Tomas Bures e786964411 Some fixes in RSS feed processing.
It is now possible to have hierarchical merge tags (separated by "."). The merge tags are now case sensitive.
Mailtrain allows passing element "mt:entries-json" in the RSS item feed. If this is detected, it parses the json structure and makes it available through RSS_ENTRY_CUSTOM_TAGS. Then it can be used as [RSS_ENTRY_CUSTOM_TAGS.field_quote_text.rendered]
2018-12-29 11:21:25 +01:00

850 lines
30 KiB

'use strict';
const knex = require('../lib/knex');
const hasher = require('node-object-hash')();
const slugify = require('slugify');
const { enforce, filterObject } = require('../lib/helpers');
const dtHelpers = require('../lib/dt-helpers');
const interoperableErrors = require('../../shared/interoperable-errors');
const shares = require('./shares');
const validators = require('../../shared/validators');
const shortid = require('shortid');
const segments = require('./segments');
const { formatDate, formatBirthday, parseDate, parseBirthday } = require('../../shared/date');
const { getFieldColumn } = require('../../shared/lists');
const { cleanupFromPost } = require('../lib/helpers');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const { getTrustedUrl, getSandboxUrl, getPublicUrl } = require('../lib/urls');
const { getMergeTagsForBases } = require('../../shared/templates');
const allowedKeysCreate = new Set(['name', 'key', 'default_value', 'type', 'group', 'settings']);
const allowedKeysUpdate = new Set(['name', 'key', 'default_value', 'group', 'settings']);
const hashKeys = allowedKeysCreate;
const fieldTypes = {};
const Cardinality = {
function render(template, options) {
const renderer = Handlebars.compile(template || '');
return renderer(options);
fieldTypes.text = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.string(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeText',
forHbs: (field, value) => value,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => value,
render: (field, value) => value
}; = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.string(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeWebsite',
forHbs: (field, value) => value,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => value,
render: (field, value) => value
fieldTypes.longtext = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.text(name),
indexed: false,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeLongtext',
forHbs: (field, value) => value,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => value,
render: (field, value) => value
fieldTypes.gpg = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.text(name),
indexed: false,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeGpg',
forHbs: (field, value) => value,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => value,
render: (field, value) => value
fieldTypes.json = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.text(name),
indexed: false,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeJson',
forHbs: (field, value) => value,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => value,
render: (field, value) => {
try {
if (value === null || value.trim() === '') {
return '';
let parsed = JSON.parse(value);
if (Array.isArray(parsed)) {
parsed = {
values: parsed
return render(field.settings.renderTemplate, parsed);
} catch (err) {
return err.message;
fieldTypes.number = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.integer(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeNumber',
forHbs: (field, value) => value,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => Number(value),
render: (field, value) => value
fieldTypes['checkbox-grouped'] = {
validate: field => {},
indexed: true,
grouped: true,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.MULTIPLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeCheckboxGrouped',
render: (field, value) => {
const subItems = (value || []).map(col => field.groupedOptions[col].name);
if (field.settings.groupTemplate) {
return render(field.settings.groupTemplate, {
values: subItems
} else {
return subItems.join(', ');
fieldTypes['radio-grouped'] = {
validate: field => {},
indexed: true,
grouped: true,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeRadioGrouped',
render: (field, value) => {
const fld = field.groupedOptions[value];
return fld ? : '';
fieldTypes['dropdown-grouped'] = {
validate: field => {},
indexed: true,
grouped: true,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeDropdownGrouped',
render: (field, value) => {
const fld = field.groupedOptions[value];
return fld ? : '';
fieldTypes['radio-enum'] = {
validate: field => {
enforce(field.settings.options, 'Options missing in settings');
enforce(field.default_value === null || field.settings.options.find(x => x.key === field.default_value), 'Default value not present in options');
addColumn: (table, name) => table.string(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: true,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeRadioEnum',
render: (field, value) => {
const fld = field.settings.options[value];
return fld ? : '';
fieldTypes['dropdown-enum'] = {
validate: field => {
enforce(field.settings.options, 'Options missing in settings');
enforce(field.default_value === null || field.settings.options.find(x => x.key === field.default_value), 'Default value not present in options');
addColumn: (table, name) => table.string(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: true,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeDropdownEnum',
render: (field, value) => {
const fld = field.settings.options[value];
return fld ? : '';
fieldTypes.option = {
validate: field => {},
addColumn: (table, name) => table.boolean(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
parsePostValue: (field, value) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// HTML checkbox does not provide any value when not checked. To detect the presence of the checkbox, we add a hidden field with the same name (see subscription-custom-fields.hbs:130).
// When the checkbox is selected, two values are returned and "value" is an array instead of a string. We assume the hidden field always comes after the actual value and thus take
// the first value in the array
value = value[0]
return !(['false', 'no', '0', ''].indexOf((value || '').toString().trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0)
getHbsType: field => 'typeOption',
forHbs: (field, value) => value ? 1 : 0,
render: (field, value) => value ? field.settings.checkedLabel : field.settings.uncheckedLabel
fieldTypes['date'] = {
validate: field => {
enforce(['eur', 'us'].includes(field.settings.dateFormat), 'Date format incorrect');
addColumn: (table, name) => table.dateTime(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeDate' + field.settings.dateFormat.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + field.settings.dateFormat.slice(1),
forHbs: (field, value) => formatDate(field.settings.dateFormat, value),
parsePostValue: (field, value) => parseDate(field.settings.dateFormat, value),
render: (field, value) => value !== null ? formatDate(field.settings.dateFormat, value) : ''
fieldTypes['birthday'] = {
validate: field => {
enforce(['eur', 'us'].includes(field.settings.dateFormat), 'Date format incorrect');
addColumn: (table, name) => table.dateTime(name),
indexed: true,
grouped: false,
enumerated: false,
cardinality: Cardinality.SINGLE,
getHbsType: field => 'typeBirthday' + field.settings.dateFormat.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + field.settings.dateFormat.slice(1),
forHbs: (field, value) => formatBirthday(field.settings.dateFormat, value),
parsePostValue: (field, value) => parseBirthday(field.settings.dateFormat, value),
render: (field, value) => value !== null ? formatBirthday(field.settings.dateFormat, value) : ''
const groupedTypes = Object.keys(fieldTypes).filter(key => fieldTypes[key].grouped);
function getFieldType(type) {
return fieldTypes[type];
function hash(entity) {
return hasher.hash(filterObject(entity, hashKeys));
async function getById(context, listId, id) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewFields');
const entity = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id}).first();
entity.settings = JSON.parse(entity.settings);
const orderFields = {
order_list: 'orderListBefore',
order_subscribe: 'orderSubscribeBefore',
order_manage: 'orderManageBefore'
for (const key in orderFields) {
if (entity[key] !== null) {
const orderIdRow = await tx('custom_fields').where('list', listId).where(key, '>', entity[key]).orderBy(key, 'asc').select(['id']).first();
if (orderIdRow) {
entity[orderFields[key]] =;
} else {
entity[orderFields[key]] = 'end';
} else {
entity[orderFields[key]] = 'none';
return entity;
async function listTx(tx, listId) {
return await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId}).select(['id', 'name', 'type', 'key', 'column', 'settings', 'group', 'default_value', 'order_list', 'order_subscribe', 'order_manage']).orderBy(knex.raw('-order_list'), 'desc').orderBy('id', 'asc');
async function list(context, listId) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, ['viewFields']);
return await listTx(tx, listId);
async function listGroupedTx(tx, listId) {
const flds = await listTx(tx, listId);
const fldsById = {};
for (const fld of flds) {
fld.settings = JSON.parse(fld.settings);
fldsById[] = fld;
if (fieldTypes[fld.type].grouped) {
fld.settings.options = [];
fld.groupedOptions = {};
for (const fld of flds) {
if ( {
const group = fldsById[];
group.settings.options.push({ key: fld.column, label: });
group.groupedOptions[fld.column] = fld;
const groupedFlds = flds.filter(fld => !;
for (const fld of flds) {
return groupedFlds;
async function listGrouped(context, listId) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
// It may seem odd why there is not 'viewFields' here. Simply, at this point this function is needed only in managing subscriptions.
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, ['manageSubscriptions']);
return await listGroupedTx(tx, listId);
async function listByOrderListTx(tx, listId, extraColumns = []) {
return await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId}).whereNotNull('order_list').select(['name', 'type', ...extraColumns]).orderBy('order_list', 'asc');
async function listDTAjax(context, listId, params) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewFields');
return await dtHelpers.ajaxListTx(
builder => builder
// This self join is to provide 'option' fields a reference to their parent grouped field. If the field is not an option, it refers to itself
// All this is to show options always below their group parent
.innerJoin('custom_fields AS parent_fields', function() {
this.on(function() {
.on('', '=', '');
}).orOn(function() {
.on('', '=', '');
.where('custom_fields.list', listId),
[ '', '', 'custom_fields.type', 'custom_fields.key', 'custom_fields.order_list', '' ],
orderByBuilder: (builder, orderColumn, orderDir) => {
// We use here parent_fields to keep options always below their parent group
if (orderColumn === 'custom_fields.order_list') {
.orderBy(knex.raw('-parent_fields.order_list'), orderDir === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc') // This is MySQL speciality. It sorts the rows in ascending order with NULL values coming last
.orderBy('', orderDir)
.orderBy(knex.raw(' is not null'), 'asc')
} else {
const parentColumn = orderColumn.replace(/^custom_fields/, 'parent_fields');
.orderBy(parentColumn, orderDir)
.orderBy('', orderDir)
.orderBy(knex.raw(' is not null'), 'asc');
async function listGroupedDTAjax(context, listId, params) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'viewFields');
return await dtHelpers.ajaxListTx(
builder => builder
.where('custom_fields.list', listId)
.whereIn('custom_fields.type', groupedTypes),
['', '', 'custom_fields.type', 'custom_fields.key', 'custom_fields.order_list'],
orderByBuilder: (builder, orderColumn, orderDir) => {
if (orderColumn === 'custom_fields.order_list') {
.orderBy(knex.raw('-custom_fields.order_list'), orderDir === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc') // This is MySQL speciality. It sorts the rows in ascending order with NULL values coming last
.orderBy('', orderDir);
} else {
.orderBy(orderColumn, orderDir)
.orderBy('', orderDir);
async function serverValidate(context, listId, data) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
const result = {};
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
if (data.key) {
const existingKeyQuery = tx('custom_fields').where({
list: listId,
key: data.key
if ( {
const existingKey = await existingKeyQuery.first();
result.key = {
exists: !!existingKey
return result;
async function _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, isCreate) {
enforce(entity.type === 'option' || !, 'Only option may have a group assigned');
enforce(! || (entity.orderListBefore === 'none' && entity.orderSubscribeBefore === 'none' && entity.orderManageBefore === 'none'), 'Field with a group assigned cannot be made visible');
enforce(! || await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id:}).first(), 'Group field does not exist');
enforce(, 'Name must be present');
const fieldType = fieldTypes[entity.type];
enforce(fieldType, 'Unknown field type');
const validateErrs = fieldType.validate(entity);
enforce(validators.mergeTagValid(entity.key), 'Merge tag is not valid.');
const existingWithKeyQuery = tx('custom_fields').where({
list: listId,
key: entity.key
if (!isCreate) {
const existingWithKey = await existingWithKeyQuery.first();
if (existingWithKey) {
throw new interoperableErrors.DuplicitKeyError();
entity.settings = JSON.stringify(entity.settings);
async function _sortIn(tx, listId, entityId, orderListBefore, orderSubscribeBefore, orderManageBefore) {
const flds = await tx('custom_fields').where('list', listId).whereNot('id', entityId);
const order = {};
for (const row of flds) {
order[] = {
order_list: null,
order_subscribe: null,
order_manage: null
order[entityId] = {
order_list: null,
order_subscribe: null,
order_manage: null
function computeOrder(fldName, sortInBefore) {
flds.sort((x, y) => x[fldName] - y[fldName]);
const ids = flds.filter(x => x[fldName] !== null).map(x =>;
let sortedIn = false;
let idx = 1;
for (const id of ids) {
if (sortInBefore === id) {
order[entityId][fldName] = idx;
sortedIn = true;
idx += 1;
order[id][fldName] = idx;
idx += 1;
if (!sortedIn && sortInBefore !== 'none') {
order[entityId][fldName] = idx;
computeOrder('order_list', orderListBefore);
computeOrder('order_subscribe', orderSubscribeBefore);
computeOrder('order_manage', orderManageBefore);
for (const id in order) {
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id}).update(order[id]);
async function createTx(tx, context, listId, entity) {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, true);
const fieldType = fieldTypes[entity.type];
let columnName;
if (!fieldType.grouped) {
columnName = ('custom_' + slugify(, '_') + '_' + shortid.generate()).toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/g, '');
const filteredEntity = filterObject(entity, allowedKeysCreate);
filteredEntity.list = listId;
filteredEntity.column = columnName;
const ids = await tx('custom_fields').insert(filteredEntity);
const id = ids[0];
await _sortIn(tx, listId, id, entity.orderListBefore, entity.orderSubscribeBefore, entity.orderManageBefore);
if (columnName) {
await knex.schema.table('subscription__' + listId, table => {
fieldType.addColumn(table, columnName);
if (fieldType.indexed) {
// Altough this is a reference to an import, it is represented as signed int(11). This is because we use negative values for constant from SubscriptionSource
await knex.schema.raw('ALTER TABLE `subscription__' + listId + '` ADD `source_' + columnName +'` int(11) DEFAULT NULL');
return id;
async function create(context, listId, entity) {
return await knex.transaction(async tx => {
return await createTx(tx, context, listId, entity);
async function updateWithConsistencyCheck(context, listId, entity) {
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
const existing = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id:}).first();
if (!existing) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
existing.settings = JSON.parse(existing.settings);
const existingHash = hash(existing);
if (existingHash !== entity.originalHash) {
throw new interoperableErrors.ChangedError();
enforce(entity.type === existing.type, 'Field type cannot be changed');
await _validateAndPreprocess(tx, listId, entity, false);
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id:}).update(filterObject(entity, allowedKeysUpdate));
await _sortIn(tx, listId,, entity.orderListBefore, entity.orderSubscribeBefore, entity.orderManageBefore);
async function removeTx(tx, context, listId, id) {
await shares.enforceEntityPermissionTx(tx, context, 'list', listId, 'manageFields');
const existing = await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id: id}).first();
if (!existing) {
throw new interoperableErrors.NotFoundError();
const fieldType = fieldTypes[existing.type];
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, id}).del();
if (fieldType.grouped) {
await tx('custom_fields').where({list: listId, group: id}).del();
} else {
await knex.schema.table('subscription__' + listId, table => {
table.dropColumn('source_' + existing.column);
await segments.removeRulesByColumnTx(tx, context, listId, existing.column);
async function remove(context, listId, id) {
await knex.transaction(async tx => {
await removeTx(tx, context, listId, id);
async function removeAllByListIdTx(tx, context, listId) {
const entities = await tx('custom_fields').where('list', listId).select(['id']);
for (const entity of entities) {
await removeTx(tx, context, listId,;
function forHbsWithFieldsGrouped(fieldsGrouped, subscription) { // assumes grouped subscription
const customFields = [{
name: 'Email Address',
column: 'email',
key: 'EMAIL',
typeSubscriptionEmail: true,
value: subscription ? : '',
order_subscribe: -1,
order_manage: -1
for (const fld of fieldsGrouped) {
const type = fieldTypes[fld.type];
const fldCol = getFieldColumn(fld);
const entry = {
key: fld.key,
field: fld,
[type.getHbsType(fld)]: true,
order_subscribe: fld.order_subscribe,
order_manage: fld.order_manage,
if (!type.grouped && !type.enumerated) {
// subscription[fldCol] may not exists because we are getting the data from "fromPost"
entry.value = (subscription ? type.forHbs(fld, subscription[fldCol]) : null) || '';
} else if (type.grouped) {
const options = [];
const value = (subscription ? subscription[fldCol] : null) || (type.cardinality === Cardinality.SINGLE ? null : []);
for (const optCol in fld.groupedOptions) {
const opt = fld.groupedOptions[optCol];
let isEnabled;
if (type.cardinality === Cardinality.SINGLE) {
isEnabled = value === opt.column;
} else {
isEnabled = value.includes(opt.column);
key: opt.key,
value: isEnabled
entry.options = options;
} else if (type.enumerated) {
const options = [];
const value = (subscription ? subscription[fldCol] : null) || null;
for (const opt of fld.settings.options) {
key: opt.key,
name: opt.label,
value: value === opt.key
entry.options = options;
return customFields;
// Returns an array that can be used for rendering by Handlebars
async function forHbs(context, listId, subscription) { // assumes grouped subscription
const flds = await listGrouped(context, listId);
return forHbsWithFieldsGrouped(flds, subscription);
function getMergeTags(fieldsGrouped, subscription, extraTags = {}) { // assumes grouped subscription
const mergeTags = {
...getMergeTagsForBases(getTrustedUrl(), getSandboxUrl(), getPublicUrl()),
for (const fld of fieldsGrouped) {
const type = fieldTypes[fld.type];
const fldCol = getFieldColumn(fld);
mergeTags[fld.key] = type.render(fld, subscription[fldCol]);
return mergeTags;
// Converts subscription data received via (1) POST request from subscription form, (2) via subscribe request to API v1 to subscription structure supported by subscriptions model,
// or (3) from import.
// If a field is not specified in the POST data, it is also omitted in the returned subscription
function _fromText(listId, data, flds, isGrouped, keyName, singleCardUsesKeyName) {
const subscription = {};
if (isGrouped) {
for (const fld of flds) {
const fldKey = fld[keyName];
if (fldKey && fldKey in data) {
const type = fieldTypes[fld.type];
const fldCol = getFieldColumn(fld);
let value = null;
if (!type.grouped && !type.enumerated) {
value = type.parsePostValue(fld, cleanupFromPost(data[fldKey]));
} else if (type.grouped) {
if (type.cardinality === Cardinality.SINGLE) {
for (const optCol in fld.groupedOptions) {
const opt = fld.groupedOptions[optCol];
const optKey = opt[keyName];
// This handles two different formats for grouped dropdowns and radios.
// The first part of the condition handles the POST requests from the subscription form, while the
// second part handles the subscribe request to API v1
if (singleCardUsesKeyName) {
if (data[fldKey] === optKey) {
value = opt.column
} else {
const optType = fieldTypes[opt.type];
const optValue = optType.parsePostValue(fld, cleanupFromPost(data[optKey]));
if (optValue) {
value = opt.column
} else {
value = [];
for (const optCol in fld.groupedOptions) {
const opt = fld.groupedOptions[optCol];
const optKey = opt[keyName];
const optType = fieldTypes[opt.type];
const optValue = optType.parsePostValue(fld, cleanupFromPost(data[optKey]));
if (optValue) {
} else if (type.enumerated) {
value = data[fldKey];
subscription[fldCol] = value;
} else {
for (const fld of flds) {
const fldKey = fld[keyName];
if (fldKey && fldKey in data) {
const type = fieldTypes[fld.type];
const fldCol = getFieldColumn(fld);
subscription[fldCol] = type.parsePostValue(fld, cleanupFromPost(data[fldKey]));
return subscription;
async function fromPost(context, listId, data) { // assumes grouped subscription and indexation by merge key
const flds = await listGrouped(context, listId);
return _fromText(listId, data, flds, true, 'key', true);
async function fromAPI(context, listId, data) { // assumes grouped subscription and indexation by merge key
const flds = await listGrouped(context, listId);
return _fromText(listId, data, flds, true, 'key', false);
function fromImport(listId, flds, data) { // assumes ungrouped subscription and indexation by column
return _fromText(listId, data, flds, true, 'column', false);
module.exports.Cardinality = Cardinality;
module.exports.getFieldType = getFieldType;
module.exports.hash = hash;
module.exports.getById = getById;
module.exports.list = list;
module.exports.listTx = listTx;
module.exports.listGrouped = listGrouped;
module.exports.listGroupedTx = listGroupedTx;
module.exports.listByOrderListTx = listByOrderListTx;
module.exports.listDTAjax = listDTAjax;
module.exports.listGroupedDTAjax = listGroupedDTAjax;
module.exports.create = create;
module.exports.createTx = createTx;
module.exports.updateWithConsistencyCheck = updateWithConsistencyCheck;
module.exports.remove = remove;
module.exports.removeAllByListIdTx = removeAllByListIdTx;
module.exports.serverValidate = serverValidate;
module.exports.forHbs = forHbs;
module.exports.forHbsWithFieldsGrouped = forHbsWithFieldsGrouped;
module.exports.fromPost = fromPost;
module.exports.fromAPI = fromAPI;
module.exports.fromImport = fromImport;
module.exports.getMergeTags = getMergeTags;