'use strict'; const config = require('config'); module.exports = { app: config, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:' + config.www.port, mailUrl: 'http://localhost:' + config.testserver.mailboxserverport, users: { admin: { username: 'admin', password: 'test' } }, lists: { l1: { id: 1, cid: 'Hkj1vCoJb', publicSubscribe: 1, unsubscriptionMode: 0, // (one-step, no form) }, l2: { id: 2, cid: 'SktV4HDZ-', publicSubscribe: 1, unsubscriptionMode: 1, // (one-step, with form) }, l3: { id: 3, cid: 'BkdvNBw-W', publicSubscribe: 1, unsubscriptionMode: 2, // (two-step, no form) }, l4: { id: 4, cid: 'rJMKVrDZ-', publicSubscribe: 1, unsubscriptionMode: 3, // (two-step, with form) }, l5: { id: 5, cid: 'SJgoNSw-W', publicSubscribe: 1, unsubscriptionMode: 4, // (manual unsubscribe) }, l6: { id: 6, cid: 'HyveEPvWW', publicSubscribe: 0, unsubscriptionMode: 0, // (one-step, no form) } }, settings: { 'service-url': 'http://localhost:' + config.www.port + '/', 'admin-email': 'admin@example.com', 'default-homepage': 'https://mailtrain.org', 'smtp-hostname': config.testserver.host, 'smtp-port': config.testserver.port, 'smtp-encryption': 'NONE', 'smtp-user': config.testserver.username, 'smtp-pass': config.testserver.password } };