'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const owaspPasswordStrengthTest = require('owasp-password-strength-test'); function passwordValidator(t) { const config = { allowPassphrases: true, maxLength: 128, minLength: 10, minPhraseLength: 20, minOptionalTestsToPass: 4 }; if (t) { config.translate = { minLength: function (minLength) { return t('The password must be at least {{ minLength }} characters long', { minLength }); }, maxLength: function (maxLength) { return t('The password must be fewer than {{ maxLength }} characters', { maxLength }); }, repeat: t('The password may not contain sequences of three or more repeated characters'), lowercase: t('The password must contain at least one lowercase letter'), uppercase: t('The password must contain at least one uppercase letter'), number: t('The password must contain at least one number'), special: t('The password must contain at least one special character') } } const passwordValidator = owaspPasswordStrengthTest.create(); passwordValidator.config(config); return passwordValidator; } module.exports = passwordValidator;