import pytest from django.core import mail from todo.models import Task, Comment from todo.utils import send_notify_mail, send_email_to_thread_participants @pytest.fixture() # Set up an in-memory mail server to receive test emails def email_backend_setup(settings): settings.EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' def test_send_notify_mail_not_me(todo_setup, django_user_model, email_backend_setup): """Assign a task to someone else, mail should be sent. TODO: Future tests could check for email contents. """ u1 = django_user_model.objects.get(username="u1") u2 = django_user_model.objects.get(username="u2") task = Task.objects.filter(created_by=u1).first() task.assigned_to = u2 send_notify_mail(task) assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 def test_send_notify_mail_myself(todo_setup, django_user_model, email_backend_setup): """Assign a task to myself, no mail should be sent. """ u1 = django_user_model.objects.get(username="u1") task = Task.objects.filter(created_by=u1).first() task.assigned_to = u1 send_notify_mail(task) assert len(mail.outbox) == 0 def test_send_email_to_thread_participants(todo_setup, django_user_model, email_backend_setup): """For a given task authored by one user, add comments by two other users. Notification email should be sent to all three users.""" u1 = django_user_model.objects.get(username="u1") task = Task.objects.filter(created_by=u1).first() u3 = django_user_model.objects.create_user(username="u3", password="zzz", email="") u4 = django_user_model.objects.create_user(username="u4", password="zzz", email="") Comment.objects.create(author=u3, task=task, body="Hello", ) Comment.objects.create(author=u4, task=task, body="Hello", ) send_email_to_thread_participants(task, "test body", u1) assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 # One message to multiple recipients assert '' in mail.outbox[0].recipients() assert '' in mail.outbox[0].recipients() assert '' in mail.outbox[0].recipients()