Tomas Bures 602364caae Fluid layout
Reworked routing and breadcrumb mechanism. It allows resolved parameters in paths, which allows including names of entities in the breadcrumb.
Secondary navigation which is aware of permissions.
2017-08-11 18:16:44 +02:00

349 lines
11 KiB

'use strict';
const knex = require('../lib/knex');
const hasher = require('node-object-hash')();
const slugify = require('slugify');
const { enforce, filterObject } = require('../lib/helpers');
const dtHelpers = require('../lib/dt-helpers');
const interoperableErrors = require('../shared/interoperable-errors');
const shares = require('./shares');
const fieldsLegacy = require('../lib/models/fields');
const bluebird = require('bluebird');
const validators = require('../shared/validators');
const shortid = require('shortid');
const allowedKeysCreate = new Set(['name', 'key', 'default_value', 'type', 'group', 'settings']);
const allowedKeysUpdate = new Set(['name', 'key', 'default_value', 'group', 'settings']);
const hashKeys = allowedKeysCreate;
const fieldTypes = {};
fieldTypes.text = = {
validate: entity => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.string(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false
fieldTypes.longtext = fieldTypes.gpg = {
validate: entity => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.text(name),
indexed: false,
grouped: false
fieldTypes.json = {
validate: entity => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.json(name),
indexed: false,
grouped: false
fieldTypes.number = {
validate: entity => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.integer(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false
fieldTypes.checkbox = fieldTypes['radio-grouped'] = fieldTypes['dropdown-grouped'] = {
validate: entity => {},
indexed: true,
grouped: true
fieldTypes['radio-enum'] = fieldTypes['dropdown-enum'] = {
validate: entity => {
enforce(entity.settings.options, 'Options missing in settings');
enforce(Object.keys(entity.settings.options).includes(entity.default_value), 'Default value not present in options');
addColumn: (table, name) => table.string(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false
fieldTypes.option = {
validate: entity => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.boolean(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false
fieldTypes['date'] = fieldTypes['birthday'] = {
validate: entity => {
enforce(['eur', 'us'].includes(entity.settings.dateFormat), 'Date format incorrect');
addColumn: (table, name) => table.dateTime(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false
function hash(entity) {
return hasher.hash(filterObject(entity, hashKeys));
async function getById(context, listId, id) {
let entity;
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
entity = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id}).first();
if (!entity) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
const orderFields = {
order_list: 'orderListBefore',
order_subscribe: 'orderSubscribeBefore',
order_manage: 'orderManageBefore'
for (const key in orderFields) {
if (entity[key] !== null) {
const orderIdRow = await tx('custom_fields').where('list', listId).where(key, '>', entity[key]).orderBy(key, 'asc').select(['id']).first();
if (orderIdRow) {
entity[orderFields[key]] =;
} else {
entity[orderFields[key]] = 'end';
} else {
entity[orderFields[key]] = 'none';
return entity;
async function list(context, listId) {
let rows;
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
rows = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId}).select(['id', 'name', 'type', 'order_list', 'order_subscribe', 'order_manage']);
return rows;
async function listDTAjax(context, listId, params) {
return await dtHelpers.ajaxListWithPermissions(
[{ entityTypeId: 'list', requiredOperations: ['manageFields'] }],
builder => builder
.innerJoin('lists', 'custom_fields.list', '')
.where('custom_fields.list', listId),
[ '', '', 'custom_fields.type', 'custom_fields.key', 'custom_fields.order_list' ],
orderByBuilder: (builder, orderColumn, orderDir) => {
if (orderColumn === 'custom_fields.order_list') {
builder.orderBy(knex.raw('-custom_fields.order_list'), orderDir === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'); // This is MySQL speciality. It sorts the rows in ascending order with NULL values coming last
} else {
builder.orderBy(orderColumn, orderDir);
async function serverValidate(context, listId, data) {
const result = {};
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
if (data.key) {
const existingKeyQuery = tx('custom_fields').where({
list: listId,
key: data.key
if ( {
const existingKey = await existingKeyQuery.first();
result.key = {
exists: !!existingKey
return result;
async function _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, isCreate) {
enforce(entity.type === 'option' || !, 'Only option may have a group assigned');
enforce(entity.type !== 'option' ||, 'Option must have a group assigned.');
enforce(! || await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id:}).first(), 'Group field does not exist');
enforce(, 'Name must be present');
const fieldType = fieldTypes[entity.type];
enforce(fieldType, 'Unknown field type');
const validateErrs = fieldType.validate(entity);
enforce(validators.mergeTagValid(entity.key), 'Merge tag is not valid.');
const existingWithKeyQuery = knex('custom_fields').where({
list: listId,
key: entity.key
if (!isCreate) {
const existingWithKey = await existingWithKeyQuery.first();
if (existingWithKey) {
throw new interoperableErrors.DuplicitKeyError();
entity.settings = JSON.stringify(entity.settings);
async function _sortIn(tx, listId, entityId, orderListBefore, orderSubscribeBefore, orderManageBefore) {
const flds = await tx('custom_fields').where('list', listId).whereNot('id', entityId);
const order = {};
for (const row of flds) {
order[] = {
order_list: null,
order_subscribe: null,
order_manage: null
order[entityId] = {
order_list: null,
order_subscribe: null,
order_manage: null
function computeOrder(fldName, sortInBefore) {
flds.sort((x, y) => x[fldName] - y[fldName]);
const ids = flds.filter(x => x[fldName] !== null).map(x =>;
let sortedIn = false;
let idx = 1;
for (const id of ids) {
if (sortInBefore === id) {
order[entityId][fldName] = idx;
sortedIn = true;
idx += 1;
order[id][fldName] = idx;
idx += 1;
if (!sortedIn && sortInBefore !== 'none') {
order[entityId][fldName] = idx;
computeOrder('order_list', orderListBefore);
computeOrder('order_subscribe', orderSubscribeBefore);
computeOrder('order_manage', orderManageBefore);
for (const id in order) {
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id}).update(order[id]);
async function create(context, listId, entity) {
let id;
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, true);
const fieldType = fieldTypes[entity.type];
let columnName;
if (!fieldType.grouped) {
columnName = ('custom_' + slugify(, '_') + '_' + shortid.generate()).toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/g, '');
const filteredEntity = filterObject(entity, allowedKeysCreate);
filteredEntity.list = listId;
filteredEntity.column = columnName;
const ids = await tx('custom_fields').insert(filteredEntity);
id = ids[0];
await _sortIn(tx, listId, id, entity.orderListBefore, entity.orderSubscribeBefore, entity.orderManageBefore);
if (columnName) {
await knex.schema.table('subscription__' + listId, table => {
fieldType.addColumn(table, columnName);
if (fieldType.indexed) {
return id;
async function updateWithConsistencyCheck(context, listId, entity) {
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
const existing = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id:}).first();
if (!existing) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
const existingHash = hash(existing);
if (existingHash !== entity.originalHash) {
throw new interoperableErrors.ChangedError();
enforce(entity.type === existing.type, 'Field type cannot be changed');
await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, false);
await tx('custom_fields').where('id',, allowedKeysUpdate));
await _sortIn(tx, listId,, entity.orderListBefore, entity.orderSubscribeBefore, entity.orderManageBefore);
async function remove(context, listId, id) {
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
const existing = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id: id}).first();
if (!existing) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
const fieldType = fieldTypes[existing.type];
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id}).del();
if (fieldType.grouped) {
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, group: id}).del();
} else {
await knex.schema.table('subscription__' + listId, table => {
await tx('segemnt_rules').where({column: existing.column}).del();
module.exports = {