2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
'use strict';
let db = require('../db');
let tools = require('../tools');
let shortid = require('shortid');
let segments = require('./segments');
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
let _ = require('../translate')._;
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
2017-03-19 12:36:57 +00:00
let allowedKeys = ['description', 'default_form'];
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
module.exports.list = (start, limit, callback) => {
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM lists ORDER BY name LIMIT ? OFFSET ?', [limit, start], (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total', (err, total) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, rows, total && total[0] && total[0].total);
module.exports.quicklist = callback => {
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('SELECT id, name, subscribers FROM lists ORDER BY name LIMIT 1000', (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let lists = (rows || []).map(tools.convertKeys);
connection.query('SELECT id, list, name FROM segments ORDER BY list, name LIMIT 1000', (err, rows) => {
2016-04-05 12:29:42 +00:00
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let segments = (rows || []).map(tools.convertKeys);
lists.forEach(list => {
list.segments = segments.filter(segment => segment.list === list.id);
return callback(null, lists);
module.exports.getByCid = (cid, callback) => {
resolveCid(cid, (err, id) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (!id) {
return callback(null, false);
module.exports.get(id, callback);
module.exports.get = (id, callback) => {
id = Number(id) || 0;
if (id < 1) {
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
return callback(new Error(_('Missing List ID')));
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('SELECT * FROM lists WHERE id=?', [id], (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (!rows || !rows.length) {
return callback(null, false);
let list = tools.convertKeys(rows[0]);
segments.list(list.id, (err, segmentList) => {
if (err || !segmentList) {
segmentList = [];
list.segments = segmentList;
return callback(null, list);
module.exports.create = (list, callback) => {
let data = tools.convertKeys(list);
let name = (data.name || '').toString().trim();
if (!data) {
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
return callback(new Error(_('List Name must be set')));
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
let keys = ['name'];
let values = [name];
Object.keys(list).forEach(key => {
let value = list[key].trim();
key = tools.toDbKey(key);
2017-03-19 12:22:44 +00:00
if (key === 'description') {
value = tools.purifyHTML(value);
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
if (allowedKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
let cid = shortid.generate();
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let query = 'INSERT INTO lists (`' + keys.join('`, `') + '`) VALUES (' + values.map(() => '?').join(',') + ')';
connection.query(query, values, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let listId = result && result.insertId || false;
if (!listId) {
return callback(null, false);
createSubscriptionTable(listId, err => {
if (err) {
// FIXME: rollback
return callback(err);
return callback(null, listId);
module.exports.update = (id, updates, callback) => {
updates = updates || {};
id = Number(id) || 0;
let data = tools.convertKeys(updates);
let name = (data.name || '').toString().trim();
let keys = ['name'];
let values = [name];
if (id < 1) {
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
return callback(new Error(_('Missing List ID')));
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
if (!name) {
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
return callback(new Error(_('List Name must be set')));
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
Object.keys(updates).forEach(key => {
let value = updates[key].trim();
key = tools.toDbKey(key);
2017-03-19 12:22:44 +00:00
if (key === 'description') {
value = tools.purifyHTML(value);
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
if (allowedKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('UPDATE lists SET ' + keys.map(key => key + '=?').join(', ') + ' WHERE id=? LIMIT 1', values, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, result && result.affectedRows || false);
module.exports.delete = (id, callback) => {
id = Number(id) || 0;
if (id < 1) {
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
return callback(new Error(_('Missing List ID')));
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('DELETE FROM lists WHERE id=? LIMIT 1', id, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let affected = result && result.affectedRows || 0;
removeSubscriptionTable(id, err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, affected);
function resolveCid(cid, callback) {
cid = (cid || '').toString().trim();
if (!cid) {
2017-03-07 14:30:56 +00:00
return callback(new Error(_('Missing List CID')));
2016-04-04 12:36:30 +00:00
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query('SELECT id FROM lists WHERE cid=?', [cid], (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, rows && rows[0] && rows[0].id || false);
function createSubscriptionTable(id, callback) {
let query = 'CREATE TABLE `subscription__' + id + '` LIKE subscription';
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query(query, err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, true);
function removeSubscriptionTable(id, callback) {
let query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `subscription__' + id + '`';
db.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
connection.query(query, err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, true);