# luci-theme-argon ([中文](/README_ZH.md)) A new Luci theme for LEDE/OpenWRT Argon is a clean HTML5 theme for LuCI. It is based on luci-theme-material and Argon Template The old version is still in another branch call old. If you need that you can checkout that branch. ## Notice Adapt to official 19.07 stable version (not snapshot) LuCI openwrt-19.07 branch (git-20.006.26738-35aa527). You can checkout branch 18.06 for OpenWRT 18.06 ## How to use Enter in your openwrt/package/lean or other ``` git clone https://github.com/jerrykuku/luci-theme-argon.git make menuconfig #choose LUCI->Theme->Luci-theme-argon make -j1 V=s ``` ## Install ``` opkg install https://github.com/jerrykuku/luci-theme-argon/releases/download/V1.3/luci-theme-argon_1.3-01-20191111_all.ipk ``` ## Update log 20200131 1. New Code For OpenWRT 19.07 for test. ## Screenshots ![](/Screenshots/pc1.jpg) ![](/Screenshots/pc2.jpg) ![](/Screenshots/pc3.jpg) ![](/Screenshots/phone.jpg) ## Thanks to luci-theme-material: https://github.com/LuttyYang/luci-theme-material/