'use strict'; const knex = require('../lib/knex'); const hasher = require('node-object-hash')(); const dtHelpers = require('../lib/dt-helpers'); const shortid = require('shortid'); const { enforce, filterObject } = require('../lib/helpers'); const interoperableErrors = require('../shared/interoperable-errors'); const shares = require('./shares'); const namespaceHelpers = require('../lib/namespace-helpers'); const fields = require('./fields'); const segments = require('./segments'); const entitySettings = require('../lib/entity-settings'); const UnsubscriptionMode = require('../shared/lists').UnsubscriptionMode; const allowedKeys = new Set(['name', 'description', 'default_form', 'public_subscribe', 'unsubscription_mode', 'contact_email', 'homepage', 'namespace']); function hash(entity) { return hasher.hash(filterObject(entity, allowedKeys)); } async function listDTAjax(context, params) { const campaignEntityType = entitySettings.getEntityType('campaign'); return await dtHelpers.ajaxListWithPermissions( context, [{ entityTypeId: 'list', requiredOperations: ['view'] }], params, builder => builder .from('lists') .innerJoin('namespaces', 'namespaces.id', 'lists.namespace'), ['lists.id', 'lists.name', 'lists.cid', 'lists.subscribers', 'lists.description', 'namespaces.name', { query: builder => builder.from('campaigns') .innerJoin('campaign_lists', 'campaigns.id', 'campaign_lists.campaign') .innerJoin('triggers', 'campaigns.id', 'triggers.campaign') .innerJoin(campaignEntityType.permissionsTable, 'campaigns.id', `${campaignEntityType.permissionsTable}.entity`) .whereRaw('campaign_lists.list = lists.id') .where(`${campaignEntityType.permissionsTable}.operation`, 'viewTriggers') .count() } ] ); } async function listWithSegmentByCampaignDTAjax(context, campaignId, params) { return await dtHelpers.ajaxListWithPermissions( context, [{ entityTypeId: 'list', requiredOperations: ['view'] }], params, builder => builder .from('lists') .innerJoin('campaign_lists', 'campaign_lists.list', 'lists.id') .leftJoin('segments', 'segments.id', 'campaign_lists.segment') .innerJoin('namespaces', 'namespaces.id', 'lists.namespace') .where('campaign_lists.campaign', campaignId) .orderBy('campaign_lists.id', 'asc'), ['lists.id', 'lists.name', 'lists.cid', 'namespaces.name', 'segments.name'] ); } async function _getByIdTx(tx, context, id) { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', id, 'view'); const entity = await tx('lists').where('id', id).first(); return entity; } async function getById(context, id) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { // note that permissions are not obtained here as this methods is used only with synthetic admin context return await _getByIdTx(tx, context, id); }); } async function getByIdWithListFields(context, id) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { const entity = await _getByIdTx(tx, context, id); entity.permissions = await shares.getPermissionsTx(tx, context, 'list', id); entity.listFields = await fields.listByOrderListTx(tx, id); return entity; }); } async function getByCid(context, cid) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { const entity = await tx('lists').where('cid', cid).first(); if (!entity) { shares.throwPermissionDenied(); } await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', entity.id, 'view'); return entity; }); } async function _validateAndPreprocess(tx, entity) { await namespaceHelpers.validateEntity(tx, entity); enforce(entity.unsubscription_mode >= UnsubscriptionMode.MIN && entity.unsubscription_mode <= UnsubscriptionMode.MAX, 'Unknown unsubscription mode'); } async function create(context, entity) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'namespace', entity.namespace, 'createList'); await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, entity); const filteredEntity = filterObject(entity, allowedKeys); filteredEntity.cid = shortid.generate(); const ids = await tx('lists').insert(filteredEntity); const id = ids[0]; await knex.schema.raw('CREATE TABLE `subscription__' + id + '` (\n' + ' `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n' + ' `cid` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,\n' + ' `email` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,\n' + ' `hash_email` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,\n' + ' `source_email` int(10) unsigned,\n' + // This references imports if the source is an import, 0 means some import in version 1, NULL if the source is via subscription or edit of the subscription ' `opt_in_ip` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,\n' + ' `opt_in_country` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,\n' + ' `tz` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT NULL,\n' + ' `status` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\',\n' + ' `is_test` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\',\n' + ' `status_change` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n' + ' `latest_open` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n' + ' `latest_click` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n' + ' `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n' + ' PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n' + ' UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),\n' + ' UNIQUE KEY `cid` (`cid`),\n' + ' KEY `status` (`status`),\n' + ' KEY `subscriber_tz` (`tz`),\n' + ' KEY `is_test` (`is_test`),\n' + ' KEY `latest_open` (`latest_open`),\n' + ' KEY `latest_click` (`latest_click`),\n' + ' KEY `created` (`created`)\n' + ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;\n'); return id; }); } async function updateWithConsistencyCheck(context, entity) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', entity.id, 'edit'); const existing = await tx('lists').where('id', entity.id).first(); if (!existing) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } const existingHash = hash(existing); if (existingHash !== entity.originalHash) { throw new interoperableErrors.ChangedError(); } await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, entity); await namespaceHelpers.validateMove(context, entity, existing, 'list', 'createList', 'delete'); await tx('lists').where('id', entity.id).update(filterObject(entity, allowedKeys)); await shares.rebuildPermissionsTx(tx, { entityTypeId: 'list', entityId: entity.id }); }); } async function remove(context, id) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', id, 'delete'); await fields.removeAllByListIdTx(tx, context, id); await segments.removeAllByListIdTx(tx, context, id); await tx('lists').where('id', id).del(); await knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('subscription__' + id); }); } async function removeFormFromAllTx(tx, context, formId) { await knex.transaction(async tx => { const entities = tx('lists').where('default_form', formId).select(['id']); for (const entity of entities) { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', entity.id, 'edit'); await tx('lists').where('id', entity.id).update({default_form: null}); } }); } async function getMergeTags(context, id) { return await knex.transaction(async tx => { await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', id, ['view']); const groupedFields = await fields.listGroupedTx(tx, id); const mergeTags = []; for (const field of groupedFields) { mergeTags.push({ key: field.key, value: field.name }); } return mergeTags; }); } module.exports.UnsubscriptionMode = UnsubscriptionMode; module.exports.hash = hash; module.exports.listDTAjax = listDTAjax; module.exports.listWithSegmentByCampaignDTAjax = listWithSegmentByCampaignDTAjax; module.exports.getById = getById; module.exports.getByIdWithListFields = getByIdWithListFields; module.exports.getByCid = getByCid; module.exports.create = create; module.exports.updateWithConsistencyCheck = updateWithConsistencyCheck; module.exports.remove = remove; module.exports.removeFormFromAllTx = removeFormFromAllTx; module.exports.getMergeTags = getMergeTags;