Fixed issue #524 Table now displays horizontal scrollbar when the viewport is too narrow (typically on mobile)
443 lines
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443 lines
15 KiB
'use strict';
const knex = require('../lib/knex');
const dtHelpers = require('../lib/dt-helpers');
const interoperableErrors = require('../../shared/interoperable-errors');
const shares = require('./shares');
const { enforce, filterObject } = require('../lib/helpers');
const hasher = require('node-object-hash')();
const moment = require('moment');
const fields = require('./fields');
const subscriptions = require('./subscriptions');
const dependencyHelpers = require('../lib/dependency-helpers');
const {ListActivityType} = require('../../shared/activity-log');
const activityLog = require('../lib/activity-log');
const allowedKeys = new Set(['name', 'settings']);
const predefColumns = [
column: 'email',
type: 'text'
column: 'opt_in_country',
type: 'text'
column: 'created',
type: 'date'
column: 'latest_open',
type: 'date'
column: 'latest_click',
type: 'date'
column: 'is_test',
type: 'option'
const compositeRuleTypes = {
all: {
addQuery: (query, rules, addSubQuery) => {
for (const rule of rules) {
query.where(function() {
addSubQuery(this, rule);
some: {
addQuery: (query, rules, addSubQuery) => {
for (const rule of rules) {
query.orWhere(function() {
addSubQuery(this, rule);
none: {
addQuery: (query, rules, addSubQuery) => {
for (const rule of rules) {
query.whereNot(function() {
addSubQuery(this, rule);
const primitiveRuleTypes = {
text: {},
website: {},
number: {},
date: {},
birthday: {},
option: {},
'dropdown-enum': {},
'radio-enum': {}
function stringValueSettings(sqlOperator, allowEmpty) {
return {
validate: rule => {
enforce(typeof rule.value === 'string', 'Invalid value type in rule');
enforce(allowEmpty || rule.value, 'Value in rule must not be empty');
addQuery: (subsTableName, query, rule) => query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, sqlOperator, rule.value)
function numberValueSettings(sqlOperator) {
return {
validate: rule => {
enforce(typeof rule.value === 'number', 'Invalid value type in rule');
addQuery: (subsTableName, query, rule) => query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, sqlOperator, rule.value)
function dateValueSettings(thisDaySqlOperator, nextDaySqlOperator) {
return {
validate: rule => {
const date = moment.utc(rule.value);
enforce(date.isValid(), 'Invalid date value');
addQuery: (subsTableName, query, rule) => {
const thisDay = moment.utc(rule.value).startOf('day');
const nextDay = moment(thisDay).add(1, 'days');
if (thisDaySqlOperator) {
query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, thisDaySqlOperator, thisDay.toDate())
if (nextDaySqlOperator) {
query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, nextDaySqlOperator, nextDay.toDate());
function dateRelativeValueSettings(todaySqlOperator, tomorrowSqlOperator) {
return {
validate: rule => {
enforce(typeof rule.value === 'number', 'Invalid value type in rule');
addQuery: (subsTableName, query, rule) => {
const todayWithOffset = moment.utc().startOf('day').add(rule.value, 'days');
const tomorrowWithOffset = moment(todayWithOffset).add(1, 'days');
if (todaySqlOperator) {
query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, todaySqlOperator, todayWithOffset.toDate())
if (tomorrowSqlOperator) {
query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, tomorrowSqlOperator, tomorrowWithOffset.toDate());
function optionValueSettings(value) {
return {
validate: rule => {},
addQuery: (subsTableName, query, rule) => query.where(subsTableName + '. ' + rule.column, value)
primitiveRuleTypes.text.eq = stringValueSettings('=', true);
| = stringValueSettings('LIKE', true);
| = stringValueSettings('REGEXP', true);
| = stringValueSettings('<', false);
primitiveRuleTypes.text.le = stringValueSettings('<=', false);
| = stringValueSettings('>', false);
| = stringValueSettings('>=', false);
| = stringValueSettings('=', true);
| = stringValueSettings('LIKE', true);
| = stringValueSettings('REGEXP', true);
primitiveRuleTypes.number.eq = numberValueSettings('=');
| = numberValueSettings('<');
primitiveRuleTypes.number.le = numberValueSettings('<=');
| = numberValueSettings('>');
| = numberValueSettings('>=');
| = dateValueSettings('>=', '<');
| = dateValueSettings('<', null);
| = dateValueSettings(null, '<');
| = dateValueSettings(null, '>=');
| = dateValueSettings('>=', null);
| = dateRelativeValueSettings('>=', '<');
| = dateRelativeValueSettings('<', null);
| = dateRelativeValueSettings(null, '<');
| = dateRelativeValueSettings(null, '>=');
| = dateRelativeValueSettings('>=', null);
primitiveRuleTypes.birthday.eq = dateValueSettings('>=', '<');
| = dateValueSettings('<', null);
primitiveRuleTypes.birthday.le = dateValueSettings(null, '<');
| = dateValueSettings(null, '>=');
| = dateValueSettings('>=', null);
primitiveRuleTypes.option.isTrue = optionValueSettings(true);
primitiveRuleTypes.option.isFalse = optionValueSettings(false);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].eq = stringValueSettings('=', true);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].like = stringValueSettings('LIKE', true);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].re = stringValueSettings('REGEXP', true);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].lt = stringValueSettings('<', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].le = stringValueSettings('<=', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].gt = stringValueSettings('>', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['dropdown-enum'].ge = stringValueSettings('>=', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].eq = stringValueSettings('=', true);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].like = stringValueSettings('LIKE', true);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].re = stringValueSettings('REGEXP', true);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].lt = stringValueSettings('<', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].le = stringValueSettings('<=', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].gt = stringValueSettings('>', false);
primitiveRuleTypes['radio-enum'].ge = stringValueSettings('>=', false);
function hash(entity) {
return hasher.hash(filterObject(entity, allowedKeys));
async function listDTAjax(context, listId, params) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewSegments');
return await dtHelpers.ajaxListTx(
builder => builder
.where('list', listId),
['id', 'name']
async function listIdName(context, listId) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, ['viewSegments']);
return await tx('segments').select(['id', 'name']).where('list', listId).orderBy('name', 'asc');
async function getByIdTx(tx, context, listId, id) {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewSegments');
const entity = await tx('segments').where({id, list: listId}).first();
if (!entity) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
entity.settings = JSON.parse(entity.settings);
return entity;
async function getById(context, listId, id) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
return getByIdTx(tx, context, listId, id);
async function _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, isCreate) {
enforce(, 'Name must be present');
enforce(entity.settings, 'Settings must be present');
enforce(entity.settings.rootRule, 'Root rule must be present in setting');
enforce(entity.settings.rootRule.type in compositeRuleTypes, 'Root rule must be composite');
const flds = await fields.listTx(tx, listId);
const allowedFlds = [
...flds.filter(fld => fld.type in primitiveRuleTypes)
const fieldsByColumn = {};
for (const fld of allowedFlds) {
fieldsByColumn[fld.column] = fld;
function validateRule(rule) {
if (rule.type in compositeRuleTypes) {
for (const childRule of rule.rules) {
} else {
const colType = fieldsByColumn[rule.column].type;
entity.settings = JSON.stringify(entity.settings);
async function create(context, listId, entity) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageSegments');
await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, true);
const filteredEntity = filterObject(entity, allowedKeys);
filteredEntity.list = listId;
const ids = await tx('segments').insert(filteredEntity);
const id = ids[0];
await activityLog.logEntityActivity('list', ListActivityType.CREATE_SEGMENT, listId, {segmentId: id});
return id;
async function updateWithConsistencyCheck(context, listId, entity) {
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageSegments');
const existing = await tx('segments').where({list: listId, id:}).first();
if (!existing) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
existing.settings = JSON.parse(existing.settings);
const existingHash = hash(existing);
if (existingHash !== entity.originalHash) {
throw new interoperableErrors.ChangedError();
await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, false);
await tx('segments').where({list: listId, id:}).update(filterObject(entity, allowedKeys));
await activityLog.logEntityActivity('list', ListActivityType.UPDATE_SEGMENT, listId, {segmentId:});
async function removeTx(tx, context, listId, id) {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageSegments');
await dependencyHelpers.ensureNoDependencies(tx, context, id, [
entityTypeId: 'campaign',
query: tx => tx('campaign_lists')
.where('campaign_lists.segment', id)
.innerJoin('campaigns', 'campaign_lists.campaign', '')
.select(['', ''])
// The listId "where" is here to prevent deleting segment of a list for which a user does not have permission
await tx('segments').where({list: listId, id}).del();
await activityLog.logEntityActivity('list', ListActivityType.REMOVE_SEGMENT, listId, {segmentId: id});
async function remove(context, listId, id) {
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await removeTx(tx, context, listId, id);
async function removeAllByListIdTx(tx, context, listId) {
const entities = await tx('segments').where('list', listId).select(['id']);
for (const entity of entities) {
await removeTx(tx, context, listId,;
async function removeRulesByColumnTx(tx, context, listId, column) {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageSegments');
function pruneChildRules(rule) {
if (rule.type in compositeRuleTypes) {
const newRules = [];
for (const childRule of rule.rules) {
if (childRule.column !== column) {
rule.rules = newRules;
const entities = await tx('segments').where({list: listId});
for (const entity of entities) {
const settings = JSON.parse(entity.settings);
await tx('segments').where({list: listId, id:}).update('settings', JSON.stringify(settings));
async function getQueryGeneratorTx(tx, listId, id) {
const flds = await fields.listTx(tx, listId);
const allowedFlds = [
...flds.filter(fld => fld.type in primitiveRuleTypes)
const fieldsByColumn = {};
for (const fld of allowedFlds) {
fieldsByColumn[fld.column] = fld;
const entity = await tx('segments').where({id, list: listId}).first();
const settings = JSON.parse(entity.settings);
const subsTableName = subscriptions.getSubscriptionTableName(listId);
function processRule(query, rule) {
if (rule.type in compositeRuleTypes) {
compositeRuleTypes[rule.type].addQuery(query, rule.rules, (subQuery, childRule) => {
processRule(subQuery, childRule);
} else {
const colType = fieldsByColumn[rule.column].type;
primitiveRuleTypes[colType][rule.type].addQuery(subsTableName, query, rule);
return query => processRule(query, settings.rootRule);
// This is to handle circular dependency with fields.js
module.exports.hash = hash;
module.exports.listDTAjax = listDTAjax;
module.exports.listIdName = listIdName;
module.exports.getById = getById;
module.exports.getByIdTx = getByIdTx;
module.exports.create = create;
module.exports.updateWithConsistencyCheck = updateWithConsistencyCheck;
module.exports.remove = remove;
module.exports.removeAllByListIdTx = removeAllByListIdTx;
module.exports.removeRulesByColumnTx = removeRulesByColumnTx;
module.exports.getQueryGeneratorTx = getQueryGeneratorTx;