# [WiP] PoC of DevOps magic ### Pre requires: 1) Any x86_64 Linux distribution tested on Debian 10, but must work on any modern Linux system 2) DHCP in network 3) wget 4) bash/dash shell ### Known bugs and limitation: 1) Automated Keymap selection not working in the bootstrap process. You must hit Enter key. 2) Swap automatically created in the bootstrap process, I can't switch it off now. As a result, the minimum image size must be 8Gb or more. 3) It's still dirty, most exceptions during bootstrap still not handled ### For start adventures: 1) just clone this repo 2) go to the repo directory 3) and type *./runme.sh* in your shell ### What happened after you run this script: 1) We bootup in-userspace VM and starting the automated installation of Debian 9 with docker and common automation tools (docker, git, ansible, helm, werf and etc). ---ToDo--- 2) Bootstrapping one node Kubernates cluster (LOL we invented minicube without minicube limitations) 3) Installing Ingress with Helm 4) Installing docker-repository in our shiny Kube (we are lazy of course we use Helm for it) 5) Installing Postgress into Kube 0_o 6) Deploying test service with Helm/Werf ... n) PROFIT!!!1