"accessTokenNotYetGenerated":"Access token not yet generated",
"resetAccessToken":"Reset Access Token",
"generateAccessToken":"Generate Access Token",
"notesAboutTheApi":"Notes about the API",
"addSubscription":"Add subscription",
"thisApiCallEitherInsertsANewSubscription":"This API call either inserts a new subscription or updates existing. Fields not included are left as is, so if you update only LAST_NAME value, then FIRST_NAME is kept untouched for an existing subscription.",
"yourPersonalAccessToken":"your personal access token",
"customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup":"custom field value. Use yes/no for option group values (checkboxes, radios, drop downs)",
"additionalPostArguments":"Additional POST arguments",
"setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs":"set to \"yes\" if you want to make sure the email is marked as subscribed even if it was previously marked as unsubscribed. If the email was already unsubscribed/blocked then subscription status is not changed",
"setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail":"set to \"yes\" if you want to send confirmation email to the subscriber before actually marking as subscribed",
"removeSubscription":"Remove subscription",
"thisApiCallMarksASubscriptionAs":"This API call marks a subscription as unsubscribed",
"deleteSubscription":"Delete subscription",
"thisApiCallDeletesASubscription":"This API call deletes a subscription",
"addNewCustomField":"Add new custom field",
"thisApiCallCreatesANewCustomFieldForA":"This API call creates a new custom field for a list.",
"fieldName":"field name",
"oneOfTheFollowingTypes":"one of the following types:",
"templateForTheGroupElementIfNotSetThen":"Template for the group element. If not set, then values of the elements are joined with commas",
"ifNotVisibleThenTheSubscriberCanNotView":"if not visible then the subscriber can not view or modify this value at the profile page",
"getListOfBlacklistedEmails":"Get list of blacklisted emails",
"thisApiCallGetListOfBlacklistedEmails":"This API call get list of blacklisted emails.",
"startPosition":"Start position",
"optionalDefault0":"optional, default 0",
"limitEmailsCountInResponse":"limit emails count in response",
"optionalDefault10000":"optional, default 10000",
"filterByPartOfEmail":"filter by part of email",
"optionalDefault":"optional, default \"\"",
"addEmailToBlacklist":"Add email to blacklist",
"thisApiCallEitherAddEmailsToBlacklist":"This API call either add emails to blacklist",
"emailAddress":"email address",
"deleteEmailFromBlacklist":"Delete email from blacklist",
"thisApiCallEitherDeleteEmailsFrom":"This API call either delete emails from blacklist",
"getTheListsAUserHasSubscribedTo":"Get the lists a user has subscribed to",
"retrieveTheListsThatTheUserWithEmailHas":"Retrieve the lists that the user with :email has subscribed to.",
"apiResponseIsAJsonStructureWithErrorAnd":"API response is a JSON structure with <1>error</1> and <3>data</3> properties. If the response <5>error</5> has a value set then the request failed.",
"youNeedToDefineProperContentTypeWhen":"You need to define proper <1>Content-Type</1> when making a request. You can either use <3>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</3> for normal form data or <5>application/json</5> for a JSON payload. Using <7>multipart/form-data</7> is not supported.",
"emailMustNotBeEmpty":"Email must not be empty.",
"invalidEmailAddress":"Invalid email address.",
"theEmailIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAnother":"The email is already associated with another user in the system.",
"validationIsInProgress":"Validation is in progress...",
"fullNameMustNotBeEmpty":"Full name must not be empty",
"currentPasswordMustNotBeEmpty":"Current password must not be empty.",
"incorrectPassword":"Incorrect password.",
"passwordsMustMatch":"Passwords must match",
"updatingUserProfile":"Updating user profile ...",
"userProfileUpdated":"User profile updated",
"thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd":"There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.",
"yourUpdatesCannotBeSaved":"Your updates cannot be saved.",
"thePasswordIsIncorrectPossiblyJust":"The password is incorrect (possibly just changed in another window / session). Enter correct password and try again.",
"theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser":"The email is already assigned to another user. Enter another email and try again.",
"generalSettings":"General Settings",
"fullName":"Full Name",
"thisAddressIsUsedForAccountRecoveryIn":"This address is used for account recovery in case you loose your password",
"passwordChange":"Password Change",
"youOnlyNeedToFillOutThisFormIfYouWantTo":"You only need to fill out this form if you want to change your current password",
"currentPassword":"Current Password",
"newPassword":"New Password",
"confirmPassword":"Confirm Password",
"accountManagementIsNotPossibleBecause":"Account management is not possible because Mailtrain is configured to use externally managed users.",
"ifYouWantToChangeThePasswordUseThisLink":"If you want to change the password, use <1>this link</1>.",
"usernameOrEmailMustNotBeEmpty":"Username or email must not be empty",
"processing":"Processing ...",
"ifTheUsernameEmailExistsInTheSystem":"If the username / email exists in the system, password reset link will be sent to the registered email.",
"pleaseEnterYourUsernameEmailAndTryAgain":"Please enter your username / email and try again.",
"passwordReset":"Password Reset",
"pleaseProvideTheUsernameOrEmailAddress":"Please provide the username or email address that is registered with your Mailtrain account.",
"weWillSendYouAnEmailThatWillAllowYouTo":"We will send you an email that will allow you to reset your password.",
"usernameOrEmail":"Username or email",
"sendEmail":"Send email",
"userNameMustNotBeEmpty":"User name must not be empty",
"passwordMustNotBeEmpty":"Password must not be empty",
"contentOfTheSelectedCampaignWillBeCopied":"Content of the selected campaign will be copied into this campaign.",
"renderUrl":"Render URL",
"ifAMessageIsSentThenThisUrlWillBePosTed":"If a message is sent then this URL will be POSTed to using Merge Tags as POST body. Use this if you want to generate the HTML message yourself.",
"saveAndEditContent":"Save and edit content",
"saveCampaignAndGoToStatus":"Save campaign and go to status",
"deletingCampaign":"Deleting campaign ...",
"campaignDeleted":"Campaign deleted",
"formCannotBeEditedBecauseTheCampaignIs":"Form cannot be edited because the campaign is currently being sent out. Wait till the sending is finished and refresh.",
"thisIsTheCampaignIdDisplayedToThe":"This is the campaign ID displayed to the subscribers",
"campaignIsBeingSentOut":"Campaign is being sent out.",
"allMessagesSent!HitContinueIfYouYouWant":"All messages sent! Hit \"Continue\" if you you want to send this campaign to new subscribers.",
"yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabledClick":"Your campaign is currently disabled. Click Enable button to start enable it.",
"yourCampaignIsEnabledAndSendingMessages":"Your campaign is enabled and sending messages.",
"campaignStatus":"Campaign Status",
"targetListssegments":"Target lists/segments",
"ifANewEntryIsFoundFromCampaignFeedANew":"If a new entry is found from campaign feed a new subcampaign is created of that entry and it will be listed here",
"sendingTestEmail":"Sending test email",
"subscriptionHasToBeSelected":"Subscription has to be selected.",
"theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo":"These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the content of the campaign.",
"theseFilesWillBeAttachedToTheCampaign":"These files will be attached to the campaign emails as proper attachments. This means they count towards to the eventual size of the email.",
"triggerName":"Trigger \"{{name}}\"",
"valuesMustNotBeEmpty":"Values must not be empty",
"valueMustBeANonnegativeNumber":"Value must be a non-negative number",
"sourceCampaignMustNotBeEmpty":"Source campaign must not be empty",
"triggerSaved":"Trigger saved",
"deletingTrigger":"Deleting trigger ...",
"triggerDeleted":"Trigger deleted",
"editTrigger":"Edit Trigger",
"createTrigger":"Create Trigger",
"selectTheTypeOfTheTriggerRule":"Select the type of the trigger rule.",
"triggerFires":"Trigger fires",
"selectTheEventThatTriggersSendingThe":"Select the event that triggers sending the campaign.",
"someoneElseHasIntroducedModificationIn":"Someone else has introduced modification in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe":"It seems that someone else has deleted the target namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe-1":"It seems that someone else has deleted the entity in the meantime.",
"customForms":"Custom forms",
"reportTemplate":"Report template",
"reportTemplate_plural":"Report templates",
"mosaicoTemplate":"Mosaico template",
"mosaicoTemplate_plural":"Mosaico templates",
"cannoteDeleteNameDueToTheFollowing":"Cannote delete \"{{name}}\" due to the following dependencies:",
"contactEmailUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd":"Contact email used in subscription forms and emails that are sent out. If not filled in, the admin email from the global settings will be used.",
"homepageUrlUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd":"Homepage URL used in subscription forms and emails that are sent out. If not filled in, the default homepage from global settings will be used.",
"recipientsNameTemplate":"Recipients name template",
"specifyUsingMergeTagsOfThisListHowTo":"Specify using merge tags of this list how to construct full name of the recipient. This full name is used as \"To\" header when sending emails.",
"sendConfigurationThatWillBeUsedFor":"Send configuration that will be used for sending out subscription-related emails.",
"webAndEmailFormsAndTemplatesUsedIn":"Web and email forms and templates used in subscription management process.",
"allowPublicUsersToSubscribeThemselves":"Allow public users to subscribe themselves",
"selectHowAnUnsuscriptionRequestBy":"Select how an unsuscription request by subscriber is handled.",
"unsubscribeHeader":"Unsubscribe header",
"doNotSendListUnsubscribeHeaders":"Do not send List-Unsubscribe headers",
"theCustomFormUsedForThisListYouCanCreate":"The custom form used for this list. You can create a form <1>here</1>.",
"customForms-1":"Custom Forms",
"mergeTagIsInvalidMayMustBeUppercaseAnd":"Merge tag is invalid. May must be uppercase and contain only characters A-Z, 0-9, _. It must start with a letter.",
"anotherFieldWithTheSameMergeTagExists":"Another field with the same merge tag exists. Please choose another merge tag.",
"groupHasToBeSelected":"Group has to be selected",
"defaultValueIsNotIntegerNumber":"Default value is not integer number",
"defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormattedDate":"Default value is not a properly formatted date",
"defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormatted":"Default value is not a properly formatted birthday date",
"defaultValueIsNotOneOfTheAllowedOptions":"Default value is not one of the allowed options",
"errrorOnLineLine":"Errror on line {{ line }}",
"fieldSaved":"Field saved",
"notVisible":"Not visible",
"endOfList":"End of list",
"fieldSettings":"Field settings",
"defaultValue":"Default value",
"defaultValueUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty":"Default value used when the field is empty.",
"dateFormat":"Date format",
"mergeTag":"Merge Tag",
"selectGroupToWhichTheOptionsShouldBelong":"Select group to which the options should belong.",
"deletingField":"Deleting field ...",
"fieldDeleted":"Field deleted",
"editField":"Edit Field",
"createField":"Create Field",
"mergeTag-1":"Merge tag",
"fieldOrder":"Field order",
"listingsBefore":"Listings (before)",
"selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould":"Select the field before which this field should appear in listings. To exclude the field from listings, select \"Not visible\".",
"subscriptionFormBefore":"Subscription form (before)",
"selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-1":"Select the field before which this field should appear in new subscription form. To exclude the field from the new subscription form, select \"Not visible\".",
"managementFormBefore":"Management form (before)",
"selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-2":"Select the field before which this field should appear in subscription management. To exclude the field from the subscription management form, select \"Not visible\".",
"youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag":"You can control the appearance of the merge tag with this template. The template\n uses handlebars syntax and you can find all values from <1>{'{{values}}'}</1> array, for\n example <3>{'{{#each values}} {{this}} {{/each}}'}</3>. If template is not defined then\n multiple values are joined with commas.",
"specifyTheOptionsToSelectFromInThe":"<0>Specify the options to select from in the following format:<1>key|label</1>. For example:</0>\n <2><0>au|Australia</0></2><3><0>at|Austria</0></3>",
"defaultKeyEgAuUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty":"Default key (e.g. <1>au</1> used when the field is empty.')",
"youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag-1":"You can control the appearance of the merge tag with this template. The template\n uses handlebars syntax and you can find all values from <1>{'{{values}}'}</1> array.\n Each entry in the array is an object with attributes <3>key</3> and <5>label</5>.\n For example <7>{'{{#each values}} {{this.value}} {{/each}}'}</7>. If template is not defined then\n multiple values are joined with commas.",
"youCanUseThisTemplateToRenderJsonValues":"You can use this template to render JSON values (if the JSON is an array then the array is\n exposed as <1>values</1>, otherwise you can access the JSON keys directly).",
"noteTheseLinksAreSolelyForAQuickPreview":"Note: These links are solely for a quick preview. To get the address of the subscription form, go to the list's subscribers and click on \"Subscription Form\".",
"theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-2":"The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after \"{{value}}\"",
"keyAlphabeticallyAfterOrEqualTo":"Key alphabetically after or equal to",
"theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-3":"The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after or equal to \"{{value}}\"",
"valueMustNotBeEmpty":"Value must not be empty",
"valueMustBeANumber":"Value must be a number",
"numberOfDays":"Number of days",
"beforeCurrentDate":"Before current date",
"afterCurrentDate":"After current date",
"numberOfDaysMustNotBeEmpty":"Number of days must not be empty",
"numberOfDaysMustBeANumber":"Number of days must be a number",
"emailAddress-1":"Email address",
"signupCountry":"Signup country",
"signUpDate":"Sign up date",
"anotherSubscriptionWithTheSameEmail":"Another subscription with the same email already exists.",
"susbscriptionSaved":"Susbscription saved",
"itSeemsThatAnotherSubscriptionWithThe":"It seems that another subscription with the same email has been created in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"notSelected":"Not selected",
"areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSubscriptionFor":"Are you sure you want to delete subscription for \"{{email}}\"?",
"parentNamespaceMustBeSelected":"Parent Namespace must be selected",
"namespaceSaved":"Namespace saved",
"thereHasBeenALoopDetectedInTheAssignment":"There has been a loop detected in the assignment of the parent namespace. This is most likely because someone else has changed the parent of some namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"itSeemsThatTheParentNamespaceHasBeen":"It seems that the parent namespace has been deleted in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"deletingNamespace":"Deleting namespace ...",
"namespaceDeleted":"Namespace deleted",
"editNamespace":"Edit Namespace",
"createNamespace":"Create Namespace",
"parentNamespace":"Parent Namespace",
"namespaceName":"Namespace \"{{name}}\"",
"reportTemplateMustBeSelected":"Report template must be selected",
"exactlyOneItemHasToBeSelected":"Exactly one item has to be selected",
"atLeastCountItemsHaveToBeSelected":"At least {{ count }} item(s) have to be selected",
"atMostCountItemsCanToBeSelected":"At most {{ count }} item(s) can to be selected",
"reportParametersAreNotSelectedWaitFor":"Report parameters are not selected. Wait for them to get displayed and then fill them in.",
"reportSaved":"Report saved",
"unknownFieldTypeType":"Unknown field type \"{{type}}\"",
"jsonSpecificationOfUserSelectableFields":"JSON specification of user selectable fields.",
"dataProcessingCode":"Data processing code",
"renderingTemplate":"Rendering template",
"writeTheBodyOfTheJavaScriptFunctionWith":"Write the body of the JavaScript function with signature <1>function(inputs, callback)</1> that returns an object to be rendered by the Handlebars template below.",
"useHtmlWithHandlebarsSyntaxSee":"Use HTML with Handlebars syntax. See documentation <1>here</1>.",
"theVerpServerHostnameEgBouncesexamplecom":"The VERP server hostname, eg. bounces.example.com",
"verpBounceHandlingServerHostnameThis":"VERP bounce handling server hostname. This hostname is used in the SMTP envelope FROM address and the MX DNS records should point to this server",
"withDmarcTheReturnPathAndFromAddressMust":"With DMARC, the Return-Path and From address must match the same domain. By default we get around this by using the VERP address in the Sender header, with the side effect that some email clients diplay an ugly on behalf of message. You can safely disable this Sender header if you're not using DMARC or your VERP hostname is in the same domain as the From address.",
"mailtrainIsAbleToUseVerpBasedRoutingTo":"<0>Mailtrain is able to use VERP based routing to detect bounces. In this case the message is sent to the recipient using a custom VERP address as the return path of the message. If the message is not accepted a bounce email is sent to this special VERP address and thus a bounce is detected.</0>",
"toGetVerpWorkingYouNeedToSetUpADnsMx":"<0>To get VERP working you need to set up a DNS MX record that points to your Mailtrain hostname. You must also ensure that Mailtrain VERP interface is available from port 25 of your server (port 25 usually requires root user privileges). This way if anyone tries to send email to someuser@verp-hostname then the email should end up to this server.</0>",
"verpUsuallyOnlyWorksIfYouAreUsingYourOwn":"<0>VERP usually only works if you are using your own SMTP server. Regular relay services (SES, SparkPost, Gmail etc.) tend to remove the VERP address from the message.</0>",
"verpBounceHandlingServerIsNotEnabled":"<0>VERP bounce handling server is not enabled. Modify your server configuration file and restart server to enable it.</0>",
"sendConfigurations-1":"Send Configurations",
"labelMustNotBeEmpty":"{{label}} must not be empty",
"labelMustBeANumber":"{{label}} must be a number",
"genericSmtp":"Generic SMTP",
"zoneMta":"Zone MTA",
"amazonSes":"Amazon SES",
"doNotUseEncryption":"Do not use encryption",
"useTls –UsuallySelectedForPort465":"Use TLS – usually selected for port 465",
"useStarttls –UsuallySelectedForPort587":"Use STARTTLS – usually selected for port 587 and 25",
"theCountOfMaxConnectionsEg10":"The count of max connections, eg. 10",
"theCountOfMaximumSimultaneousConnections":"The count of maximum simultaneous connections to make against the SMTP server (defaults to 5). This limit is per sending process.",
"maxMessages":"Max messages",
"theCountOfMaxMessagesEg100":"The count of max messages, eg. 100",
"theNumberOfMessagesToSendThroughASingle":"The number of messages to send through a single connection before the connection is closed and reopened (defaults to 100)",
"messagesPerHourEg1000":"Messages per hour eg. 1000",
"maximumNumberOfMessagesToSendInAnHour":"Maximum number of messages to send in an hour. Leave empty or zero for no throttling. If your provider uses a different speed limit (messages/minute or messages/second) then convert this limit into messages/hour (1m/s => 3600m/h). This limit is per sending process.",
"secretValueKnownToZoneMtaForRequesting":"Secret value known to ZoneMTA for requesting DKIM key information. If this value was generated by the Mailtrain installation script then you can keep it as it is.",
"dkimDomain":"DKIM domain",
"leaveBlankToUseTheSenderEmailAddress":"Leave blank to use the sender email address domain.",
"dkimKeySelector":"DKIM key selector",
"signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidSelector":"Signing is disabled without a valid selector value.",
"dkimPrivateKey":"DKIM private key",
"beginsWithBeginRsaPrivateKey":"Begins with \"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\"",
"signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidPrivateKey":"Signing is disabled without a valid private key.",
"accessKey":"Access key",
"awsAccessKeyId":"AWS access key ID",
"awsSecretAccessKey":"AWS secret access key",
"ifYouAreUsingZoneMtaThenMailtrainCan":"<0>If you are using ZoneMTA then Mailtrain can provide a DKIM key for signing all outgoing messages. Other services usually provide their own means to DKIM sign your messages.</0>",
"doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKeyIs":"<0>Do not use sensitive keys here. The private key is not encrypted in the database.</0>",
"globalSettingsSaved":"Global settings saved",
"adminEmail":"Admin email",
"thisEmailIsUsedAsTheMainContactAndAsA":"This email is used as the main contact and as a default email address if no email address is specified in list settings.",
"defaultHomepageUrl":"Default homepage URL",
"thisUrlWillBeUsedInListSubscriptionForms":"This URL will be used in list subscription forms if no homepage is specified in list settings.",
"trackingId":"Tracking ID",
"enterGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode":"Enter Google Analytics tracking code",
"theMapOverviewInCampaignStatistics":"The map overview in campaign statistics requires a Google Maps API key. Please enter it here. If no key is given, Google may throttle map requests, which will result in occassional unavailability of the map in the campaign statistics.",
"thisValueIsOptionalIfYouDoNotProvideA":"This value is optional. If you do not provide a private key GPG encrypted messages are sent without signing.",
"onlyMessagesThatAreEncryptedCanBeSigned":"<0>Only messages that are encrypted can be signed. Subsribers who have not set up a GPG public key in their profile receive normal email messages. Users with GPG key set receive encrypted messages and if you have signing key also set, the messages are signed with this key.</0>",
"doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKey":"<0>Do not use sensitive keys here. The private key and passphrase are not encrypted in the database.</0>",
"userMustNotBeEmpty":"User must not be empty",
"roleMustBeSelected":"Role must be selected",
"addUser":"Add User",
"existingUsers":"Existing Users",
"sharesForUserUsername":"Shares for user \"{{username}}\"",
"templateSaved":"Template saved",
"deletingTemplate":"Deleting template ...",
"templateDeleted":"Template deleted",
"editTemplate":"Edit Template",
"createTemplate":"Create Template",
"saveAndEditTemplate":"Save and edit template",
"mosaicoTemplates":"Mosaico Templates",
"sendConfigurationHasToBeSelected":"Send configuration has to be selected.",
"mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore":"\n <1>Merge tags are tags that are replaced before sending out the message. The format of the merge tag is the following: <1>[TAG_NAME]</1> or <3>[TAG_NAME/fallback]</3> where <5>fallback</5> is an optional text value used when <7>TAG_NAME</7> is empty.</1>\n ",
"youCanUseAnyOfTheStandardMergeTagsBelow":"\n <1>You can use any of the standard merge tags below. In addition to that every custom field has its own merge tag. Check the fields of the list you are going to send to.</1>\n ",
"urlThatPointsToTheUnsubscribePage":"URL that points to the unsubscribe page",
"urlThatPointsToThePreferencesPageOfThe":"URL that points to the preferences page of the subscriber",
"urlToPreviewTheMessageInABrowser":"URL to preview the message in a browser",
"recipientNameAsItAppearsInEmailsToHeader":"Recipient name as it appears in email's 'To' header",
"uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheRecipient":"Unique ID that identifies the recipient",
"uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListUsedForThis":"Unique ID that identifies the list used for this campaign",
"uniqueIdThatIdentifiesCurrentCampaign":"Unique ID that identifies current campaign",
"forRssCampaignsTheFollowingFurtherTags":"\n <1>For RSS campaigns, the following further tags can be used.</1>\n ",
"rssEntryTitle":"RSS entry title",
"rssEntryDate":"RSS entry date",
"rssEntryLink":"RSS entry link",
"contentOfAnRssEntry":"Content of an RSS entry",
"rssEntrySummary":"RSS entry summary",
"rssEntryImageUrl":"RSS entry image URL",
"toExtractTheTextFromHtmlClickHerePlease":"To extract the text from HTML click <1>here</1>. Please note that your existing plaintext in the field above will be overwritten. This feature uses the <3>Premailer API</3>, a third party service. Their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply.",
"theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo-1":"These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the Mosaico template.",
"theseFilesWillBeUsedByMosaicoToSearchFor":"These files will be used by Mosaico to search for block thumbnails (the \"edres\" directory). Place here one file per block type that you have defined in the Mosaico template. Each file must have the same name as the block id. The file will be used as the thumbnail of the corresponding block.",
"theUserNameAlreadyExistsInTheSystem":"The user name already exists in the system.",
"userSaved":"User saved",
"theUsernameIsAlreadyAssignedToAnother":"The username is already assigned to another user.",
"theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser-1":"The email is already assigned to another user.",
"beginsWithAnd#39BeginPgpPublicKeyBloc":"Begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'",
"insertYourGpgPublicKeyHereToEncrypt":"Insert your GPG public key here to encrypt messages sent to your address <em>(optional)</em>",
"javaScriptMustBeEnabledInOrderForThis":"JavaScript must be enabled in order for this form to work",
"existingEmailAddress":"Existing Email Address",
"newEmailAddress":"New Email Address",
"youWillReceiveAConfirmationRequestToYour":"You will receive a confirmation request to your new email address that you need to accept before your email is actually changed",