--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- require "luci.util" local ver = require "luci.version" local CMD = {"parted", "mdadm", "blkid", "smartctl", "df", "btrfs", "lsblk"} local d = {command ={}} for _, cmd in ipairs(CMD) do local command = luci.sys.exec("/usr/bin/which " .. cmd) d.command[cmd] = command:match("^.+"..cmd) or nil end d.command.mount = nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/mount") and "/usr/bin/mount" or "/bin/mount" d.command.umount = nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/umount") and "/usr/bin/umount" or "/bin/umount" local proc_mounts = nixio.fs.readfile("/proc/mounts") or "" local mounts = luci.util.exec(d.command.mount .. " 2>/dev/null") or "" local swaps = nixio.fs.readfile("/proc/swaps") or "" local df = luci.sys.exec(d.command.df .. " 2>/dev/null") or "" function byte_format(byte) local suff = {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"} for i=1, 5 do if byte > 1024 and i < 5 then byte = byte / 1024 else return string.format("%.2f %s", byte, suff[i]) end end end local get_smart_info = function(device) local section local smart_info = {} for _, line in ipairs(luci.util.execl(d.command.smartctl .. " -H -A -i -n standby -f brief /dev/" .. device)) do local attrib, val if section == 1 then attrib, val = line:match "^(.-):%s+(.+)" elseif section == 2 and smart_info.nvme_ver then attrib, val = line:match("^(.-):%s+(.+)") if not smart_info.health then smart_info.health = line:match(".-overall%-health.-: (.+)") end elseif section == 2 then attrib, val = line:match("^([0-9 ]+)%s+[^ ]+%s+[POSRCK-]+%s+[0-9-]+%s+[0-9-]+%s+[0-9-]+%s+[0-9-]+%s+([0-9-]+)") if not smart_info.health then smart_info.health = line:match(".-overall%-health.-: (.+)") end else attrib = line:match "^=== START OF (.*) SECTION ===" if attrib and attrib:match("INFORMATION") then section = 1 elseif attrib and attrib:match("SMART DATA") then section = 2 elseif not smart_info.status then val = line:match "^Device is in (.*) mode" if val then smart_info.status = val end end end if not attrib then if section ~= 2 then section = 0 end elseif (attrib == "Power mode is") or (attrib == "Power mode was") then smart_info.status = val:match("(%S+)") -- elseif attrib == "Sector Sizes" then -- -- 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical -- smart_info.phy_sec = val:match "([0-9]*) bytes physical" -- smart_info.logic_sec = val:match "([0-9]*) bytes logical" -- elseif attrib == "Sector Size" then -- -- 512 bytes logical/physical -- smart_info.phy_sec = val:match "([0-9]*)" -- smart_info.logic_sec = smart_info.phy_sec elseif attrib == "Serial Number" then smart_info.sn = val elseif attrib == "194" or attrib == "Temperature" then smart_info.temp = val:match("(%d+)") .. "°C" elseif attrib == "Rotation Rate" then smart_info.rota_rate = val elseif attrib == "SATA Version is" then smart_info.sata_ver = val elseif attrib == "NVMe Version" then smart_info.nvme_ver = val end end return smart_info end local parse_parted_info = function(keys, line) -- parse the output of parted command (machine parseable format) -- /dev/sda:5860533168s:scsi:512:4096:gpt:ATA ST3000DM001-1ER1:; -- 1:34s:2047s:2014s:free; -- 1:2048s:1073743872s:1073741825s:ext4:primary:; local result = {} local values = {} for value in line:gmatch("(.-)[:;]") do table.insert(values, value) end for i = 1,#keys do result[keys[i]] = values[i] or "" end return result end local is_raid_member = function(partition) -- check if inuse as raid member if nixio.fs.access("/proc/mdstat") then for _, result in ipairs(luci.util.execl("grep md /proc/mdstat | sed 's/[][]//g'")) do local md, buf md, buf = result:match("(md.-):(.+)") if buf:match(partition) then return "Raid Member: ".. md end end end return nil end local get_mount_point = function(partition) local mount_point for m in mounts:gmatch("/dev/"..partition.." on ([^ ]*)") do mount_point = (mount_point and (mount_point .. " ") or "") .. m end if mount_point then return mount_point end -- result = luci.sys.exec('cat /proc/mounts | awk \'{if($1=="/dev/'.. partition ..'") print $2}\'') -- if result ~= "" then return result end if swaps:match("\n/dev/" .. partition .."%s") then return "swap" end -- result = luci.sys.exec("cat /proc/swaps | grep /dev/" .. partition) -- if result ~= "" then return "swap" end return is_raid_member(partition) end -- return used, free, usage local get_partition_usage = function(partition) if not nixio.fs.access("/dev/"..partition) then return false end local used, free, usage = df:match("\n/dev/" .. partition .. "%s+%d+%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%%%s-") usage = usage and (usage .. "%") or "-" used = used and (tonumber(used) * 1024) or 0 free = free and (tonumber(free) * 1024) or 0 return used, free, usage end local get_parted_info = function(device) if not device then return end local result = {partitions={}} local DEVICE_INFO_KEYS = { "path", "size", "type", "logic_sec", "phy_sec", "p_table", "model", "flags" } local PARTITION_INFO_KEYS = { "number", "sec_start", "sec_end", "size", "fs", "tag_name", "flags" } local partition_temp local partitions_temp = {} local disk_temp for line in luci.util.execi(d.command.parted .. " -s -m /dev/" .. device .. " unit s print free", "r") do if line:find("^/dev/"..device..":.+") then disk_temp = parse_parted_info(DEVICE_INFO_KEYS, line) disk_temp.partitions = {} if disk_temp["size"] then local length = disk_temp["size"]:gsub("^(%d+)s$", "%1") local newsize = tostring(tonumber(length)*tonumber(disk_temp["logic_sec"])) disk_temp["size"] = newsize end if disk_temp["p_table"] == "msdos" then disk_temp["p_table"] = "MBR" else disk_temp["p_table"] = disk_temp["p_table"]:upper() end elseif line:find("^%d-:.+") then partition_temp = parse_parted_info(PARTITION_INFO_KEYS, line) -- use human-readable form instead of sector number if partition_temp["size"] then local length = partition_temp["size"]:gsub("^(%d+)s$", "%1") local newsize = (tonumber(length) * tonumber(disk_temp["logic_sec"])) partition_temp["size"] = newsize partition_temp["size_formated"] = byte_format(newsize) end partition_temp["number"] = tonumber(partition_temp["number"]) or -1 if partition_temp["fs"] == "free" then partition_temp["number"] = -1 partition_temp["fs"] = "Free Space" partition_temp["name"] = "-" elseif device:match("sd") or device:match("sata") then partition_temp["name"] = device..partition_temp["number"] elseif device:match("mmcblk") or device:match("md") or device:match("nvme") then partition_temp["name"] = device.."p"..partition_temp["number"] end if partition_temp["number"] > 0 and partition_temp["fs"] == "" and d.command.lsblk then partition_temp["fs"] = luci.util.exec(d.command.lsblk .. " /dev/"..device.. tostring(partition_temp["number"]) .. " -no fstype"):match("([^%s]+)") or "" end partition_temp["fs"] = partition_temp["fs"] == "" and "raw" or partition_temp["fs"] partition_temp["sec_start"] = partition_temp["sec_start"] and partition_temp["sec_start"]:sub(1,-2) partition_temp["sec_end"] = partition_temp["sec_end"] and partition_temp["sec_end"]:sub(1,-2) partition_temp["mount_point"] = partition_temp["name"]~="-" and get_mount_point(partition_temp["name"]) or "-" if partition_temp["mount_point"]~="-" then partition_temp["used"], partition_temp["free"], partition_temp["usage"] = get_partition_usage(partition_temp["name"]) partition_temp["used_formated"] = partition_temp["used"] and byte_format(partition_temp["used"]) or "-" partition_temp["free_formated"] = partition_temp["free"] and byte_format(partition_temp["free"]) or "-" else partition_temp["used"], partition_temp["free"], partition_temp["usage"] = 0,0,"-" partition_temp["used_formated"] = "-" partition_temp["free_formated"] = "-" end -- if disk_temp["p_table"] == "MBR" and (partition_temp["number"] < 4) and (partition_temp["number"] > 0) then -- local real_size_sec = tonumber(nixio.fs.readfile("/sys/block/"..device.."/"..partition_temp["name"].."/size")) * tonumber(disk_temp.phy_sec) -- if real_size_sec ~= partition_temp["size"] then -- disk_temp["extended_partition_index"] = partition_temp["number"] -- partition_temp["type"] = "extended" -- partition_temp["size"] = real_size_sec -- partition_temp["fs"] = "-" -- partition_temp["logicals"] = {} -- else -- partition_temp["type"] = "primary" -- end -- end table.insert(partitions_temp, partition_temp) end end if disk_temp and disk_temp["p_table"] == "MBR" then for i, p in ipairs(partitions_temp) do if disk_temp["extended_partition_index"] and p["number"] > 4 then if tonumber(p["sec_end"]) <= tonumber(partitions_temp[disk_temp["extended_partition_index"]]["sec_end"]) and tonumber(p["sec_start"]) >= tonumber(partitions_temp[disk_temp["extended_partition_index"]]["sec_start"]) then p["type"] = "logical" table.insert(partitions_temp[disk_temp["extended_partition_index"]]["logicals"], i) end elseif (p["number"] < 4) and (p["number"] > 0) then local s = nixio.fs.readfile("/sys/block/"..device.."/"..p["name"].."/size") if s then local real_size_sec = tonumber(s) * tonumber(disk_temp.phy_sec) -- if size not equal, it's an extended if real_size_sec ~= p["size"] then disk_temp["extended_partition_index"] = i p["type"] = "extended" p["size"] = real_size_sec p["fs"] = "-" p["logicals"] = {} else p["type"] = "primary" end else -- if not found in "/sys/block" p["type"] = "primary" end end end end result = disk_temp result.partitions = partitions_temp return result end local mddetail = function(mdpath) local detail = {} local path = mdpath:match("^/dev/md%d+$") if path then local mdadm = io.popen(d.command.mdadm .. " --detail "..path, "r") for line in mdadm:lines() do local key, value = line:match("^%s*(.+) : (.+)") if key then detail[key] = value end end mdadm:close() end return detail end -- return {{device="", mount_points="", fs="", mount_options="", dump="", pass=""}..} d.get_mount_points = function() local mount local res = {} local h ={"device", "mount_point", "fs", "mount_options", "dump", "pass"} for mount in proc_mounts:gmatch("[^\n]+") do local device = mount:match("^([^%s]+)%s+.+") -- only show /dev/xxx device if device and device:match("/dev/") then res[#res+1] = {} local i = 0 for v in mount:gmatch("[^%s]+") do i = i + 1 res[#res][h[i]] = v end end end return res end d.get_disk_info = function(device, wakeup) --[[ return: { path, model, sn, size, size_mounted, flags, type, temp, p_table, logic_sec, phy_sec, sec_size, sata_ver, rota_rate, status, health, partitions = { 1 = { number, name, sec_start, sec_end, size, size_mounted, fs, tag_name, type, flags, mount_point, usage, used, free, used_formated, free_formated}, 2 = { number, name, sec_start, sec_end, size, size_mounted, fs, tag_name, type, flags, mount_point, usage, used, free, used_formated, free_formated}, ... } --raid devices only level, members, members_str } --]] if not device then return end local disk_info local smart_info = get_smart_info(device) -- check if divice is the member of raid smart_info["p_table"] = is_raid_member(device..'0') -- if status is not active(standby), only check smart_info. -- if only weakup == true, weakup the disk and check parted_info. if smart_info.status ~= "STANDBY" or wakeup or (smart_info["p_table"] and not smart_info["p_table"]:match("Raid")) or device:match("^md") then disk_info = get_parted_info(device) disk_info["sec_size"] = disk_info["logic_sec"] .. "/" .. disk_info["phy_sec"] disk_info["size_formated"] = byte_format(tonumber(disk_info["size"])) -- if status is standby, after get part info, the disk is weakuped, then get smart_info again for more informations if smart_info.status ~= "ACTIVE" then smart_info = get_smart_info(device) end else disk_info = {} end for k, v in pairs(smart_info) do disk_info[k] = v end if disk_info.type and disk_info.type:match("md") then local raid_info = d.list_raid_devices()[disk_info["path"]:match("/dev/(.+)")] for k, v in pairs(raid_info) do disk_info[k] = v end end return disk_info end d.list_raid_devices = function() local fs = require "nixio.fs" local raid_devices = {} if not fs.access("/proc/mdstat") then return raid_devices end local mdstat = io.open("/proc/mdstat", "r") for line in mdstat:lines() do -- md1 : active raid1 sdb2[1] sda2[0] -- md127 : active raid5 sdh1[6] sdg1[4] sdf1[3] sde1[2] sdd1[1] sdc1[0] local device_info = {} local mdpath, list = line:match("^(md%d+) : (.+)") if mdpath then local members = {} for member in string.gmatch(list, "%S+") do member_path = member:match("^(%S+)%[%d+%]") if member_path then member = '/dev/'..member_path end table.insert(members, member) end local active = table.remove(members, 1) local level = "-" if active == "active" then level = table.remove(members, 1) end local size = tonumber(fs.readfile(string.format("/sys/class/block/%s/size", mdpath))) local ss = tonumber(fs.readfile(string.format("/sys/class/block/%s/queue/logical_block_size", mdpath))) device_info["path"] = "/dev/"..mdpath device_info["size"] = size*ss device_info["size_formated"] = byte_format(size*ss) device_info["active"] = active:upper() device_info["level"] = level device_info["members"] = members device_info["members_str"] = table.concat(members, ", ") -- Get more info from output of mdadm --detail local detail = mddetail(device_info["path"]) device_info["status"] = detail["State"]:upper() raid_devices[mdpath] = device_info end end mdstat:close() return raid_devices end -- Collect Devices information --[[ return: { sda={ path, model, inuse, size_formated, partitions={ { name, inuse, size_formated } ... } } .. } --]] d.list_devices = function() local fs = require "nixio.fs" -- get all device names (sdX and mmcblkX) local target_devnames = {} for dev in fs.dir("/dev") do if dev:match("^sd[a-z]$") or dev:match("^mmcblk%d+$") or dev:match("^sata[a-z]$") or dev:match("^nvme%d+n%d+$") then table.insert(target_devnames, dev) end end local devices = {} for i, bname in pairs(target_devnames) do local device_info = {} local device = "/dev/" .. bname local size = tonumber(fs.readfile(string.format("/sys/class/block/%s/size", bname)) or "0") local ss = tonumber(fs.readfile(string.format("/sys/class/block/%s/queue/logical_block_size", bname)) or "0") local model = fs.readfile(string.format("/sys/class/block/%s/device/model", bname)) local partitions = {} for part in nixio.fs.glob("/sys/block/" .. bname .."/" .. bname .. "*") do local pname = nixio.fs.basename(part) local psize = byte_format(tonumber(nixio.fs.readfile(part .. "/size"))*ss) local mount_point = get_mount_point(pname) if mount_point then device_info["inuse"] = true end table.insert(partitions, {name = pname, size_formated = psize, inuse = mount_point}) end device_info["path"] = device device_info["size_formated"] = byte_format(size*ss) device_info["model"] = model device_info["partitions"] = partitions -- true or false device_info["inuse"] = device_info["inuse"] or get_mount_point(bname) local udevinfo = {} if luci.sys.exec("which udevadm") ~= "" then local udevadm = io.popen("udevadm info --query=property --name="..device) for attr in udevadm:lines() do local k, v = attr:match("(%S+)=(%S+)") udevinfo[k] = v end udevadm:close() device_info["info"] = udevinfo if udevinfo["ID_MODEL"] then device_info["model"] = udevinfo["ID_MODEL"] end end devices[bname] = device_info end -- luci.util.perror(luci.util.serialize_json(devices)) return devices end -- get formart cmd d.get_format_cmd = function() local AVAILABLE_FMTS = { ext2 = { cmd = "mkfs.ext2", option = "-F -E lazy_itable_init=1" }, ext3 = { cmd = "mkfs.ext3", option = "-F -E lazy_itable_init=1" }, ext4 = { cmd = "mkfs.ext4", option = "-F -E lazy_itable_init=1" }, fat32 = { cmd = "mkfs.vfat", option = "-F" }, exfat = { cmd = "mkexfat", option = "-f" }, hfsplus = { cmd = "mkhfs", option = "-f" }, ntfs = { cmd = "mkntfs", option = "-f" }, swap = { cmd = "mkswap", option = "" }, btrfs = { cmd = "mkfs.btrfs", option = "-f" } } result = {} for fmt, obj in pairs(AVAILABLE_FMTS) do local cmd = luci.sys.exec("/usr/bin/which " .. obj["cmd"]) if cmd:match(obj["cmd"]) then result[fmt] = { cmd = cmd:match("^.+"..obj["cmd"]) ,option = obj["option"] } end end return result end d.create_raid = function(rname, rlevel, rmembers) local mb = {} for _, v in ipairs(rmembers) do mb[v]=v end rmembers = {} for _, v in pairs(mb) do table.insert(rmembers, v) end if type(rname) == "string" then if rname:match("^md%d-%s+") then rname = "/dev/"..rname:match("^(md%d-)%s+") elseif rname:match("^/dev/md%d-%s+") then rname = "/dev/"..rname:match("^(/dev/md%d-)%s+") elseif not rname:match("/") then rname = "/dev/md/".. rname else return "ERR: Invalid raid name" end else local mdnum = 0 for num=1,127 do local md = io.open("/dev/md"..tostring(num), "r") if md == nil then mdnum = num break else io.close(md) end end if mdnum == 0 then return "ERR: Cannot find proper md number" end rname = "/dev/md"..mdnum end if rlevel == "5" or rlevel == "6" then if #rmembers < 3 then return "ERR: Not enough members" end end if rlevel == "10" then if #rmembers < 4 then return "ERR: Not enough members" end end if #rmembers < 2 then return "ERR: Not enough members" end local cmd = d.command.mdadm .. " --create "..rname.." --run --assume-clean --homehost=any --level=" .. rlevel .. " --raid-devices=" .. #rmembers .. " " .. table.concat(rmembers, " ") local res = luci.util.exec(cmd) return res end d.gen_mdadm_config = function() if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/mdadm") then return end local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local x = uci.cursor() -- delete all array sections x:foreach("mdadm", "array", function(s) x:delete("mdadm",s[".name"]) end) local cmd = d.command.mdadm .. " -D -s" --ARRAY /dev/md1 metadata=1.2 name=any:1 UUID=f998ae14:37621b27:5c49e850:051f6813 --ARRAY /dev/md3 metadata=1.2 name=any:3 UUID=c068c141:4b4232ca:f48cbf96:67d42feb for _, v in ipairs(luci.util.execl(cmd)) do local device, uuid = v:match("^ARRAY%s-([^%s]+)%s-[^%s]-%s-[^%s]-%s-UUID=([^%s]+)%s-") if device and uuid then local section_name = x:add("mdadm", "array") x:set("mdadm", section_name, "device", device) x:set("mdadm", section_name, "uuid", uuid) end end x:commit("mdadm") -- enable mdadm luci.util.exec("/etc/init.d/mdadm enable") end -- list btrfs filesystem device -- {uuid={uuid, label, members, size, used}...} d.list_btrfs_devices = function() local btrfs_device = {} if not d.command.btrfs then return btrfs_device end local line, _uuid for _, line in ipairs(luci.util.execl(d.command.btrfs .. " filesystem show -d --raw")) do local label, uuid = line:match("^Label:%s+([^%s]+)%s+uuid:%s+([^%s]+)") if label and uuid then _uuid = uuid local _label = label:match("^'([^']+)'") btrfs_device[_uuid] = {label = _label or label, uuid = uuid} -- table.insert(btrfs_device, {label = label, uuid = uuid}) end local used = line:match("Total devices[%w%s]+used%s+(%d+)$") if used then btrfs_device[_uuid]["used"] = tonumber(used) btrfs_device[_uuid]["used_formated"] = byte_format(tonumber(used)) end local size, device = line:match("devid[%w.%s]+size%s+(%d+)[%w.%s]+path%s+([^%s]+)$") if size and device then btrfs_device[_uuid]["size"] = btrfs_device[_uuid]["size"] and btrfs_device[_uuid]["size"] + tonumber(size) or tonumber(size) btrfs_device[_uuid]["size_formated"] = byte_format(btrfs_device[_uuid]["size"]) btrfs_device[_uuid]["members"] = btrfs_device[_uuid]["members"] and btrfs_device[_uuid]["members"]..", "..device or device end end return btrfs_device end d.create_btrfs = function(blabel, blevel, bmembers) -- mkfs.btrfs -L label -d blevel /dev/sda /dev/sdb if not d.command.btrfs or type(bmembers) ~= "table" or next(bmembers) == nil then return "ERR no btrfs support or no members" end local label = blabel and " -L " .. blabel or "" local cmd = "mkfs.btrfs -f " .. label .. " -d " .. blevel .. " " .. table.concat(bmembers, " ") return luci.util.exec(cmd) end -- get btrfs info -- {uuid, label, members, data_raid_level,metadata_raid_lavel, size, used, size_formated, used_formated, free, free_formated, usage} d.get_btrfs_info = function(m_point) local btrfs_info = {} if not m_point or not d.command.btrfs then return btrfs_info end local cmd = d.command.btrfs .. " filesystem show --raw " .. m_point local _, line, uuid, _label, members for _, line in ipairs(luci.util.execl(cmd)) do if not uuid and not _label then _label, uuid = line:match("^Label:%s+([^%s]+)%s+uuid:%s+([^s]+)") else local mb = line:match("%s+devid.+path%s+([^%s]+)") if mb then members = members and (members .. ", ".. mb) or mb end end end if not _label or not uuid then return btrfs_info end local label = _label:match("^'([^']+)'") cmd = d.command.btrfs .. " filesystem usage -b " .. m_point local used, free, data_raid_level, metadata_raid_lavel for _, line in ipairs(luci.util.execl(cmd)) do if not used then used = line:match("^%s+Used:%s+(%d+)") elseif not free then free = line:match("^%s+Free %(estimated%):%s+(%d+)") elseif not data_raid_level then data_raid_level = line:match("^Data,%s-(%w+)") elseif not metadata_raid_lavel then metadata_raid_lavel = line:match("^Metadata,%s-(%w+)") end end if used and free and data_raid_level and metadata_raid_lavel then used = tonumber(used) free = tonumber(free) btrfs_info = { uuid = uuid, label = label, data_raid_level = data_raid_level, metadata_raid_lavel = metadata_raid_lavel, used = used, free = free, size = used + free, size_formated = byte_format(used + free), used_formated = byte_format(used), free_formated = byte_format(free), members = members, usage = string.format("%.2f",(used / (free+used) * 100)) .. "%" } end return btrfs_info end -- get btrfs subvolume -- {id={id, gen, top_level, path, snapshots, otime, default_subvolume}...} d.get_btrfs_subv = function(m_point, snapshot) local subvolume = {} if not m_point or not d.command.btrfs then return subvolume end -- get default subvolume local cmd = d.command.btrfs .. " subvolume get-default " .. m_point local res = luci.util.exec(cmd) local default_subvolume_id = res:match("^ID%s+([^%s]+)") -- get the root subvolume if not snapshot then local _, line, section_snap, _uuid, _otime, _id, _snap cmd = d.command.btrfs .. " subvolume show ".. m_point for _, line in ipairs(luci.util.execl(cmd)) do if not section_snap then if not _uuid then _uuid = line:match("^%s-UUID:%s+([^%s]+)") elseif not _otime then _otime = line:match("^%s+Creation time:%s+(.+)") elseif not _id then _id = line:match("^%s+Subvolume ID:%s+([^%s]+)") elseif line:match("^%s+(Snapshot%(s%):)") then section_snap = true end else local snapshot = line:match("^%s+(.+)") if snapshot then _snap = _snap and (_snap ..", /".. snapshot) or ("/"..snapshot) end end end if _uuid and _otime and _id then subvolume["0".._id] = {id = _id , uuid = _uuid, otime = _otime, snapshots = _snap, path = "/"} if default_subvolume_id == _id then subvolume["0".._id].default_subvolume = 1 end end end -- get subvolume of btrfs cmd = d.command.btrfs .. " subvolume list -gcu" .. (snapshot and "s " or " ") .. m_point for _, line in ipairs(luci.util.execl(cmd)) do -- ID 259 gen 11 top level 258 uuid 26ae0c59-199a-cc4d-bd58-644eb4f65d33 path 1a/2b' local id, gen, top_level, uuid, path, otime, otime2 if snapshot then id, gen, top_level, otime, otime2, uuid, path = line:match("^ID%s+([^%s]+)%s+gen%s+([^%s]+)%s+cgen.-top level%s+([^%s]+)%s+otime%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+uuid%s+([^%s]+)%s+path%s+([^%s]+)%s-$") else id, gen, top_level, uuid, path = line:match("^ID%s+([^%s]+)%s+gen%s+([^%s]+)%s+cgen.-top level%s+([^%s]+)%s+uuid%s+([^%s]+)%s+path%s+([^%s]+)%s-$") end if id and gen and top_level and uuid and path then subvolume[id] = {id = id, gen = gen, top_level = top_level, otime = (otime and otime or "") .." ".. (otime2 and otime2 or ""), uuid = uuid, path = '/'.. path} if not snapshot then -- use btrfs subv show to get snapshots local show_cmd = d.command.btrfs .. " subvolume show "..m_point.."/"..path local __, line_show, section_snap for __, line_show in ipairs(luci.util.execl(show_cmd)) do if not section_snap then local create_time = line_show:match("^%s+Creation time:%s+(.+)") if create_time then subvolume[id]["otime"] = create_time elseif line_show:match("^%s+(Snapshot%(s%):)") then section_snap = "true" end else local snapshot = line_show:match("^%s+(.+)") subvolume[id]["snapshots"] = subvolume[id]["snapshots"] and (subvolume[id]["snapshots"] .. ", /".. snapshot) or ("/"..snapshot) end end end end end if subvolume[default_subvolume_id] then subvolume[default_subvolume_id].default_subvolume = 1 end -- if m_point == "/tmp/.btrfs_tmp" then -- luci.util.exec("umount " .. m_point) -- end return subvolume end d.format_partition = function(partition, fs) local partition_name = "/dev/".. partition if not nixio.fs.access(partition_name) then return 500, "Partition NOT found!" end local format_cmd = d.get_format_cmd() if not format_cmd[fs] then return 500, "Filesystem NOT support!" end local cmd = format_cmd[fs].cmd .. " " .. format_cmd[fs].option .. " " .. partition_name local res = luci.util.exec(cmd .. " 2>&1") if res and res:lower():match("error+") then return 500, res else return 200, "OK" end end return d