'use strict'; require('./helpers/exit-unless-test'); const mocha = require('./helpers/mocha-e2e').mocha; const path = require('path'); global.USE_SHARED_DRIVER = true; const driver = require('./helpers/driver'); const only = 'only'; const skip = 'skip'; let tests = [ 'login', 'subscription', ['subscription-uc', only] ]; tests = tests.map(testSpec => (testSpec.constructor === Array ? testSpec : [testSpec])); tests = tests.filter(testSpec => testSpec[1] !== skip); if (tests.some(testSpec => testSpec[1] === only)) { tests = tests.filter(testSpec => testSpec[1] === only); } for (const testSpec of tests) { const testPath = path.join(__dirname, 'tests', testSpec[0] + '.js'); mocha.addFile(testPath); } mocha.run(failures => { driver.originalQuit(); process.exit(failures); // exit with non-zero status if there were failures });