#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois) for OpenMPTCProuter # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. # See /LICENSE for more information. # import json import base64 import secrets import uuid import configparser import subprocess import os import sys import socket import re import hashlib import pathlib import psutil import time import uuid from pprint import pprint from datetime import datetime, timedelta from tempfile import mkstemp from typing import List, Optional from shutil import move from enum import Enum from os import path import logging import uvicorn import jwt from jwt import PyJWTError from netaddr import * from netjsonconfig import OpenWrt from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, Security, Query, Request from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, SecurityScopes, OAuth2 from passlib.context import CryptContext from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from fastapi.security.base import SecurityBase from fastapi.security.utils import get_authorization_scheme_param from fastapi.openapi.docs import get_swagger_ui_html from fastapi.openapi.models import OAuthFlows as OAuthFlowsModel from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi from fastapi.openapi.models import SecurityBase as SecurityBaseModel from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError # pylint: disable=E0611 from starlette.status import HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse, Response, JSONResponse #from starlette.requests import Request import netifaces LOG = logging.getLogger('api') LOG.setLevel(logging.ERROR) #LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Generate a random secret key SECRET_KEY = uuid.uuid4().hex JWT_SECRET_KEY = uuid.uuid4().hex PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(hours=24) ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES = 1440 ALGORITHM = "HS256" # Get main net interface FILE = open('/etc/shorewall/params.net', "r") READ = FILE.read() IFACE = None for line in READ.splitlines(): if 'NET_IFACE=' in line: IFACE = line.split('=', 1)[1] FILE.close() # Get ipv6 net interface FILE = open('/etc/shorewall6/params.net', "r") READ = FILE.read() IFACE6 = None for line in READ.splitlines(): if 'NET_IFACE=' in line: IFACE6 = line.split('=', 1)[1] FILE.close() # Get interface rx/tx def get_bytes(t, iface='eth0'): if path.exists('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/statistics/' + t + '_bytes'): with open('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/statistics/' + t + '_bytes', 'r') as f: data = f.read() return int(data) return 0 def get_bytes_ss(port): try: ss_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ss_socket.settimeout(1) ss_socket.sendto('ping'.encode(), ("", 8839)) ss_recv = ss_socket.recv(1024) except socket.timeout as err: LOG.debug("Shadowsocks stats timeout (" + str(err) + ")") return 0 except socket.error as err: LOG.debug("Shadowsocks stats error (" + str(err) + ")") return 0 json_txt = ss_recv.decode("utf-8").replace('stat: ', '') result = json.loads(json_txt) if str(port) in result: return result[str(port)] return 0 def get_bytes_v2ray(t,user): if t == "tx": side="downlink" else: side="uplink" try: data = subprocess.check_output('/usr/bin/v2ctl api --server= StatsService.GetStats ' + "'" + 'name: "user>>>' + user + '>>>traffic>>>' + side + '"' + "'" + ' 2>/dev/null | grep value | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d " "', shell = True) except: return 0 if data.decode("utf-8") != '': return int(data.decode("utf-8")) else: return 0 def checkIfProcessRunning(processName): for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if processName.lower() in proc.name().lower(): return True except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass return False; def file_as_bytes(file): with file: return file.read() def get_username_from_userid(userid): if userid == 0: return 'openmptcprouter' with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 try: data = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'get_username'} for user in data['users'][0]: if 'userid' in data['users'][0][user] and int(data['users'][0][user]['userid']) == userid: return user return '' def check_username_serial(username, serial): with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 try: data = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'check_serial'} if 'serial_enforce' not in data or data['serial_enforce'] == False: return True if 'serial' not in data['users'][0][username]: data['users'][0][username]['serial'] = serial if data: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) return True if data['users'][0][username]['serial'] == serial: return True if 'serial_error' not in data['users'][0][username]: data['users'][0][username]['serial_error'] = 1 else: data['users'][0][username]['serial_error'] = int(data['users'][0][username]['serial_error']) + 1 if data: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) else: LOG.debug("Empty data for check_username_serial") return False def set_global_param(key, value): with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 try: data = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'global_param'} data[key] = value if data: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) else: LOG.debug("Empty data for set_global_param") def modif_config_user(user, changes): with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = json.load(f) content['users'][0][user].update(changes) if content: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(content, f, indent=4) else: LOG.debug("Empty data for modif_config_user") def add_ss_user(port, key, userid=0, ip=''): with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 data = json.loads(content) if ip == '' and 'port_key' in data: if port is None or port == '' or port == 0 or port == 'None': port = int(max(data['port_key'], key=int)) + 1 data['port_key'][str(port)] = key else: if 'port_conf' not in data: data['port_conf'] = {} if 'port_key' in data: for old_port in data['port_key']: data['port_conf'][old_port] = {'key': data['port_key'][old_port]} del data['port_key'] if port == '' or port == "None" or port is None or port == 0: port = int(max(data['port_conf'], key=int)) + 1 if ip != '': data['port_conf'][str(port)] = {'key': key, 'local_address': ip, 'userid': userid} else: data['port_conf'][str(port)] = {'key': key, 'userid': userid} with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) try: ss_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if ip != '': data = 'add: {"server_port": ' + str(port) + ', "key": "' + key + '", "local_addr": "' + ip + '"}' else: data = 'add: {"server_port": ' + str(port) + ', "key": "' + key + '"}' ss_socket.settimeout(1) ss_socket.sendto(data.encode(), ("", 8839)) except socket.timeout as err: LOG.debug("Shadowsocks add timeout (" + str(err) + ")") except socket.error as err: LOG.debug("Shadowsocks add error (" + str(err) + ")") return port def remove_ss_user(port): with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 data = json.loads(content) if 'port_key' in data: del data['port_key'][str(port)] else: del data['port_conf'][str(port)] with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) try: ss_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) data = 'remove: {"server_port": ' + str(port) + '}' ss_socket.settimeout(1) ss_socket.sendto(data.encode(), ("", 8839)) except socket.timeout as err: LOG.debug("Shadowsocks remove timeout (" + str(err) + ")") except socket.error as err: LOG.debug("Shadowsocks remove error (" + str(err) + ")") def v2ray_add_user(user, restart=1): v2rayuuid = str(uuid.uuid1()) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) exist = 0 for inbounds in data['inbounds']: if inbounds['tag'] == 'omrin-tunnel': inbounds['settings']['clients'].append({'id': v2rayuuid, 'level': 0, 'alterId': 0, 'email': user}) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5 and restart == 1: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") return v2rayuuid def v2ray_del_user(user, restart=1): v2rayuuid = str(uuid.uuid1()) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) for inbounds in data['inbounds']: if inbounds['tag'] == 'omrin-tunnel': for v2rayuser in inbounds['settings']['clients']: if v2rayuser['email'] == user: inbounds['settings']['clients'].remove(v2rayuser) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5 and restart == 1: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def v2ray_add_outbound(tag,ip, restart=1): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) data['outbounds'].append({'protocol': 'freedom', 'settings': { 'userLevel': 0 }, 'tag': tag, 'sendThrough': ip}) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5 and restart == 1: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def v2ray_del_outbound(tag, restart=1): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) for outbounds in data['outbounds']: if outbounds['tag'] == tag: data['outbounds'].remove(outbounds) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5 and restart == 1: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def v2ray_add_routing(tag, restart=1): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) data['routing']['rules'].append({'type': 'field', 'inboundTag': ( 'omrintunnel' ), 'outboundTag': tag}) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5 and restart == 1: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def v2ray_del_routing(tag, restart=1): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) for rules in data['routing']['rules']: if rules['outboundTag'] == tag: data['routing']['rules'].remove(rules) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5 and restart == 1: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def add_gre_tunnels(): nbip = 0 allips = [] for intf in netifaces.interfaces(): addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(intf) try: ipv4_addr_list = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET] for ip_info in ipv4_addr_list: addr = ip_info['addr'] if not IPAddress(addr).is_private() and not IPAddress(addr).is_reserved(): allips.append(addr) nbip = nbip + 1 except Exception as exception: pass if nbip > 1: nbgre = 0 nbip = 0 initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/snat', 'rb'))).hexdigest() for intf in netifaces.interfaces(): addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(intf) try: ipv4_addr_list = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET] for ip_info in ipv4_addr_list: addr = ip_info['addr'] if not IPAddress(addr).is_private() and not IPAddress(addr).is_reserved(): netmask = ip_info['netmask'] ip = IPNetwork('') with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = json.load(f) for user in content['users'][0]: if user != "admin": subnets = ip.subnet(30) network = list(subnets)[nbgre] nbgre = nbgre + 1 userid = 0 username = user iface = intf.split(':')[0] if 'userid' in content['users'][0][user]: userid = content['users'][0][user]['userid'] if 'username' in content['users'][0][user]: username = content['users'][0][user]['username'] gre_intf = 'gre-user' + str(userid) + '-ip' + str(nbip) with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/intf/' + gre_intf, 'w') as n: n.write('INTF=' + str(intf.split(':')[0]) + "\n") n.write('INTFADDR=' + str(addr) + "\n") n.write('INTFNETMASK=' + str(netmask) + "\n") n.write('NETWORK=' + str(network) + "\n") n.write('LOCALIP=' + str(list(network)[1]) + "\n") n.write('REMOTEIP=' + str(list(network)[2]) + "\n") n.write('NETMASK=' + "\n") n.write('BROADCASTIP=' + str(network.broadcast) + "\n") n.write('USERNAME=' + str(username) + "\n") n.write('USERID=' + str(userid) + "\n") fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/snat', 'r') as h, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in h: if not '# OMR GRE for public IP ' + str(addr) + ' for user ' + str(user) in line: n.write(line) n.write('SNAT(' + str(addr) + ') ' + str(network) + ' ' + str(iface) + ' # OMR GRE for public IP ' + str(addr) + ' for user ' + str(user) + "\n") os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/snat') #fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() #with open('/etc/shorewall/interfaces', 'r') as h, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: # for line in h: # if not 'gre-user' + str(userid) + '-ip' + str(nbip) in line: # n.write(line) # n.write('vpn gre-user' + str(userid) + '-ip' + str(nbip) + ' nosmurfs,tcpflags' + "\n") #os.close(fd) #move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/interfaces') if str(iface) != IFACE: fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/interfaces', 'r') as h, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in h: if not str(iface) in line: n.write(line) n.write('net ' + str(iface) + ' dhcp,nosmurfs,tcpflags,routefilter,sourceroute=0' + "\n") os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/interfaces') user_gre_tunnels = {} if 'gre_tunnels' in content['users'][0][user]: user_gre_tunnels = content['users'][0][user]['gre_tunnels'] if not gre_intf in user_gre_tunnels or user_gre_tunnels[gre_intf]['public_ip'] != str(addr): with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json') as g: contentss = g.read() contentss = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", contentss) # pylint: disable=W1401 datass = json.loads(contentss) ss_port = content['users'][0][user]['shadowsocks_port'] if 'port_key' in datass: ss_key = datass['port_key'][str(ss_port)] if 'port_conf' in datass: ss_key = datass['port_conf'][str(ss_port)]['key'] if gre_intf not in user_gre_tunnels: user_gre_tunnels[gre_intf] = {} user_gre_tunnels[gre_intf] = {'shadowsocks_port': str(add_ss_user('', ss_key, userid, str(addr))), 'local_ip': str(list(network)[1]), 'remote_ip': str(list(network)[2]), 'public_ip': str(addr)} #user_gre_tunnels[gre_intf] = {'local_ip': str(list(network)[1]), 'remote_ip': str(list(network)[2]), 'public_ip': str(addr)} modif_config_user(user, {'gre_tunnels': user_gre_tunnels}) nbip = nbip + 1 except Exception as exception: pass final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/snat', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall") os.system("systemctl -q restart shadowsocks-libev-manager@manager") set_global_param('allips', allips) add_gre_tunnels() def add_glorytun_tcp(userid): port = '650{:02d}'.format(userid) ip = IPNetwork('') subnets = ip.subnet(30) network = list(subnets)[userid] with open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun0', 'r') as f, \ open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid), 'w') as n: for line in f: if 'PORT' in line: n.write('PORT=' + port + "\n") elif 'DEV' in line: n.write('DEV=tun' + str(userid) + "\n") elif (not 'LOCALIP' in line and not 'REMOTEIP' in line and not 'BROADCASTIP' in line and not line == "\n"): n.write(line) n.write("\n" + 'LOCALIP=' + str(list(network)[1]) + "\n") n.write('REMOTEIP=' + str(list(network)[2]) + "\n") n.write('BROADCASTIP=' + str(network.broadcast) + "\n") glorytun_tcp_key = secrets.token_hex(32) with open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key', 'w') as f: f.write(glorytun_tcp_key.upper()) os.system("systemctl -q enable glorytun-tcp@tun" + str(userid)) os.system("systemctl -q restart glorytun-tcp@tun" + str(userid)) def remove_glorytun_tcp(userid): os.system("systemctl -q disable glorytun-tcp@tun" + str(userid)) os.system("systemctl -q stop glorytun-tcp@tun" + str(userid)) os.remove('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key') os.remove('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid)) def add_glorytun_udp(userid): port = '650{:02d}'.format(userid) ip = IPNetwork('') subnets = ip.subnet(30) network = list(subnets)[userid] with open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun0', 'r') as f, \ open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid), 'w') as n: for line in f: if 'BIND_PORT' in line: n.write('BIND_PORT=' + port + "\n") elif 'DEV' in line: n.write('DEV=tun' + str(userid) + "\n") elif (not 'LOCALIP' in line and not 'REMOTEIP' in line and not 'BROADCASTIP' in line and not line == "\n"): n.write(line) n.write("\n" + 'LOCALIP=' + str(list(network)[1]) + "\n") n.write('REMOTEIP=' + str(list(network)[2]) + "\n") n.write('BROADCASTIP=' + str(network.broadcast) + "\n") with open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key', 'r') as f, \ open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key', 'w') as n: for line in f: n.write(line) os.system("systemctl -q enable glorytun-udp@tun" + str(userid)) os.system("systemctl -q restart glorytun-udp@tun" + str(userid)) def remove_glorytun_udp(userid): os.system("systemctl -q disable glorytun-udp@tun" + str(userid)) os.system("systemctl -q stop glorytun-udp@tun" + str(userid)) os.remove('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key') os.remove('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid)) def add_dsvpn(userid): port = '654{:02d}'.format(userid) ip = IPNetwork('') subnets = ip.subnet(30) network = list(subnets)[userid] with open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn0', 'r') as f, open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid), 'w') as n: for line in f: if 'PORT' in line: n.write('PORT=' + port + "\n") elif 'DEV' in line: n.write('DEV=dsvpn' + str(userid) + "\n") elif 'LOCALTUNIP' in line: n.write('LOCALTUNIP=' + str(list(network)[1]) + "\n") elif 'REMOTETUNIP' in line: n.write('REMOTETUNIP=' + str(list(network)[2]) + "\n") else: n.write(line) dsvpn_key = secrets.token_hex(32) with open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid) + '.key', 'w') as f: f.write(dsvpn_key.upper()) os.system("systemctl -q enable dsvpn@dsvpn" + str(userid)) os.system("systemctl -q restart dsvpn@dsvpn" + str(userid)) def remove_dsvpn(userid): os.system("systemctl -q disable dsvpn@dsvpn" + str(userid)) os.system("systemctl -q stop dsvpn@dsvpn" + str(userid)) os.remove('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid)) os.remove('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid) + '.key') def ordered(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return sorted((k, ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items()) if isinstance(obj, list): return sorted(ordered(x) for x in obj) else: return obj def v2ray_add_port(user, port, proto, name, destip, destport): userid = user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 tag = user.username + '_redir_' + proto + '_' + str(port) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) exist = 0 for inbounds in data['inbounds']: LOG.debug(inbounds) if inbounds['tag'] == tag: exist = 1 if exist == 0: inbounds = {'tag': user.username + '_redir_' + proto + '_' + str(port), 'port': int(port), 'protocol': 'dokodemo-door', 'settings': {'network': proto, 'port': int(destport), 'address': destip}} data['inbounds'].append(inbounds) routing = {'type': 'field','inboundTag': [user.username + '_redir_' + proto + '_' + str(port)], 'outboundTag': 'OMRLan'} data['routing']['rules'].append(routing) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def v2ray_del_port(username, port, proto, name): userid = user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 tag = user.username + '_redir_' + proto + '_' + str(port) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: data = json.load(f) exist = 0 for inbounds in data['inbounds']: if inbounds['tag'] == tag: data['inbounds'].remove(inbounds) with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart v2ray") def shorewall_add_port(user, port, proto, name, fwtype='ACCEPT', source_dip='', dest_ip='', vpn='default'): userid = user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'r') as f, \ open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if source_dip == '' and dest_ip == '': if (fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not port + ' # OMR open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line): n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not port + ' # OMR redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) else: comment = '' if source_dip == '': comment = ' to ' + source_dip if dest_ip == '': comment = comment + ' from ' + dest_ip if (fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not '# OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment in line): n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not '# OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment in line: n.write(line) if source_dip == '' and dest_ip == '': if fwtype == 'ACCEPT': n.write('ACCEPT net $FW ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid == 0: n.write('DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid != 0: n.write('DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + ' ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + "\n") else: net = 'net' comment = '' if source_dip != '': comment = ' to ' + source_dip if dest_ip != '': comment = comment + ' from ' + dest_ip net = 'net:' + dest_ip if fwtype == 'ACCEPT': n.write('ACCEPT ' + net + ' $FW ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and vpn != 'default': #n.write('DNAT ' + net + ' vpn:' + vpn + ' ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") n.write('DNAT ' + net + ' vpn:$OMR_ADDR' + ' ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid == 0: n.write('DNAT ' + net + ' vpn:$OMR_ADDR ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid != 0: n.write('DNAT ' + net + ' vpn:$OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + ' ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/rules') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall") def shorewall_del_port(username, port, proto, name, fwtype='ACCEPT', source_dip='', dest_ip=''): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if source_dip == '' and dest_ip == '': if fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not port + ' # OMR open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not port + ' # OMR redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) else: comment = '' if source_dip != '': comment = ' to ' + source_dip if dest_ip != '': comment = comment + ' from ' + dest_ip if fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not '# OMR ' + username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment in line: n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not '# OMR ' + username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment in line: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/rules') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall") def shorewall6_add_port(user, port, proto, name, fwtype='ACCEPT', source_dip='', dest_ip=''): userid = user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if source_dip == '': if fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not port + ' # OMR open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not port + ' # OMR redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) else: comment = '' if source_dip == '': comment = ' to ' + source_dip if dest_ip == '': comment = comment + ' from ' + dest_ip if fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not port + '# OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment in line: n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not port + '# OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment in line: n.write(line) if source_dip == '': if fwtype == 'ACCEPT': n.write('ACCEPT net $FW ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid == 0: n.write('DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid != 0: n.write('DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + ' ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + "\n") else: net = 'net' comment = '' if source_dip == '': comment = ' to ' + source_dip if dest_ip == '': comment = comment + ' from ' + dest_ip net = 'net:' + dest_ip if fwtype == 'ACCEPT': n.write('ACCEPT ' + net + ' $FW ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment+ "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid == 0: n.write('DNAT ' + net + ' vpn:$OMR_ADDR ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and userid != 0: n.write('DNAT ' + net + ' vpn:$OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + ' ' + proto + ' ' + port + ' - ' + source_dip + ' # OMR ' + user.username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + comment + "\n") os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall6/rules') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall6") def shorewall6_del_port(username, port, proto, name, fwtype='ACCEPT', source_dip='', dest_ip=''): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if source_dip == '': if fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not port + ' # OMR open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not port + ' # OMR redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line and not port + ' # OMR ' + username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto in line: n.write(line) else: if fwtype == 'ACCEPT' and not '# OMR ' + username + ' open ' + name + ' port ' + proto + ' to ' + source_dip in line: n.write(line) elif fwtype == 'DNAT' and not '# OMR ' + username + ' redirect ' + name + ' port ' + proto + ' to ' + source_dip in line: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall6/rules') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall6") def set_lastchange(sync=0): with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 try: data = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: return {'error': 'Config file not readable', 'route': 'lastchange'} data["lastchange"] = time.time() + sync if data: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) else: LOG.debug("Empty data for set_last_change") with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: omr_config_data = json.load(f) if 'debug' in omr_config_data and omr_config_data['debug']: LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fake_users_db = omr_config_data['users'][0] def verify_password(plain_password, user_password): if plain_password == user_password: LOG.debug("password true") return True return False def get_password_hash(password): return password def get_user(db, username: str): if username in db: user_dict = db[username] return UserInDB(**user_dict) def authenticate_user(fake_db, username: str, password: str): user = get_user(fake_db, username) if not user: LOG.debug("user doesn't exist") return False if not verify_password(password, user.user_password): LOG.debug("wrong password") return False return user class Token(BaseModel): access_token: str = None token_type: str = None class TokenData(BaseModel): username: str = None class User(BaseModel): username: str vpn: str = None vpn_port: int = None vpn_client_ip: str = None permissions: str = 'rw' shadowsocks_port: int = None disabled: bool = 'false' userid: int = None class UserInDB(User): user_password: str # Add support for auth before seeing doc class OAuth2PasswordBearerCookie(OAuth2): def __init__( self, tokenUrl: str, scheme_name: str = None, scopes: dict = None, auto_error: bool = True, ): if not scopes: scopes = {} flows = OAuthFlowsModel(password={"tokenUrl": tokenUrl, "scopes": scopes}) super().__init__(flows=flows, scheme_name=scheme_name, auto_error=auto_error) async def __call__(self, request: Request) -> Optional[str]: header_authorization: str = request.headers.get("Authorization") cookie_authorization: str = request.cookies.get("Authorization") header_scheme, header_param = get_authorization_scheme_param( header_authorization ) cookie_scheme, cookie_param = get_authorization_scheme_param( cookie_authorization ) if header_scheme.lower() == "bearer": authorization = True scheme = header_scheme param = header_param elif cookie_scheme.lower() == "bearer": authorization = True scheme = cookie_scheme param = cookie_param else: authorization = False if not authorization or scheme.lower() != "bearer": if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Not authenticated" ) else: return None return param class BasicAuth(SecurityBase): def __init__(self, scheme_name: str = None, auto_error: bool = True): self.scheme_name = scheme_name or self.__class__.__name__ self.model = SecurityBaseModel(type="http") self.auto_error = auto_error async def __call__(self, request: Request) -> Optional[str]: authorization: str = request.headers.get("Authorization") scheme, param = get_authorization_scheme_param(authorization) if not authorization or scheme.lower() != "basic": if self.auto_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Not authenticated" ) else: return None return param basic_auth = BasicAuth(auto_error=False) pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearerCookie(tokenUrl="/token") app = FastAPI(docs_url=None, redoc_url=None, openapi_url=None, title="OpenMPTCProuter Server API") def create_access_token(*, data: dict, expires_delta: timedelta = None): to_encode = data.copy() if expires_delta: expire = datetime.utcnow() + expires_delta else: expire = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=60) to_encode.update({"exp": expire}) encoded_jwt = jwt.encode(to_encode, SECRET_KEY, algorithm=ALGORITHM) return encoded_jwt async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)): credentials_exception = HTTPException( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="Could not validate credentials", headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"}, ) try: payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM]) username: str = payload.get("sub") if username is None: LOG.debug("get_current_user: Username not found") raise credentials_exception token_data = TokenData(username=username) except PyJWTError: raise credentials_exception user = get_user(fake_users_db, username=token_data.username) if user is None: raise credentials_exception return user async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.disabled: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user") return current_user # Show something at homepage @app.get("/") async def homepage(): return "Welcome to OpenMPTCProuter Server part" # Provide a method to create access tokens. The create_jwt() # function is used to actually generate the token @app.post('/token', response_model=Token) async def login_for_access_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()): user = authenticate_user(fake_users_db, form_data.username, form_data.password) if not user: LOG.debug("Incorrect username or password") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password") # Identity can be any data that is json serializable access_token_expires = timedelta(minutes=ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES) access_token = create_access_token( data={"sub": form_data.username}, expires_delta=access_token_expires ) return {"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer"} @app.get("/logout") async def route_logout_and_remove_cookie(): response = RedirectResponse(url="/") response.delete_cookie("Authorization") return response # Login for doc @app.get("/login_basic") async def login_basic(auth: BasicAuth = Depends(basic_auth)): if not auth: response = Response(headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Basic"}, status_code=401) return response try: decoded = base64.b64decode(auth).decode("ascii") username, _, password = decoded.partition(":") user = authenticate_user(fake_users_db, username, password) if not user: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect email or password") access_token_expires = timedelta(minutes=ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES) access_token = create_access_token( data={"sub": username}, expires_delta=access_token_expires ) token = jsonable_encoder(access_token) response = RedirectResponse(url="/docs") response.set_cookie( "Authorization", value=f"Bearer {token}", httponly=True, max_age=1800, expires=1800, ) return response except: response = Response(headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Basic"}, status_code=401) return response @app.get("/openapi.json") async def get_open_api_endpoint(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)): return JSONResponse(get_openapi(title="FastAPI", version=1, routes=app.routes)) @app.get("/docs") async def get_documentation(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)): return get_swagger_ui_html(openapi_url="/openapi.json", title="docs") # Get Client IP @app.get('/clienthost') async def status(request: Request): client_host = request.client.host return {"client_host": client_host} # Get VPS status @app.get('/status', summary="Get current server load average, uptime and release") async def status(userid: Optional[int] = Query(None), serial: Optional[str] = Query(None), current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): LOG.debug('Get status...') if not current_user.permissions == "admin": userid = current_user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 username = get_username_from_userid(userid) if not current_user.permissions == "admin" and serial is not None: if not check_username_serial(username, serial): return {'error': 'False serial number'} vps_loadavg = os.popen("cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1\" \"$2\" \"$3}'").read().rstrip() vps_uptime = os.popen("cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}'").read().rstrip() vps_hostname = socket.gethostname() vps_current_time = time.time() vps_kernel = os.popen('uname -r').read().rstrip() vps_omr_version = os.popen("grep -s 'OpenMPTCProuter VPS' /etc/* | awk '{print $4}'").read().rstrip() mptcp_enabled = os.popen('sysctl -n net.mptcp.mptcp_enabled').read().rstrip() shadowsocks_port = current_user.shadowsocks_port if not shadowsocks_port == None: ss_traffic = get_bytes_ss(current_user.shadowsocks_port) else: ss_traffic = 0 v2ray_tx = 0 v2ray_rx = 0 if os.path.isfile('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') and checkIfProcessRunning('v2ray'): v2ray_tx = get_bytes_v2ray('tx',username) v2ray_rx = get_bytes_v2ray('rx',username) vpn = 'glorytun_tcp' with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: try: omr_config_data = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: omr_config_data = {} if 'vpn' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: vpn = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['vpn'] vpn_traffic_rx = 0 vpn_traffic_tx = 0 if vpn == 'glorytun_tcp': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'gt-tun' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'gt-tun' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'glorytun_udp': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'gt-udp-tun' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'gt-udp-tun' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'mlvpn': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'mlvpn' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'mlvpn' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'dsvpn': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'dsvpn' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'dsvpn' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'openvpn': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'tun0') vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'tun0') elif vpn == 'openvpn_bonding': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'omr-bonding') vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'omr-bonding') LOG.debug('Get status: done') if IFACE: return {'vps': {'time': vps_current_time, 'loadavg': vps_loadavg, 'uptime': vps_uptime, 'mptcp': mptcp_enabled, 'hostname': vps_hostname, 'kernel': vps_kernel, 'omr_version': vps_omr_version}, 'network': {'tx': get_bytes('tx', IFACE), 'rx': get_bytes('rx', IFACE)}, 'shadowsocks': {'traffic': ss_traffic}, 'vpn': {'tx': vpn_traffic_tx, 'rx': vpn_traffic_rx}, 'v2ray': {'tx': v2ray_tx, 'rx': v2ray_rx}} else: return {'error': 'No iface defined', 'route': 'status'} # Get VPS config @app.get('/config', summary="Get full server configuration for current user") async def config(userid: Optional[int] = Query(None), serial: Optional[str] = Query(None), current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): LOG.debug('Get config...') if not current_user.permissions == "admin": userid = current_user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 username = get_username_from_userid(userid) if not current_user.permissions == "admin" and serial is not None: if not check_username_serial(username, serial): return {'error': 'False serial number'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: try: omr_config_data = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: omr_config_data = {} LOG.debug('Get config... shadowsocks') with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 try: data = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: data = {'port_key': '', 'server_port': 65101, 'method': 'chacha20'} #shadowsocks_port = data["server_port"] shadowsocks_port = current_user.shadowsocks_port if shadowsocks_port is not None: if 'port_key' in data: shadowsocks_key = data["port_key"][str(shadowsocks_port)] else: shadowsocks_key = data["port_conf"][str(shadowsocks_port)]["key"] else: shadowsocks_key = '' shadowsocks_method = data["method"] if 'fast_open' in data: shadowsocks_fast_open = data["fast_open"] else: shadowsocks_fast_open = False if 'reuse_port' in data: shadowsocks_reuse_port = data["reuse_port"] else: shadowsocks_reuse_port = False if 'no_delay' in data: shadowsocks_no_delay = data["no_delay"] else: shadowsocks_no_delay = False if 'mptcp' in data: shadowsocks_mptcp = data["mptcp"] else: shadowsocks_mptcp = False if 'ebpf' in data: shadowsocks_ebpf = data["ebpf"] else: shadowsocks_ebpf = False if "plugin" in data: shadowsocks_obfs = True if 'v2ray' in data["plugin"]: shadowsocks_obfs_plugin = 'v2ray' else: shadowsocks_obfs_plugin = 'obfs' if 'tls' in data["plugin_opts"]: shadowsocks_obfs_type = 'tls' else: shadowsocks_obfs_type = 'http' else: shadowsocks_obfs = False shadowsocks_obfs_plugin = '' shadowsocks_obfs_type = '' shadowsocks_port = current_user.shadowsocks_port if not shadowsocks_port == None: ss_traffic = get_bytes_ss(current_user.shadowsocks_port) else: ss_traffic = 0 LOG.debug('Get config... glorytun') if os.path.isfile('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid) +'.key'): glorytun_key = open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key').readline().rstrip() else: glorytun_key = '' glorytun_port = '65001' glorytun_chacha = False glorytun_tcp_host_ip = '' glorytun_tcp_client_ip = '' glorytun_udp_host_ip = '' glorytun_udp_client_ip = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid)): with open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid), "r") as glorytun_file: for line in glorytun_file: if 'PORT=' in line: glorytun_port = line.replace(line[:5], '').rstrip() if 'LOCALIP=' in line: glorytun_tcp_host_ip = line.replace(line[:8], '').rstrip() if 'REMOTEIP=' in line: glorytun_tcp_client_ip = line.replace(line[:9], '').rstrip() if 'chacha' in line: glorytun_chacha = True if userid == 0 and glorytun_tcp_host_ip == '': if 'glorytun_tcp_type' in omr_config_data: if omr_config_data['glorytun_tcp_type'] == 'static': glorytun_tcp_host_ip = '' glorytun_tcp_client_ip = '' else: glorytun_tcp_host_ip = 'dhcp' glorytun_tcp_client_ip = 'dhcp' else: glorytun_tcp_host_ip = '' glorytun_tcp_client_ip = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid)): with open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid), "r") as glorytun_file: for line in glorytun_file: if 'LOCALIP=' in line: glorytun_udp_host_ip = line.replace(line[:8], '').rstrip() if 'REMOTEIP=' in line: glorytun_udp_client_ip = line.replace(line[:9], '').rstrip() if userid == 0 and glorytun_udp_host_ip == '': if 'glorytun_udp_type' in omr_config_data: if omr_config_data['glorytun_udp_type'] == 'static': glorytun_udp_host_ip = '' glorytun_udp_client_ip = '' else: glorytun_udp_host_ip = 'dhcp' glorytun_udp_client_ip = 'dhcp' else: glorytun_udp_host_ip = '' glorytun_udp_client_ip = '' available_vpn = ["glorytun_tcp", "glorytun_udp"] LOG.debug('Get config... dsvpn') if os.path.isfile('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid) + '.key'): dsvpn_key = open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid) + '.key').readline().rstrip() available_vpn.append("dsvpn") else: dsvpn_key = '' dsvpn_port = '65401' dsvpn_host_ip = '' dsvpn_client_ip = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid)): with open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid), "r") as dsvpn_file: for line in dsvpn_file: if 'PORT=' in line: dsvpn_port = line.replace(line[:5], '').rstrip() if 'LOCALTUNIP=' in line: dsvpn_host_ip = line.replace(line[:11], '').rstrip() if 'REMOTETUNIP=' in line: dsvpn_client_ip = line.replace(line[:12], '').rstrip() if userid == 0 and dsvpn_host_ip == '': dsvpn_host_ip = '' dsvpn_client_ip = '' LOG.debug('Get config... iperf3') if os.path.isfile('/etc/iperf3/public.pem'): with open('/etc/iperf3/public.pem', "rb") as iperfkey_file: iperf_keyb = base64.b64encode(iperfkey_file.read()) iperf3_key = iperf_keyb.decode('utf-8') else: iperf3_key = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf'): pihole = True else: pihole = False LOG.debug('Get config... openvpn') #if os.path.isfile('/etc/openvpn/server/static.key'): # with open('/etc/openvpn/server/static.key',"rb") as ovpnkey_file: # openvpn_keyb = base64.b64encode(ovpnkey_file.read()) # openvpn_key = openvpn_keyb.decode('utf-8') # available_vpn.append("openvpn") #else: # openvpn_key = '' openvpn_key = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/openvpn/ca/pki/private/' + username + '.key'): with open('/etc/openvpn/ca/pki/private/' + username + '.key', "rb") as ovpnkey_file: openvpn_keyb = base64.b64encode(ovpnkey_file.read()) openvpn_client_key = openvpn_keyb.decode('utf-8') else: openvpn_client_key = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/openvpn/ca/pki/issued/' + username + '.crt'): with open('/etc/openvpn/ca/pki/issued/' + username + '.crt', "rb") as ovpnkey_file: openvpn_keyb = base64.b64encode(ovpnkey_file.read()) openvpn_client_crt = openvpn_keyb.decode('utf-8') available_vpn.append("openvpn") else: openvpn_client_crt = '' if os.path.isfile('/etc/openvpn/ca/pki/ca.crt'): with open('/etc/openvpn/ca/pki/ca.crt', "rb") as ovpnkey_file: openvpn_keyb = base64.b64encode(ovpnkey_file.read()) openvpn_client_ca = openvpn_keyb.decode('utf-8') else: openvpn_client_ca = '' openvpn_port = '65301' openvpn_cipher = 'AES-256-CBC' if os.path.isfile('/etc/openvpn/openvpn-tun0.conf'): with open('/etc/openvpn/openvpn-tun0.conf', "r") as openvpn_file: for line in openvpn_file: if 'port ' in line: openvpn_port = line.replace(line[:5], '').rstrip() if 'cipher ' in line: openvpn_cipher = line.replace(line[:7], '').rstrip() openvpn_host_ip = '' #openvpn_client_ip = '' openvpn_client_ip = 'dhcp' if os.path.isfile('/etc/openvpn/bonding1.conf'): available_vpn.append("openvpn_bonding") LOG.debug('Get config... mlvpn') if os.path.isfile('/etc/mlvpn/mlvpn0.conf'): mlvpn_config = configparser.ConfigParser() mlvpn_config.read_file(open(r'/etc/mlvpn/mlvpn0.conf')) mlvpn_key = mlvpn_config.get('general', 'password').strip('"') available_vpn.append("mlvpn") else: mlvpn_key = '' mlvpn_host_ip = '' mlvpn_client_ip = '' gre_tunnel = False gre_tunnel_conf = [] # for tunnel in pathlib.Path('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/intf').glob('gre-user' + str(userid) + '-ip*'): # gre_tunnel = True # with open(tunnel, "r") as tunnel_conf: # for line in tunnel_conf: # if 'LOCALIP=' in line: # gre_tunnel_localip = line.replace(line[:8], '').rstrip() # if 'REMOTEIP=' in line: # gre_tunnel_remoteip = line.replace(line[:9], '').rstrip() # if 'NETMASK=' in line: # gre_tunnel_netmask = line.replace(line[:8], '').rstrip() # if 'INTFADDR=' in line: # gre_tunnel_intfaddr = line.replace(line[:9], '').rstrip() # gre_tunnel_conf.append("{'local_ip': '" + gre_tunnel_localip + "', 'remote_ip': '" + gre_tunnel_remoteip + "', 'netmask': '" + gre_tunnel_netmask + "', 'public_ip': '" + gre_tunnel_intfaddr + "'}") if 'gre_tunnels' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: gre_tunnel = True gre_tunnel_conf = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['gre_tunnels'] if 'vpnremoteip' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: vpn_remote_ip = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['vpnremoteip'] else: vpn_remote_ip = '' if 'vpnlocalip' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: vpn_local_ip = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['vpnlocalip'] else: vpn_local_ip = '' v2ray = False v2ray_conf = [] v2ray_tx = 0 v2ray_rx = 0 if os.path.isfile('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json'): v2ray = True if not 'v2ray' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: v2ray_key = os.popen('jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].id /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json').read().rstrip() v2ray_port = os.popen('jq -r .inbounds[0].port /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json').read().rstrip() v2ray_conf = { 'key': v2ray_key, 'port': v2ray_port} modif_config_user(username, {'v2ray': v2ray_conf}) else: v2ray_conf = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['v2ray'] if checkIfProcessRunning('v2ray'): v2ray_tx = get_bytes_v2ray('tx',username) v2ray_rx = get_bytes_v2ray('rx',username) LOG.debug('Get config... mptcp') mptcp_enabled = os.popen('sysctl -n net.mptcp.mptcp_enabled').read().rstrip() mptcp_checksum = os.popen('sysctl -n net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum').read().rstrip() mptcp_path_manager = os.popen('sysctl -n net.mptcp.mptcp_path_manager').read().rstrip() mptcp_scheduler = os.popen('sysctl -n net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler').read().rstrip() mptcp_syn_retries = os.popen('sysctl -n net.mptcp.mptcp_syn_retries').read().rstrip() congestion_control = os.popen('sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control').read().rstrip() LOG.debug('Get config... ipv6') if 'ipv6_network' in omr_config_data: ipv6_network = omr_config_data['ipv6_network'] else: ipv6_network = os.popen('ip -6 addr show ' + IFACE6 +' | grep -oP "(?<=inet6 ).*(?= scope global)"').read().rstrip() #ipv6_addr = os.popen('wget -6 -qO- -T 2 ipv6.openmptcprouter.com').read().rstrip() if 'ipv6_addr' in omr_config_data: ipv6_addr = omr_config_data['ipv6_addr'] else: ipv6_addr = os.popen('ip -6 addr show ' + IFACE6 +' | grep -oP "(?<=inet6 ).*(?= scope global)" | cut -d/ -f1').read().rstrip() #ipv4_addr = os.popen('wget -4 -qO- -T 1 https://ip.openmptcprouter.com').read().rstrip() LOG.debug('get server IPv4') if 'ipv4' in omr_config_data: ipv4_addr = omr_config_data['ipv4'] elif 'internet' in omr_config_data and not omr_config_data['internet']: ipv4_addr = os.popen('ip -4 addr show ' + IFACE +' | grep -oP "(?<=inet ).*(?= scope global)" | cut -d/ -f1').read().rstrip() else: ipv4_addr = os.popen("dig -4 TXT +timeout=2 +tries=1 +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | awk -F'\"' '{ print $2}'").read().rstrip() if ipv4_addr == '': ipv4_addr = os.popen('wget -4 -qO- -T 1 http://ip.openmptcprouter.com').read().rstrip() if ipv4_addr == '': ipv4_addr = os.popen('wget -4 -qO- -T 1 http://ifconfig.co').read().rstrip() if ipv4_addr != '': set_global_param('ipv4', ipv4_addr) #ipv4_addr = "" test_aes = os.popen('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep aes').read().rstrip() if test_aes == '': vps_aes = False else: vps_aes = True vps_kernel = os.popen('uname -r').read().rstrip() vps_machine = os.popen('uname -m').read().rstrip() vps_omr_version = os.popen("grep -s 'OpenMPTCProuter VPS' /etc/* | awk '{print $4}'").read().rstrip() vps_loadavg = os.popen("cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3}'").read().rstrip() vps_uptime = os.popen("cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}'").read().rstrip() LOG.debug('get hostname') if 'hostname' in omr_config_data: vps_domain = omr_config_data['hostname'] elif 'internet' in omr_config_data and not omr_config_data['internet']: vps_domain = '' else: vps_domain = os.popen('wget -4 -qO- -T 1 http://hostname.openmptcprouter.com').read().rstrip() if vps_domain != '': set_global_param('hostname', vps_domain) #vps_domain = os.popen('dig -4 +short +times=3 +tries=1 -x ' + ipv4_addr + " | sed 's/\.$//'").read().rstrip() user_permissions = current_user.permissions internet = True if 'internet' in omr_config_data and not omr_config_data['internet']: internet = False localip6 = '' remoteip6 = '' ula = '' if userid == 0: if os.path.isfile('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid)): with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid), "r") as omr6in4_file: for line in omr6in4_file: if 'LOCALIP6=' in line: localip6 = line.replace(line[:9], '').rstrip() if 'REMOTEIP6=' in line: remoteip6 = line.replace(line[:10], '').rstrip() if 'ULA=' in line: ula = line.replace(line[:4], '').rstrip() else: locaip6 = 'fe80::a00:1' remoteip6 = 'fe80::a00:2' proxy = 'shadowsocks' if 'proxy' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: proxy = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['proxy'] vpn = 'glorytun_tcp' if 'vpn' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: vpn = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['vpn'] vpn_traffic_rx = 0 vpn_traffic_tx = 0 if vpn == 'glorytun_tcp': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'gt-tun' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'gt-tun' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'glorytun_udp': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'gt-udp-tun' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'gt-udp-tun' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'mlvpn': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'mlvpn' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'mlvpn' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'dsvpn': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'dsvpn' + str(userid)) vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'dsvpn' + str(userid)) elif vpn == 'openvpn': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'tun0') vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'tun0') elif vpn == 'openvpn_bonding': vpn_traffic_rx = get_bytes('rx', 'omr-bonding') vpn_traffic_tx = get_bytes('tx', 'omr-bonding') #vpn = current_user.vpn available_proxy = ["shadowsocks", "v2ray"] if user_permissions == 'ro': del available_vpn available_vpn = [vpn] del available_proxy available_proxy = [proxy] alllanips = [] client2client = False if 'client2client' in omr_config_data and omr_config_data['client2client']: client2client = True for users in omr_config_data['users'][0]: if 'lanips' in omr_config_data['users'][0][users] and users != username and omr_config_data['users'][0][users]['lanips'][0] not in alllanips: alllanips.append(omr_config_data['users'][0][users]['lanips'][0]) shorewall_redirect = "enable" with open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'r') as f: for line in f: if '#DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR tcp 1-64999' in line: shorewall_redirect = "disable" LOG.debug('Get config: done') return {'vps': {'kernel': vps_kernel, 'machine': vps_machine, 'omr_version': vps_omr_version, 'loadavg': vps_loadavg, 'uptime': vps_uptime, 'aes': vps_aes}, 'shadowsocks': {'traffic': ss_traffic, 'key': shadowsocks_key, 'port': shadowsocks_port, 'method': shadowsocks_method, 'fast_open': shadowsocks_fast_open, 'reuse_port': shadowsocks_reuse_port, 'no_delay': shadowsocks_no_delay, 'mptcp': shadowsocks_mptcp, 'ebpf': shadowsocks_ebpf, 'obfs': shadowsocks_obfs, 'obfs_plugin': shadowsocks_obfs_plugin, 'obfs_type': shadowsocks_obfs_type}, 'glorytun': {'key': glorytun_key, 'udp': {'host_ip': glorytun_udp_host_ip, 'client_ip': glorytun_udp_client_ip}, 'tcp': {'host_ip': glorytun_tcp_host_ip, 'client_ip': glorytun_tcp_client_ip}, 'port': glorytun_port, 'chacha': glorytun_chacha}, 'dsvpn': {'key': dsvpn_key, 'host_ip': dsvpn_host_ip, 'client_ip': dsvpn_client_ip, 'port': dsvpn_port}, 'openvpn': {'key': openvpn_key, 'client_key': openvpn_client_key, 'client_crt': openvpn_client_crt, 'client_ca': openvpn_client_ca, 'host_ip': openvpn_host_ip, 'client_ip': openvpn_client_ip, 'port': openvpn_port, 'cipher': openvpn_cipher}, 'mlvpn': {'key': mlvpn_key, 'host_ip': mlvpn_host_ip, 'client_ip': mlvpn_client_ip}, 'shorewall': {'redirect_ports': shorewall_redirect}, 'mptcp': {'enabled': mptcp_enabled, 'checksum': mptcp_checksum, 'path_manager': mptcp_path_manager, 'scheduler': mptcp_scheduler, 'syn_retries': mptcp_syn_retries}, 'network': {'congestion_control': congestion_control, 'ipv6_network': ipv6_network, 'ipv6': ipv6_addr, 'ipv4': ipv4_addr, 'domain': vps_domain, 'internet': internet}, 'vpn': {'available': available_vpn, 'current': vpn, 'remoteip': vpn_remote_ip, 'localip': vpn_local_ip, 'rx': vpn_traffic_rx, 'tx': vpn_traffic_tx}, 'iperf': {'user': 'openmptcprouter', 'password': 'openmptcprouter', 'key': iperf3_key}, 'pihole': {'state': pihole}, 'user': {'name': username, 'permission': user_permissions}, 'ip6in4': {'localip': localip6, 'remoteip': remoteip6, 'ula': ula}, 'client2client': {'enabled': client2client, 'lanips': alllanips}, 'gre_tunnel': {'enabled': gre_tunnel, 'config': gre_tunnel_conf}, 'v2ray': {'enabled': v2ray, 'config': v2ray_conf, 'tx': v2ray_tx, 'rx': v2ray_rx}, 'proxy': {'available': available_proxy, 'current': proxy}} # Set shadowsocks config class OBFSPLUGIN(str, Enum): v2ray = "v2ray" obfs = "obfs" class OBFSTYPE(str, Enum): tls = "tls" http = "http" class ShadowsocksConfigparams(BaseModel): port: int = Query(..., gt=0, lt=65535) method: str fast_open: bool reuse_port: bool no_delay: bool mptcp: bool = Query(True, title="Enable/Disable MPTCP support") obfs: bool = Query(False, title="Enable/Disable obfuscation support") obfs_plugin: OBFSPLUGIN = Query("v2ray", title="Choose obfuscation plugin") obfs_type: OBFSTYPE = Query("tls", title="Choose obfuscation method") key: str @app.post('/shadowsocks', summary="Modify Shadowsocks-libev configuration") def shadowsocks(*, params: ShadowsocksConfigparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'shadowsocks'} ipv6_network = os.popen('ip -6 addr show ' + IFACE6 +' | grep -oP "(?<=inet6 ).*(?= scope global)"').read().rstrip() initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json') as f: content = f.read() content = re.sub(",\s*}", "}", content) # pylint: disable=W1401 try: data = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: data = {'timeout': 600, 'verbose': 0, 'prefer_ipv6': False} #key = data["key"] if 'timeout' in data: timeout = data["timeout"] if 'verbose' in data: verbose = data["verbose"] else: verbose = 0 prefer_ipv6 = data["prefer_ipv6"] port = params.port method = params.method fast_open = params.fast_open reuse_port = params.reuse_port no_delay = params.no_delay mptcp = params.mptcp obfs = params.obfs obfs_plugin = params.obfs_plugin obfs_type = params.obfs_type ebpf = 0 key = params.key if 'port_key' in data: portkey = data["port_key"] portkey[str(port)] = key if 'port_conf' in data: portconf = data["port_conf"] portconf[str(port)]['key'] = key modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'shadowsocks_port': port}) userid = current_user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: try: omr_config_data = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: omr_config_data = {} #ipv4_addr = os.popen('wget -4 -qO- -T 2 http://ip.openmptcprouter.com').read().rstrip() if 'hostname' in omr_config_data: vps_domain = omr_config_data['hostname'] else: vps_domain = os.popen('wget -4 -qO- -T 1 http://hostname.openmptcprouter.com').read().rstrip() if vps_domain != '': set_global_param('hostname', vps_domain) if port is None or method is None or fast_open is None or reuse_port is None or no_delay is None or key is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'shadowsocks'} if 'port_key' in data: if ipv6_network == '': if obfs: if obfs_plugin == "v2ray": if obfs_type == "tls": if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server'} else: if obfs_type == 'tls': if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=http;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl'} else: if obfs: if obfs_plugin == "v2ray": if obfs_type == "tls": if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': '::0', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '::0', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '::0', 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server'} else: if obfs_type == 'tls': if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=http;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_key': portkey, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl'} else: if ipv6_network == '': if obfs: if obfs_plugin == "v2ray": if obfs_type == "tls": if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server'} else: if obfs_type == 'tls': if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=http;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl'} else: if obfs: if obfs_plugin == "v2ray": if obfs_type == "tls": if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': '::0', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '::0', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server;tls;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': '::0', 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/v2ray-plugin', 'plugin_opts': 'server'} else: if obfs_type == 'tls': if vps_domain == '': shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=tls;mptcp;fast-open;t=400;host=' + vps_domain} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'plugin': '/usr/local/bin/obfs-server', 'plugin_opts': 'obfs=http;mptcp;fast-open;t=400'} else: shadowsocks_config = {'server': ('[::0]', ''), 'port_conf': portconf, 'local_port': 1081, 'mode': 'tcp_and_udp', 'timeout': timeout, 'method': method, 'verbose': verbose, 'ipv6_first': True, 'prefer_ipv6': prefer_ipv6, 'fast_open': fast_open, 'no_delay': no_delay, 'reuse_port': reuse_port, 'mptcp': mptcp, 'ebpf': ebpf, 'acl': '/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl'} with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(shadowsocks_config, outfile, indent=4) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/manager.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl restart shadowsocks-libev-manager@manager.service") #for x in range(1, os.cpu_count()): # os.system("systemctl restart shadowsocks-libev-manager@manager" + str(x) + ".service") shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'shadowsocks') shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'udp', 'shadowsocks') set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'shadowsocks'} else: return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'no changes', 'route': 'shadowsocks'} # Set shorewall config class IPPROTO(str, Enum): ipv4 = "ipv4" ipv6 = "ipv6" class ShorewallAllparams(BaseModel): redirect_ports: str = Query(..., title="Port or ports range") ipproto: IPPROTO = Query("ipv4", title="Protocol IP to apply changes") @app.post('/shorewall', summary="Redirect all ports from Server to router") def shorewall(*, params: ShorewallAllparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'shorewall'} state = params.redirect_ports if state is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'shorewall'} if params.ipproto == 'ipv4': initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if state == 'enable' and line == '#DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR tcp 1-64999\n': n.write(line.replace(line[:1], '')) elif state == 'enable' and line == '#DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR udp 1-64999\n': n.write(line.replace(line[:1], '')) elif state == 'disable' and line == 'DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR tcp 1-64999\n': n.write('#' + line) elif state == 'disable' and line == 'DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR udp 1-64999\n': n.write('#' + line) else: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/rules') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall") else: initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if state == 'enable' and line == '#DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR tcp 1-64999\n': n.write(line.replace(line[:1], '')) elif state == 'enable' and line == '#DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR udp 1-64999\n': n.write(line.replace(line[:1], '')) elif state == 'disable' and line == 'DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR tcp 1-64999\n': n.write('#' + line) elif state == 'disable' and line == 'DNAT net vpn:$OMR_ADDR udp 1-64999\n': n.write('#' + line) else: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall6/rules') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall6") # Need to do the same for IPv6... return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} class ShorewallListparams(BaseModel): name: str ipproto: IPPROTO = Query("ipv4", title="Protocol IP to list") @app.post('/shorewalllist', summary="Display all OpenMPTCProuter rules in Shorewall config") def shorewall_list(*, params: ShorewallListparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): name = params.name if name is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'shorewalllist'} fwlist = [] if params.ipproto == 'ipv4': with open('/etc/shorewall/rules', 'r') as f: for line in f: if '# OMR ' + current_user.username + ' ' + name in line: fwlist.append(line) else: with open('/etc/shorewall6/rules', 'r') as f: for line in f: if '# OMR ' + current_user.username + ' ' + name in line: fwlist.append(line) return {'list': fwlist} class Shorewallparams(BaseModel): name: str port: str proto: str fwtype: str ipproto: IPPROTO = Query("ipv4", title="Protocol IP for changes") source_dip: str = "" source_ip: str = "" @app.post('/shorewallopen', summary="Redirect a port from Server to Router") def shorewall_open(*, params: Shorewallparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'shorewallopen'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: try: omr_config_data = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: omr_config_data = {} name = params.name port = params.port proto = params.proto fwtype = params.fwtype source_dip = params.source_dip source_ip = params.source_ip vpn = "default" username = current_user.username if name is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'shorewallopen'} #proxy = 'shadowsocks' #if 'proxy' in omr_config_data['users'][0][username]: # proxy = omr_config_data['users'][0][username]['proxy'] #if proxy == 'v2ray': # v2ray_add_port(current_user, str(port), proto, name) # fwtype = 'ACCEPT' if params.ipproto == 'ipv4': if 'gre_tunnels' in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]: for tunnel in omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['gre_tunnels']: if omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['gre_tunnels'][tunnel]['public_ip'] == source_dip: vpn = omr_config_data['users'][0][current_user.username]['gre_tunnels'][tunnel]['remote_ip'] shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), proto, name, fwtype, source_dip, source_ip, vpn) else: shorewall6_add_port(current_user, str(port), proto, name, fwtype, source_dip, source_ip) return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} @app.post('/shorewallclose', summary="Remove a redirected port") def shorewall_close(*, params: Shorewallparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'shorewallclose'} name = params.name port = params.port proto = params.proto fwtype = params.fwtype source_dip = params.source_dip source_ip = params.source_ip if name is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'shorewallclose'} #v2ray_del_port(current_user.username, str(port), proto, name) if params.ipproto == 'ipv4': shorewall_del_port(current_user.username, str(port), proto, name, 'DNAT', source_dip, source_ip) shorewall_del_port(current_user.username, str(port), proto, name, 'ACCEPT', source_dip, source_ip) else: shorewall6_del_port(current_user.username, str(port), proto, name, 'DNAT', source_dip, source_ip) shorewall6_del_port(current_user.username, str(port), proto, name, 'ACCEPT', source_dip, source_ip) return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'shorewallclose'} class V2rayconfig(BaseModel): userid: str @app.post('/v2ray', summary="Set v2ray settings") def v2ray(*, params: V2rayconfig, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'v2rayredirect'} initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json') as f: v2ray_config = json.load(f) v2ruserid = params.userid for inbounds in v2ray_config['inbounds']: if inbounds['tag'] == 'omrin-tunnel': inbounds['settings']['clients'][0]['id'] = v2ruserid with open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(v2ray_config, outfile, indent=4) username = current_user.username final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json', 'rb'))).hexdigest() v2ray_key = os.popen('jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].id /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json').read().rstrip() v2ray_port = os.popen('jq -r .inbounds[0].port /etc/v2ray/v2ray-server.json').read().rstrip() v2ray_conf = { 'key': v2ray_key, 'port': v2ray_port} modif_config_user(username, {'v2ray': v2ray_conf}) if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl restart v2ray") set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied', 'route': 'v2ray'} else: return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'no changes', 'route': 'v2ray'} class V2rayparams(BaseModel): name: str port: str proto: str destip: str destport: str @app.post('/v2rayredirect', summary="Redirect a port from Server to Router with V2Ray") def v2ray_redirect(*, params: V2rayparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'v2rayredirect'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: try: omr_config_data = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: omr_config_data = {} name = params.name port = params.port proto = params.proto destip = params.destip destport = params.destport username = current_user.username if name is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'v2rayredirect'} v2ray_add_port(current_user, port, proto, name, destip, destport) return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} @app.post('/v2rayunredirect', summary="Remove a redirected port from Server to Router with V2Ray") def v2ray_unredirect(*, params: V2rayparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'v2rayredirect'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: try: omr_config_data = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: omr_config_data = {} name = params.name port = params.port proto = params.proto username = curent_user.username if name is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'v2rayunredirect'} v2ray_del_port(current_user, port, proto, name) return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} # Set MPTCP config class MPTCPparams(BaseModel): checksum: str path_manager: str scheduler: str syn_retries: int congestion_control: str @app.post('/mptcp', summary="Modify MPTCP configuration of the server") def mptcp(*, params: MPTCPparams, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'mptcp'} checksum = params.checksum path_manager = params.path_manager scheduler = params.scheduler syn_retries = params.syn_retries congestion_control = params.congestion_control if not checksum or not path_manager or not scheduler or not syn_retries or not congestion_control: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'mptcp'} os.system('sysctl -qw net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum=' + checksum) os.system('sysctl -qw net.mptcp.mptcp_path_manager=' + path_manager) os.system('sysctl -qw net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler=' + scheduler) os.system('sysctl -qw net.mptcp.mptcp_syn_retries=' + str(syn_retries)) os.system('sysctl -qw net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=' + congestion_control) set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} class VPN(str, Enum): openvpn = "openvpn" openvpnbonding = "openvpn_bonding" glorytuntcp = "glorytun_tcp" glorytunudp = "glorytun_udp" dsvpn = "dsvpn" mlvpn = "mlvpn" none = "none" class Vpn(BaseModel): vpn: VPN # Set global VPN config @app.post('/vpn', summary="Set VPN used by the current user") def vpn(*, vpnconfig: Vpn, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'vpn'} vpn = vpnconfig.vpn if not vpn: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'vpn'} os.system('echo ' + vpn + ' > /etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/current-vpn') modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpn': vpn}) current_user.vpn = vpn set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} class PROXY(str, Enum): v2ray = "v2ray" shadowsockslibev = "shadowsocks" none = "none" class Proxy(BaseModel): proxy: PROXY # Set global Proxy config @app.post('/proxy', summary="Set Proxy used by the current user") def proxy(*, proxyconfig: Proxy, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'proxy'} proxy = proxyconfig.proxy if not proxy: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'proxy'} os.system('echo ' + proxy + ' > /etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/current-proxy') modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'proxy': proxy}) #current_user.proxy = proxy set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} class GlorytunConfig(BaseModel): key: str port: int = Query(..., gt=0, lt=65535, title="Glorytun TCP and UDP port") chacha: bool = Query(True, title="Enable of disable chacha20, if disable AEGIS is used") # Set Glorytun config @app.post('/glorytun', summary="Modify Glorytun configuration") def glorytun(*, glorytunconfig: GlorytunConfig, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'glorytun'} userid = current_user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 key = glorytunconfig.key port = glorytunconfig.port chacha = glorytunconfig.chacha initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(key) with open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid) + '.key', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(key) fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid), 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if 'PORT=' in line: n.write('PORT=' + str(port) + '\n') elif 'OPTIONS=' in line: if chacha: n.write('OPTIONS="chacha20 retry count -1 const 5000000 timeout 90000 keepalive count 5 idle 10 interval 2 buffer-size 65536 multiqueue"\n') else: n.write('OPTIONS="retry count -1 const 5000000 timeout 90000 keepalive count 5 idle 10 interval 2 buffer-size 65536 multiqueue"\n') else: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid)) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/glorytun-tcp/tun' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart glorytun-tcp@tun" + str(userid)) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid), 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if 'BIND_PORT=' in line: n.write('BIND_PORT=' + str(port) + '\n') elif 'OPTIONS=' in line: if chacha: n.write('OPTIONS="chacha persist"\n') else: n.write('OPTIONS="persist"\n') else: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid)) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/glorytun-udp/tun' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart glorytun-udp@tun" + str(userid)) shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'glorytun') shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'udp', 'glorytun') set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done'} # Set A Dead Simple VPN config class DSVPN(BaseModel): key: str port: int = Query(..., gt=0, lt=65535) @app.post('/dsvpn', summary="Modify DSVPN configuration") def dsvpn(*, params: DSVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'dsvpn'} userid = current_user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 key = params.key port = params.port if not key or port is None: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'dsvpn'} fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid), 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if 'PORT=' in line: n.write('PORT=' + str(port) + '\n') else: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid)) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid) + '.key', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn.key', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(key) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/dsvpn/dsvpn' + str(userid) + '.key', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart dsvpn-server@dsvpn" + str(userid)) shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'dsvpn') set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done'} # Set OpenVPN config class OpenVPN(BaseModel): port: int = Query(..., gt=0, lt=65535) cipher: str = "AES-256-CBC" @app.post('/openvpn', summary="Modify OpenVPN TCP configuration") def openvpn(*, params: OpenVPN, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": set_lastchange(10) return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'openvpn'} initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/openvpn/tun0', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if 'cipher ' in line: n.write('cipher ' + params.cipher + '\n') elif 'port ' in line: n.write('port ' + str(params.port) + '\n') else: n.write(line) os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/openvpn/tun0') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0") shorewall_add_port(current_user, str(port), 'tcp', 'openvpn') set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done'} class Wanips(BaseModel): ips: str # Set WANIP @app.post('/wan', summary="Set WAN IPs") def wan(*, wanips: Wanips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): ips = wanips.ips if not ips: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'wan'} initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'rb'))).hexdigest() with open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write('[white_list]\n') outfile.write(ips) final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shadowsocks-libev/local.acl', 'rb'))).hexdigest() #modif_config_user(current_user.username,{'wanips': wanip}) return {'result': 'done'} class Lanips(BaseModel): lanips: List[str] = [] # Set user lan config @app.post('/lan', summary="Set current user LAN IPs") def lan(*, lanconfig: Lanips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): lanips = lanconfig.lanips if not lanips: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'lan'} modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'lanips': lanips}) with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: omr_config_data = json.load(f) client2client = False if 'client2client' in omr_config_data: client2client = omr_config_data["client2client"] if client2client == True: with open('/etc/openvpn/ccd/' + current_user.username, 'w') as outfile: for lan in lanips: ip = IPNetwork(lan) outfile.write('iroute ' + str(ip.network) + ' ' + str(ip.netmask) + "\n") #outfile.write('route ' + str(ip.network) + ' ' + str(ip.netmask) + "\n") initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if not 'push "route ' + str(ip.network) + ' ' + str(ip.netmask) + '"' in line: n.write(line) n.write('push "route ' + str(ip.network) + ' ' + str(ip.netmask) + '"' + "\n") os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0") set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} class VPNips(BaseModel): remoteip: str = Query(..., regex='^(10(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{1,2})){3}|((172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]))|192\.168)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{1,2})){2})$') localip: str = Query(..., regex='^(10(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{1,2})){3}|((172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]))|192\.168)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{1,2})){2})$') remoteip6: Optional[str] = Query(None, regex='(?:^|(?<=\s))(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))(?=\s|$)') localip6: Optional[str] = Query(None, regex='(?:^|(?<=\s))(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))(?=\s|$)') ula: Optional[str] = None # Set user vpn IPs @app.post('/vpnips', summary="Set current user VPN IPs") def vpnips(*, vpnconfig: VPNips, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'vpnips'} remoteip = vpnconfig.remoteip localip = vpnconfig.localip remoteip6 = vpnconfig.remoteip6 localip6 = vpnconfig.localip6 ula = vpnconfig.ula if not remoteip or not localip: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'vpnips'} modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpnremoteip': remoteip}) modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'vpnlocalip': localip}) if ula: modif_config_user(current_user.username, {'ula': ula}) userid = current_user.userid if userid is None: userid = 0 if os.path.isfile('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid)): initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest() else: initial_md5 = '' with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid), 'w+') as n: n.write('LOCALIP=' + localip + "\n") n.write('REMOTEIP=' + remoteip + "\n") if localip6: n.write('LOCALIP6=' + localip6 + "\n") else: n.write('LOCALIP6=fe80::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':1/126' + "\n") if remoteip6: n.write('REMOTEIP6=' + remoteip6 + "\n") else: n.write('REMOTEIP6=fe80::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + "\n") if ula: n.write('ULA=' + ula + "\n") final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-6in4/user' + str(userid), 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart omr6in4@user" + str(userid)) set_lastchange() initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/params.vpn', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if not ('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) +'=' in line and not userid == 0) and not ('OMR_ADDR=' in line and userid == 0): n.write(line) if not userid == 0: n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=' + remoteip + '\n') elif userid == 0: n.write('OMR_ADDR=' + remoteip + '\n') os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/params.vpn') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall") set_lastchange() initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if not ('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) +'=' in line and not userid == 0) and not ('OMR_ADDR=' in line and userid == 0): n.write(line) if not userid == 0: n.write('OMR_ADDR_USER' + str(userid) + '=fe80::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n') elif userid == 0: n.write('OMR_ADDR=fe80::a0' + hex(userid)[2:] + ':2/126' + '\n') os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall6/params.vpn', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall6") set_lastchange() return {'result': 'done', 'reason': 'changes applied'} # Update VPS @app.get('/update', summary="Update VPS script") def update(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'update'} LOG.debug("Update VPS...") os.system("systemctl stop omr") os.system("wget -O - http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/debian10-x86_64.sh | sh &") LOG.debug("Update VPS... done") os.system("/sbin/reboot") return {'result': 'done'} # Backup class Backupfile(BaseModel): data: str = Query(..., title="OpenMPTCProuter backup file in tar.gz encoded in base64") @app.post('/backuppost', summary="Send current user router backup file") def backuppost(*, backupfile: Backupfile, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'backuppost'} backup_file = backupfile.data if not backup_file: return {'result': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid parameters', 'route': 'backuppost'} with open('/var/opt/openmptcprouter/' + current_user.username + '-backup.tar.gz', 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(backup_file)) return {'result': 'done'} @app.get('/backupget', summary="Get current user router backup file") def send_backup(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): with open('/var/opt/openmptcprouter/' + current_user.username + '-backup.tar.gz', "rb") as backup_file: file_base64 = base64.b64encode(backup_file.read()) file_base64utf = file_base64.decode('utf-8') return {'data': file_base64utf} @app.get('/backuplist', summary="List available current user backup") def list_backup(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if os.path.isfile('/var/opt/openmptcprouter/' + current_user.username + '-backup.tar.gz'): modiftime = os.path.getmtime('/var/opt/openmptcprouter/' + current_user.username + '-backup.tar.gz') return {'backup': True, 'modif': modiftime} else: return {'backup': False} @app.get('/backupshow', summary="Show current user backup") def show_backup(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if os.path.isfile('/var/opt/openmptcprouter/' + current_user.username + '-backup.tar.gz'): router = OpenWrt(native=open('/var/opt/openmptcprouter/' + current_user.username + '-backup.tar.gz')) return {'backup': True, 'data': router} else: return {'backup': False} @app.post('/backupedit', summary="Modify current user backup") def edit_backup(params, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if current_user.permissions == "ro": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Read only user', 'route': 'backupedit'} o = OpenWrt(params) o.write(current_user.username + '-backup', path='/var/opt/openmptcprouter/') return {'result': 'done'} #class VPN(str, Enum): # openvpn = "openvpn" # glorytuntcp = "glorytun_tcp" # glorytunudp = "glorytun_udp" # dsvpn = "dsvpn" class permissions(str, Enum): ro = "ro" rw = "rw" admin = "admin" class NewUser(BaseModel): username: str = Query(..., title="Username") permission: permissions = Query("ro", title="permission of the user") vpn: VPN = Query("openvpn", title="default VPN for the user") shadowsocks_port: Optional[int] = Query(None, gt=0, lt=65535, title="Shadowsocks port") userid: Optional[int] = Query(None, title="User ID") ips: Optional[List[str]] = Query(None, title="Public exit IP") # userid: int = Query(0, title="User ID",description="User ID is used to create port of each VPN and shadowsocks",gt=0,le=99) @app.post('/add_user', summary="Add a new user") def add_user(*, params: NewUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if not current_user.permissions == "admin": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Need admin user', 'route': 'add_user'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = json.load(f) userid = params.userid if userid is None or userid == 0: userid = 2 for users in content['users'][0]: if 'userid' in content['users'][0][users]: if int(content['users'][0][users]['userid']) > userid: userid = int(content['users'][0][users]['userid']) userid = userid + 1 if params.ips is None: publicips = [] else: publicips = params.ips user_key = secrets.token_hex(32) user_json = json.loads('{"'+ params.username + '": {"username":"'+ params.username +'","permissions":"'+params.permission+'","user_password": "'+user_key.upper()+'","disabled":"false","userid":"' + str(userid) + '","public_ips":'+ json.dumps(publicips) +'}}') # shadowsocks_port = params.shadowsocks_port # if params.shadowsocks_port is None: # shadowsocks_port = '651{:02d}'.format(userid) shadowsocks_port = params.shadowsocks_port shadowsocks_key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(secrets.token_hex(16).encode()) if not publicips: shadowsocks_port = add_ss_user(str(shadowsocks_port), shadowsocks_key.decode('utf-8'), userid) else: for publicip in publicips: shadowsocks_port = add_ss_user(str(shadowsocks_port), shadowsocks_key.decode('utf-8'), userid, publicip) shadowsocks_port = shadowsocks_port + 1 user_json[params.username].update({"shadowsocks_port": shadowsocks_port}) if params.vpn is not None: user_json[params.username].update({"vpn": params.vpn}) content['users'][0].update(user_json) if content: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(content, f, indent=4) else: LOG.debug("Empty data for add_user") # Create VPNs configuration os.system('cd /etc/openvpn/ca && EASYRSA_CERT_EXPIRE=3650 ./easyrsa build-client-full "' + params.username + '" nopass') add_glorytun_tcp(userid) add_glorytun_udp(userid) add_dsvpn(userid) set_lastchange(30) os.execv(__file__, sys.argv) class RemoveUser(BaseModel): username: str @app.post('/remove_user', summary="Remove an user") def remove_user(*, params: RemoveUser, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if not current_user.permissions == "admin": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Need admin user', 'route': 'remove_user'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = json.load(f) shadowsocks_port = content['users'][0][params.username]['shadowsocks_port'] userid = int(content['users'][0][params.username]['userid']) del content['users'][0][params.username] remove_ss_user(str(shadowsocks_port)) if content: with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(content, f, indent=4) else: LOG.debug("Empty data for remover_user") os.system('cd /etc/openvpn/ca && ./easyrsa --batch revoke ' + params.username) os.system('cd /etc/openvpn/ca && ./easyrsa gen-crl') os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0") remove_glorytun_tcp(userid) remove_glorytun_udp(userid) remove_dsvpn(userid) set_lastchange(30) os.execv(__file__, sys.argv) class ClienttoClient(BaseModel): enable: bool = False @app.post('/client2client', summary="Enable client 2 client communications") def client2client(*, params: ClienttoClient, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if not current_user.permissions == "admin": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Need admin user', 'route': 'client2client'} set_global_param('client2client', params.enable) initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if not 'client-to-client' in line: n.write(line) if params.enable == True: n.write('client-to-client' + "\n") os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/openvpn/tun0.conf', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q restart openvpn@tun0") initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/policy', 'rb'))).hexdigest() fd, tmpfile = mkstemp() with open('/etc/shorewall/policy', 'r') as f, open(tmpfile, 'a+') as n: for line in f: if not line == 'vpn vpn DROP\n' and not line == '# THE FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LAST\n' and not line == 'all all REJECT info\n': n.write(line) if params.enable == False: n.write('vpn vpn DROP\n') n.write('# THE FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LAST\n') n.write('all all REJECT info\n') os.close(fd) move(tmpfile, '/etc/shorewall/policy') final_md5 = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open('/etc/shorewall/policy', 'rb'))).hexdigest() if initial_md5 != final_md5: os.system("systemctl -q reload shorewall") return {'result': 'done'} class SerialEnforce(BaseModel): enable: bool = False @app.post('/serialenforce', summary="Enable client serial number control") def serialenforce(*, params: SerialEnforce, current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if not current_user.permissions == "admin": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Need admin user', 'route': 'serialenforce'} set_global_param('serial_enforce', params.enable) return {'result': 'done'} @app.get('/list_users', summary="List all users") async def list_users(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): if not current_user.permissions == "admin": return {'result': 'permission', 'reason': 'Need admin user', 'route': 'list_users'} with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: content = json.load(f) return content['users'][0] @app.get('/speedtest', summary="Test speed from the server") async def list_users(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)): return FileResponse('/usr/share/omr-server/speedtest/test.img') def main(omrport: int, omrhost: str): LOG.debug("Main OMR-Admin launch") uvicorn.run(app, host=omrhost, port=omrport, log_level='error', ssl_certfile='/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/cert.pem', ssl_keyfile='/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/key.pem', ssl_version=2, ssl_ciphers='TLSv1.2') if __name__ == '__main__': with open('/etc/openmptcprouter-vps-admin/omr-admin-config.json') as f: omr_config_data = json.load(f) omrport = 65500 if 'port' in omr_config_data: omrport = omr_config_data["port"] omrhost = '' if 'host' in omr_config_data: omrhost = omr_config_data["host"] parser = ArgumentParser(description="OpenMPTCProuter Server API") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, help="Listening port", default=omrport) parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, help="Listening host", default=omrhost) args = parser.parse_args() main(args.port, args.host)