'use strict'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { translate, Trans } from 'react-i18next'; import {requiresAuthenticatedUser, withPageHelpers, Title, NavButton} from '../lib/page'; import { withForm, Form, FormSendMethod, InputField, TextArea, TableSelect, ButtonRow, Button, Dropdown, StaticField, CheckBox } from '../lib/form'; import { withErrorHandling } from '../lib/error-handling'; import { DeleteModalDialog } from '../lib/modals'; import { validateNamespace, NamespaceSelect } from '../lib/namespace'; import { UnsubscriptionMode } from '../../../shared/lists'; import styles from "../lib/styles.scss"; import mailtrainConfig from 'mailtrainConfig'; import {getMailerTypes} from "../send-configurations/helpers"; @translate() @withForm @withPageHelpers @withErrorHandling @requiresAuthenticatedUser export default class CUD extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; this.initForm(); this.mailerTypes = getMailerTypes(props.t); } static propTypes = { action: PropTypes.string.isRequired, entity: PropTypes.object } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.entity) { this.getFormValuesFromEntity(this.props.entity, data => { data.form = data.default_form ? 'custom' : 'default'; data.listunsubscribe_disabled = !!data.listunsubscribe_disabled; }); } else { this.populateFormValues({ name: '', description: '', form: 'default', default_form: null, public_subscribe: true, contact_email: '', homepage: '', unsubscription_mode: UnsubscriptionMode.ONE_STEP, namespace: mailtrainConfig.user.namespace, to_name: '[FIRST_NAME] [LAST_NAME]', listunsubscribe_disabled: false }); } } localValidateFormValues(state) { const t = this.props.t; if (!state.getIn(['name', 'value'])) { state.setIn(['name', 'error'], t('Name must not be empty')); } else { state.setIn(['name', 'error'], null); } if (state.getIn(['form', 'value']) === 'custom' && !state.getIn(['default_form', 'value'])) { state.setIn(['default_form', 'error'], t('Custom form must be selected')); } else { state.setIn(['default_form', 'error'], null); } validateNamespace(t, state); } async submitHandler() { const t = this.props.t; let sendMethod, url; if (this.props.entity) { sendMethod = FormSendMethod.PUT; url = `rest/lists/${this.props.entity.id}` } else { sendMethod = FormSendMethod.POST; url = 'rest/lists' } this.disableForm(); this.setFormStatusMessage('info', t('Saving ...')); const submitSuccessful = await this.validateAndSendFormValuesToURL(sendMethod, url, data => { if (data.form === 'default') { data.default_form = null; } delete data.form; }); if (submitSuccessful) { this.navigateToWithFlashMessage('/lists', 'success', t('List saved')); } else { this.enableForm(); this.setFormStatusMessage('warning', t('There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.')); } } render() { const t = this.props.t; const isEdit = !!this.props.entity; const canDelete = isEdit && this.props.entity.permissions.includes('delete'); const unsubcriptionModeOptions = [ { key: UnsubscriptionMode.ONE_STEP, label: t('One-step (i.e. no email with confirmation link)') }, { key: UnsubscriptionMode.ONE_STEP_WITH_FORM, label: t('One-step with unsubscription form (i.e. no email with confirmation link)') }, { key: UnsubscriptionMode.TWO_STEP, label: t('Two-step (i.e. an email with confirmation link will be sent)') }, { key: UnsubscriptionMode.TWO_STEP_WITH_FORM, label: t('Two-step with unsubscription form (i.e. an email with confirmation link will be sent)') }, { key: UnsubscriptionMode.MANUAL, label: t('Manual (i.e. unsubscription has to be performed by the list administrator)') } ]; const formsOptions = [ { key: 'default', label: t('Default Mailtrain Forms') }, { key: 'custom', label: t('Custom Forms (select form below)') } ]; const customFormsColumns = [ {data: 0, title: "#"}, {data: 1, title: t('Name')}, {data: 2, title: t('Description')}, {data: 3, title: t('Namespace')} ]; const sendConfigurationsColumns = [ { data: 1, title: t('Name') }, { data: 2, title: t('Description') }, { data: 3, title: t('Type'), render: data => this.mailerTypes[data].typeName }, { data: 5, title: t('Namespace') } ]; return (
{canDelete && } {isEdit ? t('Edit List') : t('Create List')}
{isEdit && {this.getFormValue('cid')} }