require("luci.sys") require("luci.util") require("io") local m,s,o,o1 local fs=require"nixio.fs" local uci=require"luci.model.uci".cursor() local configpath=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","configpath") or "/etc/AdGuardHome.yaml" local binpath=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","binpath") or "/usr/bin/AdGuardHome" httpport=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","httpport") or "3000" m = Map("AdGuardHome", "AdGuard Home") m.description = translate("Free and open source, powerful network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server.") m:section(SimpleSection).template = "AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_status" s = m:section(TypedSection, "AdGuardHome") s.anonymous=true s.addremove=false ---- enable o = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable")) o.default = 0 o.optional = false ---- httpport o =s:option(Value,"httpport",translate("Browser management port")) o.placeholder=3000 o.default=3000 o.datatype="port" o.optional = false o.description = translate("") ---- update warning not safe local binmtime=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","binmtime") or "0" local e="" if not fs.access(configpath) then e=e.." "..translate("no config") end if not fs.access(binpath) then e=e.." "..translate("no core") else local version=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","version") local testtime=fs.stat(binpath,"mtime") if testtime~=tonumber(binmtime) or version==nil then local tmp=luci.sys.exec(binpath.." --version | grep -m 1 -E 'v[0-9.]+' -o ") version=string.sub(tmp, 1) if version=="" then version="core error" end uci:set("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","version",version) uci:set("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","binmtime",testtime) uci:save("AdGuardHome") end e=version..e end o=s:option(Button,"restart",translate("Update")) o.inputtitle=translate("Update core version") o.template = "AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_check" o.showfastconfig=(not fs.access(configpath)) o.description=string.format(translate("core version:").."%s ",e) ---- port warning not safe local port=luci.sys.exec("awk '/ port:/{printf($2);exit;}' "..configpath.." 2>nul") if (port=="") then port="?" end ---- Redirect o = s:option(ListValue, "redirect", port..translate("Redirect"), translate("AdGuardHome redirect mode")) o.placeholder = "none" o:value("none", translate("none")) o:value("dnsmasq-upstream", translate("Run as dnsmasq upstream server")) o:value("redirect", translate("Redirect 53 port to AdGuardHome")) o:value("exchange", translate("Use port 53 replace dnsmasq")) o.default = "none" o.optional = true ---- bin path o = s:option(Value, "binpath", translate("Bin Path"), translate("AdGuardHome Bin path if no bin will auto download")) o.default = "/usr/bin/AdGuardHome" o.datatype = "string" o.optional = false o.rmempty=false o.validate=function(self, value) if value=="" then return nil end if fs.stat(value,"type")=="dir" then fs.rmdir(value) end if fs.stat(value,"type")=="dir" then if (m.message) then m.message =m.message.."\nerror!bin path is a dir" else m.message ="error!bin path is a dir" end return nil end return value end --- upx o = s:option(ListValue, "upxflag", translate("use upx to compress bin after download")) o:value("", translate("none")) o:value("-1", translate("compress faster")) o:value("-9", translate("compress better")) o:value("--best", translate("compress best(can be slow for big files)")) o:value("--brute", translate("try all available compression methods & filters [slow]")) o:value("--ultra-brute", translate("try even more compression variants [very slow]")) o.default = "" o.description=translate("bin use less space,but may have compatibility issues") o.rmempty = true ---- config path o = s:option(Value, "configpath", translate("Config Path"), translate("AdGuardHome config path")) o.default = "/etc/AdGuardHome.yaml" o.datatype = "string" o.optional = false o.rmempty=false o.validate=function(self, value) if value==nil then return nil end if fs.stat(value,"type")=="dir" then fs.rmdir(value) end if fs.stat(value,"type")=="dir" then if m.message then m.message =m.message.."\nerror!config path is a dir" else m.message ="error!config path is a dir" end return nil end return value end ---- work dir o = s:option(Value, "workdir", translate("Work dir"), translate("AdGuardHome work dir include rules,audit log and database")) o.default = "/etc/AdGuardHome" o.datatype = "string" o.optional = false o.rmempty=false o.validate=function(self, value) if value=="" then return nil end if fs.stat(value,"type")=="reg" then if m.message then m.message =m.message.."\nerror!work dir is a file" else m.message ="error!work dir is a file" end return nil end if string.sub(value, -1)=="/" then return string.sub(value, 1, -2) else return value end end ---- log file o = s:option(Value, "logfile", translate("Runtime log file"), translate("AdGuardHome runtime Log file if 'syslog': write to system log;if empty no log")) o.datatype = "string" o.rmempty = true o.validate=function(self, value) if fs.stat(value,"type")=="dir" then fs.rmdir(value) end if fs.stat(value,"type")=="dir" then if m.message then m.message =m.message.."\nerror!log file is a dir" else m.message ="error!log file is a dir" end return nil end return value end ---- debug o = s:option(Flag, "verbose", translate("Verbose log")) o.default = 0 o.optional = true ---- gfwlist local"grep -m 1 -q programadd "..configpath) if (a==0) then a="Added" else a="Not added" end o=s:option(Button,"gfwdel",translate("Del gfwlist"),translate(a)) o.optional = true o.inputtitle=translate("Del") o.write=function() luci.sys.exec("sh /usr/share/AdGuardHome/ del 2>&1") luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin","services","AdGuardHome")) end o=s:option(Button,"gfwadd",translate("Add gfwlist"),translate(a)) o.optional = true o.inputtitle=translate("Add") o.write=function() luci.sys.exec("sh /usr/share/AdGuardHome/ 2>&1") luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin","services","AdGuardHome")) end o = s:option(Value, "gfwupstream", translate("Gfwlist upstream dns server"), translate("Gfwlist domain upstream dns service")..translate(a)) o.default = "tcp://" o.datatype = "string" o.optional = true ---- chpass o = s:option(Value, "hashpass", translate("Change browser management password"), translate("Press load culculate model and culculate finally save/apply")) o.default = "" o.datatype = "string" o.template = "AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_chpass" o.optional = true ---- upgrade protect o = s:option(MultiValue, "upprotect", translate("Keep files when system upgrade")) o:value("$binpath",translate("core bin")) o:value("$configpath",translate("config file")) o:value("$logfile",translate("log file")) o:value("$workdir/data/sessions.db",translate("sessions.db")) o:value("$workdir/data/stats.db",translate("stats.db")) o:value("$workdir/data/querylog.json",translate("querylog.json")) o:value("$workdir/data/filters",translate("filters")) o.widget = "checkbox" o.default = nil o.optional=true ---- wait net on boot o = s:option(Flag, "waitonboot", translate("On boot when network ok restart")) o.default = 1 o.optional = true ---- backup workdir on shutdown local workdir=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","workdir") or "/etc/AdGuardHome" o = s:option(MultiValue, "backupfile", translate("Backup workdir files when shutdown")) o1 = s:option(Value, "backupwdpath", translate("Backup workdir path")) local name o:value("filters","filters") o:value("stats.db","stats.db") o:value("querylog.json","querylog.json") o:value("sessions.db","sessions.db") o1:depends ("backupfile", "filters") o1:depends ("backupfile", "stats.db") o1:depends ("backupfile", "querylog.json") o1:depends ("backupfile", "sessions.db") for name in fs.glob(workdir.."/data/*") do name=fs.basename (name) if name~="filters" and name~="stats.db" and name~="querylog.json" and name~="sessions.db" then o:value(name,name) o1:depends ("backupfile", name) end end o.widget = "checkbox" o.default = nil o.optional=false o.description=translate("Will be restore when workdir/data is empty") ----backup workdir path o1.default = "/etc/AdGuardHome" o1.datatype = "string" o1.optional = false o1.validate=function(self, value) if fs.stat(value,"type")=="reg" then if m.message then m.message =m.message.."\nerror!backup dir is a file" else m.message ="error!backup dir is a file" end return nil end if string.sub(value,-1)=="/" then return string.sub(value, 1, -2) else return value end end ----Crontab o = s:option(MultiValue, "crontab", translate("Crontab task"),translate("Please change time and args in crontab")) o:value("autoupdate",translate("Auto update core")) o:value("cutquerylog",translate("Auto tail querylog")) o:value("cutruntimelog",translate("Auto tail runtime log")) o:value("autohost",translate("Auto update ipv6 hosts and restart adh")) o:value("autogfw",translate("Auto update gfwlist and restart adh")) o.widget = "checkbox" o.default = nil o.optional=true ----downloadpath o = s:option(TextValue, "downloadlinks",translate("Download links for update")) o.optional = false o.rows = 4 o.wrap = "soft" o.cfgvalue = function(self, section) return fs.readfile("/usr/share/AdGuardHome/links.txt") end o.write = function(self, section, value) fs.writefile("/usr/share/AdGuardHome/links.txt", value:gsub("\r\n", "\n")) end fs.writefile("/var/run/lucilogpos","0") function m.on_commit(map) if (fs.access("/var/run/AdGserverdis")) then io.popen("/etc/init.d/AdGuardHome reload &") return end local ucitracktest=uci:get("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","ucitracktest") if ucitracktest=="1" then return elseif ucitracktest=="0" then io.popen("/etc/init.d/AdGuardHome reload &") else if (fs.access("/var/run/AdGlucitest")) then uci:set("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","ucitracktest","0") io.popen("/etc/init.d/AdGuardHome reload &") else fs.writefile("/var/run/AdGlucitest","") if (ucitracktest=="2") then uci:set("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","ucitracktest","1") else uci:set("AdGuardHome","AdGuardHome","ucitracktest","2") end end uci:save("AdGuardHome") end end return m