'use strict'; const config = require('config'); const log = require('./log'); const mailers = require('./mailers'); const knex = require('./knex'); const subscriptions = require('../models/subscriptions'); const contextHelpers = require('./context-helpers'); const campaigns = require('../models/campaigns'); const templates = require('../models/templates'); const lists = require('../models/lists'); const fields = require('../models/fields'); const sendConfigurations = require('../models/send-configurations'); const links = require('../models/links'); const {CampaignSource, CampaignType} = require('../../shared/campaigns'); const {SubscriptionStatus} = require('../../shared/lists'); const tools = require('./tools'); const htmlToText = require('html-to-text'); const request = require('request-promise'); const files = require('../models/files'); const {getPublicUrl} = require('./urls'); const blacklist = require('../models/blacklist'); const libmime = require('libmime'); const { enforce } = require('./helpers'); const senders = require('./senders'); const MessageType = { REGULAR: 0, TRIGGERED: 1, TEST: 2, SUBSCRIPTION: 3 }; class MessageSender { constructor() { } /* settings is one of: - campaignCid / campaignId or - sendConfiguration, listId, attachments, html, text, subject */ async _init(settings) { this.type = settings.type; this.listsById = new Map(); // listId -> list this.listsByCid = new Map(); // listCid -> list this.listsFieldsGrouped = new Map(); // listId -> fieldsGrouped await knex.transaction(async tx => { if (settings.campaignCid) { this.campaign = await campaigns.rawGetByTx(tx, 'cid', settings.campaignCid); this.isMassMail = true; } else if (settings.campaignId) { this.campaign = await campaigns.rawGetByTx(tx, 'id', settings.campaignId); this.isMassMail = true; } else if (this.type === MessageType.TEST) { // We are not within scope of a campaign (i.e. templates in MessageType.TEST message) // This is to fake the campaign for getMessageLinks, which is called inside formatMessage this.campaign = { cid: '[CAMPAIGN_ID]', from_name_override: null, from_email_override: null, reply_to_override: null }; this.isMassMail = true; } else { this.isMassMail = false; } if (settings.sendConfigurationId) { this.sendConfiguration = await sendConfigurations.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), settings.sendConfigurationId, false, true); } else if (this.campaign && this.campaign.send_configuration) { this.sendConfiguration = await sendConfigurations.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), this.campaign.send_configuration, false, true); } else { enforce(false); } this.useVerp = config.verp.enabled && this.sendConfiguration.verp_hostname; this.useVerpSenderHeader = this.useVerp && !this.sendConfiguration.verp_disable_sender_header; if (settings.listId) { const list = await lists.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), settings.listId); this.listsById.set(list.id, list); this.listsByCid.set(list.cid, list); this.listsFieldsGrouped.set(list.id, await fields.listGroupedTx(tx, list.id)); } else if (this.campaign && this.campaign.lists) { for (const listSpec of this.campaign.lists) { const list = await lists.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), listSpec.list); this.listsById.set(list.id, list); this.listsByCid.set(list.cid, list); this.listsFieldsGrouped.set(list.id, await fields.listGroupedTx(tx, list.id)); } } if (settings.attachments) { this.attachments = settings.attachments; } else if (this.campaign && this.campaign.id) { const attachments = await files.listTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), 'campaign', 'attachment', this.campaign.id); this.attachments = []; for (const attachment of attachments) { this.attachments.push({ filename: attachment.originalname, path: files.getFilePath('campaign', 'attachment', this.campaign.id, attachment.filename) }); } } else { this.attachments = []; } if (settings.renderedHtml !== undefined) { this.renderedHtml = settings.renderedHtml; this.renderedText = settings.renderedText; } else if (settings.html !== undefined) { this.html = settings.html; this.text = settings.text; } else if (this.campaign && this.campaign.source === CampaignSource.TEMPLATE) { this.template = await templates.getByIdTx(tx, contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), this.campaign.data.sourceTemplate, false); } if (settings.subject !== undefined) { this.subject = settings.subject; } else if (this.campaign && this.campaign.subject !== undefined) { this.subject = this.campaign.subject; } else { enforce(false); } }); } async _getMessage(list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, replaceDataImgs) { let html = ''; let text = ''; let renderTags = false; const campaign = this.campaign; if (this.renderedHtml !== undefined) { html = this.renderedHtml; text = this.renderedText; renderTags = false; } else if (this.html !== undefined) { html = this.html; text = this.text; renderTags = true; } else if (campaign) { if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.URL) { const form = tools.getMessageLinks(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped); for (const key in mergeTags) { form[key] = mergeTags[key]; } const response = await request.post({ uri: campaign.sourceUrl, form, resolveWithFullResponse: true }); if (response.statusCode !== 200) { throw new Error(`Received status code ${httpResponse.statusCode} from ${campaign.sourceUrl}`); } html = response.body; text = ''; renderTags = false; } else if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.CUSTOM || campaign.source === CampaignSource.CUSTOM_FROM_CAMPAIGN || campaign.source === CampaignSource.CUSTOM_FROM_TEMPLATE) { html = campaign.data.sourceCustom.html; text = campaign.data.sourceCustom.text; renderTags = true; } else if (campaign.source === CampaignSource.TEMPLATE) { const template = this.template; html = template.html; text = template.text; renderTags = true; } html = await links.updateLinks(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, html); } const attachments = this.attachments.slice(); if (replaceDataImgs) { // replace data: images with embedded attachments html = html.replace(/(]* src\s*=[\s"']*)(data:[^"'>\s]+)/gi, (match, prefix, dataUri) => { const cid = shortid.generate() + '-attachments'; attachments.push({ path: dataUri, cid }); return prefix + 'cid:' + cid; }); } html = renderTags ? tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, html, true) : html; text = (text || '').trim() ? (renderTags ? tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, text) : text) : htmlToText.fromString(html, {wordwrap: 130}); return { html, text, attachments }; } _getExtraTags(campaign) { const tags = {}; if (campaign.type === CampaignType.RSS_ENTRY) { const rssEntry = campaign.data.rssEntry; tags['RSS_ENTRY_TITLE'] = rssEntry.title; tags['RSS_ENTRY_DATE'] = rssEntry.date; tags['RSS_ENTRY_LINK'] = rssEntry.link; tags['RSS_ENTRY_CONTENT'] = rssEntry.content; tags['RSS_ENTRY_SUMMARY'] = rssEntry.summary; tags['RSS_ENTRY_IMAGE_URL'] = rssEntry.imageUrl; tags['RSS_ENTRY_CUSTOM_TAGS'] = rssEntry.customTags; } return tags; } async initByCampaignCid(campaignCid) { await this._init({type: MessageType.REGULAR, campaignCid}); } async initByCampaignId(campaignId) { await this._init({type: MessageType.REGULAR, campaignId}); } async getMessage(listCid, subscriptionCid) { enforce(this.type === MessageType.REGULAR); const list = this.listsByCid.get(listCid); const subscriptionGrouped = await subscriptions.getByCid(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), list.id, subscriptionCid); const flds = this.listsFieldsGrouped.get(list.id); const campaign = this.campaign; const mergeTags = fields.getMergeTags(flds, subscriptionGrouped, this._getExtraTags(campaign)); return await this._getMessage(list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, false); } /* subData is one of: - subscriptionId, listId, attachments or - email, listId or - to, subject */ async _sendMessage(subData) { let msgType = this.type; let to, email; let envelope = false; let sender = false; let headers = {}; let listHeader = false; let encryptionKeys = []; let subject; let message; let subscriptionGrouped, list; // May be undefined const campaign = this.campaign; // May be undefined if (subData.listId) { let listId; subscriptionGrouped; if (subData.subscriptionId) { listId = subData.listId; subscriptionGrouped = await subscriptions.getById(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), listId, subData.subscriptionId); } else if (subData.email) { listId = subData.listId; subscriptionGrouped = await subscriptions.getByEmail(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), listId, subData.email); } list = this.listsById.get(listId); email = subscriptionGrouped.email; const flds = this.listsFieldsGrouped.get(list.id); const mergeTags = fields.getMergeTags(flds, subscriptionGrouped, this._getExtraTags(campaign)); for (const fld of flds) { if (fld.type === 'gpg' && mergeTags[fld.key]) { encryptionKeys.push(mergeTags[fld.key].trim()); } } message = await this._getMessage(list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, true); const campaignAddress = [campaign.cid, list.cid, subscriptionGrouped.cid].join('.'); let listUnsubscribe = null; if (!list.listunsubscribe_disabled) { listUnsubscribe = campaign.unsubscribe_url ? tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, campaign.unsubscribe_url) : getPublicUrl('/subscription/' + list.cid + '/unsubscribe/' + subscriptionGrouped.cid); } to = { name: list.to_name === null ? undefined : tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, list.to_name, false), address: subscriptionGrouped.email }; subject = tools.formatMessage(campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped, mergeTags, this.subject, false); if (this.useVerp) { envelope = { from: campaignAddress + '@' + sendConfiguration.verp_hostname, to: subscriptionGrouped.email }; } if (this.useVerpSenderHeader) { sender = campaignAddress + '@' + sendConfiguration.verp_hostname; } headers = { 'x-fbl': campaignAddress, // custom header for SparkPost 'x-msys-api': JSON.stringify({ campaign_id: campaignAddress }), // custom header for SendGrid 'x-smtpapi': JSON.stringify({ unique_args: { campaign_id: campaignAddress } }), // custom header for Mailgun 'x-mailgun-variables': JSON.stringify({ campaign_id: campaignAddress }), 'List-ID': { prepared: true, value: libmime.encodeWords(list.name) + ' <' + list.cid + '.' + getPublicUrl() + '>' } }; listHeader = { unsubscribe: listUnsubscribe }; } else if (subData.to) { to = subData.to; email = to.address; subject = this.subject; encryptionKeys = subData.encryptionKeys; message = await this._getMessage(); } if (await blacklist.isBlacklisted(email)) { return; } const sendConfiguration = this.sendConfiguration; const mailer = await mailers.getOrCreateMailer(sendConfiguration.id); await mailer.throttleWait(); const getOverridable = key => { if (campaign && sendConfiguration[key + '_overridable'] && this.campaign[key + '_override'] !== null) { return campaign[key + '_override'] || ''; } else { return sendConfiguration[key] || ''; } }; const mail = { from: { name: getOverridable('from_name'), address: getOverridable('from_email') }, replyTo: getOverridable('reply_to'), xMailer: sendConfiguration.x_mailer ? sendConfiguration.x_mailer : false, to, sender, envelope, headers, list: listHeader, subject, html: message.html, text: message.text, attachments: message.attachments || [], encryptionKeys }; let response; let responseId = null; const info = this.isMassMail ? await mailer.sendMassMail(mail) : await mailer.sendTransactionalMail(mail); log.verbose('MessageSender', `response: ${info.response} messageId: ${info.messageId}`); let match; if ((match = info.response.match(/^250 Message queued as ([0-9a-f]+)$/))) { /* ZoneMTA info.response: 250 Message queued as 1691ad7f7ae00080fd info.messageId: */ response = info.response; responseId = match[1]; } else if ((match = info.messageId.match(/^<([^>@]*)@.*amazonses\.com>$/))) { /* AWS SES info.response: 0102016ad2244c0a-955492f2-9194-4cd1-bef9-70a45906a5a7-000000 info.messageId: <0102016ad2244c0a-955492f2-9194-4cd1-bef9-70a45906a5a7-000000@eu-west-1.amazonses.com> */ response = info.response; responseId = match[1]; } else if (info.response.match(/^250 OK$/) && (match = info.messageId.match(/^<([^>]*)>$/))) { /* Postal Mail Server info.response: 250 OK info.messageId: (postal messageId) */ response = info.response; responseId = match[1]; } else { /* Fallback - Mailtrain v1 behavior */ response = info.response || info.messageId; responseId = response.split(/\s+/).pop(); } if (msgType === MessageType.REGULAR || msgType === MessageType.TRIGGERED) { await knex('campaigns').where('id', campaign.id).increment('delivered'); } const now = new Date(); if (msgType === MessageType.REGULAR) { enforce(list); enforce(subscriptionGrouped); await knex('campaign_messages').insert({ campaign: this.campaign.id, list: list.id, subscription: subscriptionGrouped.id, send_configuration: sendConfiguration.id, status: SubscriptionStatus.SUBSCRIBED, response, response_id: responseId, updated: now }); } else if (msgType === MessageType.TRIGGERED || msgType === MessageType.TEST || msgType === MessageType.SUBSCRIPTION) { if (subData.attachments) { for (const attachment of subData.attachments) { try { // We ignore any errors here because we already sent the message. Thus we have to mark it as completed to avoid sending it again. await knex.transaction(async tx => { await files.unlockTx(tx, 'campaign', 'attachment', attachment.id); }); } catch (err) { log.error('MessageSender', `Error when unlocking attachment ${attachment.id} for ${email} (queuedId: ${subData.queuedId})`); log.verbose(err.stack); } } } await knex('queued') .where({id: subData.queuedId}) .del(); } } async sendRegularMessage(listId, email) { enforce(this.type === MessageType.REGULAR); await this._sendMessage({listId, email}); } } async function dropQueuedMessage(queuedMessage) { await knex('queued') .where({id: queuedMessage.id}) .del(); } async function sendQueuedMessage(queuedMessage) { const msgData = queuedMessage.data; const cs = new MessageSender(); await cs._init({ type: queuedMessage.type, campaignId: msgData.campaignId, listId: msgData.listId, sendConfigurationId: queuedMessage.send_configuration, attachments: msgData.attachments, html: msgData.html, text: msgData.text, subject: msgData.subject, renderedHtml: msgData.renderedHtml, renderedText: msgData.renderedText }); await cs._sendMessage({ subscriptionId: msgData.subscriptionId, listId: msgData.listId, to: msgData.to, attachments: msgData.attachments, encryptionKeys: msgData.encryptionKeys, queuedId: queuedMessage.id }); } async function queueCampaignMessageTx(tx, sendConfigurationId, listId, subscriptionId, messageType, messageData) { enforce(messageType === MessageType.TRIGGERED || messageType === MessageType.TEST); const msgData = {...messageData}; if (msgData.attachments) { for (const attachment of messageData.attachments) { await files.lockTx(tx,'campaign', 'attachment', attachment.id); } } msgData.listId = listId; msgData.subscriptionId = subscriptionId; await tx('queued').insert({ send_configuration: sendConfigurationId, type: messageType, data: JSON.stringify(msgData) }); } async function queueSubscriptionMessage(sendConfigurationId, to, subject, encryptionKeys, template) { let html, text; const htmlRenderer = await tools.getTemplate(template.html, template.locale); if (htmlRenderer) { html = htmlRenderer(template.data || {}); if (html) { html = await tools.prepareHtml(html); } } const textRenderer = await tools.getTemplate(template.text, template.locale); if (textRenderer) { text = textRenderer(template.data || {}); } else if (html) { text = htmlToText.fromString(html, { wordwrap: 130 }); } const msgData = { renderedHtml: html, renderedText: text, to, subject, encryptionKeys }; await knex('queued').insert({ send_configuration: sendConfigurationId, type: MessageType.SUBSCRIPTION, data: JSON.stringify(msgData) }); senders.scheduleCheck(); } module.exports.MessageSender = MessageSender; module.exports.MessageType = MessageType; module.exports.sendQueuedMessage = sendQueuedMessage; module.exports.queueCampaignMessageTx = queueCampaignMessageTx; module.exports.queueSubscriptionMessage = queueSubscriptionMessage; module.exports.dropQueuedMessage = dropQueuedMessage;