Edit Campaign View campaign

General Settings
HTML is allowed

Template Settings {{#if templateUrl}}
If a message is sent then this URL will be POSTed to using Merge Tags as POST body. Use this if you want to generate the HTML message yourself

Merge tags are tags that are replaced before sending out the message. The format of the merge tag is the following: [TAG_NAME] or [TAG_NAME/fallback] where fallback is an optional text value used when TAG_NAME is empty.

  • [FIRST_NAME] – first name of the subcriber
  • [LAST_NAME] – last name of the subcriber
  • [FULL_NAME] – first and last names of the subcriber joined
  • [LINK_UNSUBSCRIBE] – URL that points to the preferences page of the subscriber
  • [LINK_PREFERENCES] – URL that points to the unsubscribe page
  • [LINK_BROWSER] – URL to preview the message in a browser

In addition to that any custom field can have its own merge tag.

{{#if disableWysiwyg}}
{{else}} {{/if}}