- Experimental set up: + Machines specs: as mentioned in THPA paper. + Kubernetes version: 1.18.0 + Docker version: 19.03.13 + Round trip delay between node = 10ms. + Execute "add_delay.sh" script to add delay between nodes: + ./add_delay.sh Ex: ./add_delay.sh 5 (delay between 2 nodes is 10ms Round trip) + Apache tool should be installed for traffic generation + Switch kube-proxy to ipvs mode + App to deploy can be found in app/ directory + HPA must be enabled for the depoyed application: "kubectl autoscale deployment --min=3 --max=12 --cpu-percent=80" *** Note *** + Traffic gen scripts must be executed on traffic gen machine + Application on each node can be accessed using nodeip and port, e.g. - Section V_A - Evaluate 3 nodes + Use script "autoscaling_realTime_test" in experimental-script to test and get the result - Section V_B - Evaluate 3 node + Use script "auto_ab_eva_node" in experimental-scripts/sectionV_B to generate traffic toward 3 nodes at the same time and get the results. - Section V_C-1 - In this evaluation only Node 1 is evaluated + Use script "auto_ab_eva_node" in experimental-scripts/sectionV_C_1 to generate traffic toward node 1 only to get the result. - Section V_C_2 - Evaluate 3 nodes + Use script "ab_test_cummulative_diff" and "ab_test_cummulative_even" in experimental-scripts/sectionV_C_2 folder to get the result