--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- local http = require "luci.http" local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local m, s, o local images, networks, containers, res, lost_state local urlencode = luci.http.protocol and luci.http.protocol.urlencode or luci.util.urlencode local dk = docker.new() if dk:_ping().code ~= 200 then lost_state = true else res = dk.images:list() if res and res.code and res.code < 300 then images = res.body end res = dk.networks:list() if res and res.code and res.code < 300 then networks = res.body end res = dk.containers:list({ query = { all = true } }) if res and res.code and res.code < 300 then containers = res.body end end function get_containers() local data = {} if type(containers) ~= "table" then return nil end for i, v in ipairs(containers) do local index = (10^12 - v.Created) .. "_id_" .. v.Id data[index]={} data[index]["_selected"] = 0 data[index]["_id"] = v.Id:sub(1,12) -- data[index]["name"] = v.Names[1]:sub(2) data[index]["_status"] = v.Status if v.Status:find("^Up") then data[index]["_name"] = ""..v.Names[1]:sub(2).."" data[index]["_status"] = "".. data[index]["_status"] .. "" .. "

" else data[index]["_name"] = ""..v.Names[1]:sub(2).."" data[index]["_status"] = ''.. data[index]["_status"] .. "" end if (type(v.NetworkSettings) == "table" and type(v.NetworkSettings.Networks) == "table") then for networkname, netconfig in pairs(v.NetworkSettings.Networks) do data[index]["_network"] = (data[index]["_network"] ~= nil and (data[index]["_network"] .." | ") or "").. networkname .. (netconfig.IPAddress ~= "" and (": " .. netconfig.IPAddress) or "") end end -- networkmode = v.HostConfig.NetworkMode ~= "default" and v.HostConfig.NetworkMode or "bridge" -- data[index]["_network"] = v.NetworkSettings.Networks[networkmode].IPAddress or nil -- local _, _, image = v.Image:find("^sha256:(.+)") -- if image ~= nil then -- image=image:sub(1,12) -- end if v.Ports and next(v.Ports) ~= nil then data[index]["_ports"] = nil local ip = require "luci.ip" for _,v2 in ipairs(v.Ports) do -- display ipv4 only if ip.new(v2.IP or ""):is4() then data[index]["_ports"] = (data[index]["_ports"] and (data[index]["_ports"] .. ", ") or "") .. ((v2.PublicPort and v2.Type and v2.Type == "tcp") and ('') or "") .. (v2.PublicPort and (v2.PublicPort .. ":") or "") .. (v2.PrivatePort and (v2.PrivatePort .."/") or "") .. (v2.Type and v2.Type or "") .. ((v2.PublicPort and v2.Type and v2.Type == "tcp")and "" or "") end end end for ii,iv in ipairs(images) do if iv.Id == v.ImageID then data[index]["_image"] = iv.RepoTags and iv.RepoTags[1] or (iv.RepoDigests[1]:gsub("(.-)@.+", "%1") .. ":<none>") end end data[index]["_id_name"] = ''.. data[index]["_name"] .. "
ID: " .. data[index]["_id"] .. "

Image: " .. (data[index]["_image"] or "<none>") .. "
" if type(v.Mounts) == "table" and next(v.Mounts) then for _, v2 in pairs(v.Mounts) do if v2.Type ~= "volume" then local v_sorce_d, v_dest_d local v_sorce = "" local v_dest = "" for v_sorce_d in v2["Source"]:gmatch('[^/]+') do if v_sorce_d and #v_sorce_d > 12 then v_sorce = v_sorce .. "/" .. v_sorce_d:sub(1,8) .. ".." else v_sorce = v_sorce .."/".. v_sorce_d end end for v_dest_d in v2["Destination"]:gmatch('[^/]+') do if v_dest_d and #v_dest_d > 12 then v_dest = v_dest .. "/" .. v_dest_d:sub(1,8) .. ".." else v_dest = v_dest .."/".. v_dest_d end end data[index]["_mounts"] = (data[index]["_mounts"] and (data[index]["_mounts"] .. "
") or "") .. '' .. v_sorce .. "→" .. v_dest..'' end end end data[index]["_image_id"] = v.ImageID:sub(8,20) data[index]["_command"] = v.Command end return data end local container_list = not lost_state and get_containers() or {} m = SimpleForm("docker", translate("Docker - Containers"), translate("This page displays all containers that have been created on the connected docker host.")) m.submit=false m.reset=false m:append(Template("dockerman/containers_running_stats")) s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/apply_widget" s.err=docker:read_status() s.err=s.err and s.err:gsub("\n","
"):gsub(" "," ") if s.err then docker:clear_status() end s = m:section(Table, container_list, translate("Containers")) s.nodescr=true s.config="containers" o = s:option(Flag, "_selected","") o.disabled = 0 o.enabled = 1 o.default = 0 o.width = "1%" o.write=function(self, section, value) container_list[section]._selected = value end -- o = s:option(DummyValue, "_id", translate("ID")) -- o.width="10%" -- o = s:option(DummyValue, "_name", translate("Container Name")) -- o.rawhtml = true o = s:option(DummyValue, "_id_name", translate("Container Info")) o.rawhtml = true o.width="15%" o = s:option(DummyValue, "_status", translate("Status")) o.width="15%" o.rawhtml=true o = s:option(DummyValue, "_network", translate("Network")) o.width="10%" o = s:option(DummyValue, "_ports", translate("Ports")) o.width="5%" o.rawhtml = true o = s:option(DummyValue, "_mounts", translate("Mounts")) o.width="25%" o.rawhtml = true -- o = s:option(DummyValue, "_image", translate("Image")) -- o.width="8%" o = s:option(DummyValue, "_command", translate("Command")) o.width="15%" local start_stop_remove = function(m, cmd) local container_selected = {} -- 遍历table中sectionid for k in pairs(container_list) do -- 得到选中项的名字 if container_list[k]._selected == 1 then container_selected[#container_selected + 1] = container_list[k]["_id"] end end if #container_selected > 0 then local success = true docker:clear_status() for _, cont in ipairs(container_selected) do docker:append_status("Containers: " .. cmd .. " " .. cont .. "...") local res = dk.containers[cmd](dk, {id = cont}) if res and res.code and res.code >= 300 then success = false docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message).. "\n") else docker:append_status("done\n") end end if success then docker:clear_status() end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/containers")) end end s = m:section(Table,{{}}) s.notitle=true s.rowcolors=false s.template="cbi/nullsection" o = s:option(Button, "_new") o.inputtitle = translate("Add") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputstyle = "add" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/newcontainer")) end o.disable = lost_state o = s:option(Button, "_start") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle = translate("Start") o.inputstyle = "apply" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"start") end o.disable = lost_state o = s:option(Button, "_restart") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle = translate("Restart") o.inputstyle = "reload" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"restart") end o.disable = lost_state o = s:option(Button, "_stop") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle = translate("Stop") o.inputstyle = "reset" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"stop") end o.disable = lost_state o = s:option(Button, "_kill") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle = translate("Kill") o.inputstyle = "reset" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"kill") end o.disable = lost_state o = s:option(Button, "_remove") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle = translate("Remove") o.inputstyle = "remove" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m, "remove") end o.disable = lost_state return m