#!/bin/bash # cake-autorate automatically adjusts bandwidth for CAKE in dependence on detected load and RTT # cake-autorate_config.sh is a script that sets up defaults for cake-autorate # Author: @Lynx (OpenWrt forum) # Inspiration taken from: @moeller0 (OpenWrt forum) INTERFACE=$(basename "$1" | cut -d. -f2) #cake_autorate_version="2.0.0" # *** OUTPUT AND LOGGING OPTIONS *** output_processing_stats=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.output_processing_stats || echo '0') # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing processing stats output_load_stats=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.output_load_stats || echo '0') # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing achieved loads output_reflector_stats=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.output_reflector_stats || echo '0') # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing reflector stats output_cake_changes=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.output_cake_changes || echo '0') # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing cake bandwidth changes debug=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.debug || echo '0') # enable (1) or disable (0) out of debug lines # This can generate a LOT of records so be careful: log_DEBUG_messages_to_syslog=0 # enable (1) or disable (0) logging of all DEBUG records into the system log. # ** Take care with these settings to ensure you won't run into OOM issues on your router *** # every write the cumulative write time and bytes associated with each log line are checked # and if either exceeds the configured values below, the log log file is rotated log_to_file=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output logging to file (/tmp/cake-autorate.log) log_file_max_time_mins=10000 # maximum time between log file rotations log_file_max_size_KB=2000 # maximum KB (i.e. bytes/1024) worth of log lines between log file rotations # log file path defaults to /var/log/ # or, if set below, then ${log_file_path_override} log_file_path_override="" # *** STANDARD CONFIGURATION OPTIONS *** ### For multihomed setups, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the probes ### sent by this instance of cake-autorate actually travel through these interfaces. ### See ping_extra_args and ping_prefix_string dl_if=ifb4$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.interface) # download interface ul_if=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.interface) # upload interface # pinger selection can be any of: # fping - round robin pinging (rtts) # ping - (iputils-ping) individual pinging (rtts) # hping3 - individidual pinging (owds) pinger_binary=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.pinger || echo 'tsping') # list of reflectors to use and number of pingers to initiate # pingers will be initiated with reflectors in the order specified in the list # additional reflectors will be used to replace any reflectors that go stale # so e.g. if 6 reflectors are specified and the number of pingers is set to 4, the first 4 reflectors will be used initially # and the remaining 2 reflectors in the list will be used in the event any of the first 4 go bad # a bad reflector will go to the back of the queue on reflector rotation #reflectors=$(uci -q get omr-tracker.defaults.hosts) reflectors=( "" "" # Cloudflare "" "" # Google "" "" "" # Quad9 "" "" "" "" "" # AdGuard "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" # Neustar "" "" "" "" "" # OpenDNS "" "" # CleanBrowsing ) randomize_reflectors=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) randomization of reflectors on startup # Think carefully about the following settings # to avoid excessive CPU use (proportional with ping interval / number of pingers) # and to avoid abusive network activity (excessive ICMP frequency to one reflector) # The author has found an ICMP rate of 1/(0.2/4) = 20 Hz to give satisfactory performance on 4G no_pingers=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.no_pingers || echo "4") # number of pingers to maintain reflector_ping_interval_s=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.reflector_ping_interval_s || echo "0.5") # (seconds, e.g. 0.2s or 2s) # delay threshold in ms is the extent of OWD increase to classify as a delay # these are automatically adjusted based on maximum on the wire packet size # (adjustment significant at sub 12Mbit/s rates, else negligible) dl_delay_thr_ms=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.delay_thr_ms) || $(($(ping -B -w 5 -c 5 -I ${ul_if} | cut -d '/' -s -f6 | cut -d '.' -f1 | tr -d '\n' 2>/dev/null)+30)) || echo 100 # (milliseconds) ul_delay_thr_ms=${dl_delay_thr_ms} # Set either of the below to 0 to adjust one direction only # or alternatively set both to 0 to simply use cake-autorate to monitor a connection adjust_dl_shaper_rate=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) actually changing the dl shaper rate adjust_ul_shaper_rate=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) actually changing the ul shaper rate min_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.min_download || echo "5000") # minimum bandwidth for download (Kbit/s) base_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.download || echo "40000") # steady state bandwidth for download (Kbit/s) max_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.max_download || echo "80000") # maximum bandwidth for download (Kbit/s) min_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.min_upload || echo "5000") # minimum bandwidth for upload (Kbit/s) base_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.upload || echo "20000") # steady state bandwidth for upload (KBit/s) max_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.max_upload || echo "35000") # maximum bandwidth for upload (Kbit/s) # sleep functionality saves unecessary pings and CPU cycles by # pausing all active pingers when connection is not in active use enable_sleep_function=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.enable_sleep_functions || echo "1") # enable (1) or disable (0) sleep functonality connection_active_thr_kbps=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.connection_active_thr_kpbs || echo "1000") # threshold in Kbit/s below which dl/ul is considered idle sustained_idle_sleep_thr_s=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.sustained_idle_sleep_thr || echo "150.0") # time threshold to put pingers to sleep on sustained dl/ul achieved rate < idle_thr (seconds) min_shaper_rates_enforcement=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.min_shaper_rates_enforcement || echo "0") # enable (1) or disable (0) dropping down to minimum shaper rates on connection idle or stall startup_wait_s=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.startup_wait_s || echo "0.0") # number of seconds to wait on startup (e.g. to wait for things to settle on router reboot) # *** ADVANCED CONFIGURATION OPTIONS *** log_file_export_compress=1 # compress log file exports using gzip and append .gz to export filename ### In multi-homed setups, it is mandatory to use either ping_extra_args ### or ping_prefix_string to direct the pings through $dl_if and $ul_if. ### No universal recommendation exists, because there are multiple ### policy-routing packages available (e.g. vpn-policy-routing and mwan3). ### Typically they either react to a firewall mark set on the pings, or ### provide a convenient wrapper. ### ### In a traditional single-homed setup, there is usually no need for these parameters. ### ### These arguments can also be used for any other purpose - e.g. for setting a ### particular QoS mark. # extra arguments for ping or fping # e.g., here is how you can set the correct outgoing interface and # the firewall mark for ping: # ping_extra_args="-I wwan0 -m $((0x300))" # Unfortunately, fping does not offer a command line switch to set # the firewall mark. # WARNING: no error checking so use at own risk! #ping_extra_args="-B -I ${INTERFACE}" ping_extra_args="-i ${ul_if} -e" # a wrapper for ping binary - used as a prefix for the real command # e.g., when using mwan3, it is recommended to set it like this: # ping_prefix_string="mwan3 use gpon exec" # WARNING: the wrapper must exec ping as the final step, not run it as a subprocess. # Running ping or fping as a subprocess will lead to problems stopping it. # WARNING: no error checking - so use at own risk! ping_prefix_string="" # interval in ms for monitoring achieved rx/tx rates # this is automatically adjusted based on maximum on the wire packet size # (adjustment significant at sub 12Mbit/s rates, else negligible) monitor_achieved_rates_interval_ms=200 # (milliseconds) # bufferbloat is detected when (bufferbloat_detection_thr) samples # out of the last (bufferbloat detection window) samples are delayed bufferbloat_detection_window=6 # number of samples to retain in detection window bufferbloat_detection_thr=3 # number of delayed samples for bufferbloat detection # OWD baseline against which to measure delays # the idea is that the baseline is allowed to increase slowly to allow for path changes # and slowly enough such that bufferbloat will be corrected well before the baseline increases, # but it will decrease very rapidly to ensure delays are measured against the shortest path alpha_baseline_increase=0.001 # how rapidly baseline RTT is allowed to increase alpha_baseline_decrease=0.9 # how rapidly baseline RTT is allowed to decrease # OWD delta from baseline is tracked using ewma with alpha set below alpha_delta_ewma=0.095 # rate adjustment parameters # bufferbloat adjustment works with the lower of the adjusted achieved rate and adjusted shaper rate # to exploit that transfer rates during bufferbloat provide an indication of line capacity # otherwise shaper rate is adjusted up on load high, and down on load idle or low achieved_rate_adjust_down_bufferbloat=0.9 # how rapidly to reduce achieved rate upon detection of bufferbloat shaper_rate_adjust_down_bufferbloat=0.9 # how rapidly to reduce shaper rate upon detection of bufferbloat shaper_rate_adjust_up_load_high=1.01 # how rapidly to increase shaper rate upon high load detected shaper_rate_adjust_down_load_low=0.99 # how rapidly to return down to base shaper rate upon idle or low load detected shaper_rate_adjust_up_load_low=1.01 # how rapidly to return up to base shaper rate upon idle or low load detected # the load is categoried as low if < high_load_thr and high if > high_load_thr relative to the current shaper rate high_load_thr=0.75 # % of currently set bandwidth for detecting high load # refractory periods between successive bufferbloat/decay rate changes # the bufferbloat refractory period should be greater than the # average time it would take to replace the bufferbloat # detection window with new samples upon a bufferbloat event bufferbloat_refractory_period_ms=2000 # (milliseconds) decay_refractory_period_ms=1000 # (milliseconds) # interval for checking reflector health reflector_health_check_interval_s=1.0 # (seconds) # deadline for reflector response not to be classified as an offence against reflector reflector_response_deadline_s=2.0 # (seconds) # reflector misbehaving is detected when $reflector_misbehaving_detection_thr samples # out of the last (reflector misbehaving detection window) samples are offences # thus with a 1s interval, window 60 and detection_thr 3, this is tantamount to # 3 offences within the last 60s reflector_misbehaving_detection_window=60 reflector_misbehaving_detection_thr=3 reflector_replacement_interval_mins=60 # how often to replace a random reflector from the present list reflector_comparison_interval_mins=1 # how often to compare reflectors #reflector_sum_owd_baseline_delta_thr_ms=30 # max increase from min sum owd baselines before reflector rotated reflector_owd_delta_ewma_delta_thr_ms=10 # mac increase from min delta ewma before reflector rotated # stall is detected when the following two conditions are met: # 1) no reflector responses within $stall_detection_thr*$ping_response_interval_us; and # 2) either $rx_achieved_rate or $tx_achieved_rate < $connection_stall_thr stall_detection_thr=5 connection_stall_thr_kbps=10 global_ping_response_timeout_s=${dl_delay_thr_ms} # timeout to set shaper rates to min on no ping response whatsoever (seconds) if_up_check_interval_s=10.0 # time to wait before re-checking if rx/tx bytes files exist (e.g. from boot state or sleep recovery) # Starlink satellite switch (sss) compensation options sss_compensation=$(uci -q get sqm.${INTERFACE}.sss_compensation || echo "0") # enable (1) or disable (0) Starlink handling # satellite switch compensation start times in seconds of each minute sss_times_s=("12.0" "27.0" "42.0" "57.0") sss_compensation_pre_duration_ms=300 sss_compensation_post_duration_ms=200 config_file_check="cake-autorate"