{ "subscription": { "subscriptionConfirmed": "{{list}}: Subscription Confirmed", "unsubscriptionConfirmed": "{{list}}: Unsubscription Confirmed", "alreadyRegistered": "{{list}}: Email Address Already Registered", "confirmEmailChange": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Email Change in Subscription", "confirmSubscription": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Subscription", "confirmUnsubscription": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Unsubscription", "emailChanged": "Email address changed", "addressNotSet": "Email address not set", "confirmSubscription": "Please Confirm Subscription", "nothingChanged": "Nothing seems to be changed", "furtherInstructionsSent": "An email with further instructions has been sent to the provided address" }, "feedCheck": { "campaignsAdded": "Found {{addedMessages}} new campaign messages from feed {{campaignId}}", "nothingNew": "Found nothing new from the feed" }, "addressCheck": { "invalidEmailGeneric": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\".", "mxNotFound": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": MX record not found for domain", "domainNotFound": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": Address domain not found", "domainRequired": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": Address domain name is required" }, "account": { "passwordChangeRequest": "Mailer password change request", "emailAlreadyRegistered": "The email is already associated with another user in the system.", "fullNameMustNotBeEmpty": "Full name must not be empty", "currentPasswordMustNotBeEmpty": "Current password must not be empty.", "incorrectPassword": "Incorrect password.", "passwordsMustMatch": "Passwords must match", "updatingUserProfile": "Updating user profile ...", "userProfileUpdated": "User profile updated", "passwordPossiblyChanged": "The password is incorrect (possibly just changed in another window / session). Enter correct password and try again.", "emailAlreadyRegisteredTryAgain": "The email is already assigned to another user. Enter another email and try again.", "generalSettings": "General Settings", "fullName": "Full Name", "addressUsedForAccountRecovery": "This address is used for account recovery in case you loose your password", "passwordChange": "Password Change", "fillOnlyForPasswordChange": "You only need to fill out this form if you want to change your current password", "currentPassword": "Current Password", "newPassword": "New Password", "confirmPassword": "Confirm Password", "accountManagementNotPossible": "Account management is not possible because Mailtrain is configured to use externally managed users.", "useThisLinkToChangePassword": "If you want to change the password, use <1>this link." }, "importer": { "missingEmail": "Missing email" }, "home": { "welcome": "Welcome to Mailtrain..." }, "root": { "current": "(current)", "toggleNavigation": "Toggle navigation", "administration": "Administration", "account": "Account" }, "files": { "filesAdded": "{{count}} file added", "filesAdded_plural": "{{count}} files added", "filesReplaced": "{{count}} file replaced", "filesReplaced_plural": "{{count}} files replaced", "filesIgnored": "{{count}} file ignored", "filesIgnored_plural": "{{count}} files ignored", "filesUploaded": "{{count}} file uploaded", "filesUploaded_plural": "{{count}} files uploaded", "uploadingFiles": "Uploading {{count}} file", "uploadingFiles_plural": "Uploading {{count}} files", "fileUploadFailed": "File upload failed:", "noFilesToUpload": "No files to upload", "deletingFile": "Deleting file ...", "fileDeleted": "File deleted", "deleteFileFailed": "Delete file failed:", "confirmFileDeletion": "Confirm file deletion", "areYouSureToDeleteFile": "Are you sure you want to delete file \"{{name}}\"?", "dropFiles": "Drop {{count}} file", "dropFiles_plural": "Drop {{count}} files", "dropFilesHere": "Drop files here" }, "form": { "openCalendar": "Open calendar", "select": "Select", "yourUpdatesCannotBeSaved": "Your updates cannot be saved.", "modificationsInTheMeantime": "Someone else has introduced modification in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.", "namespaceDeletedInTheMeantime": "It seems that someone else has deleted the target namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.", "deletionInTheMeantime": "It seems that someone else has deleted the entity in the meantime." }, "deleteDialog": { "cannotDeleteDueToDependencies": "Cannote delete \"{{name}}\" due to the following dependencies:", "andMore": "... and more", "areYouSureToDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{{name}}\"?", "confirmDeletion": "Confirm deletion" }, "namespace": { "mustBeSelected": "Namespace must be selected" }, "close": "Close", "name": "Name", "size": "Size", "download": "Download", "delete": "Delete", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "loading": "Loading ...", "email": "Email", "update": "Update", "namespace": "Namespace", "namespace_plural": "Namespaces", "list": "List", "list_plural": "Lists", "customForms": "Custom forms", "campaign": "Campaign", "campaign_plural": "Campaigns", "template": "Template", "template_plural": "Templates", "sendConfiguration": "Send configuration", "sendConfiguration_plural": "Send configurations", "report": "Report", "report_plural": "Reports", "reportTemplate": "Report template", "reportTemplate_plural": "Report templates", "mosaicoTemplate": "Mosaico template", "mosaicoTemplate_plural": "Mosaico templates", "user": "User", "user_plural": "Users", "globalSetting_plural": "Global Settings", "blacklist": "Blacklist", "api": "API", "logout": "Log out", "sourceOnGithub": "Source on GitHub", "emailMustNotBeEmpty": "Email must not be empty.", "invalidEmailAddress": "Invalid email address.", "validationInProgress": "Validation is in progress...", "errorsInForm": "There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.", "updatesCannotBeSaved": "Your updates cannot be saved.", "mjml": "MJML", "html": "HTML" }