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mirror of https://github.com/Ysurac/openmptcprouter-vps-admin.git synced 2025-02-12 10:31:52 +00:00

Disable GRE tunnels via json option

This commit is contained in:
Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois) 2024-05-31 13:19:09 +02:00
parent f9d5fc750c
commit 6d66d4999c
2 changed files with 99 additions and 48 deletions

debian/changelog vendored
View file

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
omr-vps-admin (0.10+20240531) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add option to disable GRE tunnels
* Add more Debug logs
* Don't set VPN IPs if not really needed
* Disable set_lastchange function not used and not working
-- OpenMPTCProuter <contact@openmptcprouter.com> Fri, 31 May 2024 13:17:23 +0200
omr-vps-admin (0.9+20240528) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add SOF-67: Returning total number of users by Dillon Ward

View file

@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ def set_global_param(key, value):
return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'global_param'}
if not key in data or data[key] != value:
data[key] = value
LOG.debug("backup_config() in set_global_param")
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ def modif_config_user(user, changes):
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
content = json.load(f)
LOG.debug("backup_config() in modif_config_user")
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(content, f, indent=4)
@ -709,9 +711,6 @@ def add_gre_tunnels():
os.system("systemctl -q restart shadowsocks-libev-manager@manager")
set_global_param('allips', allips)
def add_glorytun_tcp(userid):
port = '650{:02d}'.format(userid)
ip = IPNetwork('')
@ -1075,6 +1074,7 @@ def set_lastchange(sync=0):
return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'lastchange'}
data["lastchange"] = time.time() + sync
if data and data != configdata:
LOG.debug("backup_config() in set_last_change")
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
@ -1084,8 +1084,10 @@ def set_lastchange(sync=0):
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
omr_config_data = json.load(f)
if 'debug' in omr_config_data and omr_config_data['debug']:
if 'debug' in omr_config_data and omr_config_data['debug']:
if not 'gre_tunnels' in omr_config_data or omr_config_data['gre_tunnels']:
fake_users_db = omr_config_data['users'][0]
@ -1440,7 +1442,11 @@ async def config(userid: Optional[int] = Query(None), serial: Optional[str] = Qu
omr_config_data = json.load(f)
except ValueError as e:
omr_config_data = {}
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
omr_config_data = json.load(f)
except ValueError as e:
omr_config_data = {}
LOG.debug('Get config... shadowsocks')
proxy = 'shadowsocks'
if 'proxy' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]:
@ -1715,6 +1721,7 @@ async def config(userid: Optional[int] = Query(None), serial: Optional[str] = Qu
v2ray_key = os.popen("jq -r '.inbounds[0].settings.clients[] | select(.email==" + '"' + username + '"' + ") | .id' /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json").read().rstrip()
v2ray_port = os.popen('jq -r .inbounds[0].port /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json').read().rstrip()
v2ray_conf = { 'key': v2ray_key, 'port': v2ray_port}
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for v2ray")
modif_config_user(username, {'v2ray': v2ray_conf})
v2ray_conf = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['v2ray']
@ -1744,6 +1751,7 @@ async def config(userid: Optional[int] = Query(None), serial: Optional[str] = Qu
vless_reality = False
xray_conf = { 'key': xray_key, 'port': xray_port, 'sskey': xray_ss_key, 'vless_reality': vless_reality, 'vless_reality_key': xray_vless_reality_public_key, 'ss_method': xray_ss_method }
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for xray")
modif_config_user(username, {'xray': xray_conf})
xray_conf = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['xray']
@ -1759,10 +1767,11 @@ async def config(userid: Optional[int] = Query(None), serial: Optional[str] = Qu
shadowsocks_go = True
if not 'shadowsocks-go' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]:
shadowsocks_go_psk = os.popen("jq -r '.servers[] | select(.name==" + '"ss-2022"' + ") | .psk' /etc/shadowsocks-go/server.json").read().rstrip()
shadowsocks_go_port = os.popen("jq -r '.servers[] | select(.name==" + '"ss-2022"' + ") | .tcpListeners[0].address' /etc/shadowsocks-go/server.json | cut -d ':' -f1").read().rstrip()
shadowsocks_go_port = os.popen("jq -r '.servers[] | select(.name==" + '"ss-2022"' + ") | .tcpListeners[0].address' /etc/shadowsocks-go/server.json | cut -d ':' -f2").read().rstrip()
shadowsocks_go_protocol = os.popen("jq -r '.servers[] | select(.name==" + '"ss-2022"' + ") | .protocol' /etc/shadowsocks-go/server.json").read().rstrip()
shadowsocks_go_upsk = os.popen("jq -r --arg user " + '"' + username + '"' + " '.[$user]' /etc/shadowsocks-go/upsks.json").read().rstrip()
shadowsocks_go_conf= { 'password': shadowsocks_go_psk + ':' + shadowsocks_go_upsk, 'port': shadowsocks_go_port, 'protocol': shadowsocks_go_protocol }
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for shadowsocks-go")
modif_config_user(username, {'shadowsocks-go': shadowsocks_go_conf})
shadowsocks_go_conf = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['shadowsocks-go']
@ -1937,7 +1946,7 @@ class ShadowsocksConfigparams(BaseModel):
@app.post('/shadowsocks', summary="Modify Shadowsocks-libev configuration")
def shadowsocks(*, params: ShadowsocksConfigparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'shadowsocks'}
ipv6_network = os.popen('ip -6 addr show ' + IFACE6 +' | grep -oP "(?<=inet6 ).*(?= scope global)"').read().rstrip()
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
@ -1973,6 +1982,7 @@ def shadowsocks(*, params: ShadowsocksConfigparams, current_user: User = Depends
if 'port_conf' in data:
portconf = data["port_conf"]
portconf[str(port)]['key'] = key
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for shadowsocks_port")
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'shadowsocks_port': port})
userid = current_user.userid
if userid is None:
@ -2085,7 +2095,7 @@ def shadowsocks(*, params: ShadowsocksConfigparams, current_user: User = Depends
# os.system("systemctl restart shadowsocks-libev-manager@manager" + str(x) + ".service")
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'shadowsocks')
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'udp', 'shadowsocks')
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'shadowsocks'}
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'no changes', 'route': 'shadowsocks'}
@ -2101,7 +2111,7 @@ class ShadowsocksGoConfigparams(BaseModel):
@app.post('/shadowsocks-go', summary="Modify Shadowsocks-Go configuration")
def shadowsocks_go(*, params: ShadowsocksGoConfigparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'shadowsocks-go'}
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shadowsocks-go/server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
with open('/etc/shadowsocks-go/server.json') as f:
@ -2119,6 +2129,7 @@ def shadowsocks_go(*, params: ShadowsocksGoConfigparams, current_user: User = De
reuse_port = params.reuse_port
mptcp = params.mptcp
#key = params.key
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for shadowsocks-go port")
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'shadowsocks-go_port': port})
userid = current_user.userid
if userid is None:
@ -2137,7 +2148,7 @@ def shadowsocks_go(*, params: ShadowsocksGoConfigparams, current_user: User = De
os.system("systemctl restart shadowsocks-go.service")
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'shadowsocks-go')
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'udp', 'shadowsocks-go')
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'shadowsocks-go'}
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'no changes', 'route': 'shadowsocks-go'}
@ -2346,10 +2357,11 @@ def v2ray(*, params: V2rayconfig, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)
v2ray_key = os.popen("jq -r '.inbounds[0].settings.clients[] | select(.email==" + '"' + username + '"' + ") | .id' /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json").read().rstrip()
v2ray_port = os.popen('jq -r .inbounds[0].port /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json').read().rstrip()
v2ray_conf = { 'key': v2ray_key, 'port': v2ray_port}
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for v2ray conf")
modif_config_user(username, {'v2ray': v2ray_conf})
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl restart v2ray")
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'v2ray'}
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'no changes', 'route': 'v2ray'}
@ -2408,6 +2420,7 @@ def xray(*, params: Xrayconfig, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if os.path.isfile('/etc/xray/xray-vless-reality.json'):
xray_vless_reality_public_key = os.popen("jq -r '.inbounds[] | select(.tag==" + '"' + 'omrin-vless-reality' + '"' + ") | .streamSettings.realitySettings.publicKey' /etc/xray/xray-vless-reality.json").read().rstrip()
xray_conf = { 'key': xray_key, 'port': xray_port, 'sskey': xray_ss_key, 'vless_reality_key': xray_vless_reality_public_key, 'vless_reality': vless_reality, 'ss_method': params.ss_method }
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for xray conf")
modif_config_user(username, {'xray': xray_conf})
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
if params.vless_reality and not chk_vless_reality:
@ -2415,7 +2428,7 @@ def xray(*, params: Xrayconfig, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
elif not params.vless_reality and chk_vless_reality:
shorewall_del_port(current_user.username, '443', 'tcp', 'xray vless-reality')
os.system("systemctl restart xray")
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'xray'}
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'no changes', 'route': 'xray'}
@ -2527,7 +2540,7 @@ class MPTCPparams(BaseModel):
@app.post('/mptcp', summary="Modify MPTCP configuration of the server")
def mptcp(*, params: MPTCPparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'mptcp'}
checksum = params.checksum
path_manager = params.path_manager
@ -2568,7 +2581,7 @@ def mptcp(*, params: MPTCPparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)
os.system("systemctl -q restart xray")
os.system("systemctl -q restart glorytun-tcp@tun0")
os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0")
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'}
class VPN(str, Enum):
@ -2587,15 +2600,16 @@ class Vpn(BaseModel):
@app.post('/vpn', summary="Set VPN used by the current user")
def vpn(*, vpnconfig: Vpn, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'vpn'}
vpn = vpnconfig.vpn
if not vpn:
return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'vpn'}
os.system('echo ' + vpn + ' > /etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/current-vpn')
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for vpn setting")
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpn': vpn})
current_user.vpn = vpn
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'}
class PROXY(str, Enum):
@ -2622,15 +2636,16 @@ class Proxy(BaseModel):
@app.post('/proxy', summary="Set Proxy used by the current user")
def proxy(*, proxyconfig: Proxy, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'proxy'}
proxy = proxyconfig.proxy
if not proxy:
return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'proxy'}
os.system('echo ' + proxy + ' > /etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/current-proxy')
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for proxy")
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'proxy': proxy})
#current_user.proxy = proxy
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'}
@ -2643,7 +2658,7 @@ class GlorytunConfig(BaseModel):
@app.post('/glorytun', summary="Modify Glorytun configuration")
def glorytun(*, glorytunconfig: GlorytunConfig, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'glorytun'}
userid = current_user.userid
if userid is None:
@ -2693,7 +2708,7 @@ def glorytun(*, glorytunconfig: GlorytunConfig, current_user: User = Depends(get
os.system("systemctl -q restart glorytun-udp@tun" + str(userid))
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'glorytun')
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'udp', 'glorytun')
return {'result': 'done'}
# Set A Dead Simple VPN config
@ -2704,7 +2719,7 @@ class DSVPN(BaseModel):
@app.post('/dsvpn', summary="Modify DSVPN configuration")
def dsvpn(*, params: DSVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'dsvpn'}
userid = current_user.userid
if userid is None:
@ -2731,7 +2746,7 @@ def dsvpn(*, params: DSVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q restart dsvpn-server@dsvpn" + str(userid))
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'dsvpn')
return {'result': 'done'}
# Set MLVPN config
@ -2745,7 +2760,7 @@ class MLVPN(BaseModel):
@app.post('/mlvpn', summary="Modify MLVPN configuration")
def mlvpn(*, params: MLVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'mlvpn'}
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/mlvpn/mlvpn0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
mlvpn_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
@ -2760,7 +2775,7 @@ def mlvpn(*, params: MLVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/mlvpn/mlvpn0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q restart mlvpn@mlvpn0")
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'mlvpn'}
@ -2772,7 +2787,7 @@ class OpenVPN(BaseModel):
@app.post('/openvpn', summary="Modify OpenVPN TCP configuration")
def openvpn(*, params: OpenVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if current_user.permissions == "ro":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'openvpn'}
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
fd, tmpfile = mkstemp()
@ -2791,7 +2806,7 @@ def openvpn(*, params: OpenVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0")
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(params.port), 'tcp', 'openvpn')
return {'result': 'done'}
# Set WireGuard config
@ -2827,7 +2842,7 @@ def wireguard(*, params: WireGuard, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_use
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("wg setconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf")
shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(wg_port), 'udp', 'wireguard')
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'wireguard'}
class ByPass(BaseModel):
@ -2851,7 +2866,7 @@ def bypass(*, bypassconfig: ByPass, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_use
configdata = json.loads(content)
data = configdata
except ValueError as e:
return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'lastchange'}
return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'bypass'}
data = {}
configdata = {}
@ -2893,6 +2908,7 @@ def lan(*, lanconfig: Lanips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
lanips = lanconfig.lanips
if not lanips:
return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'lan'}
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for lanip")
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'lanips': lanips})
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
omr_config_data = json.load(f)
@ -2917,7 +2933,7 @@ def lan(*, lanconfig: Lanips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0")
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'lan'}
class VPNips(BaseModel):
@ -2938,10 +2954,17 @@ def vpnips(*, vpnconfig: VPNips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user))
localip6 = vpnconfig.localip6
ula = vpnconfig.ula
if not remoteip or not localip:
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'No changes', 'route': 'vpnips'}
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
omr_config_data = json.load(f)
if 'vpnremoteip' in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username] and omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['vpnremoteip'] == remoteip and 'vpnlocalip' in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username] and omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['vpnlocalip'] == localip and ula and ('ula' in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username] and omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['ula'] == ula):
return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'vpnips'}
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpnremoteip': remoteip})
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpnlocalip': localip})
if ula:
if 'vpnremoteip' not in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username] or omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['vpnremoteip'] != remoteip:
LOG.debug("modif_config_user for vpnips")
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpnremoteip': remoteip})
if 'vpnlocalip' not in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username] or omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['vpnlocalip'] != localip:
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpnlocalip': localip})
if ula and ('ula' not in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username] or omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['ula'] != ula):
modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'ula': ula})
userid = current_user.userid
if userid is None:
@ -2966,42 +2989,58 @@ def vpnips(*, vpnconfig: VPNips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user))
final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest()
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q restart omr6in4@user" + str(userid))
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
fd, tmpfile = mkstemp()
dataexist = False
with open('/etc/shorewall/params.vpn', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n:
for line in f:
if not ('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) +'=' in line and not userid == 0) and not ('OMR_ADDR=' in line and userid == 0):
if not userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=' + remoteip + '\n')
elif userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR=' + remoteip + '\n')
elif not userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=' + remoteip + '\n')
dataexist = True
if userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR=' + remoteip + '\n')
dataexist = True
if not dataexist:
if not userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=' + remoteip + '\n')
elif userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR=' + remoteip + '\n')
move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/params.vpn')
final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall")
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
fd, tmpfile = mkstemp()
dataexist = False
with open('/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n:
for line in f:
if not ('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) +'=' in line and not userid == 0) and not ('OMR_ADDR=' in line and userid == 0):
if not userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=fd00::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n')
elif userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR=fd00::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n')
elif not userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=fd00::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n')
dataexist = True
elif userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR=fd00::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n')
dataexist = True
if not dataexist:
if not userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=fd00::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n')
elif userid == 0:
n.write('OMR_ADDR=fd00::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n')
move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn')
final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest()
if initial_md5 != final_md5:
os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall6")
return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'vpnips'}
@ -3144,13 +3183,15 @@ def add_user(*, params: NewUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json'):
shadowsocks_port = add_ss_user(str(shadowsocks_port), shadowsocks_key.decode('utf-8'), userid, publicip)
shadowsocks_port = shadowsocks_port + 1
user_json[params.username].update({"shadowsocks_port": shadowsocks_port})
if shadowsocks_port is not None:
user_json[params.username].update({"shadowsocks_port": shadowsocks_port})
if params.vpn is not None:
user_json[params.username].update({"vpn": params.vpn})
if params.proxy is not None:
user_json[params.username].update({"proxy": params.proxy})
if content:
LOG.debug("backup_config() in add user")
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(content, f, indent=4)
@ -3166,7 +3207,7 @@ def add_user(*, params: NewUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn0'):
#os.execv(__file__, sys.argv)
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
global fake_users_db
@ -3182,7 +3223,7 @@ def add_user_note(*, params: ExistingUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_curr
if not current_user.permissions == "admin":
return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Need admin user', 'route': 'add_user'}
modif_config_user(params.username,{"note": params.note})
class RemoveUser(BaseModel):
@ -3206,6 +3247,7 @@ def remove_user(*, params: RemoveUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_
if os.path.isfile('/etc/xray/xray-server.json'):
if content:
LOG.debug("backup_config() in remove user")
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(content, f, indent=4)
@ -3221,7 +3263,7 @@ def remove_user(*, params: RemoveUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_
if os.path.isfile('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn0'):
#os.execv(__file__, sys.argv)
with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f:
global fake_users_db