<TableSelectid="sourceCampaign"label={t('campaign')}withHeaderdropdowndataUrl='rest/campaigns-table'columns={campaignsColumns}order={[4,'desc']}selectionLabelIndex={1}help={t('Select campaign to be cloned.')}/>
"youNeedToDefineProperContentTypeWhen":"You need to define proper <1>Content-Type</1> when making a request. You can either use <3>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</3> for normal form data or <5>application/json</5> for a JSON payload. Using <7>multipart/form-data</7> is not supported.",
"emailMustNotBeEmpty-1":"Email must not be empty",
"theEmailIsAlreadyOnBlacklist":"The email is already on blacklist.",
"saving":"Saving ...",
"saving":"Guardando ...",
"thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd-1":"There are errors in the form. Please fix them and try again.",
"removeFromBlacklist":"Remove from blacklist",
"confirmRemovalFromBlacklist":"Confirm Removal From Blacklist",
@ -98,20 +98,17 @@
"addEmailToBlacklist-1":"Add Email to Blacklist",
"addToBlacklist":"Add to Blacklist",
"blacklistedEmails":"Blacklisted Emails",
"campaignUpdated":"Campaign updated",
"campaignUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Campaign updated",
"editCustomContent":"Edit Custom Content",
"customTemplateEditor":"Custom template editor",
"saveAndLeave":"Save and leave",
"saveAndLeave - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Save and leave",
"loadingSendConfiguration":"Cargando configuración de envío ...",
"contentSource":"Fuente de contenido",
"selectingATemplateCreatesACampaign":"Selecting a template creates a campaign specific copy from it.",
@ -169,14 +165,14 @@
"campaignDeleted":"Campaña borrada",
"formCannotBeEditedBecauseTheCampaignIs":"Form cannot be edited because the campaign is currently being sent out. Wait till the sending is finished and refresh.",
"thisIsTheCampaignIdDisplayedToThe":"This is the campaign ID displayed to the subscribers",
"sendSettings":"Configuración de envío",
"sendConfiguration":"Send configuration",
"sendConfiguration_plural":"Send configurations",
"sendSettings":"Ajustes de envío",
"sendConfiguration":"Configuración de envío",
"sendConfiguration_plural":"Configuraciones de envío",
"customUnsubscribeUrl":"Custom unsubscribe URL",
"tracking - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Tracking",
"disableOpenedTracking":"Disable opened tracking",
"segmentUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Segment updated",
"segmentCreated":"Segmento creado",
"segmentCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Segment created",
"deletingSegment":"Borrando segmento ...",
"segmentDeleted":"Segmento borrado",
"editSegment":"Editar Segmento",
@ -699,17 +680,14 @@
"signupCountry":"Signup country",
"signUpDate":"Sign up date",
"testUser":"Usuario de prueba",
"testUser - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Test user",
"fieldMustBeSelected":"El campo debe ser seleccionado",
"select-1":"-- Select --",
"ruleOptions":"Rule Options",
"anotherSubscriptionWithTheSameEmail":"Otra suscripción con el mismo email existía previamente.",
"subscriptionUpdated":"Subscription updated",
"subscriptionUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Subscription updated",
"subscriptionCreated":"Subscription created",
"subscriptionCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Subscription created",
"subscriptionUpdated":"Suscripción actualizada",
"subscriptionCreated":"Suscripción creada",
"itSeemsThatAnotherSubscriptionWithThe":"It seems that another subscription with the same email has been created in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"notSelected":"No seleccionado",
"areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSubscriptionFor":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar las suscripciones de \"{{email}}\"?",
@ -764,29 +742,25 @@
"thePasswordCannotBeReset":"The password cannot be reset",
"setNewPasswordFor":"Set new password for",
"resetPassword":"Reset password",
"parentNamespaceMustBeSelected":"Parent Namespace must be selected",
"namespaceUpdated":"Namespace actualizado",
"namespaceUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Namespace updated",
"namespaceCreated":"Namespace creado",
"namespaceCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Namespace created",
"parentNamespaceMustBeSelected":"Debes escoger un espacio de nombres padre",
"namespaceUpdated":"Espacio de nombres actualizado",
"namespaceCreated":"Espacio de nombres creado",
"thereHasBeenALoopDetectedInTheAssignment":"There has been a loop detected in the assignment of the parent namespace. This is most likely because someone else has changed the parent of some namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"itSeemsThatTheParentNamespaceHasBeen":"It seems that the parent namespace has been deleted in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"deletingNamespace":"Borrando namespace ...",
"namespaceDeleted":"Namespace borrado",
"namespaceDeleted":"Espacio de nombres borrado",
"editNamespace":"Editar Namespace",
"createNamespace":"Crear Namespace",
"parentNamespace":"Namespace Padre",
"namespaceName":"Namespace \"{{name}}\"",
"namespaces":"Espacios de nombres",
"namespaceName":"Espacio de nombres \"{{name}}\"",
"reportTemplateMustBeSelected":"Report template must be selected",
"exactlyOneItemHasToBeSelected":"Exactly one item has to be selected",
"atLeastCountItemsHaveToBeSelected":"At least {{ count }} item(s) have to be selected",
"atMostCountItemsCanToBeSelected":"At most {{ count }} item(s) can to be selected",
"reportParametersAreNotSelectedWaitFor":"Report parameters are not selected. Wait for them to get displayed and then fill them in.",
"reportUpdated":"Informe actualizado",
"reportUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Report updated",
"reportCreated":"Informe creado",
"reportCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Report created",
"unknownFieldTypeType":"Unknown field type \"{{type}}\"",
"deletingReport":"Borrando informe ...",
"reportDeleted":"Informe borrado",
@ -809,9 +783,7 @@
"mimeTypeMustBeSelected":"MIME Type must be selected",
"syntaxErrorInTheUserFieldsSpecification":"Syntax error in the user fields specification",
"reportTemplateUpdated":"Plantilla de informe actualizada",
"reportTemplateUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Report template updated",
"reportTemplateCreated":"Plantilla de informe creada",
"reportTemplateCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Report template created",
"deletingReportTemplate":"Borrando plantilla de informe ...",
"reportTemplateDeleted":"Plantilla de informe borrada",
"editReportTemplate":"Editar Plantilla de Informe",
@ -839,20 +811,18 @@
"globalSettings":"Ajustes Globales",
"sendConfigurations":"Configuraciones de envío",
"mailerTypeMustBeSelected":"Mailer type must be selected",
"verpHostnameMustNotBeEmpty":"VERP hostname must not be empty",
"sendConfigurationUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Send configuration updated",
"sendConfigurationCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Send configuration created",
"toGetVerpWorkingYouNeedToSetUpADnsMx":"<0>To get VERP working you need to set up a DNS MX record that points to your Mailtrain hostname. You must also ensure that Mailtrain VERP interface is available from port 25 of your server (port 25 usually requires root user privileges). This way if anyone tries to send email to someuser@verp-hostname then the email should end up to this server.</0>",
"verpUsuallyOnlyWorksIfYouAreUsingYourOwn":"<0>VERP usually only works if you are using your own SMTP server. Regular relay services (SES, SparkPost, Gmail etc.) tend to remove the VERP address from the message.</0>",
"verpBounceHandlingServerIsNotEnabled":"<0>VERP bounce handling server is not enabled. Modify your server configuration file and restart server to enable it.</0>",
"labelMustNotBeEmpty":"{{label}} must not be empty",
"labelMustBeANumber":"{{label}} must be a number",
"genericSmtp":"Generic SMTP",
"labelMustNotBeEmpty":"{{label}} no puede estar vacía",
"labelMustBeANumber":"{{label}} debe ser un número",
"genericSmtp":"SMTP Genérico",
"zoneMta":"Zone MTA",
"amazonSes":"Amazon SES",
"doNotUseEncryption":"Do not use encryption",
"doNotUseEncryption":"No usar cifrado",
"useTls –UsuallySelectedForPort465":"Use TLS – usually selected for port 465",
"useStarttls –UsuallySelectedForPort587":"Use STARTTLS – usually selected for port 587 and 25",
@ -967,29 +937,19 @@
"sharingOfTheTypeNameNameRemoved":"Sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\" removed",
"sharingOfTheTypeNameNameRemoved - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\" removed",
"sharesForUserUsername":"Shares for user \"{{username}}\"",
"namespace-1 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"namespace",
"list-1 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"list",
"namespace-1":"espacio de nombres",
"template-1 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"template",
"mosaicoTemplates":"Plantillas Mosaico",
"campaign-1 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"campaign",
"customForms-2":"formularios personalizados",
"customForms-2 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"custom forms",
"report-1 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"report",
"reportTemplate-2":"plantilla de informe",
"reportTemplate-2 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"report template",
"sendConfiguration-1":"configuración de envío",
"sendConfiguration-1 - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"send configuration",
"sourceTemplateMustNotBeEmpty":"Source template must not be empty",
"sourceTemplateMustNotBeEmpty - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Source template must not be empty",
"templateUpdated":"Plantilla actualizada",
"templateUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Template updated",
"templateCreated":"Plantilla creada",
"templateCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"Template created",
"deletingTemplate":"Borrando plantilla ...",
"templateDeleted":"Plantilla borrada",
"editTemplate":"Editar Plantilla",
@ -1019,46 +979,37 @@
"uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListUsedForThis":"Unique ID that identifies the list used for this campaign",
"uniqueIdThatIdentifiesCurrentCampaign":"Unique ID that identifies current campaign",
"forRssCampaignsTheFollowingFurtherTags":"\n <1>For RSS campaigns, the following further tags can be used.</1>\n ",
"rssEntryTitle":"RSS entry title",
"rssEntryDate":"RSS entry date",
"rssEntryLink":"RSS entry link",
"contentOfAnRssEntry":"Content of an RSS entry",
"rssEntrySummary":"RSS entry summary",
"rssEntryImageUrl":"RSS entry image URL",
"rssEntryTitle":"Título de la entrada RSS",
"rssEntryDate":"Fecha de la entrada RSS",
"rssEntryLink":"Enlace de la entrada RSS",
"contentOfAnRssEntry":"Contenido de la entrada RSS",
"rssEntrySummary":"Resumen de la entrada RSS",
"rssEntryImageUrl":"Enlace a la imágen RSS",
"toExtractTheTextFromHtmlClickHerePlease":"To extract the text from HTML click <1>here</1>. Please note that your existing plaintext in the field above will be overwritten. This feature uses the <3>Premailer API</3>, a third party service. Their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply.",
"theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo-1":"These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the Mosaico template.",
"theseFilesWillBeUsedByMosaicoToSearchFor":"These files will be used by Mosaico to search for block thumbnails (the \"edres\" directory). Place here one file per block type that you have defined in the Mosaico template. Each file must have the same name as the block id. The file will be used as the thumbnail of the corresponding block.",
"sendConfigurationHasToBeSelected":"Send configuration has to be selected.",
"listHasToBeSelected":"La lista debe ser seleccionada.",
"theUserNameAlreadyExistsInTheSystem":"El nombre de usuario ya existe en el sistema.",
"userUpdated":"Userio actualizado",
"userUpdated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"User updated",
"userUpdated":"Usuario actualizado",
"userCreated":"Usuario creado",
"userCreated - TODO: update line above and then delete this line to mark that the translation has been fixed":"User created",
"theUsernameIsAlreadyAssignedToAnother":"The username is already assigned to another user.",
"theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser-1":"The email is already assigned to another user.",
"theUsernameIsAlreadyAssignedToAnother":"El nombre de usuario ya está asignado a otra persona.",
"theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser-1":"El email ya está asignado a otra persona.",