):gsub(" "," ") if s.err then docker:clear_status() end s = m:section(SimpleSection, translate("Create new docker network")) s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true o = s:option(Value, "name", translate("Network Name"), translate("Name of the network that can be selected during container creation")) o.rmempty = true o = s:option(ListValue, "driver", translate("Driver")) o.rmempty = true o:value("bridge", translate("Bridge device")) o:value("macvlan", translate("MAC VLAN")) o:value("ipvlan", translate("IP VLAN")) o:value("overlay", translate("Overlay network")) o = s:option(Value, "parent", translate("Base device")) o.rmempty = true o:depends("driver", "macvlan") local interfaces = luci.sys and luci.sys.net and luci.sys.net.devices() or {} for _, v in ipairs(interfaces) do o:value(v, v) end o.default="br-lan" o.placeholder="br-lan" o = s:option(ListValue, "macvlan_mode", translate("Mode")) o.rmempty = true o:depends("driver", "macvlan") o.default="bridge" o:value("bridge", translate("Bridge (Support direct communication between MAC VLANs)")) o:value("private", translate("Private (Prevent communication between MAC VLANs)")) o:value("vepa", translate("VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator)")) o:value("passthru", translate("Pass-through (Mirror physical device to single MAC VLAN)")) o = s:option(ListValue, "ipvlan_mode", translate("Ipvlan Mode")) o.rmempty = true o:depends("driver", "ipvlan") o.default="l3" o:value("l2", translate("L2 bridge")) o:value("l3", translate("L3 bridge")) o = s:option(Flag, "ingress", translate("Ingress"), translate("Ingress network is the network which provides the routing-mesh in swarm mode")) o.rmempty = true o.disabled = 0 o.enabled = 1 o.default = 0 o:depends("driver", "overlay") o = s:option(DynamicList, "options", translate("Options")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="com.docker.network.driver.mtu=1500" o = s:option(Flag, "internal", translate("Internal"), translate("Restrict external access to the network")) o.rmempty = true o:depends("driver", "overlay") o.disabled = 0 o.enabled = 1 o.default = 0 if nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/network") and nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/firewall")then o = s:option(Flag, "op_macvlan", translate("Create macvlan interface"), translate("Auto create macvlan interface in Openwrt")) o:depends("driver", "macvlan") o.disabled = 0 o.enabled = 1 o.default = 1 end o = s:option(Value, "subnet", translate("Subnet")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="" o.datatype="ip4addr" o = s:option(Value, "gateway", translate("Gateway")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="" o.datatype="ip4addr" o = s:option(Value, "ip_range", translate("IP range")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="" o.datatype="ip4addr" o = s:option(DynamicList, "aux_address", translate("Exclude IPs")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="my-route=" o = s:option(Flag, "ipv6", translate("Enable IPv6")) o.rmempty = true o.disabled = 0 o.enabled = 1 o.default = 0 o = s:option(Value, "subnet6", translate("IPv6 Subnet")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="fe80::/10" o.datatype="ip6addr" o:depends("ipv6", 1) o = s:option(Value, "gateway6", translate("IPv6 Gateway")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder="fe80::1" o.datatype="ip6addr" o:depends("ipv6", 1) m.handle = function(self, state, data) if state == FORM_VALID then local name = data.name local driver = data.driver local internal = data.internal == 1 and true or false local subnet = data.subnet local gateway = data.gateway local ip_range = data.ip_range local aux_address = {} local tmp = data.aux_address or {} for i,v in ipairs(tmp) do _,_,k1,v1 = v:find("(.-)=(.+)") aux_address[k1] = v1 end local options = {} tmp = data.options or {} for i,v in ipairs(tmp) do _,_,k1,v1 = v:find("(.-)=(.+)") options[k1] = v1 end local ipv6 = data.ipv6 == 1 and true or false local create_body = { Name = name, Driver = driver, EnableIPv6 = ipv6, IPAM = { Driver= "default" }, Internal = internal } if subnet or gateway or ip_range then create_body["IPAM"]["Config"] = { { Subnet = subnet, Gateway = gateway, IPRange = ip_range, AuxAddress = aux_address, AuxiliaryAddresses = aux_address } } end if driver == "macvlan" then create_body["Options"] = { macvlan_mode = data.macvlan_mode, parent = data.parent } elseif driver == "ipvlan" then create_body["Options"] = { ipvlan_mode = data.ipvlan_mode } elseif driver == "overlay" then create_body["Ingress"] = data.ingerss == 1 and true or false end if ipv6 and data.subnet6 and data.subnet6 then if type(create_body["IPAM"]["Config"]) ~= "table" then create_body["IPAM"]["Config"] = {} end local index = #create_body["IPAM"]["Config"] create_body["IPAM"]["Config"][index+1] = { Subnet = data.subnet6, Gateway = data.gateway6 } end if next(options) ~= nil then create_body["Options"] = create_body["Options"] or {} for k, v in pairs(options) do create_body["Options"][k] = v end end create_body = docker.clear_empty_tables(create_body) docker:write_status("Network: " .. "create" .. " " .. create_body.Name .. "...") local res = dk.networks:create({ body = create_body }) if res and res.code == 201 then docker:write_status("Network: " .. "create macvlan interface...") res = dk.networks:inspect({ name = create_body.Name }) if driver == "macvlan" and data.op_macvlan ~= 0 and res and res.code and res.code == 200 and res.body and res.body.IPAM and res.body.IPAM.Config and res.body.IPAM.Config[1] and res.body.IPAM.Config[1].Gateway and res.body.IPAM.Config[1].Subnet then docker.create_macvlan_interface(data.name, data.parent, res.body.IPAM.Config[1].Gateway, res.body.IPAM.Config[1].Subnet) end docker:clear_status() luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/networks")) else docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message).. "\n") luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/newnetwork")) end end end return m