It allows defining report templates and then create reports based on the templates. A template defines: - parameters - to be set in the report (currently only selection of campaigns, in the future to be extended to selection of lists/segments, and selection from pre-defined options) - data retrieval / processing code (in Javascript) - rendering template (in Handlebars) This main functionality is accompanied by a few minor tweaks here and there. Worth notice is the ability to use server-side ajax table s for multi-selection of campaigns. This is meant for reports that compare data across multiple campaigns. This could possibly be even used for some poor man's A/B testing. Note that the execution of custom JavaScript in the data retrieval / processing code and definition of custom Handlebars templates is a security issue. This should however be OK in the general case once proper user management with granular permissions is in. This is because definition of a report template is anyway such an expert task that it would normally be performed only by admin. Instantiation of reports based on report templates can be then done by any user because this should no longer be any security problem.
210 lines
6.2 KiB
210 lines
6.2 KiB
# This installation script works on CentOS 7
# Run as root!
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
set -e
yum -y install epel-release
curl --silent --location | bash -
yum -y install mariadb-server nodejs ImageMagick git python redis pwgen bind-utils
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl start redis
systemctl enable redis
PUBLIC_IP=`curl -s`
if [ ! -z "$PUBLIC_IP" ]; then
HOSTNAME=`dig +short -x $PUBLIC_IP | sed 's/\.$//'`
MYSQL_PASSWORD=`pwgen 12 -1`
DKIM_API_KEY=`pwgen 12 -1`
SMTP_PASS=`pwgen 12 -1`
# Setup MySQL user for Mailtrain
mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER 'mailtrain'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_PASSWORD';"
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mailtrain.* TO 'mailtrain'@'localhost';"
mysql -u mailtrain --password="$MYSQL_PASSWORD" -e "CREATE database mailtrain;"
# Enable firewall, allow connections to SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP
for port in 80/tcp 443/tcp 25/tcp; do firewall-cmd --add-port=$port --permanent; done
firewall-cmd --reload
# Fetch Mailtrain files
mkdir -p /opt/mailtrain
cd /opt/mailtrain
git clone git:// .
# Normally we would let Mailtrain itself to import the initial SQL data but in this case
# we need to modify it, before we start Mailtrain
mysql -u mailtrain -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" mailtrain < setup/sql/mailtrain.sql
mysql -u mailtrain -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" mailtrain <<EOT
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('admin_email','admin@$HOSTNAME') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='admin@$HOSTNAME';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('default_address','admin@$HOSTNAME') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='admin@$HOSTNAME';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('smtp_hostname','localhost') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='localhost';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('smtp_disable_auth','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('smtp_user','mailtrain') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='mailtrain';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('smtp_pass','$SMTP_PASS') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='$SMTP_PASS';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('smtp_encryption','NONE') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='NONE';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('smtp_port','2525') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='2525';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('default_homepage','http://$HOSTNAME/') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='http://$HOSTNAME/';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('service_url','http://$HOSTNAME/') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='http://$HOSTNAME/';
INSERT INTO \`settings\` (\`key\`, \`value\`) VALUES ('dkim_api_key','$DKIM_API_KEY') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \`value\`='$DKIM_API_KEY';
# Add new user for the mailtrain daemon to run as
useradd mailtrain || true
useradd zone-mta || true
# Setup installation configuration
cat >> config/production.toml <<EOT
secret="`pwgen -1`"
# Install required node packages
npm install --no-progress --production
chown -R mailtrain:mailtrain .
# Setup log rotation to not spend up entire storage on logs
cat <<EOM > /etc/logrotate.d/mailtrain
/var/log/mailtrain.log {
rotate 12
# Set up systemd service script
cp setup/mailtrain.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable mailtrain.service
# Fetch ZoneMTA files
mkdir -p /opt/zone-mta
cd /opt/zone-mta
git clone git:// .
git checkout 6964091273
# Ensure queue folder
mkdir -p /var/data/zone-mta/mailtrain
# Setup installation configuration
cat >> config/production.json <<EOT
"name": "Mailtrain",
"user": "zone-mta",
"group": "zone-mta",
"queue": {
"db": "/var/data/zone-mta/mailtrain"
"smtpInterfaces": {
"feeder": {
"enabled": true,
"port": 2525,
"processes": 2,
"authentication": true
"api": {
"maildrop": false,
"user": "mailtrain",
"pass": "$SMTP_PASS"
"log": {
"level": "info",
"syslog": true
"plugins": {
"core/email-bounce": false,
"core/http-bounce": {
"enabled": "main",
"url": "http://localhost/webhooks/zone-mta"
"core/http-auth": {
"enabled": ["receiver", "main"],
"url": "http://localhost:8080/test-auth"
"core/default-headers": {
"enabled": ["receiver", "main", "sender"],
"futureDate": false,
"xOriginatingIP": false
"core/http-config": {
"enabled": ["main", "receiver"],
"url": "http://localhost/webhooks/zone-mta/sender-config?api_token=$DKIM_API_KEY"
"core/rcpt-mx": false
"pools": {
"default": [{
"address": "",
"name": "$HOSTNAME"
"zones": {
"default": {
"processes": 3,
"connections": 5,
"throttling": false,
"pool": "default"
"transactional": {
"processes": 1,
"connections": 1,
"pool": "default"
"domainConfig": {
"default": {
"maxConnections": 4
# Install required node packages
npm install --no-progress --production
npm install leveldown
# Ensure queue folder is owned by MTA user
chown -R zone-mta:zone-mta /var/data/zone-mta/mailtrain
# Set up systemd service script
cp setup/zone-mta.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable zone-mta.service
# Start the service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start zone-mta.service
systemctl start mailtrain.service
echo "Success! Open http://$HOSTNAME/ and log in as admin:test";