#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common USE_PROCD=1 START=95 STOP=01 CONFIGURATION=AdGuardHome CRON_FILE=/etc/crontabs/root extra_command "do_redirect" "0 or 1" extra_command "testbackup" "backup or restore" extra_command "test_crontab" extra_command "force_reload" extra_command "isrunning" set_forward_dnsmasq() { local PORT="$1" addr="$PORT" OLD_SERVER="`uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server 2>/dev/null`" echo $OLD_SERVER | grep "^$addr" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return fi uci delete dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server 2>/dev/null uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server=$addr for server in $OLD_SERVER; do if [ "$server" = "$addr" ]; then continue fi # uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server=$server done uci delete dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile 2>/dev/null uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv=1 uci commit dhcp /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart } stop_forward_dnsmasq() { local OLD_PORT="$1" addr="$OLD_PORT" OLD_SERVER="`uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server 2>/dev/null`" echo $OLD_SERVER | grep "^$addr" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return fi uci del_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server=$addr 2>/dev/null addrlist="`uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server 2>/dev/null`" if [ -z "$addrlist" ] ; then uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile=/tmp/resolv.conf.d/resolv.conf.auto 2>/dev/null uci delete dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv 2>/dev/null fi uci commit dhcp /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart } set_iptable() { local ipv6_server=$1 local tcp_server=$2 uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 delete firewall.AdGuardHome set firewall.AdGuardHome=include set firewall.AdGuardHome.type=script set firewall.AdGuardHome.path=/usr/share/AdGuardHome/firewall.start set firewall.AdGuardHome.reload=1 commit firewall EOF IPS="`ifconfig | grep "inet addr" | grep -v ":127" | grep "Bcast" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F : '{print $2}'`" for IP in $IPS do if [ "$tcp_server" == "1" ]; then iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $AdGuardHome_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 fi iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $AdGuardHome_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 done if [ "$ipv6_server" == 0 ]; then return fi IPS="`ifconfig | grep "inet6 addr" | grep -v " fe80::" | grep -v " ::1" | grep "Global" | awk '{print $3}'`" for IP in $IPS do if [ "$tcp_server" == "1" ]; then ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $AdGuardHome_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 fi ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $AdGuardHome_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 done } clear_iptable() { uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 delete firewall.AdGuardHome commit firewall EOF local OLD_PORT="$1" local ipv6_server=$2 IPS="`ifconfig | grep "inet addr" | grep -v ":127" | grep "Bcast" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F : '{print $2}'`" for IP in $IPS do iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p udp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $OLD_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $OLD_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 done if [ "$ipv6_server" == 0 ]; then return fi echo "warn ip6tables nat mod is needed" IPS="`ifconfig | grep "inet6 addr" | grep -v " fe80::" | grep -v " ::1" | grep "Global" | awk '{print $3}'`" for IP in $IPS do ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p udp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $OLD_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -d $IP --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $OLD_PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 done } service_triggers() { procd_add_reload_trigger "$CONFIGURATION" [ "$(uci get AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.redirect)" == "redirect" ] && procd_add_reload_trigger firewall } isrunning(){ config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" _isrunning local r=$? ([ "$r" == "0" ] && echo "running") || ([ "$r" == "1" ] && echo "not run" ) || echo "no bin" return $r } _isrunning(){ config_get binpath $CONFIGURATION binpath "/usr/bin/AdGuardHome" [ ! -f "$binpath" ] && return 2 pgrep $binpath 2>&1 >/dev/null && return 0 return 1 } force_reload(){ config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" _isrunning && procd_send_signal "$CONFIGURATION" || start } get_tz() { SET_TZ="" if [ -e "/etc/localtime" ]; then return fi for tzfile in /etc/TZ /var/etc/TZ do if [ ! -e "$tzfile" ]; then continue fi tz="`cat $tzfile 2>/dev/null`" done if [ -z "$tz" ]; then return fi SET_TZ=$tz } rm_port53() { local AdGuardHome_PORT=$(config_editor "dns.port" "" "$configpath" "1") dnsmasq_port=$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$dnsmasq_port" ]; then dnsmasq_port="53" fi if [ "$dnsmasq_port" == "$AdGuardHome_PORT" ]; then if [ "$dnsmasq_port" == "53" ]; then dnsmasq_port="1745" fi elif [ "$dnsmasq_port" == "53" ]; then return fi config_editor "dns.port" "$dnsmasq_port" "$configpath" uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port="53" uci commit dhcp config_get binpath $CONFIGURATION binpath "/usr/bin/AdGuardHome" killall -9 $binpath /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart } use_port53() { local AdGuardHome_PORT=$(config_editor "dns.port" "" "$configpath" "1") dnsmasq_port=$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$dnsmasq_port" ]; then dnsmasq_port="53" fi if [ "$dnsmasq_port" == "$AdGuardHome_PORT" ]; then if [ "$dnsmasq_port" == "53" ]; then AdGuardHome_PORT="1745" fi elif [ "$AdGuardHome_PORT" == "53" ]; then return fi config_editor "dns.port" "53" "$configpath" uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port="$AdGuardHome_PORT" uci commit dhcp /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload } do_redirect() { config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" _do_redirect $1 } _do_redirect() { local section="$CONFIGURATION" args="" ipv6_server=1 tcp_server=0 enabled=$1 if [ "$enabled" == "1" ]; then echo -n "1">/var/run/AdGredir else echo -n "0">/var/run/AdGredir fi config_get configpath $CONFIGURATION configpath "/etc/AdGuardHome.yaml" AdGuardHome_PORT=$(config_editor "dns.port" "" "$configpath" "1") if [ ! -s "$configpath" ]; then cp -f /usr/share/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_template.yaml $configpath fi if [ -z "$AdGuardHome_PORT" ]; then AdGuardHome_PORT="0" fi config_get "redirect" "$section" "redirect" "none" config_get "old_redirect" "$section" "old_redirect" "none" config_get "old_port" "$section" "old_port" "0" config_get "old_enabled" "$section" "old_enabled" "0" uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port >/dev/null 2>&1 || uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port="53" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$old_enabled" = "1" -a "$old_redirect" == "exchange" ]; then AdGuardHome_PORT=$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port 2>/dev/null) fi if [ "$old_redirect" != "$redirect" ] || [ "$old_port" != "$AdGuardHome_PORT" ] || [ "$old_enabled" = "1" -a "$enabled" = "0" ]; then if [ "$old_redirect" != "none" ]; then if [ "$old_redirect" == "redirect" -a "$old_port" != "0" ]; then clear_iptable "$old_port" "$ipv6_server" elif [ "$old_redirect" == "dnsmasq-upstream" ]; then stop_forward_dnsmasq "$old_port" elif [ "$old_redirect" == "exchange" ]; then rm_port53 fi fi elif [ "$old_enabled" = "1" -a "$enabled" = "1" ]; then if [ "$old_redirect" == "redirect" -a "$old_port" != "0" ]; then clear_iptable "$old_port" "$ipv6_server" fi fi uci delete AdGuardHome.@AdGuardHome[0].old_redirect 2>/dev/null uci delete AdGuardHome.@AdGuardHome[0].old_port 2>/dev/null uci delete AdGuardHome.@AdGuardHome[0].old_enabled 2>/dev/null uci add_list AdGuardHome.@AdGuardHome[0].old_redirect="$redirect" 2>/dev/null uci add_list AdGuardHome.@AdGuardHome[0].old_port="$AdGuardHome_PORT" 2>/dev/null uci add_list AdGuardHome.@AdGuardHome[0].old_enabled="$enabled" 2>/dev/null uci commit AdGuardHome [ "$enabled" == "0" ] && return 1 if [ "$AdGuardHome_PORT" == "0" ]; then return 1 fi if [ "$redirect" = "redirect" ]; then set_iptable $ipv6_server $tcp_server elif [ "$redirect" = "dnsmasq-upstream" ]; then set_forward_dnsmasq "$AdGuardHome_PORT" elif [ "$redirect" == "exchange" -a "$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port 2>/dev/null)" == "53" ]; then use_port53 fi } get_filesystem() { # print out path filesystem echo $1 | awk ' BEGIN{ while (("mount"| getline ret) > 0) { split(ret,d); fs[d[3]]=d[5]; m=index(d[1],":") if (m==0) { pt[d[3]]=d[1] }else{ pt[d[3]]=substr(d[1],m+1) }}}{ split($0,d,"/"); if ("/" in fs) { result1=fs["/"]; } if ("/" in pt) { result2=pt["/"]; } for (i=2;i<=length(d);i++) { p[i]=p[i-1]"/"d[i]; if (p[i] in fs) { result1=fs[p[i]]; result2=pt[p[i]]; } } if (result2 in fs){ result=fs[result2]} else{ result=result1} print(result);}' } config_editor() { awk -v yaml="$1" -v value="$2" -v file="$3" -v ro="$4" ' BEGIN{split(yaml,part,"\.");s="";i=1;l=length(part);} { if (match($0,s""part[i]":")) { if (i==l) { split($0,t,": "); if (ro==""){ system("sed -i '\''"FNR"c \\"t[1]": "value"'\'' "file); }else{ print(t[2]); } exit; } s=s"[- ]{2}"; i++; } }' $3 } boot_service() { rm /var/run/AdGserverdis >/dev/null 2>&1 config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" config_get waitonboot $CONFIGURATION waitonboot "0" config_get_bool enabled $CONFIGURATION enabled 0 config_get binpath $CONFIGURATION binpath "/usr/bin/AdGuardHome" [ -f "$binpath" ] && start_service if [ "$enabled" == "1" ] && [ "$waitonboot" == "1" ]; then procd_open_instance "waitnet" procd_set_param command "/usr/share/AdGuardHome/waitnet.sh" procd_close_instance echo "no net start pinging" fi } testbackup(){ config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" if [ "$1" == "backup" ]; then backup elif [ "$1" == "restore" ]; then restore fi } restore() { config_get workdir $CONFIGURATION workdir "/etc/AdGuardHome" config_get backupwdpath $CONFIGURATION backupwdpath "/etc/AdGuardHome" cp -u -r -f $backupwdpath/data $workdir } backup() { config_get backupwdpath $CONFIGURATION backupwdpath "/etc/AdGuardHome" mkdir -p $backupwdpath/data config_get workdir $CONFIGURATION workdir "/etc/AdGuardHome" config_get backupfile $CONFIGURATION backupfile "" for one in $backupfile; do while : do if [ -d "$backupwdpath/data/$one" ]; then cpret=$(cp -u -r -f $workdir/data/$one $backupwdpath/data 2>&1) else cpret=$(cp -u -r -f $workdir/data/$one $backupwdpath/data/$one 2>&1) fi echo "$cpret" echo "$cpret" | grep "no space left on device" if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "磁盘已满,删除log重试中" del_querylog && continue rm -f -r $backupwdpath/data/filters rm -f -r $workdir/data/filters && continue echo "backup failed" fi break done done } start_service() { # Reading config rm /var/run/AdGserverdis >/dev/null 2>&1 config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" # update password config_get hashpass $CONFIGURATION hashpass "" config_get configpath $CONFIGURATION configpath "/etc/AdGuardHome.yaml" if [ -n "$hashpass" ]; then config_editor "users.password" "$hashpass" "$configpath" uci set $CONFIGURATION.$CONFIGURATION.hashpass="" fi local enabled config_get_bool enabled $CONFIGURATION enabled 0 # update crontab do_crontab if [ "$enabled" == "0" ]; then _do_redirect 0 return fi #what need to do before reload config_get workdir $CONFIGURATION workdir "/etc/AdGuardHome" config_get backupfile $CONFIGURATION backupfile "" mkdir -p $workdir/data if [ -n "$backupfile" ] && [ ! -d "$workdir/data" ]; then restore fi # for overlay data-stk-oo not suppport local cwdfs=$(get_filesystem $workdir) echo "workdir is a $cwdfs filesystem" if [ "$cwdfs" == "jffs2" ]; then echo "fs error ln db to tmp $workdir $cwdfs" logger "AdGuardHome" "warning db redirect to tmp" touch $workdir/data/stats.db if [ ! -L $workdir/data/stats.db ]; then mv -f $workdir/data/stats.db /tmp/stats.db 2>/dev/null ln -s /tmp/stats.db $workdir/data/stats.db 2>/dev/null fi touch $workdir/data/sessions.db if [ ! -L $workdir/data/sessions.db ]; then mv -f $workdir/data/sessions.db /tmp/sessions.db 2>/dev/null ln -s /tmp/sessions.db $workdir/data/sessions.db 2>/dev/null fi fi local ADDITIONAL_ARGS="" config_get binpath $CONFIGURATION binpath "/usr/bin/AdGuardHome" mkdir -p ${binpath%/*} ADDITIONAL_ARGS="$ADDITIONAL_ARGS -c $configpath" ADDITIONAL_ARGS="$ADDITIONAL_ARGS -w $workdir" config_get httpport $CONFIGURATION httpport 3000 ADDITIONAL_ARGS="$ADDITIONAL_ARGS -p $httpport" # hack to save config file when upgrade system config_get upprotect $CONFIGURATION upprotect "" eval upprotect=${upprotect// /\\\\n} echo -e "$upprotect">/lib/upgrade/keep.d/luci-app-adguardhome config_get logfile $CONFIGURATION logfile "" if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then ADDITIONAL_ARGS="$ADDITIONAL_ARGS -l $logfile" fi if [ ! -f "$binpath" ]; then _do_redirect 0 /usr/share/AdGuardHome/update_core.sh 2>&1 >/tmp/AdGuardHome_update.log & exit 0 fi config_get_bool verbose $CONFIGURATION verbose 0 if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then ADDITIONAL_ARGS="$ADDITIONAL_ARGS -v" fi procd_open_instance get_tz if [ -n "$SET_TZ" ]; then procd_set_param env TZ="$SET_TZ" fi procd_set_param respawn ${respawn_threshold:-3600} ${respawn_timeout:-5} ${respawn_retry:-5} procd_set_param limits core="unlimited" nofile="65535 65535" procd_set_param stderr 1 procd_set_param command $binpath $ADDITIONAL_ARGS procd_set_param file "$configpath" "/etc/hosts" "/etc/config/AdGuardHome" procd_close_instance if [ -f "$configpath" ]; then _do_redirect 1 else _do_redirect 0 config_get "redirect" "AdGuardHome" "redirect" "none" if [ "$redirect" != "none" ]; then procd_open_instance "waitconfig" procd_set_param command "/usr/share/AdGuardHome/watchconfig.sh" procd_close_instance echo "no config start watching" fi fi echo "AdGuardHome service enabled" echo "luci enable switch=$enabled" (sleep 10 && [ -z "$(pgrep $binpath)" ] && logger "AdGuardHome" "no process in 10s cancel redirect" && _do_redirect 0 )& if [[ "`uci get bypass.@global[0].global_server 2>/dev/null`" && "`uci get bypass.@global[0].adguardhome 2>/dev/null`" == 1 && "$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port)" == "53" ]]; then uci -q set AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.redirect='exchange' uci commit AdGuardHome do_redirect 1 fi } reload_service() { rm /var/run/AdGlucitest >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "AdGuardHome reloading" start } del_querylog(){ local btarget=$(ls $backupwdpath/data | grep -F "querylog.json" | sort -r | head -n 1) local wtarget=$(ls $workdir/data | grep -F "querylog.json" | sort -r | head -n 1) if [ "$btarget"x == "$wtarget"x ]; then [ -z "$btarget" ] && return 1 rm -f $workdir/data/$wtarget rm -f $backupwdpath/data/$btarget return 0 fi if [ "$btarget" \> "$wtarget" ]; then rm -f $backupwdpath/data/$btarget return 0 else rm -f $workdir/data/$wtarget return 0 fi } stop_service() { config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" _do_redirect 0 do_crontab if [ "$1" != "nobackup" ]; then config_get backupfile $CONFIGURATION backupfile "0" if [ -n "$backupfile" ]; then backup fi fi echo "AdGuardHome service disabled" touch /var/run/AdGserverdis } boot() { rc_procd boot_service "$@" if eval "type service_started" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then service_started fi } test_crontab(){ config_load "${CONFIGURATION}" do_crontab } do_crontab(){ config_get_bool enabled $CONFIGURATION enabled 0 config_get crontab $CONFIGURATION crontab "" local findstr default cronenable replace commit local cronreload=0 local commit=0 findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/update_core.sh" default="30 3 * * * /usr/share/AdGuardHome/update_core.sh 2>&1" [ "$enabled" == "0" ] || [ "${crontab//autoupdate/}" == "$crontab" ] && cronenable=0 || cronenable=1 crontab_editor config_get workdir $CONFIGURATION workdir "/etc/AdGuardHome" config_get lastworkdir $CONFIGURATION lastworkdir "/etc/AdGuardHome" findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/tailto.sh [0-9]* \$(uci get AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.workdir)/data/querylog.json" #[ -n "$lastworkdir" ] && findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/tailto.sh [0-9]* $lastworkdir/data/querylog.json" && [ "$lastworkdir" != "$workdir" ] && replace="${lastworkdir//\//\\/}/${workdir//\//\\/}" default="0 * * * * /usr/share/AdGuardHome/tailto.sh 2000 \$(uci get AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.workdir)/data/querylog.json" [ "$enabled" == "0" ] || [ "${crontab//cutquerylog/}" == "$crontab" ] && cronenable=0 || cronenable=1 crontab_editor #[ "$lastworkdir" != "$workdir" ] && uci set AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.lastworkdir="$workdir" && commit=1 config_get logfile $CONFIGURATION logfile "" config_get lastlogfile $CONFIGURATION lastlogfile "" findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/tailto.sh [0-9]* \$(uci get AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.logfile)" default="30 3 * * * /usr/share/AdGuardHome/tailto.sh 2000 \$(uci get AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.logfile)" #[ -n "$lastlogfile" ] && findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/tailto.sh [0-9]* $lastlogfile" && [ -n "$logfile" ] && [ "$lastlogfile" != "$logfile" ] && replace="${lastlogfile//\//\\/}/${logfile//\//\\/}" [ "$logfile" == "syslog" ] || [ "$logfile" == "" ] || [ "$enabled" == "0" ] || [ "${crontab//cutruntimelog/}" == "$crontab" ] && cronenable=0 || cronenable=1 crontab_editor #[ -n "$logfile" ] && [ "$lastlogfile" != "$logfile" ] && uci set AdGuardHome.AdGuardHome.lastlogfile="$logfile" && commit=1 findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/addhost.sh" default="0 * * * * /usr/share/AdGuardHome/addhost.sh" [ "$enabled" == "0" ] || [ "${crontab//autohost/}" == "$crontab" ] && cronenable=0 || cronenable=1 crontab_editor [ "$cronenable" == "0" ] && /usr/share/AdGuardHome/addhost.sh "del" "noreload" || /usr/share/AdGuardHome/addhost.sh "" "noreload" findstr="/usr/share/AdGuardHome/gfw2adg.sh" default="30 3 * * * /usr/share/AdGuardHome/gfw2adg.sh" [ "$enabled" == "0" ] || [ "${crontab//autogfw/}" == "$crontab" ] && cronenable=0 || cronenable=1 crontab_editor [ "$cronreload" -gt 0 ] && /etc/init.d/cron restart #[ "$commit" -gt 0 ] && uci commit AdGuardHome } crontab_editor(){ #usage input: #findstr= #default= #cronenable= #replace="${last//\//\\/}/${now//\//\\/}" #output:cronreload:if >1 please /etc/init.d/cron restart manual local testline reload local line="$(grep "$findstr" $CRON_FILE)" [ -n "$replace" ] && [ -n "$line" ] && eval testline="\${line//$replace}" && [ "$testline" != "$line" ] && line="$testline" && reload="1" && replace="" if [ "${line:0:1}" != "#" ]; then if [ $cronenable -eq 1 ]; then [ -z "$line" ] && line="$default" && reload="1" if [ -n "$reload" ]; then sed -i "\,$findstr,d" $CRON_FILE echo "$line" >> $CRON_FILE cronreload=$((cronreload+1)) fi elif [ -n "$line" ]; then sed -i "\,$findstr,d" $CRON_FILE echo "#$line" >> $CRON_FILE cronreload=$((cronreload+1)) fi else if [ $cronenable -eq 1 ]; then sed -i "\,$findstr,d" $CRON_FILE echo "${line:1}" >> $CRON_FILE cronreload=$((cronreload+1)) elif [ -z "$reload" ]; then sed -i "\,$findstr,d" $CRON_FILE echo "$line" >> $CRON_FILE fi fi }