#!/bin/sh SHADOWSOCKS_PASS=${SHADOWSOCKS_PASS:-$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64 -w0)} GLORYTUN_PASS=${GLORYTUN_PASS:-$(od -vN "32" -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr -d " \n")} #NBCPU=${NBCPU:-$(nproc --all | tr -d "\n")} NBCPU=${NBCPU:-$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo | tr -d "\n")} OBFS=${OBFS:-no} INTERFACE=${INTERFACE:-$(ip -o -4 route show to default | awk '{print $5}' | tr -d "\n")} DEBIAN_VERSION=$(sed 's/\..*//' /etc/debian_version) set -e umask 0022 update=0 if [ $DEBIAN_VERSION -ne 9 ]; then echo "This script only work with Debian Stretch (9.x)" exit 1 fi if grep --quiet 'OpenMPTCProuter VPS' /etc/motd ; then update=1 fi # Install mptcp kernel and shadowsocks apt-get update apt-get -y install dirmngr patch #apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61 #echo 'deb http://dl.bintray.com/cpaasch/deb jessie main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo 'deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list apt-get update wget -O /tmp/linux-image-4.14.24-mptcp-64056fa.amd64.deb http://www.openmptcprouter.com/kernel/linux-image-4.14.24-mptcp-64056fa.amd64.deb wget -O /tmp/linux-headers-4.14.24-mptcp-64056fa.amd64.deb http://www.openmptcprouter.com/kernel/linux-headers-4.14.24-mptcp-64056fa.amd64.deb # Rename bzImage to vmlinuz, needed when custom kernel was used cd /boot apt-get -y install rename rename 's/^bzImage/vmlinuz/s' * >/dev/null 2>&1 #apt-get -y install linux-mptcp dpkg -i /tmp/linux-image-4.14.24-mptcp-64056fa.amd64.deb dpkg -i /tmp/linux-headers-4.14.24-mptcp-64056fa.amd64.deb # Check if mptcp kernel is grub default kernel echo "Set MPTCP kernel as grub default..." wget -O /tmp/update-grub.sh http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/update-grub.sh cd /tmp bash update-grub.sh 4.14.24-mptcp #apt -t stretch-backports -y install shadowsocks-libev ## Compile Shadowsocks wget -O /tmp/shadowsocks-libev-3.1.3.tar.gz http://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev/releases/download/v3.1.3/shadowsocks-libev-3.1.3.tar.gz cd /tmp tar xzf shadowsocks-libev-3.1.3.tar.gz cd shadowsocks-libev-3.1.3 wget https://github.com/Ysurac/openmptcprouter-feeds/raw/5b2caab3f98cc14e6b5fdb80a95fcd1ac61630ff/shadowsocks-libev/patches/020-NOCRYPTO.patch patch -p1 < 020-NOCRYPTO.patch apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends devscripts equivs apg libcap2-bin libpam-cap apt -y -t stretch-backports install libsodium-dev mk-build-deps --install --tool "apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes --no-install-recommends -y" dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc cd .. dpkg -i shadowsocks-libev_3.1.3-1_amd64.deb rm -r /tmp/shadowsocks-libev-3.1.3 # Load OLIA Congestion module at boot time if ! grep -q olia /etc/modules ; then echo mptcp_olia >> /etc/modules fi # Get shadowsocks optimization wget -O /etc/sysctl.d/90-shadowsocks.conf http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/shadowsocks.conf # Install shadowsocks config and add a shadowsocks by CPU if [ "$update" -eq "0" ]; then wget -O /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/config.json SHADOWSOCKS_PASS_JSON=$(echo $SHADOWSOCKS_PASS | sed 's/+/-/g; s/\//_/g;') sed -i "s:MySecretKey:$SHADOWSOCKS_PASS_JSON:g" /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json fi #sed -i 's:json:json --mptcp:g' /lib/systemd/system/shadowsocks-libev-server@.service systemctl disable shadowsocks-libev systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev-server@config.service if [ $NBCPU -gt 1 ]; then for i in $NBCPU; do ln -fs /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config$i.json systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev-server@config$i.service done fi if ! grep -q 'DefaultLimitNOFILE=65536' /etc/systemd/system.conf ; then echo 'DefaultLimitNOFILE=65536' >> /etc/systemd/system.conf fi # Install simple-obfs if [ "$OBFS" = "yes" ]; then cd /tmp sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential autoconf libtool libssl-dev libpcre3-dev libev-dev asciidoc xmlto automake git ca-certificates git clone https://github.com/shadowsocks/simple-obfs.git /tmp/simple-obfs cd /tmp/simple-obfs git submodule update --init --recursive ./autogen.sh ./configure && make make install cd /tmp rm -rf /tmp/simple-obfs sed -i 's%"mptcp": true%"mptcp": true,\n"plugin": "/usr/local/bin/obfs-server --obfs http --mptcp --fast-open"%' /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json fi # Install Glorytun UDP if systemctl -q is-active glorytun-udp@tun0.service; then systemctl -q stop glorytun-udp@tun0 > /dev/null 2>&1 fi apt-get -y install meson pkg-config ca-certificates cd /tmp wget -O /tmp/glorytun-0.0.99-mud.tar.gz https://github.com/angt/glorytun/releases/download/v0.0.99-mud/glorytun-0.0.99-mud.tar.gz tar xzf glorytun-0.0.99-mud.tar.gz cd glorytun-0.0.99-mud meson build ninja -C build install sed -i 's:EmitDNS=yes:EmitDNS=no:g' /lib/systemd/network/glorytun.network rm /lib/systemd/system/glorytun* rm /lib/systemd/network/glorytun* wget -O /usr/local/bin/glorytun-udp-run http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/glorytun-udp-run chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/glorytun-udp-run wget -O /lib/systemd/system/glorytun-udp@.service http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/glorytun-udp%40.service.in wget -O /lib/systemd/network/glorytun-udp.network http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/glorytun-udp.network mkdir -p /etc/glorytun-udp wget -O /etc/glorytun-udp/tun0 http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/tun0.glorytun-udp if [ "$update" -eq "0" ]; then echo "$GLORYTUN_PASS" > /etc/glorytun-udp/tun0.key elif [ ! -f /etc/glorytun-udp/tun0.key ] && [ -f /etc/glorytun-tcp/tun0.key ]; then cp /etc/glorytun-tcp/tun0.key /etc/glorytun-udp/tun0.key fi systemctl enable glorytun-udp@tun0.service systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service cd /tmp rm -rf /tmp/glorytun-0.0.99-mud # Install Glorytun TCP if systemctl -q is-active glorytun-tcp@tun0.service; then systemctl -q stop glorytun-tcp@tun0 > /dev/null 2>&1 fi apt -t stretch-backports -y install libsodium-dev apt-get -y install build-essential pkg-config autoconf automake cd /tmp wget -O /tmp/glorytun-0.0.35.tar.gz http://github.com/angt/glorytun/releases/download/v0.0.35/glorytun-0.0.35.tar.gz cd /tmp tar xzf glorytun-0.0.35.tar.gz cd glorytun-0.0.35 ./autogen.sh ./configure make cp glorytun /usr/local/bin/glorytun-tcp wget -O /usr/local/bin/glorytun-tcp-run http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/glorytun-tcp-run chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/glorytun-tcp-run wget -O /lib/systemd/system/glorytun-tcp@.service http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/glorytun-tcp%40.service.in wget -O /lib/systemd/network/glorytun-tcp.network http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/glorytun.network mkdir -p /etc/glorytun-tcp wget -O /etc/glorytun-tcp/tun0 http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/tun0.glorytun if [ "$update" -eq "0" ]; then echo "$GLORYTUN_PASS" > /etc/glorytun-tcp/tun0.key fi systemctl enable glorytun-tcp@tun0.service systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service cd /tmp rm -r /tmp/glorytun-0.0.35 # Load tun module at boot time if ! grep -q tun /etc/modules ; then echo tun >> /etc/modules fi # Add 6in4 support wget -O /usr/local/bin/omr-6in4 http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/omr-6in4 chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/omr-6in4 wget -O /usr/local/bin/omr-6in4-service http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/omr-6in4-service chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/omr-6in4-service wget -O /lib/systemd/system/omr-6in4.service http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/omr-6in4.service.in systemctl enable omr-6in4.service # Change SSH port to 65222 sed -i 's:#Port 22:Port 65222:g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's:Port 22:Port 65222:g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Remove Bind9 if available #systemctl -q disable bind9 # Remove fail2ban if available #systemctl -q disable fail2ban if [ "$update" -eq "0" ]; then # Install and configure the firewall using shorewall apt-get -y install shorewall shorewall6 wget -O /etc/shorewall/openmptcprouter-shorewall.tar.gz http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/openmptcprouter-shorewall.tar.gz tar xzf /etc/shorewall/openmptcprouter-shorewall.tar.gz -C /etc/shorewall rm /etc/shorewall/openmptcprouter-shorewall.tar.gz sed -i "s:eth0:$INTERFACE:g" /etc/shorewall/* systemctl enable shorewall wget -O /etc/shorewall6/openmptcprouter-shorewall6.tar.gz http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/openmptcprouter-shorewall6.tar.gz tar xzf /etc/shorewall6/openmptcprouter-shorewall6.tar.gz -C /etc/shorewall6 rm /etc/shorewall6/openmptcprouter-shorewall6.tar.gz sed -i "s:eth0:$INTERFACE:g" /etc/shorewall6/* systemctl enable shorewall6 else # Update only needed firewall files wget -O /etc/shorewall/interfaces http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/shorewall4/interfaces wget -O /etc/shorewall/snat http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/shorewall4/snat wget -O /etc/shorewall/stoppedrules http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/shorewall4/stoppedrules sed -i "s:eth0:$INTERFACE:g" /etc/shorewall/* wget -O /etc/shorewall6/interfaces http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/shorewall6/interfaces wget -O /etc/shorewall6/stoppedrules http://www.openmptcprouter.com/server/shorewall6/stoppedrules sed -i "s:eth0:$INTERFACE:g" /etc/shorewall6/* fi # Add OpenMPTCProuter VPS script version to /etc/motd if grep --quiet 'OpenMPTCProuter VPS' /etc/motd; then sed -i 's:< OpenMPTCProuter VPS [0-9]*\.[0-9]* >:< OpenMPCTProuter VPS 0.20 >:' /etc/motd else echo '< OpenMPTCProuter VPS 0.20 >' >> /etc/motd fi if [ "$update" -eq "0" ]; then # Display important info echo '====================================================================================' echo 'OpenMPTCProuter VPS is now configured !' echo 'SSH port: 65222 (instead of port 22)' echo 'Shadowsocks port: 65101' echo 'Shadowsocks encryption: aes-256-cfb' echo 'Your shadowsocks key: ' echo $SHADOWSOCKS_PASS echo 'Glorytun port: 65001' echo 'Glorytun encryption: chacha20' echo 'Your glorytun key: ' echo $GLORYTUN_PASS echo '====================================================================================' echo 'Keys are also saved in /root/openmptcprouter_config.txt, you are free to remove them' echo '====================================================================================' echo ' /!\ You need to reboot to enable MPTCP, shadowsocks, glorytun and shorewall /!\' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo ' After reboot, check with uname -a that the kernel name contain mptcp.' echo ' Else, you may have to modify GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/defaut/grub' echo '====================================================================================' # Save info in file cat > /root/openmptcprouter_config.txt <<-EOF SSH port: 65222 (instead of port 22) Shadowsocks port: 65101 Shadowsocks encryption: aes-256-cfb Your shadowsocks key: ${SHADOWSOCKS_PASS} Glorytun port: 65001 Glorytun encryption: chacha20 Your glorytun key: ${GLORYTUN_PASS} EOF else echo '====================================================================================' echo 'OpenMPTCProuter VPS is now updated !' echo 'Keys are not changed, shorewall rules files preserved' echo '====================================================================================' echo 'Restarting glorytun and omr-6in4...' systemctl -q start glorytun-tcp@tun0 systemctl -q start glorytun-udp@tun0 systemctl -q restart omr-6in4 echo 'done' echo 'Restarting shorewall...' systemctl -q restart shorewall systemctl -q restart shorewall6 echo 'done' echo 'Restarting shadowsocks...' systemctl -q restart shadowsocks-libev echo 'done' fi