
293 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-03-10 08:59:25 +00:00
'use strict';
const config = require('config');
const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const routerFactory = require('../lib/router-async');
const passport = require('../lib/passport');
const clientHelpers = require('../lib/client-helpers');
const gm = require('gm').subClass({
imageMagick: true
const users = require('../models/users');
const capitalize = require('capitalize');
2017-03-10 08:59:25 +00:00
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const files = require('../models/files');
const fileHelpers = require('../lib/file-helpers');
const templates = require('../models/templates');
const mosaicoTemplates = require('../models/mosaico-templates');
const contextHelpers = require('../lib/context-helpers');
const interoperableErrors = require('../../shared/interoperable-errors');
2019-01-12 10:20:58 +00:00
const bluebird = require('bluebird');
const { getTrustedUrl, getSandboxUrl, getPublicUrl } = require('../lib/urls');
const { base } = require('../../shared/templates');
const { AppType } = require('../../shared/app');
const {castToInteger} = require('../lib/helpers');
const { fileCache } = require('../lib/file-cache');
2018-04-22 07:00:04 +00:00
users.registerRestrictedAccessTokenMethod('mosaico', async ({entityTypeId, entityId}) => {
if (entityTypeId === 'template') {
const tmpl = await templates.getById(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), entityId, false);
if (tmpl.type === 'mosaico') {
return {
permissions: {
'template': {
[entityId]: new Set(['viewFiles', 'manageFiles', 'view'])
'mosaicoTemplate': {
[]: new Set(['view'])
async function placeholderImage(width, height, labelText, labelColor) {
const magick = gm(width, height, '#707070');
const streamAsync = bluebird.promisify(;
const size = 40;
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
// stripes
while (y < height) {
.drawPolygon([x, y], [x + size, y], [x + size * 2, y + size], [x + size * 2, y + size * 2])
.drawPolygon([x, y + size], [x + size, y + size * 2], [x, y + size * 2]);
x = x + size * 2;
if (x > width) {
x = 0;
y = y + size * 2;
labelText = labelText || `${width} x ${height}`;
labelColor = labelColor || '#B0B0B0';
// text
.drawText(0, 0, labelText, 'center');
const stream = await streamAsync('png');
return {
format: 'png',
async function resizedImage(filePath, method, width, height) {
const magick = gm(filePath);
const streamAsync = bluebird.promisify(;
const formatAsync = bluebird.promisify(magick.format.bind(magick));
const format = (await formatAsync()).toLowerCase();
if (method === 'resize') {
.resize(width, height);
} else if (method === 'cover') {
.resize(width, height + '^')
.extent(width, height + '>');
} else {
throw new Error(`Method ${method} not supported`);
const stream = await streamAsync();
return {
function sanitizeSize(val, min, max, defaultVal, allowNull) {
if (val === 'null' && allowNull) {
return null;
val = Number(val) || defaultVal;
val = Math.max(min, val);
val = Math.min(max, val);
return val;
async function getRouter(appType) {
const router = routerFactory.create();
if (appType === AppType.SANDBOXED) {
router.getAsync('/templates/:mosaicoTemplateId/index.html', passport.loggedIn, async (req, res) => {
const tmpl = await mosaicoTemplates.getById(req.context, castToInteger(req.params.mosaicoTemplateId));
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
res.send(base(, getTrustedUrl(), getSandboxUrl('', req.context), getPublicUrl()));
// Mosaico looks for block thumbnails in edres folder relative to index.html of the template. We respond to such requests here.
router.getAsync('/templates/:mosaicoTemplateId/edres/:fileName', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const file = await files.getFileByOriginalName(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), 'mosaicoTemplate', 'block', castToInteger(req.params.mosaicoTemplateId), req.params.fileName);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof interoperableErrors.NotFoundError) {
} else {
throw err;
// This is a fallback to versafix-1 if the block thumbnail is not defined by the template
router.use('/templates/:mosaicoTemplateId/edres', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client', 'static', 'mosaico', 'templates', 'versafix-1', 'edres')));
// This is the final fallback for a block thumbnail, so that at least something gets returned
router.getAsync('/templates/:mosaicoTemplateId/edres/:fileName', await fileCache('mosaico-block-thumbnails', config.mosaico.fileCache.blockThumbnails, req => req.params.fileName), async (req, res) => {
let labelText = req.params.fileName.replace(/\.png$/, '');
labelText = labelText.replace(/[_]/g, ' ');
labelText = capitalize.words(labelText);
const image = await placeholderImage(340, 100, labelText, '#ffffff');
res.set('Content-Type', 'image/' + image.format);;
fileHelpers.installUploadHandler(router, '/upload/:type/:entityId', files.ReplacementBehavior.RENAME, null, 'file', resp => {
return {
files: => ({name:, url: f.url, size: f.size, thumbnailUrl: f.thumbnailUrl}))
router.getAsync('/upload/:type/:entityId', passport.loggedIn, async (req, res) => {
const id = castToInteger(req.params.entityId);
const entries = await files.list(req.context, req.params.type, 'file', id);
const filesOut = [];
for (const entry of entries) {
name: entry.originalname,
url: files.getFileUrl(req.context, req.params.type, 'file', id, entry.filename),
size: entry.size,
thumbnailUrl: files.getFileUrl(req.context, req.params.type, 'file', id, entry.filename) // TODO - use smaller thumbnails
files: filesOut
router.getAsync('/editor', passport.csrfProtection, async (req, res) => {
const mailtrainConfig = await clientHelpers.getAnonymousConfig(req.context, appType);
let languageStrings = null;
2018-12-15 14:15:48 +00:00
const lang = req.locale.language;
if (lang && lang !== 'en') {
try {
const file = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client', 'static', 'mosaico', 'rs', 'lang', 'mosaico-' + lang + '.json');
languageStrings = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8');
} catch (err) {
res.render('mosaico/root', {
layout: 'mosaico/layout',
editorConfig: config.mosaico,
languageStrings: languageStrings,
reactCsrfToken: req.csrfToken(),
mailtrainConfig: JSON.stringify(mailtrainConfig),
scriptFiles: [
publicPath: getSandboxUrl()
} else if (appType === AppType.TRUSTED || appType === AppType.PUBLIC) { // Mosaico editor loads the images from TRUSTED endpoint. This is hard to change because the index.html has to come from TRUSTED.
// So we serve /mosaico/img under both endpoints. There is no harm in it.
const trustedUrlPrefix = getTrustedUrl();
const publicUrlPrefix = getPublicUrl();
const imgCacheFileName = req => {
const method = req.query.method || '';
const params = req.query.params || '';
const src = req.query.src || '';
if (method === 'placeholder') {
return `${method}_${params}`;
} else if (src.startsWith(trustedUrlPrefix)) {
return `${src.substring(trustedUrlPrefix.length)}_${method}_${params}`;
} else if (src.startsWith(publicUrlPrefix)) {
return `${src.substring(publicUrlPrefix.length)}_${method}_${params}`;
} else {
return null;
router.getAsync('/img', await fileCache('mosaico-images', config.mosaico.fileCache.images, imgCacheFileName), async (req, res) => {
const method = req.query.method;
const params = req.query.params;
let [width, height] = params.split(',');
let image;
if (method === 'placeholder') {
width = sanitizeSize(width, 1, 2048, 600, false);
height = sanitizeSize(height, 1, 2048, 300, false);
2019-01-12 10:20:58 +00:00
try {
image = await placeholderImage(width, height);
} catch (err) {
} else {
width = sanitizeSize(width, 1, 2048, 600, true);
height = sanitizeSize(height, 1, 2048, 300, true);
let filePath;
const url = req.query.src || '';
const mosaicoLegacyUrlPrefix = getTrustedUrl(`mosaico/uploads/`);
if (url.startsWith(mosaicoLegacyUrlPrefix)) {
filePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client', 'static' , 'mosaico', 'uploads', url.substring(mosaicoLegacyUrlPrefix.length));
} else {
2018-08-03 11:35:55 +00:00
const file = await files.getFileByUrl(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), url);
filePath = file.path;
image = await resizedImage(filePath, method, width, height);
res.set('Content-Type', 'image/' + image.format);;
2017-03-10 08:59:25 +00:00
return router;
module.exports.getRouter = getRouter;