'use strict'; let users = require('../lib/models/users'); let lists = require('../lib/models/lists'); let fields = require('../lib/models/fields'); let blacklist = require('../lib/models/blacklist'); let subscriptions = require('../lib/models/subscriptions'); let confirmations = require('../lib/models/confirmations'); let tools = require('../lib/tools'); let express = require('express'); let log = require('npmlog'); let router = new express.Router(); let mailHelpers = require('../lib/subscription-mail-helpers'); const handleErrorResponse = (res, log, err, code = 500, message = false) => { if (typeof err != 'undefined') log.error('API', err); res.status(code); return res.json({ error: message || err.message || err, data: [] }); } router.all('/*', (req, res, next) => { if (!req.query.access_token) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 403, 'Missing access_token'); } users.findByAccessToken(req.query.access_token, (err, user) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!user) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 403, 'Invalid or expired access_token'); } next(); }); }); router.post('/subscribe/:listId', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); lists.getByCid(req.params.listId, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 403, 'Invalid or expired access_token'); } if (!list) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Selected listId not found'); } if (!input.EMAIL) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 400, 'Missing EMAIL'); } tools.validateEmail(input.EMAIL, false, err => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err, 400); } let subscription = { email: input.EMAIL }; if (input.FIRST_NAME) { subscription.first_name = (input.FIRST_NAME || '').toString().trim(); } if (input.LAST_NAME) { subscription.last_name = (input.LAST_NAME || '').toString().trim(); } if (input.TIMEZONE) { subscription.tz = (input.TIMEZONE || '').toString().trim(); } fields.list(list.id, (err, fieldList) => { if (err && !fieldList) { fieldList = []; } fieldList.forEach(field => { if (input.hasOwnProperty(field.key) && field.column) { subscription[field.column] = input[field.key]; } else if (field.options) { for (let i = 0, len = field.options.length; i < len; i++) { if (input.hasOwnProperty(field.options[i].key) && field.options[i].column) { let value = input[field.options[i].key]; if (field.options[i].type === 'option') { value = ['false', 'no', '0', ''].indexOf((value || '').toString().trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0 ? '' : '1'; } subscription[field.options[i].column] = value; } } } }); let meta = { partial: true }; if (/^(yes|true|1)$/i.test(input.FORCE_SUBSCRIBE)) { meta.status = 1; } if (/^(yes|true|1)$/i.test(input.REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION)) { const data = { email: subscription.email, subscriptionData: subscription }; confirmations.addConfirmation(list.id, 'subscribe', req.ip, data, (err, confirmCid) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } mailHelpers.sendConfirmSubscription(list, input.EMAIL, confirmCid, subscription, (err) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { id: confirmCid } }); }); }); } else { subscriptions.insert(list.id, meta, subscription, (err, response) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { id: response.cid } }); }); } }); }); }); }); router.post('/unsubscribe/:listId', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); lists.getByCid(req.params.listId, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!list) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Selected listId not found'); } if (!input.EMAIL) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 400, 'Missing EMAIL'); } subscriptions.getByEmail(list.id, input.EMAIL, (err, subscription) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!subscription) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Subscription with given email not found'); } subscriptions.changeStatus(list.id, subscription.id, false, subscriptions.Status.UNSUBSCRIBED, (err, found) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { id: subscription.id, unsubscribed: true } }); }); }); }); }); router.post('/delete/:listId', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); lists.getByCid(req.params.listId, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!list) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Selected listId not found'); } if (!input.EMAIL) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 400, 'Missing EMAIL'); } subscriptions.getByEmail(list.id, input.EMAIL, (err, subscription) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!subscription) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Subscription not found'); } subscriptions.delete(list.id, subscription.cid, (err, subscription) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!subscription) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Subscription not found'); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { id: subscription.id, deleted: true } }); }); }); }); }); router.get('/subscriptions/:listId', (req, res) => { let start = parseInt(req.query.start || 0, 10); let limit = parseInt(req.query.limit || 10000, 10); lists.getByCid(req.params.listId, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } subscriptions.list(list.id, start, limit, (err, rows, total) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { total: total, start: start, limit: limit, subscriptions: rows } }); }); }); }); router.get('/lists', (req, res) => { lists.quicklist((err, lists) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: lists }); }); }); router.get('/list/:id', (req, res) => { lists.get(req.params.id, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: list }); }); }); router.get('/lists/:email', (req, res) => { lists.getListsWithEmail(req.params.email, (err, lists) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: lists }); }); }); router.post('/field/:listId', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); lists.getByCid(req.params.listId, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!list) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Selected listId not found'); } let field = { name: (input.NAME || '').toString().trim(), description: (input.DESCRIPTION || '').toString().trim(), defaultValue: (input.DEFAULT || '').toString().trim() || null, type: (input.TYPE || '').toString().toLowerCase().trim(), group: Number(input.GROUP) || null, groupTemplate: (input.GROUP_TEMPLATE || '').toString().toLowerCase().trim(), visible: ['false', 'no', '0', ''].indexOf((input.VISIBLE || '').toString().toLowerCase().trim()) < 0 }; fields.create(list.id, field, (err, id, tag) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { id, tag } }); }); }); }); router.post('/blacklist/add', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); if (!(input.EMAIL) || (input.EMAIL === '')) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } blacklist.add(input.EMAIL, (err) =>{ if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: [] }); }); }); router.post('/blacklist/delete', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); if (!(input.EMAIL) || (input.EMAIL === '')) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 500, 'EMAIL argument are required'); } blacklist.delete(input.EMAIL, (err) =>{ if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: [] }); }); }); router.get('/blacklist/get', (req, res) => { let start = parseInt(req.query.start || 0, 10); let limit = parseInt(req.query.limit || 10000, 10); let search = req.query.search || ''; blacklist.get(start, limit, search, (err, data, total) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { total: total, start: start, limit: limit, emails: data } }); }); }); router.post('/changeemail/:listId', (req, res) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(req.body).forEach(key => { input[(key || '').toString().trim().toUpperCase()] = (req.body[key] || '').toString().trim(); }); if (!(input.EMAILOLD) || (input.EMAILOLD === '')) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 500, 'EMAILOLD argument is required'); } if (!(input.EMAILNEW) || (input.EMAILNEW === '')) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 500, 'EMAILNEW argument is required'); } lists.getByCid(req.params.listId, (err, list) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!list) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Selected listId not found'); } blacklist.isblacklisted(input.EMAILNEW, (err, blacklisted) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (blacklisted) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 500, 'New email is blacklisted'); } subscriptions.getByEmail(list.id, input.EMAILOLD, (err, subscription) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!subscription) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 404, 'Subscription with given old email not found'); } subscriptions.updateAddressCheck(list, subscription.cid, input.EMAILNEW, null, (err, old, valid) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } if (!valid) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, false, 500, 'New email not valid'); } subscriptions.updateAddress(list.id, subscription.id, input.EMAILNEW, (err) => { if (err) { return handleErrorResponse(res, log, err); } res.status(200); res.json({ data: { id: subscription.id, changedemail: true } }); }); }); }); }); }); }); module.exports = router;