mp = Map("ipsec", translate("IPSec VPN Server")) mp.description = translate("IPSec VPN connectivity using the native built-in VPN Client on iOS or Andriod (IKEv1 with PSK and Xauth)") mp:section(SimpleSection).template = "ipsec/ipsec_status" s = mp:section(NamedSection, "ipsec", "service") s.anonymouse = true enabled = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable")) enabled.default = 0 enabled.rmempty = false clientip = s:option(Value, "clientip", translate("VPN Client IP")) clientip.datatype = "ip4addr" clientip.description = translate("LAN DHCP reserved started IP addresses with the same subnet mask") clientip.optional = false clientip.rmempty = false clientdns = s:option(Value, "clientdns", translate("VPN Client DNS")) clientdns.datatype = "ip4addr" clientdns.description = translate("DNS using in VPN tunnel.Set to the router's LAN IP is recommended") clientdns.optional = false clientdns.rmempty = false secret = s:option(Value, "secret", translate("Secret Pre-Shared Key")) secret.password = true local apply = luci.http.formvalue("cbi.apply") if apply then local bbrbox = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ipsec.ipsec.enabled") if bbrbox then luci.sys.exec("ipsec reload") luci.sys.exec("ipsec start") else luci.sys.exec("ipsec stop") end end return mp