2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
'use strict';
2018-09-18 08:30:13 +00:00
const config = require('config');
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
const log = require('npmlog');
const mailers = require('../lib/mailers');
2018-09-18 08:30:13 +00:00
const knex = require('../lib/knex');
const subscriptions = require('../models/subscriptions');
const contextHelpers = require('../lib/context-helpers');
const campaigns = require('../models/campaigns');
const templates = require('../models/templates');
const lists = require('../models/lists');
const fields = require('../models/fields');
const sendConfigurations = require('../models/send-configurations');
const links = require('../models/links');
const {CampaignSource} = require('../shared/campaigns');
const {SubscriptionStatus} = require('../shared/lists');
const tools = require('../lib/tools');
const request = require('request-promise');
const files = require('../models/files');
const htmlToText = require('html-to-text');
const {getPublicUrl} = require('../lib/urls');
const blacklist = require('../models/blacklist');
let libmime = require('libmime');
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
const workerId = Number.parseInt(process.argv[2]);
let running = false;
2018-09-18 08:30:13 +00:00
class CampaignSender {
constructor(campaignId) {
this.campaignId = campaignId;
async init() {
this.lists = Map(); // listId -> list
this.listsFieldsGrouped = Map(); // listId -> fieldsGrouped
this.attachments = [];
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
this.campaign = await campaigns.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), this.campaignId, false, campaigns.Content.ALL)
this.sendConfiguration = await sendConfigurations.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), campaign.send_configuration);
for (const listSpec of campaign.lists) {
this.lists.set(listSpec.list) = await lists.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), listSpec.list);
this.listsFieldsGrouped.set(listSpec.list) = await fields.listGroupedTx(tx, listSpec.list);
if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.TEMPLATE) {
this.template = templates.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), this.campaign.data.sourceTemplate, false);
const attachments = await files.listTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), 'campaign', 'attachment', this.campaignId);
for (const attachment of attachments) {
filename: attachment.originalname,
path: files.getFilePath('campaign', 'attachment', this.campaignId, attachment.filename)
this.useVerp = config.verp.enabled && sendConfiguration.verp_hostname;
this.useVerpSenderHeader = useVerp && config.verp.disablesenderheader !== true;
async sendMessage(listId, email) {
if (await blacklist.isBlacklisted(email)) {
const subscriptionGrouped = await subscriptions.getByEmail(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), listId, email);
const flds = this.listsFieldsGrouped.get(listId);
const campaign = this.campaign;
const list = this.lists.get(listId);
const sendConfiguration = this.sendConfiguration;
const encryptionKeys = [];
const mergeTags = fields.forHbsWithFieldsGrouped(flds, subscriptionGrouped);
for (const fld of flds) {
if (fld.type === 'gpg' && mergeTags[fld.key]) {
let html = '';
let text = '';
let renderTags = false;
if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.URL) {
const form = tools.getMessageLinks(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped);
for (const key in mergeTags) {
form[key] = mergeTags[key];
const response = await request.post({
uri: campaign.sourceUrl,
resolveWithFullResponse: true
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Received status code ${httpResponse.statusCode} from ${campaign.sourceUrl}`);
html = response.body;
text = '';
renderTags = false;
} else if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.CUSTOM || campaign.source === CampaignSource.CUSTOM_FROM_CAMPAIGN || campaign.source === CampaignSource.CUSTOM_FROM_TEMPLATE) {
html = campaign.data.sourceCustom.html;
text = campaign.data.sourceCustom.text;
renderTags = true;
} else if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.TEMPLATE) {
const template = this.template;
html = template.html;
text = template.text;
renderTags = true;
2018-09-22 14:21:19 +00:00
html = await links.updateLinks(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, html);
2018-09-18 08:30:13 +00:00
const attachments = this.attachments.slice();
// replace data: images with embedded attachments
html = html.replace(/(<img\b[^>]* src\s*=[\s"']*)(data:[^"'>\s]+)/gi, (match, prefix, dataUri) => {
let cid = shortid.generate() + '-attachments@' + campaign.address.split('@').pop();
path: dataUri,
return prefix + 'cid:' + cid;
const campaignAddress = [campaign.cid, list.cid, subscriptionGrouped.cid].join('.');
const renderedHtml = renderTags ? tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, html, false, true) : html;
const renderedText = (text || '').trim()
? (renderTags ? tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, text) : text)
: htmlToText.fromString(renderedHtml, {wordwrap: 130});
let listUnsubscribe = null;
if (!list.listunsubscribe_disabled) {
listUnsubscribe = campaign.unsubscribe_url
? tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, campaign.unsubscribe_url)
: getPublicUrl('/subscription/' + list.cid + '/unsubscribe/' + subscriptionGrouped.subscription.cid);
const mailer = await mailers.getOrCreateMailer(sendConfiguration.id);
await mailer.throttleWait();
const getOverridable = key => {
if (sendConfiguration[key + '_overridable'] && this.campaign[key + '_override'] !== null) {
return campaign[key + '_override'];
} else {
return sendConfiguration[key];
const mail = {
from: {
name: getOverridable('from_name'),
address: getOverridable('from_email')
replyTo: getOverridable('reply_to'),
xMailer: sendConfiguration.x_mailer ? sendConfiguration.x_mailer : false,
to: {
name: tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, list.to_name, false, false),
address: subscriptionGrouped.email
sender: this.useVerpSenderHeader ? campaignAddress + '@' + sendConfiguration.verp_hostname : false,
envelope: this.useVerp ? {
from: campaignAddress + '@' + sendConfiguration.verp_hostname,
to: subscriptionGrouped.email
} : false,
headers: {
'x-fbl': campaignAddress,
// custom header for SparkPost
'x-msys-api': JSON.stringify({
campaign_id: campaignAddress
// custom header for SendGrid
'x-smtpapi': JSON.stringify({
unique_args: {
campaign_id: campaignAddress
// custom header for Mailgun
'x-mailgun-variables': JSON.stringify({
campaign_id: campaignAddress
'List-ID': {
prepared: true,
value: libmime.encodeWords(list.name) + ' <' + list.cid + '.' + getPublicUrl() + '>'
list: {
unsubscribe: listUnsubscribe
subject: tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, getOverridable('subject'), false, false),
html: renderedHtml,
text: renderedText,
let status;
let response;
try {
const info = await mailer.sendMassMail(mail);
status = SubscriptionStatus.SUBSCRIBED;
response = info.response || info.messageId;
await knex('campaigns').where('id', campaign.id).increment('delivered');
} catch (err) {
status = SubscriptionStatus.BOUNCED;
response = err.response || err.message;
await knex('campaigns').where('id', campaign.id).increment('delivered').increment('bounced');
const responseId = response.split(/\s+/).pop();
const now = new Date();
await knex('campaign_messages').insert({
campaign: this.campaignId,
list: listId,
subscriptions: subscriptionGrouped.id,
send_configuration: sendConfiguration.id,
response_id: responseId,
updated: now
log.verbose('Senders', 'Message sent and status updated for %s', subscriptionGrouped.cid);
async function processMessages(campaignId, subscribers) {
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
if (running) {
log.error('Senders', `Worker ${workerId} assigned work while working`);
running = true;
2018-09-18 08:30:13 +00:00
const cs = new CampaignSender(campaignId);
await cs.init()
for (const subData of subscribers) {
try {
await cs.sendMessage(subData.listId, subData.email);
} catch (err) {
log.error('Senders', `Sending message to ${subData.listId}:${subData.email} failed with error: ${err.message}`)
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
running = false;
2018-09-09 22:55:44 +00:00
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
function sendToMaster(msgType) {
type: msgType
process.on('message', msg => {
if (msg) {
const type = msg.type;
2018-09-09 22:55:44 +00:00
if (type === 'reload-config') {
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00
2018-09-09 22:55:44 +00:00
} else if (type === 'process-messages') {
// noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall
2018-09-18 08:30:13 +00:00
processMessages(msg.data.campaignId, msg.data.subscribers)
2018-09-02 12:59:02 +00:00