'use strict'; const knex = require('../lib/knex'); const hasher = require('node-object-hash')(); const { enforce, filterObject } = require('../lib/helpers'); const dtHelpers = require('../lib/dt-helpers'); const interoperableErrors = require('../shared/interoperable-errors'); const shares = require('./shares'); const {ImportSource, MappingType, ImportStatus, RunStatus, prepFinished, prepFinishedAndNotInProgress, runInProgress} = require('../shared/imports'); const fs = require('fs-extra-promise'); const path = require('path'); const importer = require('../lib/importer'); const filesDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'files', 'imports'); const allowedKeysCreate = new Set(['name', 'description', 'source', 'settings']); const allowedKeysUpdate = new Set(['name', 'description', 'mapping_type', 'mapping']); function hash(entity) { return hasher.hash(filterObject(entity, allowedKeysUpdate)); } async function getById(context, listId, id, withSampleRow = false) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewImports'); const entity = await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id}).first(); if (!entity) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } entity.settings = JSON.parse(entity.settings); entity.mapping = JSON.parse(entity.mapping); if (withSampleRow && prepFinished(entity.status)) { if (entity.source === ImportSource.CSV_FILE) { const importTable = 'import_file__' + id; const row = await tx(importTable).first(); delete row.id; entity.sampleRow = row; } } return entity; }); } async function listDTAjax(context, listId, params) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewImports'); return await dtHelpers.ajaxListTx( tx, params, builder => builder .from('imports') .where('imports.list', listId), [ 'imports.id', 'imports.name', 'imports.description', 'imports.source', 'imports.status', 'imports.last_run' ] ); }); } async function _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, isCreate) { if (isCreate) { enforce(Number.isInteger(entity.source)); enforce(entity.source >= ImportSource.MIN && entity.source <= ImportSource.MAX, 'Invalid import source'); entity.settings = entity.settings || {}; if (entity.source === ImportSource.CSV_FILE) { entity.settings.csv = entity.settings.csv || {}; enforce(entity.settings.csv.delimiter && entity.settings.csv.delimiter.trim(), 'CSV delimiter must not be empty'); } } else { enforce(Number.isInteger(entity.mapping_type)); enforce(entity.mapping_type >= MappingType.MIN && entity.mapping_type <= MappingType.MAX, 'Invalid mapping type'); entity.mapping = entity.mapping || { settings: {}, fields: {} }; } } async function create(context, listId, entity, files) { const res = await knex.transaction(async tx => { shares.enforceGlobalPermission(context, 'setupAutomation'); await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageImports'); await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, true); if (entity.source === ImportSource.CSV_FILE) { enforce(files.csvFile, 'File must be included'); const csvFile = files.csvFile[0]; const filePath = path.join(filesDir, csvFile.filename); await fs.moveAsync(csvFile.path, filePath, {}); entity.settings.csv = { originalname: csvFile.originalname, filename: csvFile.filename, delimiter: entity.settings.csv.delimiter }; entity.status = ImportStatus.PREP_SCHEDULED; } const filteredEntity = filterObject(entity, allowedKeysCreate); filteredEntity.list = listId; filteredEntity.settings = JSON.stringify(filteredEntity.settings); filteredEntity.mapping_type = MappingType.BASIC_SUBSCRIBE; // This is not set in the create form. It can be changed in the update form. filteredEntity.mapping = JSON.stringify({}); const ids = await tx('imports').insert(filteredEntity); const id = ids[0]; return id; }); importer.scheduleCheck(); return res; } async function updateWithConsistencyCheck(context, listId, entity) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { shares.enforceGlobalPermission(context, 'setupAutomation'); await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageImports'); const existing = await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id: entity.id}).first(); if (!existing) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } existing.mapping = JSON.parse(existing.mapping); const existingHash = hash(existing); if (existingHash !== entity.originalHash) { throw new interoperableErrors.ChangedError(); } enforce(prepFinished(existing.status), 'Cannot save updates until preparation is finished'); await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, false); const filteredEntity = filterObject(entity, allowedKeysUpdate); filteredEntity.mapping = JSON.stringify(filteredEntity.mapping); await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id: entity.id}).update(filteredEntity); }); } async function removeTx(tx, context, listId, id) { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageImports'); const existing = await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id: id}).first(); if (!existing) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } existing.settings = JSON.parse(existing.settings); const filePath = path.join(filesDir, existing.settings.csv.filename); await fs.removeAsync(filePath); const importTable = 'import_file__' + id; await knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(importTable); await tx('import_failed').whereIn('run', function() {this.from('import_runs').select('id').where('import', id)}).del(); await tx('import_runs').where('import', id).del(); await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id}).del(); } async function remove(context, listId, id) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { await removeTx(tx, context, listId, id); }); } async function removeAllByListIdTx(tx, context, listId) { const entities = await tx('imports').where('list', listId).select(['id']); for (const entity of entities) { await removeTx(tx, context, listId, entity.id); } } async function start(context, listId, id) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { shares.enforceGlobalPermission(context, 'setupAutomation'); await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageImports'); const entity = await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id}).first(); if (!entity) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } if (!prepFinishedAndNotInProgress(entity.status)) { throw new interoperableErrors.InvalidStateError('Cannot start until preparation or run is finished'); } await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id}).update({ status: ImportStatus.RUN_SCHEDULED }); await tx('import_runs').insert({ import: id, status: RunStatus.SCHEDULED, mapping: entity.mapping }); }); importer.scheduleCheck(); } async function stop(context, listId, id) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { shares.enforceGlobalPermission(context, 'setupAutomation'); await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageImports'); const entity = await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id}).first(); if (!entity) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } if (!runInProgress(entity.status)) { throw new interoperableErrors.InvalidStateError('No import is currently running'); } await tx('imports').where({list: listId, id}).update({ status: ImportStatus.RUN_STOPPING }); await tx('import_runs').where('import', id).whereIn('status', [RunStatus.SCHEDULED, RunStatus.RUNNING]).update({ status: RunStatus.STOPPING }); }); importer.scheduleCheck(); } module.exports.filesDir = filesDir; module.exports.hash = hash; module.exports.getById = getById; module.exports.listDTAjax = listDTAjax; module.exports.create = create; module.exports.updateWithConsistencyCheck = updateWithConsistencyCheck; module.exports.remove = remove; module.exports.removeAllByListIdTx = removeAllByListIdTx; module.exports.start = start; module.exports.stop = stop;