Fixes in selection of subscribers

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Bures 2018-09-11 10:07:00 +02:00
parent 01d1a903a2
commit 89eabea0de
3 changed files with 24 additions and 20 deletions

View file

@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ export default class Status extends Component {
// The periodic task runs all the time, so that we don't have to worry about starting/stopping it as a reaction to the buttons.
await this.refreshEntity();
if (this.refreshTimeoutHandler) { // For some reason the task gets rescheduled if server is restarted while the page is shown. That why we have this check here.
this.refreshTimeoutId = setTimeout(this.refreshTimeoutHandler, 2000);
this.refreshTimeoutId = setTimeout(this.refreshTimeoutHandler, 10000);

View file

@ -101,11 +101,9 @@ async function listTestUsersDTAjax(context, campaignId, params) {
This is supposed to produce queries like this:
select * from (
(select `subscription__1`.`email`, 2 AS campaign_list_id, 1 AS list, NULL AS segment from `subscription__1` left join `campaign_messages` on
`campaign_messages`.`subscription` = `subscription__1`.`id` where `subscription__1`.`status` = 1 and `subscription__1`.`is_test` = true)
(select `subscription__1`.`email`, 2 AS campaign_list_id, 1 AS list, NULL AS segment from `subscription__1` where `subscription__1`.`status` = 1 and `subscription__1`.`is_test` = true)
(select `subscription__2`.`email`, 4 AS campaign_list_id, 2 AS list, NULL AS segment from `subscription__2` left join `campaign_messages` on
`campaign_messages`.`subscription` = `subscription__2`.`id` where `subscription__2`.`status` = 1 and `subscription__2`.`is_test` = true)
(select `subscription__2`.`email`, 4 AS campaign_list_id, 2 AS list, NULL AS segment from `subscription__2` where `subscription__2`.`status` = 1 and `subscription__2`.`is_test` = true)
) as `test_subscriptions` inner join `lists` on `test_subscriptions`.`list` = `lists`.`id` inner join `segments` on `test_subscriptions`.`segment` = `segments`.`id`
inner join `namespaces` on `lists`.`namespace` = `namespaces`.`id`
@ -573,16 +571,17 @@ async function getSubscribersQueryGeneratorTx(tx, campaignId, onlyUnsent, batchS
This is supposed to produce queries like this:
select count(*) as `subscriptionsToSend` from `campaign_lists` inner join (
select ... from `campaign_lists` inner join (
select `email`, min(`campaign_list_id`) as `campaign_list_id`, max(`sent`) as `sent` from (
(select `subscription__1`.`email`, 2 AS campaign_list_id, IS NOT NULL AS sent from `subscription__1` left join `campaign_messages` on
`campaign_messages`.`subscription` = `subscription__1`.`id` where `campaign_messages`.`campaign` = 1 and `campaign_messages`.`list` = 1 and `subscription__1`.`status` = 1)
(select `subscription__2`.`email`, 4 AS campaign_list_id, IS NOT NULL AS sent from `subscription__2` left join `campaign_messages` on
`campaign_messages`.`subscription` = `subscription__2`.`id` where `campaign_messages`.`campaign` = 1 and `campaign_messages`.`list` = 2 and `subscription__2`.`status` = 1)
as `pending_subscriptions_all` where `sent` = false group by `email`
) as `pending_subscriptions` on `campaign_lists`.`id` = `pending_subscriptions`.`campaign_list_id` where `campaign_lists`.`campaign` = 1 limit 1
(select `subscription__2`.`email`, 8 AS campaign_list_id, IS NOT NULL AS sent from `subscription__2` left join
(select * from `campaign_messages` where `campaign_messages`.`campaign` = 1 and `campaign_messages`.`list` = 2)
as `related_campaign_messages` on `related_campaign_messages`.`subscription` = `subscription__2`.`id` where `subscription__2`.`status` = 1)
(select `subscription__1`.`email`, 9 AS campaign_list_id, IS NOT NULL AS sent from `subscription__1` left join
(select * from `campaign_messages` where `campaign_messages`.`campaign` = 1 and `campaign_messages`.`list` = 1)
as `related_campaign_messages` on `related_campaign_messages`.`subscription` = `subscription__1`.`id` where `subscription__1`.`status` = 1)
) as `pending_subscriptions_all` where `sent` = false group by `email`)
as `pending_subscriptions` on `campaign_lists`.`id` = `pending_subscriptions`.`campaign_list_id` where `campaign_lists`.`campaign` = '1'
This was too much for Knex, so we partially construct these queries directly as strings;
@ -595,14 +594,19 @@ async function getSubscribersQueryGeneratorTx(tx, campaignId, onlyUnsent, batchS
const subsTable = subscriptions.getSubscriptionTableName(cpgList.list);
const sqlQry = knex.from(subsTable)
.leftJoin('campaign_messages', 'campaign_messages.subscription', subsTable + '.id')
.where('campaign_messages.campaign', cpgList.campaign)
.where('campaign_messages.list', cpgList.list)
function () {
return this.from('campaign_messages')
.where('campaign_messages.campaign', cpgList.campaign)
.where('campaign_messages.list', cpgList.list)
'related_campaign_messages.subscription', subsTable + '.id')
.where(subsTable + '.status', SubscriptionStatus.SUBSCRIBED)
.where(function() {
.select([subsTable + '.email', knex.raw('? AS campaign_list_id', []), knex.raw(' IS NOT NULL AS sent')])
.select([subsTable + '.email', knex.raw('? AS campaign_list_id', []), knex.raw(' IS NOT NULL AS sent')])

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const workerBatchSize = 100;
const messageQueue = new Map(); // campaignId -> [{listId, email}]
const messageQueueCont = new Map(); // campaignId -> next batch callback
const workerSchedulerCont = null;
let workerSchedulerCont = null;
function messagesProcessed(workerId) {
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ async function spawnWorker(workerId) {
return resolve();
} else if (msg.type === 'messages-processed') {