2017-08-20 21:44:33 +00:00
'use strict' ;
import React , { Component } from 'react' ;
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
import { HTTPMethod } from '../../lib/axios' ;
import { translate , Trans } from 'react-i18next' ;
import { requiresAuthenticatedUser , withPageHelpers , Title , NavButton } from '../../lib/page' ;
import {
withForm , Form , FormSendMethod , InputField , TextArea , TableSelect , ButtonRow , Button ,
Fieldset , Dropdown , AlignedRow , ACEEditor , StaticField , CheckBox
} from '../../lib/form' ;
import { withErrorHandling , withAsyncErrorHandler } from '../../lib/error-handling' ;
import { DeleteModalDialog , RestActionModalDialog } from "../../lib/modals" ;
import interoperableErrors from '../../../../shared/interoperable-errors' ;
import validators from '../../../../shared/validators' ;
import { parseDate , parseBirthday , DateFormat } from '../../../../shared/date' ;
import { SubscriptionStatus } from '../../../../shared/lists' ;
import { getFieldTypes , getSubscriptionStatusLabels } from './helpers' ;
import moment from 'moment-timezone' ;
@ translate ( )
@ withForm
@ withPageHelpers
@ withErrorHandling
@ requiresAuthenticatedUser
export default class CUD extends Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
const t = props . t ;
this . state = { } ;
this . subscriptionStatusLabels = getSubscriptionStatusLabels ( t ) ;
this . fieldTypes = getFieldTypes ( t ) ;
this . initForm ( {
serverValidation : {
2018-05-09 02:07:01 +00:00
url : ` rest/subscriptions-validate/ ${ this . props . list . id } ` ,
2017-08-20 21:44:33 +00:00
changed : [ 'email' ] ,
extra : [ 'id' ]
} ,
} ) ;
static propTypes = {
action : PropTypes . string . isRequired ,
list : PropTypes . object ,
fieldsGrouped : PropTypes . array ,
entity : PropTypes . object
componentDidMount ( ) {
if ( this . props . entity ) {
this . getFormValuesFromEntity ( this . props . entity , data => {
data . status = data . status . toString ( ) ;
data . tz = data . tz || '' ;
for ( const fld of this . props . fieldsGrouped ) {
this . fieldTypes [ fld . type ] . assignFormData ( fld , data ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const data = {
email : '' ,
tz : '' ,
is _test : false ,
status : SubscriptionStatus . SUBSCRIBED
} ;
for ( const fld of this . props . fieldsGrouped ) {
this . fieldTypes [ fld . type ] . initFormData ( fld , data ) ;
this . populateFormValues ( data ) ;
localValidateFormValues ( state ) {
const t = this . props . t ;
const emailServerValidation = state . getIn ( [ 'email' , 'serverValidation' ] ) ;
if ( ! state . getIn ( [ 'email' , 'value' ] ) ) {
state . setIn ( [ 'email' , 'error' ] , t ( 'Email must not be empty' ) ) ;
} else if ( ! emailServerValidation ) {
state . setIn ( [ 'email' , 'error' ] , t ( 'Validation is in progress...' ) ) ;
} else if ( emailServerValidation . exists ) {
state . setIn ( [ 'email' , 'error' ] , t ( 'Another subscription with the same email already exists.' ) ) ;
} else {
state . setIn ( [ 'email' , 'error' ] , null ) ;
for ( const fld of this . props . fieldsGrouped ) {
this . fieldTypes [ fld . type ] . validate ( fld , state ) ;
async submitHandler ( ) {
const t = this . props . t ;
let sendMethod , url ;
if ( this . props . entity ) {
sendMethod = FormSendMethod . PUT ;
2018-05-09 02:07:01 +00:00
url = ` rest/subscriptions/ ${ this . props . list . id } / ${ this . props . entity . id } `
2017-08-20 21:44:33 +00:00
} else {
sendMethod = FormSendMethod . POST ;
2018-05-09 02:07:01 +00:00
url = ` rest/subscriptions/ ${ this . props . list . id } `
2017-08-20 21:44:33 +00:00
try {
this . disableForm ( ) ;
this . setFormStatusMessage ( 'info' , t ( 'Saving ...' ) ) ;
const submitSuccessful = await this . validateAndSendFormValuesToURL ( sendMethod , url , data => {
data . status = parseInt ( data . status ) ;
data . tz = data . tz || null ;
for ( const fld of this . props . fieldsGrouped ) {
this . fieldTypes [ fld . type ] . assignEntity ( fld , data ) ;
} ) ;
if ( submitSuccessful ) {
this . navigateToWithFlashMessage ( ` /lists/ ${ this . props . list . id } /subscriptions ` , 'success' , t ( 'Susbscription saved' ) ) ;
} else {
this . enableForm ( ) ;
this . setFormStatusMessage ( 'warning' , t ( 'There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.' ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error instanceof interoperableErrors . DuplicitEmailError ) {
this . setFormStatusMessage ( 'danger' ,
< span >
< strong > { t ( 'Your updates cannot be saved.' ) } < / s t r o n g > { ' ' }
{ t ( 'It seems that another subscription with the same email has been created in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.' ) }
< / s p a n >
) ;
return ;
throw error ;
render ( ) {
const t = this . props . t ;
const isEdit = ! ! this . props . entity ;
const fieldsGrouped = this . props . fieldsGrouped ;
const statusOptions = Object . keys ( this . subscriptionStatusLabels )
. map ( key => ( { key , label : this . subscriptionStatusLabels [ key ] } ) ) ;
const tzOptions = [
{ key : '' , label : t ( 'Not selected' ) } ,
... moment . tz . names ( ) . map ( tz => ( { key : tz . toLowerCase ( ) , label : tz } ) )
] ;
const customFields = [ ] ;
for ( const fld of this . props . fieldsGrouped ) {
customFields . push ( this . fieldTypes [ fld . type ] . form ( fld ) ) ;
return (
< div >
{ isEdit &&
< div >
< RestActionModalDialog
title = { t ( 'Confirm deletion' ) }
message = { t ( 'Are you sure you want to delete subscription for "{{email}}"?' , { name : this . getFormValue ( 'email' ) } ) }
stateOwner = { this }
visible = { this . props . action === 'delete' }
actionMethod = { HTTPMethod . DELETE }
2018-05-09 02:07:01 +00:00
actionUrl = { ` rest/subscriptions/ ${ this . props . list . id } / ${ this . props . entity . id } ` }
2017-08-20 21:44:33 +00:00
backUrl = { ` /lists/ ${ this . props . list . id } /subscriptions/ ${ this . props . entity . id } /edit ` }
successUrl = { ` /lists/ ${ this . props . list . id } /subscriptions ` }
actionInProgressMsg = { t ( 'Deleting subscription ...' ) }
actionDoneMsg = { t ( 'Subscription deleted' ) } / >
< / d i v >
< Title > { isEdit ? t ( 'Edit Subscription' ) : t ( 'Create Subscription' ) } < / T i t l e >
< Form stateOwner = { this } onSubmitAsync = { : : this . submitHandler } >
< InputField id = "email" label = { t ( 'Email' ) } / >
{ customFields }
< hr / >
< Dropdown id = "tz" label = { t ( 'Timezone' ) } options = { tzOptions } / >
< Dropdown id = "status" label = { t ( 'Subscription status' ) } options = { statusOptions } / >
< CheckBox id = "is_test" text = { t ( 'Test user?' ) } help = { t ( 'If checked then this subscription can be used for previewing campaign messages' ) } / >
{ ! isEdit &&
< AlignedRow >
< p className = "text-warning" >
This person will not receive a confirmation email so make sure that you have permission to
email them .
< / p >
< / A l i g n e d R o w >
< ButtonRow >
< Button type = "submit" className = "btn-primary" icon = "ok" label = { t ( 'Save' ) } / >
{ isEdit && < NavButton className = "btn-danger" icon = "remove" label = { t ( 'Delete' ) } linkTo = { ` /lists/ ${ this . props . list . id } /subscriptions/ ${ this . props . entity . id } /delete ` } / > }
< / B u t t o n R o w >
< / F o r m >
< / d i v >
) ;