'use strict'; const knex = require('../knex'); const hasher = require('node-object-hash')(); const { enforce, filterObject } = require('../helpers'); const interoperableErrors = require('../../shared/interoperable-errors'); const allowedKeys = new Set(['id', 'name', 'description', 'parent']); const allowedUpdateKeys = new Set(['name', 'description', 'parent']); async function list() { return await knex('namespaces'); } function hash(ns) { return hasher.hash(filterObject(ns, allowedKeys)); } async function getById(nsId) { const ns = await knex('namespaces').where('id', nsId).first(); if (!ns) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } ns.hash = hash(ns); return ns; } async function create(ns) { const nsId = await knex('namespaces').insert(filterObject(ns, allowedKeys)); return nsId; } async function updateWithConsistencyCheck(ns) { enforce(ns.id !== 1 || ns.parent === null, 'Cannot assign a parent to the root namespace.'); await knex.transaction(async tx => { const existingNs = await tx('namespaces').where('id', ns.id).first(); if (!ns) { throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError(); } const existingNsHash = hash(existingNs); if (existingNsHash != ns.originalHash) { throw new interoperableErrors.ChangedError(); } let iter = ns; while (iter.parent != null) { iter = await tx('namespaces').where('id', iter.parent).first(); if (iter.id == ns.id) { throw new interoperableErrors.LoopDetectedError(); } } await tx('namespaces').where('id', ns.id).update(filterObject(ns, allowedUpdateKeys)); }); } async function remove(nsId) { enforce(nsId !== 1, 'Cannot delete the root namespace.'); await knex.transaction(async tx => { const childNs = await tx('namespaces').where('parent', nsId).first(); if (childNs) { throw new interoperableErrors.ChildDetectedError(); } await tx('namespaces').where('id', nsId).del(); }); } module.exports = { hash, list, getById, create, updateWithConsistencyCheck, remove };