'use strict'; const config = require('../lib/config'); const fork = require('../lib/fork').fork; const log = require('../lib/log'); const path = require('path'); const knex = require('../lib/knex'); const {CampaignStatus, CampaignType, CampaignMessageStatus} = require('../../shared/campaigns'); const campaigns = require('../models/campaigns'); const builtinZoneMta = require('../lib/builtin-zone-mta'); const {CampaignActivityType} = require('../../shared/activity-log'); const activityLog = require('../lib/activity-log'); const {MessageType} = require('../lib/message-sender'); require('../lib/fork'); class Notifications { constructor() { this.conts = new Map(); } notify(id) { const cont = this.conts.get(id); if (cont) { for (const cb of cont) { setImmediate(cb); } this.conts.delete(id); } } async waitFor(id) { let cont = this.conts.get(id); if (!cont) { cont = []; } const notified = new Promise(resolve => { cont.push(resolve); }); this.conts.set(id, cont); await notified; } } const notifier = new Notifications(); let messageTid = 0; const workerProcesses = new Map(); const workersCount = config.queue.processes; const idleWorkers = []; let campaignSchedulerRunning = false; let queuedSchedulerRunning = false; const checkPeriod = 30 * 1000; const retrieveBatchSize = 1000; const workerBatchSize = 10; const sendConfigurationIdByCampaignId = new Map(); // campaignId -> sendConfigurationId const sendConfigurationStatuses = new Map(); // sendConfigurationId -> {retryCount, postponeTill} const sendConfigurationMessageQueue = new Map(); // sendConfigurationId -> [queuedMessage] const campaignMessageQueue = new Map(); // campaignId -> [campaignMessage] const workAssignment = new Map(); // workerId -> { type: WorkAssignmentType.CAMPAIGN, campaignId, messages: [campaignMessage] / { type: WorkAssignmentType.QUEUED, sendConfigurationId, messages: [queuedMessage] } const WorkAssignmentType = { CAMPAIGN: 0, QUEUED: 1 }; const retryBackoff = [10, 20, 30, 30, 60, 60, 120, 120, 300]; // in seconds function getSendConfigurationStatus(sendConfigurationId) { let status = sendConfigurationStatuses.get(sendConfigurationId); if (!status) { status = { retryCount: 0, postponeTill: 0 }; sendConfigurationStatuses.set(sendConfigurationId, status); } return status; } function setSendConfigurationRetryCount(sendConfigurationStatus, newRetryCount) { sendConfigurationStatus.retryCount = newRetryCount; let next = 0; if (newRetryCount > 0) { let backoff; if (newRetryCount > retryBackoff.length) { backoff = retryBackoff[retryBackoff.length - 1]; } else { backoff = retryBackoff[newRetryCount - 1]; } next = Date.now() + backoff * 1000; setTimeout(scheduleCheck, backoff * 1000); } sendConfigurationStatus.postponeTill = next; } function isSendConfigurationPostponed(sendConfigurationId) { const now = Date.now(); const sendConfigurationStatus = getSendConfigurationStatus(sendConfigurationId); return sendConfigurationStatus.postponeTill > now; } function getPostponedSendConfigurationIds() { const result = []; const now = Date.now(); for (const entry of sendConfigurationStatuses.entries()) { if (entry[1].postponeTill > now) { result.push(entry[0]); } } return result; } function getExpirationThresholds() { const now = Date.now(); return { [MessageType.TRIGGERED]: { threshold: now - config.queue.retention.triggered * 1000, title: 'triggered campaign' }, [MessageType.TEST]: { threshold: now - config.queue.retention.test * 1000, title: 'test campaign' }, [MessageType.SUBSCRIPTION]: { threshold: now - config.queue.retention.subscription * 1000, title: 'subscription and password-related' }, [MessageType.API_TRANSACTIONAL]: { threshold: now - config.queue.retention.apiTransactional * 1000, title: 'transactional (API)' } }; } function messagesProcessed(workerId, withErrors) { const wa = workAssignment.get(workerId); const sendConfigurationStatus = getSendConfigurationStatus(wa.sendConfigurationId); if (withErrors) { if (sendConfigurationStatus.retryCount === wa.sendConfigurationRetryCount) { // This is to avoid multiple increments when more workers simultaneously fail to send messages ot the same send configuration setSendConfigurationRetryCount(sendConfigurationStatus, sendConfigurationStatus.retryCount + 1); } } else { setSendConfigurationRetryCount(sendConfigurationStatus, 0); } workAssignment.delete(workerId); idleWorkers.push(workerId); notifier.notify('workerFinished'); } async function workersLoop() { async function getAvailableWorker() { while (idleWorkers.length === 0) { await notifier.waitFor('workerFinished'); } return idleWorkers.shift(); } function cancelWorker(workerId) { idleWorkers.push(workerId); } function selectNextTask() { const allocationMap = new Map(); const allocation = []; function initAllocation(waType, attrName, queues, workerMsg, getSendConfigurationId, getQueueEmptyEvent) { for (const id of queues.keys()) { const sendConfigurationId = getSendConfigurationId(id); const key = attrName + ':' + id; const queue = queues.get(id); const postponed = isSendConfigurationPostponed(sendConfigurationId); const task = { type: waType, id, existingWorkers: 0, isValid: queue.length > 0 && !postponed, queue, workerMsg, attrName, getQueueEmptyEvent, sendConfigurationId }; allocationMap.set(key, task); allocation.push(task); if (postponed && queue.length > 0) { queue.splice(0); notifier.notify(task.getQueueEmptyEvent(task)); } } for (const wa of workAssignment.values()) { if (wa.type === waType) { const key = attrName + ':' + wa[attrName]; const task = allocationMap.get(key); task.existingWorkers += 1; } } } initAllocation( WorkAssignmentType.QUEUED, 'sendConfigurationId', sendConfigurationMessageQueue, 'process-queued-messages', id => id, task => `sendConfigurationMessageQueueEmpty:${task.id}` ); initAllocation( WorkAssignmentType.CAMPAIGN, 'campaignId', campaignMessageQueue, 'process-campaign-messages', id => sendConfigurationIdByCampaignId.get(id), task => `campaignMessageQueueEmpty:${task.id}` ); let minTask = null; let minExistingWorkers; for (const task of allocation) { if (task.isValid && (minTask === null || minExistingWorkers > task.existingWorkers)) { minTask = task; minExistingWorkers = task.existingWorkers; } } return minTask; } while (true) { const workerId = await getAvailableWorker(); const task = selectNextTask(); if (task) { const attrName = task.attrName; const sendConfigurationId = task.sendConfigurationId; const sendConfigurationStatus = getSendConfigurationStatus(sendConfigurationId); const sendConfigurationRetryCount = sendConfigurationStatus.retryCount; const queue = task.queue; const messages = queue.splice(0, workerBatchSize); workAssignment.set(workerId, { type: task.type, [attrName]: task.id, sendConfigurationId, sendConfigurationRetryCount, messages }); if (queue.length === 0) { notifier.notify(task.getQueueEmptyEvent(task)); } sendToWorker(workerId, task.workerMsg, { [attrName]: task.id, messages }); } else { cancelWorker(workerId); await notifier.waitFor('workAvailable'); } } } async function processCampaign(campaignId) { const msgQueue = campaignMessageQueue.get(campaignId); const isCompleted = () => { if (msgQueue.length > 0) return false; let workerRunning = false; for (const wa of workAssignment.values()) { if (wa.type === WorkAssignmentType.CAMPAIGN && wa.campaignId === campaignId) { workerRunning = true; } } return !workerRunning; }; async function finish(clearMsgQueue, newStatus) { if (clearMsgQueue) { msgQueue.splice(0); } while (!isCompleted()) { await notifier.waitFor('workerFinished'); } if (newStatus) { campaignMessageQueue.delete(campaignId); await knex('campaigns').where('id', campaignId).update({status: newStatus}); await activityLog.logEntityActivity('campaign', CampaignActivityType.STATUS_CHANGE, campaignId, {status: newStatus}); } } try { await campaigns.prepareCampaignMessages(campaignId); while (true) { const cpg = await knex('campaigns').where('id', campaignId).first(); if (cpg.status === CampaignStatus.PAUSING) { return await finish(true, CampaignStatus.PAUSED); } const expirationThreshold = Date.now() - config.queue.retention.campaign * 1000; if (cpg.start_at && cpg.start_at.valueOf() < expirationThreshold) { return await finish(true, CampaignStatus.FINISHED); } sendConfigurationIdByCampaignId.set(cpg.id, cpg.send_configuration); if (isSendConfigurationPostponed(cpg.send_configuration)) { // postpone campaign if its send configuration is problematic return await finish(true, CampaignStatus.SCHEDULED); } let messagesInProcessing = [...msgQueue]; for (const wa of workAssignment.values()) { if (wa.type === WorkAssignmentType.CAMPAIGN && wa.campaignId === campaignId) { messagesInProcessing = messagesInProcessing.concat(wa.messages); } } const subs = await knex('campaign_messages') .where({status: CampaignMessageStatus.SCHEDULED}) .whereNotIn('hash_email', messagesInProcessing.map(x => x.hash_email)) .limit(retrieveBatchSize); if (subs.length === 0) { if (isCompleted()) { return await finish(false, CampaignStatus.FINISHED); } else { await finish(false); // At this point, there might be messages that re-appeared because sending failed. continue; } } for (const sub of subs) { msgQueue.push(sub); } notifier.notify('workAvailable'); while (msgQueue.length > 0) { await notifier.waitFor(`campaignMessageQueueEmpty:${campaignId}`); } } } catch (err) { log.error('Senders', `Sending campaign ${campaignId} failed with error: ${err.message}`); log.verbose(err.stack); } } async function scheduleCampaigns() { if (campaignSchedulerRunning) { return; } campaignSchedulerRunning = true; try { // Finish old campaigns const nowDate = new Date(); const now = nowDate.valueOf(); const expirationThreshold = new Date(now - config.queue.retention.campaign * 1000); const expiredCampaigns = await knex('campaigns') .whereIn('campaigns.type', [CampaignType.REGULAR, CampaignType.RSS_ENTRY]) .whereIn('campaigns.status', [CampaignStatus.SCHEDULED, CampaignStatus.PAUSED]) .where('campaigns.start_at', '<', expirationThreshold) .update({status: CampaignStatus.FINISHED}); // Empty message queues for PAUSING campaigns. A pausing campaign typically waits for campaignMessageQueueEmpty before it can check for PAUSING // We speed this up by discarding messages in the message queue of the campaign. const pausingCampaigns = await knex('campaigns') .whereIn('campaigns.type', [CampaignType.REGULAR, CampaignType.RSS_ENTRY]) .where('campaigns.status', CampaignStatus.PAUSING) .select(['id']) .forUpdate(); for (const cpg of pausingCampaigns) { const campaignId = cpg.id; const queue = campaignMessageQueue.get(campaignId); queue.splice(0); notifier.notify(`campaignMessageQueueEmpty:${campaignId}`); } while (true) { let campaignId = 0; const postponedSendConfigurationIds = getPostponedSendConfigurationIds(); await knex.transaction(async tx => { const scheduledCampaign = await tx('campaigns') .whereIn('campaigns.type', [CampaignType.REGULAR, CampaignType.RSS_ENTRY]) .whereNotIn('campaigns.send_configuration', postponedSendConfigurationIds) .where('campaigns.status', CampaignStatus.SCHEDULED) .where('campaigns.start_at', '<=', nowDate) .select(['id']) .forUpdate() .first(); if (scheduledCampaign) { await tx('campaigns').where('id', scheduledCampaign.id).update({status: CampaignStatus.SENDING}); await activityLog.logEntityActivity('campaign', CampaignActivityType.STATUS_CHANGE, scheduledCampaign.id, {status: CampaignStatus.SENDING}); campaignId = scheduledCampaign.id; } }); if (campaignId) { campaignMessageQueue.set(campaignId, []); // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall processCampaign(campaignId); } else { break; } } } catch (err) { log.error('Senders', `Scheduling campaigns failed with error: ${err.message}`); log.verbose(err.stack); } campaignSchedulerRunning = false; } async function processQueuedBySendConfiguration(sendConfigurationId) { const msgQueue = sendConfigurationMessageQueue.get(sendConfigurationId); const isCompleted = () => { if (msgQueue.length > 0) return false; let workerRunning = false; for (const wa of workAssignment.values()) { if (wa.type === WorkAssignmentType.QUEUED && wa.sendConfigurationId === sendConfigurationId) { workerRunning = true; } } return !workerRunning; }; async function finish(clearMsgQueue, deleteMsgQueue) { if (clearMsgQueue) { msgQueue.splice(0); } while (!isCompleted()) { await notifier.waitFor('workerFinished'); } if (deleteMsgQueue) { sendConfigurationMessageQueue.delete(sendConfigurationId); } } try { while (true) { if (isSendConfigurationPostponed(sendConfigurationId)) { return await finish(true, true); } let messagesInProcessing = [...msgQueue]; for (const wa of workAssignment.values()) { if (wa.type === WorkAssignmentType.QUEUED && wa.sendConfigurationId === sendConfigurationId) { messagesInProcessing = messagesInProcessing.concat(wa.messages); } } const messageIdsInProcessing = messagesInProcessing.map(x => x.id); const rows = await knex('queued') .orderByRaw(`FIELD(type, ${MessageType.TRIGGERED}, ${MessageType.API_TRANSACTIONAL}, ${MessageType.TEST}, ${MessageType.SUBSCRIPTION}) DESC, id ASC`) // This orders messages in the following order MessageType.SUBSCRIPTION, MessageType.TEST, MessageType.API_TRANSACTIONAL and MessageType.TRIGGERED .where('send_configuration', sendConfigurationId) .whereNotIn('id', messageIdsInProcessing) .limit(retrieveBatchSize); if (rows.length === 0) { if (isCompleted()) { return await finish(false, true); } else { await finish(false, false); // At this point, there might be new messages in the queued that could belong to us. Thus we have to try again instead for returning. continue; } } const expirationThresholds = getExpirationThresholds(); const expirationCounters = {}; for (const type in expirationThresholds) { expirationCounters[type] = 0; } for (const row of rows) { const expirationThreshold = expirationThresholds[row.type]; if (row.created < expirationThreshold.threshold) { expirationCounters[row.type] += 1; await knex('queued').where('id', row.id).del(); } else { row.data = JSON.parse(row.data); msgQueue.push(row); } } for (const type in expirationThresholds) { const expirationThreshold = expirationThresholds[type]; if (expirationCounters[type] > 0) { log.warn('Senders', `Discarded ${expirationCounters[type]} expired ${expirationThreshold.title} message(s).`); } } notifier.notify('workAvailable'); while (msgQueue.length > 0) { await notifier.waitFor(`sendConfigurationMessageQueueEmpty:${sendConfigurationId}`); } } } catch (err) { log.error('Senders', `Sending queued messages for send configuration ${sendConfigurationId} failed with error: ${err.message}`); log.verbose(err.stack); } } async function scheduleQueued() { if (queuedSchedulerRunning) { return; } queuedSchedulerRunning = true; try { const sendConfigurationsIdsInProcessing = [...sendConfigurationMessageQueue.keys()]; const postponedSendConfigurationIds = getPostponedSendConfigurationIds(); // prune old messages const expirationThresholds = getExpirationThresholds(); for (const type in expirationThresholds) { const expirationThreshold = expirationThresholds[type]; const expiredCount = await knex('queued') .whereNotIn('send_configuration', sendConfigurationsIdsInProcessing) .where('type', type) .where('created', '<', new Date(expirationThreshold.threshold)) .del(); if (expiredCount) { log.warn('Senders', `Discarded ${expiredCount} expired ${expirationThreshold.title} message(s).`); } } const rows = await knex('queued') .whereNotIn('send_configuration', [...sendConfigurationsIdsInProcessing, ...postponedSendConfigurationIds]) .groupBy('send_configuration') .select(['send_configuration']); for (const row of rows) { const sendConfigurationId = row.send_configuration; sendConfigurationMessageQueue.set(sendConfigurationId, []); // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall processQueuedBySendConfiguration(sendConfigurationId); } } catch (err) { log.error('Senders', `Scheduling queued messages failed with error: ${err.message}`); log.verbose(err.stack); } queuedSchedulerRunning = false; } async function spawnWorker(workerId) { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { log.verbose('Senders', `Spawning worker process ${workerId}`); const senderProcess = fork(path.join(__dirname, 'sender-worker.js'), [workerId], { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..'), env: { NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV, BUILTIN_ZONE_MTA_PASSWORD: builtinZoneMta.getPassword() } }); senderProcess.on('message', msg => { if (msg) { if (msg.type === 'worker-started') { log.info('Senders', `Worker process ${workerId} started`); return resolve(); } else if (msg.type === 'messages-processed') { messagesProcessed(workerId, msg.data.withErrors); } } }); senderProcess.on('close', (code, signal) => { log.error('Senders', `Worker process ${workerId} exited with code %s signal %s`, code, signal); }); workerProcesses.set(workerId, senderProcess); idleWorkers.push(workerId); }); } function sendToWorker(workerId, msgType, data) { workerProcesses.get(workerId).send({ type: msgType, data, tid: messageTid }); messageTid++; } function scheduleCheck() { // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall scheduleCampaigns(); // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall scheduleQueued(); } function periodicCheck() { // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall scheduleCheck(); setTimeout(periodicCheck, checkPeriod); } async function init() { const spawnWorkerFutures = []; let workerId; for (workerId = 0; workerId < workersCount; workerId++) { spawnWorkerFutures.push(spawnWorker(workerId)); } await Promise.all(spawnWorkerFutures); process.on('message', msg => { if (msg) { const type = msg.type; if (type === 'schedule-check') { // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall scheduleCheck(); } else if (type === 'reload-config') { const sendConfigurationStatus = getSendConfigurationStatus(msg.data.sendConfigurationId); if (sendConfigurationStatus.retryCount > 0) { const sendConfigurationStatus = getSendConfigurationStatus(msg.data.sendConfigurationId) setSendConfigurationRetryCount(sendConfigurationStatus, 0); // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall scheduleCheck(); } for (const workerId of workerProcesses.keys()) { sendToWorker(workerId, 'reload-config', msg.data); } } } }); if (config.title) { process.title = config.title + ': sender/master'; } process.send({ type: 'master-sender-started' }); periodicCheck(); setImmediate(workersLoop); } // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall init();