#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2017 OVH OverTheBox # Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois) for OpenMPTCProuter project # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # See /LICENSE for more information. # set -e umask 0022 unset GREP_OPTIONS SED _get_repo() ( mkdir -p "$1" cd "$1" [ -d .git ] || git init if git remote get-url origin >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then git remote set-url origin "$2" else git remote add origin "$2" fi git fetch origin -f git fetch origin --tags -f git checkout -f "origin/$3" -B "build" 2>/dev/null || git checkout "$3" -B "build" ) OMR_DIST=${OMR_DIST:-openmptcprouter} OMR_HOST=${OMR_HOST:-$(curl -sS ifconfig.co)} OMR_PORT=${OMR_PORT:-80} OMR_KEEPBIN=${OMR_KEEPBIN:-no} OMR_IMG=${OMR_IMG:-yes} #OMR_UEFI=${OMR_UEFI:-yes} OMR_PACKAGES=${OMR_PACKAGES:-full} OMR_ALL_PACKAGES=${OMR_ALL_PACKAGES:-no} OMR_TARGET=${OMR_TARGET:-x86_64} OMR_TARGET_CONFIG="config-$OMR_TARGET" UPSTREAM=${UPSTREAM:-no} OMR_KERNEL=${OMR_KERNEL:-5.4} SHORTCUT_FE=${SHORTCUT_FE:-no} #OMR_RELEASE=${OMR_RELEASE:-$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1` | sed 's/^\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/')} #OMR_RELEASE=${OMR_RELEASE:-$(git tag --sort=committerdate | tail -1)} OMR_RELEASE=${OMR_RELEASE:-$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1` | tail -1 | cut -d '-' -f1)} OMR_REPO=${OMR_REPO:-http://$OMR_HOST:$OMR_PORT/release/$OMR_RELEASE-$OMR_KERNEL/$OMR_TARGET} OMR_FEED_URL="${OMR_FEED_URL:-https://github.com/ysurac/openmptcprouter-feeds}" OMR_FEED_SRC="${OMR_FEED_SRC:-develop}" CUSTOM_FEED_URL="${CUSTOM_FEED_URL}" CUSTOM_FEED_URL_BRANCH="${CUSTOM_FEED_URL_BRANCH:-main}" OMR_OPENWRT=${OMR_OPENWRT:-default} OMR_FORCE_DSA=${OMR_FORCE_DSA:-0} if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ] && [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx12" ]; then OMR_TARGET_CONFIG="config-rutx" fi if [ ! -f "$OMR_TARGET_CONFIG" ]; then echo "Target $OMR_TARGET not found !" #exit 1 fi if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi3" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="aarch64_cortex-a53" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi4" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="aarch64_cortex-a72" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi2" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "wrt3200acm" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "wrt32x" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r1" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r2" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx12" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx50" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r64" ]; then OMR_REAL_TARGET="aarch64_cortex-a53" elif [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "espressobin" ]; 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then # cp -rf root/* "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" cp -rf common/* "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/" cp -rf ${OMR_KERNEL}/* "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/" else # There is many customization to support rutx and this seems to break other ipq40xx, so dirty workaround for now # [ -d "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/ipq40xx" ] && mv -f "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/ipq40xx" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/ipq40xx.old" # cp -rf root/* "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" echo "cp -rf common/* $OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" cp -rf common/* "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" echo "cp -rf ${OMR_KERNEL}/* $OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" cp -rf ${OMR_KERNEL}/* "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" # rm -rf "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/ipq40xx" # mv -f "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/ipq40xx.old" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/ipq40xx" fi cat >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/base-files/files/etc/banner" < "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/feeds.conf" <> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/feeds.conf" fi if [ "$OMR_DIST" = "openmptcprouter" ]; then cat > "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/system/opkg/files/customfeeds.conf" <<-EOF src/gz openwrt_luci http://packages.openmptcprouter.com/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/luci src/gz openwrt_packages http://packages.openmptcprouter.com/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/packages src/gz openwrt_base http://packages.openmptcprouter.com/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/base src/gz openwrt_routing http://packages.openmptcprouter.com/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/routing src/gz openwrt_telephony http://packages.openmptcprouter.com/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/telephony EOF elif [ -n "$OMR_PACKAGES_URL" ]; then cat > "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/system/opkg/files/customfeeds.conf" <<-EOF src/gz openwrt_luci ${OMR_PACKAGES_URL}/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/luci src/gz openwrt_packages ${OMR_PACKAGES_URL}/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/packages src/gz openwrt_base ${OMR_PACKAGES_URL}/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/base src/gz openwrt_routing ${OMR_PACKAGES_URL}/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/routing src/gz openwrt_telephony ${OMR_PACKAGES_URL}/${OMR_RELEASE}/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/telephony EOF else cat > "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/system/opkg/files/customfeeds.conf" <<-EOF src/gz openwrt_luci http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/luci src/gz openwrt_packages http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/packages src/gz openwrt_base http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/base src/gz openwrt_routing http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/routing src/gz openwrt_telephony http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/${OMR_REAL_TARGET}/telephony EOF fi #cat > "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/system/opkg/files/customfeeds.conf" < "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" <<-EOF CONFIG_IMAGEOPT=y CONFIG_VERSIONOPT=y CONFIG_VERSION_DIST="$OMR_DIST" CONFIG_VERSION_REPO="$OMR_REPO" CONFIG_VERSION_NUMBER="${OMR_RELEASE}-${OMR_KERNEL}" EOF else cat config -> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" <<-EOF CONFIG_IMAGEOPT=y CONFIG_VERSIONOPT=y CONFIG_VERSION_DIST="$OMR_DIST" CONFIG_VERSION_REPO="$OMR_REPO" CONFIG_VERSION_NUMBER="${OMR_RELEASE}-${OMR_FEED_SRC}-$(git -C "$OMR_FEED" rev-parse --short HEAD)" EOF fi #if [ "${OMR_KERNEL}" = "5.14" ]; then # echo 'CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_CLONE_URI="https://github.com/multipath-tcp/mptcp_net-next.git"' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" # echo 'CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_REF="78828adaef8fe9b69f9a8c4b60f74b01c5a31c7a"' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" #fi if [ "$OMR_ALL_PACKAGES" = "yes" ]; then echo 'CONFIG_ALL=y' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo 'CONFIG_ALL_NONSHARED=y' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$OMR_IMG" = "yes" ] && [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "x86_64" ]; then echo 'CONFIG_VDI_IMAGES=y' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo 'CONFIG_VMDK_IMAGES=y' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo 'CONFIG_VHDX_IMAGES=y' >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$OMR_PACKAGES" = "full" ]; then echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_${OMR_DIST}-full=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$OMR_PACKAGES" = "mini" ]; then echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_${OMR_DIST}-mini=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$SHORTCUT_FE" = "yes" ]; then echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fast-classifier=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-shortcut-fe=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-shortcut-fe-cm=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_shortcut-fe-drv=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" else echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fast-classifier is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-shortcut-fe-cm is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-shortcut-fe is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_shortcut-fe is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" != "5.4" ] && [ "$OMR_TARGET" != "x86_64" ] && [ "$OMR_TARGET" != "x86" ]; then echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8125 is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8168 is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.1" ] || [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.6" ] || [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.7" ]; then echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8812au-ct is not set" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if ([ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx12" ]) && [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ]; then echo "CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r2ec=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" fi if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r1" -a "$OMR_OPENWRT" = "master" ]; then # We disable mc in master, because it leads to unknown compilation errors on bpi-r1 target # No time to check this, now, cause i am focused on make this target work # Maybe someone can do this later echo -n "Disabling error causing midnight commander (mc) package..." sed -i "s/CONFIG_PACKAGE_mc=y/# CONFIG_PACKAGE_mc is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" sed -i "s/CONFIG_MC_EDITOR=y/# CONFIG_MC_EDITOR is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" sed -i "s/CONFIG_MC_SUBSHELL=y/# CONFIG_MC_SUBSHELL is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" sed -i "s/CONFIG_MC_CHARSET=y/# CONFIG_MC_CHARSET is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" sed -i "s/CONFIG_MC_VFS=y/# CONFIG_MC_VFS is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" echo "done" # 2021-03-05 Oliver Welter fi if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r1" ]; then # Check kernel version if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" != "5.4" ]; then echo "Sorry, but for now kernel 5.4 is the only supported one." exit 1 fi # Remove the 310-Revert-ARM-dts-sun7i-Add-BCM53125-switch-nodes-to-th patch echo -n "Removing unwanted patches from kernel $OMR_KERNEL..." rm -f "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/patches-$OMR_KERNEL/310-Revert-ARM-dts-sun7i-Add-BCM53125-switch-nodes-to-th.patch" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "done" if [ "$OMR_FORCE_DSA" = "1" ]; then # Remove support for swconfig echo -n "Removing swconfig support from openwrt config..." for i in DEFAULT_swconfig PACKAGE_swconfig PACKAGE_kmod-swconfig; do sed -i "s/CONFIG_${i}/# CONFIG_${i} is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" done echo "done" echo -n "Removing B53 swconfig support from kernel $OMR_KERNEL..." for i in SWCONFIG_B53 SWCONFIG_B53_PHY_DRIVER SWCONFIG_LEDS LED_TRIGGER_PHY SWCONFIG_B53_PHY_FIXUP SWCONFIG_B53_SPI_DRIVER SWCONFIG_B53_MMAP_DRIVER SWCONFIG_B53_SRAB_DRIVER; do sed -i "s/CONFIG_${i}/# CONFIG_${i} is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" sed -i "s/CONFIG_${i}/# CONFIG_${i} is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" done echo "done" # Add support for distributed switch architecture echo -n "Adding B53 DSA support to kernel ${OMR_KERNEL}..." for i in B53 B53_MDIO_DRIVER BRIDGE_VLAN_FILTERING MDIO_BUS_MUX_MULTIPLEXER NET_DSA NET_DSA_TAG_8021Q NET_DSA_TAG_BRCM NET_DSA_TAG_BRCM_PREPEND; do check_sunxi_config=`grep "CONFIG_${i}=y" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" || true` check_cortexa7_config=`grep "CONFIG_${i}=y" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" || true` [ "$check_sunxi_config" = "" -a "$check_cortexa7_config" = "" ] && echo "CONFIG_${i}=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" done echo "done" # Create DSA port map file (will be filled on first boot, by uci-defaults and tells the system, that it is in DSA mode) touch "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/base-files/etc/dsa.map" # Remove the b53 hack in preinit rm -f "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/base-files/lib/preinit/03_b53_hack.sh" else # Remove ip-bridge echo -n "Removing ip-bridge support from openwrt config..." for i in PACKAGE_ip-bridge; do sed -i "s/CONFIG_${i}/# CONFIG_${i} is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/.config" done echo "done" # Remove swconfig parts echo -n "Removing unneeded B53 swconfig parts from kernel ${OMR_KERNEL}..." for i in SWCONFIG_B53_PHY_FIXUP SWCONFIG_B53_SPI_DRIVER SWCONFIG_B53_MMAP_DRIVER SWCONFIG_B53_SRAB_DRIVER; do sed -i "s/CONFIG_${i}/# CONFIG_${i} is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" sed -i "s/CONFIG_${i}/# CONFIG_${i} is not set/" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" done echo "done" fi # Add led support echo -n "Adding LED TRIGGER support to kernel ${OMR_KERNEL}..." if [ "$OMR_FORCE_DSA" != "1" ]; then for i in SWCONFIG_LEDS LED_TRIGGER_PHY; do check_sunxi_config=`grep "CONFIG_${i}=y" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" || true` check_cortexa7_config=`grep "CONFIG_${i}=y" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" || true` [ "$check_sunxi_config" = "" -a "$check_cortexa7_config" = "" ] && echo "CONFIG_${i}=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" done fi for i in TIMER ONESHOT DISK MTD HEARTBEAT BACKLIGHT CPU ACTIVITY GPIO DEFAULT_ON TRANSIENT CAMERA PANIC NETDEV PATTERN AUDIO; do check_sunxi_config=`grep "CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_${i}=y" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" || true` check_cortexa7_config=`grep "CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_${i}=y" "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" || true` [ "$check_sunxi_config" = "" -a "$check_cortexa7_config" = "" ] && echo "CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_${i}=y" >> "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/target/linux/sunxi/cortexa7/config-${OMR_KERNEL}" done echo "done" fi cd "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" #if [ "$OMR_UEFI" = "yes" ] && [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "x86_64" ]; then # echo "Checking if UEFI patch is set or not" # if [ "$(grep 'EFI_IMAGES' target/linux/x86/image/Makefile)" = "" ]; then # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/uefi.patch # fi # echo "Done" #else # if [ "$(grep 'EFI_IMAGES' target/linux/x86/image/Makefile)" != "" ]; then # patch -N -R -p1 -s < ../../../patches/uefi.patch # fi #fi #if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "x86_64" ]; then # echo "Checking if Hyper-V patch is set or not" # if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/images.patch; then # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/images.patch # fi # echo "Done" #fi echo "Checking if No check patch is set or not" if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/nocheck.patch; then echo "apply..." patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/nocheck.patch fi echo "Done" echo "Checking if Nanqinlang patch is set or not" if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/nanqinlang.patch; then echo "apply..." patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/nanqinlang.patch fi echo "Done" echo "Checking if Meson patch is set or not" if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ] && ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/meson.patch; then patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/meson.patch fi echo "Done" #echo "Checking if remove_abi patch is set or not" #if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/remove_abi.patch; then # echo "apply..." # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/remove_abi.patch #fi #echo "Done" # Add BBR2 patch, only working on 64bits images for now if ([ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ] || [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ]) && ([ "$OMR_TARGET" = "x86_64" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r64" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi4" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "espressobin" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "r2s" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "r4s" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi3" ]); then echo "Checking if BBRv2 patch is set or not" if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/bbr2.patch; then echo "apply..." patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/bbr2.patch fi echo "Done" fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.15" ] && ([ "$OMR_TARGET" = "x86_64" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r64" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi4" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "espressobin" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "r2s" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "r4s" ] || [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi3" ]); then echo "Checking if BBRv2 patch is set or not" cp ../../../patches/bbr2-5.15.patch target/linux/generic/hack-5.15/693-tcp_bbr2.patch echo "Done" fi echo "Checking if smsc75xx patch is set or not" if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/smsc75xx.patch; then echo "apply..." patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/smsc75xx.patch fi echo "Done" #echo "Checking if ipt-nat patch is set or not" #if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/ipt-nat6.patch; then # echo "apply..." # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/ipt-nat6.patch #fi #echo "Done" #echo "Checking if mvebu patch is set or not" #if [ ! -d target/linux/mvebu/patches-5.4 ]; then # echo "apply..." # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/mvebu-5.14.patch #fi #echo "Done" #echo "Checking if opkg install arguement too long patch is set or not" #if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/package-too-long.patch; then # echo "apply..." # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/package-too-long.patch #fi #echo "Done" #echo "Download via IPv4" #if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/download-ipv4.patch; then # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/download-ipv4.patch #fi #echo "Done" #echo "Remove check rsync" #if [ "$(grep rsync include/prereq-build.mk)" != "" ]; then # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/check-rsync.patch #fi #echo "Done" if [ -f target/linux/mediatek/patches-5.4/0999-hnat.patch ]; then rm -f target/linux/mediatek/patches-5.4/0999-hnat.patch fi #if [ -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0019-drm-vc4-select-PM.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0019-drm-vc4-select-PM.patch #fi if [ -f target/linux/ipq806x/patches-5.4/0063-2-tsens-support-configurable-interrupts.patch ]; then rm -f target/linux/ipq806x/patches-5.4/0063-* fi #if [ -f target/linux/ipq40xx/patches-5.4/100-GPIO-add-named-gpio-exports.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/ipq40xx/patches-5.4/100-GPIO-add-named-gpio-exports.patch #fi if [ -f package/boot/uboot-rockchip/patches/100-rockchip-rk3328-Add-support-for-FriendlyARM-NanoPi-R.patch ]; then rm -f package/boot/uboot-rockchip/patches/100-rockchip-rk3328-Add-support-for-FriendlyARM-NanoPi-R.patch fi #echo "Patch protobuf wrong hash" #patch -N -R -p1 -s < ../../../patches/protobuf_hash.patch #echo "Done" #echo "Remove gtime dependency" #if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../../patches/gtime.patch; then # patch -N -p1 -s < ../../../patches/gtime.patch #fi #echo "Done" #if [ -f target/linux/generic/backport-5.4/370-netfilter-nf_flow_table-fix-offloaded-connection-tim.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/backport-5.4/370-netfilter-nf_flow_table-fix-offloaded-connection-tim.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/640-netfilter-nf_flow_table-add-hardware-offload-support.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/640-netfilter-nf_flow_table-add-hardware-offload-support.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/641-netfilter-nf_flow_table-support-hw-offload-through-v.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/641-netfilter-nf_flow_table-support-hw-offload-through-v.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/642-net-8021q-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/642-net-8021q-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/643-net-bridge-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/643-net-bridge-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/644-net-pppoe-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/644-net-pppoe-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/645-netfilter-nf_flow_table-rework-hardware-offload-time.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/645-netfilter-nf_flow_table-rework-hardware-offload-time.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/647-net-dsa-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/647-net-dsa-support-hardware-flow-table-offload.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/hack-5.4/650-netfilter-add-xt_OFFLOAD-target.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/hack-5.4/650-netfilter-add-xt_OFFLOAD-target.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/690-net-add-support-for-threaded-NAPI-polling.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/690-net-add-support-for-threaded-NAPI-polling.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/hack-5.4/647-netfilter-flow-acct.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/hack-5.4/647-netfilter-flow-acct.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/hack-5.4/953-net-patch-linux-kernel-to-support-shortcut-fe.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/hack-5.4/953-net-patch-linux-kernel-to-support-shortcut-fe.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.4/950-1031-net-lan78xx-Ack-pending-PHY-ints-when-resetting.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.4/950-1031-net-lan78xx-Ack-pending-PHY-ints-when-resetting.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/770-16-net-ethernet-mediatek-mtk_eth_soc-add-flow-offloadin.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.4/770-16-net-ethernet-mediatek-mtk_eth_soc-add-flow-offloadin.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.15/850-0023-PCI-aardvark-Make-main-irq_chip-structure-a-static-d.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/generic/pending-5.15/850-0023-PCI-aardvark-Make-main-irq_chip-structure-a-static-d.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0448-drm-vc4-Fix-definition-of-PAL-M-mode.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0448-drm-vc4-Fix-definition-of-PAL-M-mode.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/ipq40xx/patches-5.15/707-dt-bindings-net-add-QCA807x-PHY.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/ipq40xx/patches-5.15/707-dt-bindings-net-add-QCA807x-PHY.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/ipq40xx/patches-5.15/709-arm-dts-ipq4019-QCA807x-properties.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/ipq40xx/patches-5.15/709-arm-dts-ipq4019-QCA807x-properties.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0556-drm-vc4-Make-VEC-progressive-modes-readily-accessibl.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/*-drm-*.patch # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/*-vc4*.patch # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0183-v3d_drv-Handle-missing-clock-more-gracefully.patch # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0305-staging-bcm2835-audio-Add-disable-headphones-flag.patch # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0697-dtoverlays-Add-overlays-for-Pimoroni-Hyperpixel-disp.patch # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0785-dtoverlays-Connect-the-backlight-to-the-pitft35-disp.patch #fi #if [ -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0785-dtoverlays-Connect-the-backlight-to-the-pitft35-disp.patch ]; then # rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-5.15/950-0785-dtoverlays-Connect-the-backlight-to-the-pitft35-disp.patch #fi NOT_SUPPORTED="0" if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ]; then echo "Set to kernel 5.4 for rpi arch" find target/linux/bcm27xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.4%g' {} \; find target/linux/bcm27xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.4%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.4 for x86 arch" find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.4%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.4 for mvebu arch (WRT)" find target/linux/mvebu -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.4%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.4 for mediatek arch (BPI-R2)" find target/linux/mediatek -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.4%g' {} \; echo "Done" if [ -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/build/firmware-replace-HOTPLUG-with-UEVENT-in-FW_ACTION-defines.patch ]; then rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/build/firmware-replace-HOTPLUG-with-UEVENT-in-FW_ACTION-defines.patch fi #if [ -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/003-wireless-5.8.patch ]; then # rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/003-wireless-5.8.patch #fi if [ -f target/linux/mvebu/patches-5.4/021-arm64-dts-marvell-armada-37xx-Move-PCIe-comphy-handl.patch ]; then rm -f target/linux/mvebu/patches-5.4/021-arm64-dts-marvell-armada-37xx-Move-PCIe-comphy-handl.patch fi if [ -f target/linux/mvebu/patches-5.4/022-arm64-dts-marvell-armada-37xx-Move-PCIe-max-link-spe.patch ]; then rm -f target/linux/mvebu/patches-5.4/022-arm64-dts-marvell-armada-37xx-Move-PCIe-max-link-spe.patch fi echo "rm -rf $OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/boot/uboot-rockchip" rm -rf "${OMR_TARGET}/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/boot/uboot-rockchip" #rm -f target/linux/rockchip/files/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3568-photonicat.dts echo "CONFIG_VERSION_CODE=5.4" >> ".config" if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rpi5" ]; then echo "Sorry but kernel 5.4 is not supported on your arch yet" NOT_SUPPORTED="1" exit 1 fi if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "rutx50" ]; then echo "Sorry but kernel 5.4 is not supported on your arch yet" NOT_SUPPORTED="1" #exit 1 fi fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.15" ]; then echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for rpi arch" find target/linux/bcm27xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; find target/linux/bcm27xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; find target/linux/bcm27xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER=5.4%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for x86 arch" find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for mvebu arch (WRT)" find target/linux/mvebu -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for mediatek arch (BPI-R2)" find target/linux/mediatek -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; find target/linux/mediatek -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.4%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for rockchip arch (R2S/R4S)" find target/linux/rockchip -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER=5.4%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; find target/linux/rockchip -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for ramips" find target/linux/ramips -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for ipq806x" find target/linux/ipq806x -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 5.15 for ipq40xx" find target/linux/ipq40xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%g' {} \; echo "Done" #rm -rf target/linux/generic/files/drivers/net/phy/b53 rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/modules/sound.mk echo "CONFIG_DEVEL=y" >> ".config" echo "CONFIG_NEED_TOOLCHAIN=y" >> ".config" echo "CONFIG_TOOLCHAINOPTS=y" >> ".config" echo 'CONFIG_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_36_1=y' >> ".config" echo 'CONFIG_BINUTILS_VERSION="2.36.1"' >> ".config" echo "CONFIG_BINUTILS_USE_VERSION_2_36_1=y" >> ".config" #echo "CONFIG_GCC_USE_VERSION_10=y" >> ".config" #echo "CONFIG_GCC_VERSION_10=y" >> ".config" #echo 'CONFIG_GCC_VERSION="10.3.0"' >> ".config" echo "CONFIG_VERSION_CODE=5.15" >> ".config" #echo "CONFIG_GCC_USE_VERSION_10=y" >> ".config" if [ "$TARGET" = "bpi-r2" ]; then echo "# CONFIG_VERSION_CODE_FILENAMES is not set" >> ".config" fi fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.1" ]; then echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for x86 arch" find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.10%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for rockchip arch (R2S/R4S)" find target/linux/rockchip -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" #echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for ipq807x" #find target/linux/ipq807x -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; #echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for bcm27xx" find target/linux/bcm27xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for mvebu" find target/linux/mvebu -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for mediatek" find target/linux/mediatek -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for ipq806x" find target/linux/ipq806x -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for ipq40xx" find target/linux/ipq40xx -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.1 for ramips" find target/linux/ramips -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%g' {} \; echo "Done" rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-6.1/950-0509-README-Add-README.md-with-CI-kernel-build-status-tag.patch rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/patches-6.1/950-0555-README.md-Replace-6.0-build-status-with-6.2.patch rm -f target/linux/mvebu/patches-6.1/102-leds-turris-omnia-support-HW-controlled-mode-via-pri.patch rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/modules/sound.mk rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/002-* rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/003-* rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/004-* rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/100-api_update.patch #rm -f target/linux/bcm27xx/modules/sound.mk rm -f package/libs/elfutils/patches/101-no-fts.patch #rm -f package/kernel/mwlwifi/patches/001-* #rm -f package/kernel/mwlwifi/patches/002-* #rm -f package/kernel/mwlwifi/patches/003-* #rm -rf package/kernel/mt76 rm -rf target/linux/ipq40xx/files/drivers/net/dsa rm -rf target/linux/ipq40xx/files/drivers/net/ethernet # echo "CONFIG_DEVEL=y" >> ".config" # echo "CONFIG_NEED_TOOLCHAIN=y" >> ".config" # echo "CONFIG_TOOLCHAINOPTS=y" >> ".config" # echo 'CONFIG_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_36_1=y' >> ".config" # echo 'CONFIG_BINUTILS_VERSION="2.36.1"' >> ".config" # echo "CONFIG_BINUTILS_USE_VERSION_2_36_1=y" >> ".config" # #echo "CONFIG_GCC_USE_VERSION_10=y" >> ".config" # #echo "CONFIG_GCC_VERSION_10=y" >> ".config" # #echo 'CONFIG_GCC_VERSION="10.3.0"' >> ".config" echo "CONFIG_VERSION_CODE=6.1" >> ".config" # #echo "CONFIG_GCC_USE_VERSION_10=y" >> ".config" if [ "$TARGET" = "bpi-r2" ]; then echo "# CONFIG_VERSION_CODE_FILENAMES is not set" >> ".config" fi if [ "$OMR_TARGET" = "bpi-r1" ]; then echo "Sorry but kernel 6.1 is not supported on your arch yet" NOT_SUPPORTED="1" #exit 1 fi fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.6" ]; then echo "Set to kernel 6.6 for x86 arch" find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.6%g' {} \; find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.6%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.6 for mediatek" find target/linux/mediatek -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.6%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "CONFIG_VERSION_CODE=6.6" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-button-hotplug is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-meraki-mx100 is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-nct5104d is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8168 is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-button-hotplug is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-cryptodev is not set" >> ".config" # Remove for now packages that doesn't compile #rm -rf package/kernel/mt76 rm -rf package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct # Remove not needed patches rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/build/200-Revert-wifi-iwlwifi-Use-generic-thermal_zone_get_tri.patch rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/build/210-revert-split-op.patch rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/subsys/301-mac80211-sta-randomize-BA-session-dialog-token-alloc.patch rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/099-cut-linkid-linux-version-code-conditionals.patch rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/100-api_update.patch fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.7" ]; then echo "Set to kernel 6.7 for x86 arch" find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.7%g' {} \; find target/linux/x86 -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.1%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.7%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "Set to kernel 6.7 for mediatek" find target/linux/mediatek -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=5.15%KERNEL_PATCHVER:=6.7%g' {} \; echo "Done" echo "CONFIG_VERSION_CODE=6.7" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-button-hotplug is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-meraki-mx100 is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-nct5104d is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8168 is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-button-hotplug is not set" >> ".config" echo "# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-cryptodev is not set" >> ".config" # Remove for now packages that doesn't compile rm -rf package/kernel/mt76 rm -rf package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct # Remove not needed patches rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/build/200-Revert-wifi-iwlwifi-Use-generic-thermal_zone_get_tri.patch rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/build/210-revert-split-op.patch rm -f package/kernel/mac80211/patches/subsys/301-mac80211-sta-randomize-BA-session-dialog-token-alloc.patch rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/099-cut-linkid-linux-version-code-conditionals.patch rm -f package/kernel/rtl8812au-ct/patches/100-api_update.patch echo 'CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_CLONE_URI="https://github.com/multipath-tcp/mptcp_net-next.git"' >> ".config" echo 'CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_REF="7377151edddb46e11f664e5709e594551a414fe3"' >> ".config" fi #rm -rf feeds/packages/libs/libwebp cd "../../.." rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/luci/modules/luci-mod-network [ -d feeds/${OMR_DIST}/luci-mod-status ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/luci/modules/luci-mod-status [ -d feeds/${OMR_DIST}/luci-app-statistics ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/luci/applications/luci-app-statistics #[ -d feeds/${OMR_DIST}/luci-proto-modemmanager ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/luci/protocols/luci-proto-modemmanager if [ -d ${OMR_FEED}/netifd ] && [ "${OMR_KERNEL}" != "5.4" ]; then rm -rf ${OMR_TARGET}/${OMR_KERNEL}/source/package/network/config/netifd fi [ -d ${OMR_FEED}/iperf3 ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/packages/net/iperf3 [ -d ${OMR_FEED}/golang ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/packages/lang/golang [ -d ${OMR_FEED}/openvpn ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/packages/net/openvpn [ -d ${OMR_FEED}/iproute2 ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/packages/network/utils/iproute2 [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "6.6" ] && [ -d ${OMR_FEED}/xtables-addons ] && rm -rf feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/packages/net/xtables-addons echo "Add Occitan translation support" cd feeds/${OMR_KERNEL} if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../patches/luci-occitan.patch; then patch -N -p1 -s < ../../patches/luci-occitan.patch #sh feeds/luci/build/i18n-add-language.sh oc fi if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../patches/luci-syslog.patch; then patch -N -p1 -s < ../../patches/luci-syslog.patch fi if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ] && ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../patches/luci-base-add_array_sort_utilities.patch; then patch -N -p1 -s < ../../patches/luci-base-add_array_sort_utilities.patch fi if [ ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < ../../patches/luci-nftables.patch ] && [ -d luci/modules/luci-mod-status ]; then patch -N -p1 -s < ../../patches/luci-nftables.patch fi cd ../.. [ -d $OMR_FEED/luci-base/po/oc ] && cp -rf $OMR_FEED/luci-base/po/oc feeds/${OMR_KERNEL}/luci/modules/luci-base/po/ echo "Done" cd "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" echo "Update feeds index" cp .config .config.keep scripts/feeds clean scripts/feeds update -a #cd - #echo "Checking if fullconenat-luci patch is set or not" ##if ! patch -Rf -N -p1 -s --dry-run < patches/fullconenat-luci.patch; then # echo "apply..." # patch -N -p1 -s < patches/fullconenat-luci.patch #fi #echo "Done" #cd "$OMR_TARGET/${OMR_KERNEL}/source" if [ "$OMR_ALL_PACKAGES" = "yes" ]; then scripts/feeds install -a -d m -p packages scripts/feeds install -a -d m -p luci fi if [ -n "$CUSTOM_FEED" ]; then scripts/feeds install -a -d m -p openmptcprouter scripts/feeds install -a -d y -f -p ${OMR_DIST} else scripts/feeds install -a -d y -f -p openmptcprouter fi # Use iproute2 package from the normal repo for 5.4 if [ "$OMR_KERNEL" = "5.4" ]; then scripts/feeds uninstall iproute2 scripts/feeds uninstall libbpf scripts/feeds uninstall netifd scripts/feeds install iproute2 scripts/feeds install netifd fi cp .config.keep .config scripts/feeds install kmod-macremapper echo "Done" if [ ! -f "../../../$OMR_TARGET_CONFIG" ] || [ "$NOT_SUPPORTED" = "1" ]; then echo "Target $OMR_TARGET not found ! You have to configure and compile your kernel manually." exit 1 fi echo "Building $OMR_DIST for the target $OMR_TARGET with kernel ${OMR_KERNEL}" make defconfig make IGNORE_ERRORS=m "$@" echo "Done"